Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Keep Fruit Fresh

Keeping fresh fruit around is an essential part of healthy eating. Although some may be discouraged from buying fruit because of its propensity to quickly ripen and grow mold, there are a number of ways to keep fruit fresh and part of your daily diet.


1. Stop premature discoloration. Peel and cut fruit. Fill a large bowl with 1 qt. of water and add 1 tbsp. of salt or two crushed vitamin C pills. Dunk the fruit pieces into the water. You may also juice a lemon, put the juice on a plate and toss cut pieces of fruit in the lemon juice to preserve its natural color.

2. Prevent fruit bruising on your way home from the grocery store. Open all produce bags, use your breath to fill the bags with air and tie the bags. The air acts as a cushion and protects the fruit during its transfer.

3. Keep ripe apples away from fresh fruit. Ripe apples release the ripening-stimulant ethylene that can quickly affect neighboring produce.

4. Pick berry packages that don't have squashed berry stains on the bottom of them. Separate soft, bruised and damaged berries from the firm ones. Wash berries right before eating them. Prematurely washing the berries may result in accidental damage.

5. Put fruits and vegetables in separate crispers. Store them in plastic bags so that humidity levels are optimal for freshness.

6. Inspect your crispers and fruit bowls regularly. Thoroughly clean their surfaces and throw out damaged, bruised or moldy fruit to help save the rest of your produce.

7. Make sure that your fruit is refrigerated at a steady temperature of 34 degrees F.

Tags: fresh fruit, lemon juice