Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sharpen A Chef'S Knife

A Chef's Knife is a special knife with a blade that ranges from 8 to 12 inches long, and it's a few inches in width. Chefs use it for many uses such as chopping, cutting and slicing. In a chef's hand, this knife can be more powerful than a machine.


1. Hold the sharpening steel in your left hand (or less dominant hand, right for lefties). You want to get a sturdy grip on it, and hold it away from you.

2. Grab the knife in your right or dominant hand. You should hold it with the blade facing towards the sharpening steel. Tighten your grips on both.

3. Push the knife beneath the handle of the sharpener so that they touch handles. Make sure that the knife is on the bottom and that the two intersect one another--the "blades" of each should be going in the opposite direction.

4. Run the blade of the knife down the steel. This should be done slowly, deliberately and carefully. You want to observe and be in control of the steel's effect upon the knife. The knife and steel sharpener should form a cross in the middle of each sharpening procedure. That's check that they are properly positioned.

5. Repeat. Keep running the blade of the knife down the steel for several instances. You want to make sure that the edges are fully sharpened. As long as you do a thorough job of it, you will not need to repeat the sharpening procedure often.

Tags: blade knife, blade knife down, Chef Knife, dominant hand, down steel, knife down, knife down steel