Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Deviled Eggs Filling Ideas

Serve deviled eggs as a party or picnic appetizer.

In a basic deviled egg, hard-boiled egg yolks are mashed with mayonnaise, mustard powder and a little salt to create the paprika-topped filling for the halved hard-boiled egg whites. The egg yolk mash can be dressed up in lots of different ways to suit your tastes, so your deviled eggs don't have to be basic.

Sweet and Savory

The combination of sweet and savory works well with deviled eggs by adding complexity to the flavor of the filling. Add sweetness to the yolks in the form of sweet pickle relish, chopped sweet pickles or sweet pickled peppers. Balance the sweetness with brown mustard and salt and pepper to taste. Garnish your sweet and savory deviled eggs with thin slices of pickle or pickled pepper sliced matchstick-thin and shaped into letters, hearts or squiggles.

Hot and Spicy

Deviled eggs don't have to be bland -- make them as spicy as you like by adding your favorite hot and spicy seasoning to the yolks. Make your filling red hot by replacing half of the mayonnaise with hot pepper sauce. Or add other hot and spicy mix-ins to the basic yolk base, such as cayenne pepper, chopped jalapeno pepper, wasabi or hot curry paste. Garnish your hot and spicy deviled eggs with pickled jalapeno slices, pimento, pickled ginger, hot paprika or curry powder


Seafood such as crab, lobster, shrimp and salmon goes incredibly well with eggs and makes luxurious deviled eggs, suitable for most special occasions. Cook and remove the shells from shellfish, and chop pieces such as claw meat and shrimp into a tiny dice before adding to the filling along with a little lemon juice and crab boil seasoning. Chop smoked salmon or Nova lox and add to the filling with lemon or wasabi, and replace half of the mayonnaise with whipped cream cheese.

Veggie and Herb

Make colorful, garden-fresh deviled eggs by adding chopped vegetables and herbs to the filling. Finely chopped bell pepper, onion, carrot and radish give the filling color and crunch. Mix and match garden herbs to season your deviled eggs instead of some or all of the salt; add chopped fresh parsley, basil, oregano, dill, rosemary and chives in any combination you like, with or without the vegetables. Garnish the eggs with additional chopped fresh herbs.

Tags: deviled eggs, eggs with, chopped fresh, deviled eggs, deviled eggs adding, deviled eggs with