Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Dry Herbs & Spices

Preserve fresh herbs and spices by drying them out for future use.

If you have an abundance of fresh herbs and spices, consider drying them. Whether the herbs and spices are store-bought or homegrown, drying herbs and spices will allow you to enjoy them for up to a year later. There are several ways to dry out spices and herbs. It is important to dry them properly so they retain their flavor in the future.


Drying Herbs and Spices in the Oven

1. Lay the herbs and spices onto a cookie sheet. Situate them so they are in a single layer.

2. Set your oven on the lowest temperature available. Place the cookie sheet into the oven.

3. Leave the oven door open slightly to allow air to circulate. Turn the herbs and spices over with a pair of tongs periodically to help them dry uniformly.

4. Let the herbs and spices remain in the oven until they break up easily and are crisp. Exact drying times will vary based on the lowest temperature available on your oven. Allow the herbs and spices to cool before storing.

Drying Herbs and Spices in the Microwave

5. Lay the herbs and spices on a paper towel. Situate them in a single layer. Place another paper towel on top of the herbs and spices.

6. Place the herbs and spices into the microwave. Microwave them for no more than four minutes, rotating them every 30 seconds to check for crispness. If either paper towel becomes excessively moist during drying, switch to a fresh paper towel.

7. Remove the herbs and spices from the microwave when they break up easily and are crisp. Let the herbs and spices cool completely before storing.

Air-Drying Herbs and Spices

8. Secure the stems of the herbs and spices with string. Make sure the string is long enough so that it can be tied to another object for drying. Separate them into small bundles, placing similar herbs and spices in each bundle. Do not place strong herbs and spices with more mild ones; the flavor may transfer to the others.

9. Hang each bundle upside down to dry. Hang them in a warm, well-ventilated and dark place. The ideal temperature for air-drying herbs and spices is between 68 and 90 degrees F. Tie the bundles to any place in the room where they will receive sufficient air circulation. A shelf, hanging rack or similar item will work well for hanging herbs and spices to dry.

10. Allow the herbs and spices to air-dry for several days. There is no exact time frame for air-drying herbs and spices. Various factors will contribute to drying times such as dampness prior to drying, location and temperature. The herbs are fully dried when they break apart easily and are crisp.

Tags: herbs spices, herbs spices, herbs spices, paper towel, easily crisp, they break