Thursday, January 29, 2009

What Food Should Be Refrigerated

With the abundance of different foods now available throughout the world, it might not always be easy to determine which ones should be refrigerated. Although there isn't a definitive list available, the general answer is that just about any perishable or fresh foods should be stored in the refrigerator.

Reason for Refrigeration

Fresh foods must be refrigerated in order to prevent bacterial growth. Bacteria can cause fresh products to spoil, and this can lead to illness if the spoiled food is consumed. By storing perishable food items in cold temperatures, the unsafe bacteria is kept at bay. Bacteria will not grow as quickly in colder conditions, allowing us to save and eat foods for longer periods of time.


According to archaeological discoveries, people have been storing certain foods, like meat, in cold places since prehistoric times. Back then, people discovered that the spoils of the hunt would stay fresh longer when kept in a damp cave or covered with snow. In medieval times, Europeans began cooling foods by adding chemicals to water, which would cause the temperature to drop. As the world became industrialized, food storage mechanisms became more complex, and people continued to use cooling methods to prevent food from spoiling.


Perishable foods that should be refrigerated include: eggs and dairy products; poultry; raw meat; vacuum-packed or deli-prepared foods; leftovers; and certain vegetables and fruits. These days, refrigerators come equipped with ample compartments meant to contain different types of food. For example, humidified, sealed crisper drawers at the bottom of a fridge are ideal for preserving fresh fruits and veggies.


Keep in mind that hot foods can be put in the refrigerator right away or after they have cooled, with equal results. It's always best to cover these leftovers with aluminum, plastic wrapping or a lid to preserve moisture and keep out odors from other food in the fridge.


It's a good idea to periodically check the refrigerator's temperature, which should always be set at 40°F or below. Verify the correct temperature by looking at the refrigerator's built-in thermometer, or by inserting a standard thermometer and checking after an hour. In the event of a power outage, or if the fridge has been set to a temperature higher than 40°F for longer than two hours, any perishable foods inside should not be eaten.

Tags: should refrigerated