Thursday, November 21, 2013

Plant Tomatillo

Plant Tomatillo

Tomatillo, also known as ground cherry, are related to tomatoes. Like tomatoes they are a member of the nightshade family that craves plenty of sunlight and hot weather. They can be grown in most areas of the United States if the conditions are not overly humid. Tomatillo fruits have a papery husk and green or purple skin with meaty white flesh. They are used in salsa and other Mexican recipes.


1. Sow seeds indoors six to eight weeks before the last frost date in your area. Use a seed starting soil mix and place seed tray or pots in a window. that receives plenty of sun.

2. Plant seedlings outdoors after frost danger has passed in the spring. Plant each seedling 18 inches apart in rows that have three feet between them.

3. Plant in an area that receives full sun; tomatillo plants require six to eight hours of sun a day. They also like soil that retains moisture.

4. Water deeply two to three times a week and use an organic mulch around the plants to aid moisture retention.

5. Fertilize twice a month with a fertilizer formulated for tomatoes -- one that is high in phosphorous.

6. While the plants are still small, place a tomato cage over the tomatillo plants to provide support. Cages also keep the fruit off the ground, so it doesn't rot.

7. Harvest tomatillo when the husk turns brown and cracks. Tomatillo are ready for harvest approximately 65 days after planting.

Tags: Plant Tomatillo, that receives, tomatillo plants