Friday, January 27, 2012

Make Sweetcorn Relish Sauce

Sweetcorn Relish is the basis for this delicious party snack. The colorful, crunchy relish is both sweet and tart and marries well with the smooth, subtle cream cheese. Take care when serving this appetizer in the summer time--keep it chilled.


Make the Relish

1. Seed and chop the green and red peppers. Chop the onion, celery and jalapeno. Place them in a large, non-reactive pot with the vinegar, lemon juice and celery seeds. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 5 minutes.

2. Mix the mustard and turmeric in a small bowl with a little hot liquid from the pan. Add the mixture to the pot.

3. Remove the corn kernels from about 12 ears of sweet corn. Add the corn to the pot. Bring to a boil again, then reduce the heat and simmer 5 more minutes.

4. Fill six 1/2-pint sterilized jars with the relish. Add the lids and rings and seal tightly. Process for 10 minutes in a boiling water bath.

5. Remove the jars and allow them to cool, undisturbed for at least 24 hours. Label and date each jar.

Sweet Corn Relish Sauce

6. Place 4 oz. of cream cheese in a medium sized bowl. Let the cream cheese soften at room temperature for an hour.

7. Break up the cream cheese with a fork. Add 1/2 cup of sweetcorn relish. Blend the cream cheese and relish until no bits of cream cheese are visible.

8. Serve with raw veggies and crackers. Refrigerate any leftovers in a covered container.

9. Make a creamier spread by increasing the cream cheese to 8 oz. Add a 1/2 cup of sweetcorn relish and blend well.

Tags: cream cheese, Bring boil, Relish Sauce, Sweetcorn Relish