Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Best Snacks For Preschoolers

Preschoolers need healthy snacks to help them grow.

Preschoolers are at an age where they particularly need healthy food for their growing bodies. Because young children are often too distracted to focus on meals, it is especially important that what they do manage to eat, including snacks, is healthy. Although it might be tempting to reach for something sugary or processed for your preschooler, it is worth the extra time and effort to make sure that what he is eating is good for him. Teaching your toddler good eating habits while you are still completely in charge of his diet will help him make better eating choices later in life.


Cheese has calcium which helps growing bones.

Cheese supplies necessary calcium for the bones and is often a favorite with little ones. According to child nutrition expert, Elizabeth M. Ward, many preschoolers are not getting enough calcium to help with the crucial job of building healthy bones and teeth. Make your child's cheese snack more fun by cutting it into bite sized cubes, or hand her a piece of string cheese and showing her shred it. Slices of cheese can be transformed with the help of a cookie cutter. The edges can be saved for melting later.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are delicious and healthy.

The Council for Disease Control and Prevention lists fruit and vegetables as an essential part of a healthy diet for every age. Getting your preschooler used to the different flavors and textures while he is young, sets the groundwork for healthy eating when he is older. Fruit is naturally sweet and veggies have a crunches and colors that are a hit with preschoolers when presented right. Experiment with ways to serve the fruits and veggies such as cutting them into bite sized pieces or serving them with low fat yogurt or ranch dressing to dip it in. Keep a close eye on your child when serving hard fruits and vegetables like apples, grapes or carrots that might pose a choking hazard.

Whole Grain Crackers and Cereal

Crackers can be a good source of whole grains.

Whole grains are part of a healthy diet and are particularly necessary for those with growing bodies or extra nutritional needs such as preschoolers. Among other things, whole grains aid digestion, sleep and energy levels, all of which are crucial for a healthy preschooler. Whole grain crackers and cereal are a portable, versatile snack for your child. Finger foods are always ideal to give your child practice in feeding herself. Crackers and cereal can be paired with other healthy foods such as cheese, peanut butter or fruit to add variety. For the greatest health benefits, substitute snacks with refined flour with those that have whole grains.

Yogurt Popsicles

In addition to providing calcium, yogurt is a good source of both protein and probiotics which aid in healthy digestion. While these things are part of a balanced meal for your preschooler, it doesn't take long for him to figure out that making a mess with it might be as fun as eating it. Help your little one get the benefit out of yogurt in a fun way and eliminate much of the mess freezing yogurt into popsicles. This cool, creamy snack will fool your child into thinking he is getting a sugary treat.

Tags: your child, whole grains, your preschooler, bite sized, good source, growing bodies