Sunday, February 16, 2014

List Of Fast Growing Pine Trees

Pine trees are used as dividers and privacy screens between properties.

Pine trees are used in landscaping all over the country as border trees and barriers against wind and other weather conditions, as well as privacy screens. If you want to plant a pine tree in your yard, there are several things you should factor in when selecting the tree, particularly how quickly the pine variety grows, and how wide it will get. Choosing a fast growing type of pine means that your barrier or privacy screen will develop more quickly than it would if you used other varieties. If you do not have much space, you need to pick a type that doesn't spread too wide.

White Pine

White pine trees grow in U.S. growing zones 3 through 8 and are popular trees for landscaping due to their quick growth and medium overall height. They will reach about 20 to 30 feet before stopping, and cast a spread of between 15 and 25 feet in diameter. These trees prefer sunlight and do best when placed in at least partial sun. A negative aspect of the white pine is that it is prone to disease and is not hardy against insect attacks. As a result, they don't always last to maturity. On the positive side, however, they do withstand moderate drought conditions, which is beneficial drier areas of the country.

Scotch Pine

The Scotch pine tree grows about 2 feet a year, and reaches a height of 50 to 100 feet before stopping. When planting this tree, you must make sure that the tree has plenty of room for growth to accommodate its wide spread of around 30 feet. The thickness of the Scotch pine's blue-green needles create an effective wind barrier. The pine grows best in zones 3 through 7. (It is possible to grow the Scotch pine in zones 2 and 8, but it won't be as hardy.) Scotch pines like full sun and are not as disease-prone as some other pines.

Australian Pine

The Australian pine is a fast growing tree that reaches a height of around 60 feet and spreads 30 or 40 feet wide. It does best in zones 4 through 7 with full sun, and can grow up to 2 feet a year. The Australian is adaptable to different types of soil including sandy, rich, acidic and clay. The tree's limbs form the shape of an oval instead of the familiar Christmas tree style of most pines.

Tags: fast, growing, pine, trees, zones through, about feet, around feet, before stopping, best zones, best zones through