Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Get An Acting Agent For A 12yearold

Getting your 12-year-old into acting can be a challenge. Finding the appropriate work and fitting it around your child's school schedule can be difficult. Without contacts, finding work for your pre-teen can take time away that a parent needs to put toward guiding her child through everyday events. Agencies devoted to working with children understand the intricate details of working with child stars and will help you get your child work while you maintain their daily routine.


1. Build a portfolio for your 12-year-old that includes several glossy color and black and white headshots. The photos should be 8 by 10 inches and do not necessarily need to be professionally done. In fact, many talent agents and agencies prefer to see more natural photographs. The portfolio should also contain a resume of any acting or modeling work your child has accomplished.

2. Consult a reputable online directory for talent agencies that specialize in representing children (see Resources section below). Mail a query letter to a company from the list, or give them a call or e-mail. Ask them to provide you with a sample of their client list and the type of work they've been able to generate for those clients. A reputable agent or agency won't hesitate to do this.

3. Contact the Screen Actor's Guild (see Resources). They provide information and practical tips on keeping your pre-teen actor or actress safe. They also offer access to resources in the acting industry that will help guide you on the right path with your young actor.

4. Involve your child in acting classes and local theater. Not only will this help them with their abilities, it's a good way to network with others already involved in the business who can offer advice and even contact information regarding agents. Knowing someone who is already involved with an agent is often a good way to get your foot in the door. Never underestimate the power of networking and staying in the loop of the acting industry.

Tags: acting, agent, your child, acting industry, already involved, will help, work your, working with, your 12-year-old, your pre-teen