Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Water Filter Vs Water Softener

Water filters can improve the safety of our water.

Water is an essential part of everyday life. We need it for everything from drinking to cleaning. To improve the function of water, you can use devices like water filters and softeners.


Water filters remove contaminants such as chloride, copper, bacteria and parasites from the water supply. Water softeners, on the other hand, specifically remove the minerals magnesium and calcium.


Water softeners use ion exchange to remove calcium and magnesium from water. Water filters use a variety of methods to filter out impurities, including carbon filters, distillers, reverse osmosis and ultraviolet light.


Softened water not only improves the effectiveness of cleaning products but also prolongs the life of appliances like water heaters and washing machines. Filters can improve the taste and safety of your water.


Water filter costs can range from $30 to more than $800. Softeners are more expensive, ranging from $400 to $1200.


To maintain effectiveness, you must regularly replace water filters as described by the manufacturer. The maintenance of water softeners involves keeping the salt level high enough.

Tags: water, filter, softener, from water, like water, Water filters, water filters, Water softeners, water Water