Monday, September 26, 2011

Remove The Smell Of Pickles From A Plastic Container

Plastic containers tend to absorb and retain the odor of whatever they hold, especially if the odor is strong, such as that of pickles. If the pickles have only been in the container for a few days, and you wash the container immediately, you may be able to get the smell out just with dish soap. In most cases, however, you'll need to use an extra product to neutralize the pickle odor.


1. Fill the container with warm water. Add 1 tsp. of dish soap and scrub the container with a soft, clean kitchen sponge.

2. Rinse the container out with warm water. Place 1 tbsp. of baking soda in the plastic container and then fill it with warm water.

3. Place the plastic container on a level surface where it won't be disturbed. Leave it to sit overnight.

4. Rinse out the container with warm water the following morning. Dry it with a clean towel and then sniff the container to make sure the pickle odor is gone. If any odor remains, just add 1 tbsp. of baking soda and water again to the container and let it soak for another day.

5. If the pickle smell isn't very strong and you are in a hurry to re-use the container, you can also try just scrubbing it with a paste of baking soda and water to remove the odor instead of letting it soak.

Tags: with warm water, container with, warm water, with warm, baking soda, container with warm