Monday, December 3, 2012

Mandarin Spinach And Mushroom Salad

Fresh spinach adds texture and flavor to a salad.

Salads are healthy foods that can be prepared elaborately or whipped up quickly, depending on the time you have for preparation. The fresh flavors of mandarin oranges go well with crisp baby spinach and sliced mushrooms in this flavorful salad. A vinaigrette dressing, which is a mixture of oil, vinegar and seasonings, goes well with the delicate texture of this salad. Cream-based dressings that are heavier tend to weigh down the ingredients and spoil the crisp texture and flavor. Fresh garlic and spices such as nutmeg and cumin go well with spinach.


1. Toss the spinach, mandarin oranges and sliced mushrooms together in a serving bowl.

2. Combine the balsamic vinegar, mustard, sugar, garlic, nutmeg powder, salt and pepper in a mixing bowl.

3. Whisk in the olive oil, using the fork to mix the dressing properly.

4. Pour the dressing over the spinach, mandarin and mushrooms, making sure it coats evenly. Toss the salad before serving.

Tags: well with, mandarin oranges, sliced mushrooms, spinach mandarin, texture flavor