Friday, February 22, 2013

Make A Salsa Dress

A salsa dress is designed to draw attention to the dancer and comes in bright colors to make a performance stand out. You can either buy one or make a homemade salsa dress. A homemade salsa dress allows you the opportunity to explore your creativity and create your dream salsa dress.


1. Look up dress designs that flatter your body or create your personal design. Choose dresses that fit the upper body but allow free movement on the lower body. Pick full-length designs with slits or short dress designs with a flare.

2. Measure your burst, waist, hips and length you want the dress. Use the measurements to draw out the pattern on pattern paper. Draw the front and back patterns of the dress.

3. Select a satin or sequin fabric for the dress. Place a carbon paper on the fabric and pattern and carefully trace the pattern on the fabric.

4. Cut out the fabric along the traced lines. Attach the fabric pieces with pins to hold them in line when sewing. Sew the pieces from the upper body paying attention to the waistline down to the lower body.

5. Finish the hemlines, straps, or buttons.

6. Fit the dress for comfort. A good salsa dress allows you to move while it remains in place. Adjust the dress until it fits perfectly.

Tags: salsa dress, create your, designs with, dress allows, dress designs