Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Make Flavored Syrups

Create your own flavored syrups for drinks, ice cream, pancakes and waffles.

People use flavored syrups in drinks, on snow cones and over desserts for added flavor. Making flavored syrups can save money and does not take much time. It only takes about 10 minutes, and flavored syrup is available in any desired flavor. The hardest part of making flavored syrup is making the simple syrup, and that is a simple task. Making flavored syrups doesn't require any special cooking skills.


1. Place the sauce pan on the stove and add the sugar and water to the pot. Stir the mixture together.

2. Turn the cooking eye on high and bring the mixture to a boil. Continue stirring the mixture. When it starts boiling, reduce the heat to medium and keep stirring.

3. Cook the mixture on medium heat until it reaches the consistency of maple syrup. Make sure that you stir the mixture constantly. Turn off the heat and remove the pot from the hot eye.

4. Open the flavored cooking oil of your choice. Pour a few drops of flavored oil into the simple syrup. Stir in the flavor and taste it. Be careful the syrup is really hot.

If it is too weak, add more of the flavoring. Let the syrup cool for 10 minutes.

5. Sterilize a canning jar and lid in boiling hot water, and pour the syrup into the jar when it cools. Use a canning funnel when you pour the syrup into the jar, so you have less of a chance of burning yourself. The syrup is still hot for several hours after it is made.

6. Put the lid on the jar and close it tightly. Make sure you store the flavored syrup in a refrigerator and use it within 30 days.

Tags: flavored syrups, flavored syrup, flavored syrups drinks, Make sure, Making flavored syrups