Thursday, January 31, 2013

Determine If An Artichoke Is Ripe

Ripe artichokes are a tasty addition to a low-fat diet.

Artichokes, which originate from the Mediterranean region, can help you maintain a healthy, low-fat diet. One artichoke amounts to only 25 calories. The vegetable contains no fat but is a solid source of potassium, vitamin C, dietary fiber and antioxidants. Though you can buy them in cans, fresh artichokes will provide optimum taste for your recipes. Get the freshest artichokes you can find when purchasing them from supermarkets and roadside stands.


1. Select artichokes that do not have buds or flowers on them. Buds or flowers are a sign of an artichoke that is too ripe.

2. Choose artichokes that are completely green. Do not select ones that have any purple color on them.

3. Select artichokes that are fairly heavy. Size doesn't really matter as long as the artichoke is not so large that it is flowering.

4. Choose artichokes that have no bruises or very few bruises. A few slight brown marks on the leaves are OK, as long as they are not too deep or extend over very much of the artichoke

5. Push the artichoke's leaves against each other. You should hear a squeaking sound. Lack of a squeak demonstrates a lack of freshness.

Tags: artichokes that, that have, artichokes that have, Choose artichokes, Choose artichokes that, low-fat diet, Select artichokes

Cook A Pork Roast In A Castiron Dutch Oven

Cooking pork roast in a Dutch oven makes it juicy and succulent.

Cast-iron Dutch ovens have been used for centuries. A Dutch oven is technically a cast-iron pot with a lid that can be used on the stove top and in the oven. They're valued for their even heat distribution. A pork roast cooked in a cast-iron Dutch oven is always tender, makes great pork sandwich leftovers and can be served with roasted potatoes or french fries for a home-style meal.


1. Heat the oil in the Dutch oven pot over medium heat. Salt and pepper all sides of the pork roast and rub in the Italian seasoning.

2. Place the roast into the Dutch oven pot and let the roast sit for two minutes to brown on one side. Continue to rotate it until all sides are browned. Lift up the roast with tongs and add the garlic and onions to the pot. Place the roast on top of the garlic and onions.

3. Add the red wine and water to the pot. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat to a simmer. Cover and let the Dutch oven cook the pork roast for 3-1/2 hours.

4. Remove the pork roast to a plate and cover it with aluminum foil to keep it hot. Place the Dutch oven on the stove top. Whisk together the cornstarch with the water in a bowl and add it to the liquid in the Dutch oven. Bring the liquid to a boil and whisk. Add salt and pepper as needed.

Tags: Dutch oven, pork roast, garlic onions, Place roast, pork roast

Can Peaches The Right Way

If you have a peach tree or two in your backyard but don't have the time or people to eat them all before they spoil there are ways of not wasting the fruit.

A good way of saving those summery peaches is to can them for a later day. Follow these instructions to be able to save and enjoy your peaches long into the winter months.


1. Examine each canning jar for nicks or cracks.

2. Wash jars, lids and rings. Leave in dishwasher or in warm pan of water until ready to use.

3. Sort, wash and drain peaches - use firm, blemish-free fruits.

4. Place peaches in cheesecloth.

5. Dip peaches into boiling water 1 minute - this will loosen skin.

6. Peel, cut in half and pit peaches.

7. Place halves into a salt-vinegar solution (2 tbsp. each per gallon cold water) until ready to place in jars.

8. Prepare syrup mixture (see below). Do not boil.

9. Rinse salt-vinegar solution from peaches.

10. Pack peaches in canning jar with cavity side down. Leave 1/2-inch head space.

11. Sprinkle citric acid over peaches according to manufacturer's instructions.

12. Cover peaches with hot syrup mixture, leaving 1/2-inch head space.

13. Remove air bubbles with plastic knife.

14. Wipe tops of jars with clean, damp cloth.

15. Place vacuum-seal canning lids and rings on tightly.

16. Place jars into canner and cover with hot water.

17.Process pints 25 minutes and quarts 30 minutes.

18. Remove jars, cool, test seals, label with date and store.

Syrup Mixtures

19. Light: 2 cups sugar to 1 quart water or juice.

20. Medium: 3 cups sugar to 1 quart water or juice.

21. Heavy: 4-3/4 cups sugar to 1 quart water or juice.

22. Cook until sugar is dissolved.

23. Do not boil, but keep hot until ready to use.

Tags: cups sugar, cups sugar quart, quart water, quart water juice, sugar quart

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Work A Fondue Fountain

Chocolate fondue fountains create a waterfall of warm, melted chocolate that pours over strawberries, cake chunks, marshmallows, or whatever you care to hold under the flow. With a fondue fountain, dessert becomes part of your party's entertainment. Plus, fondue fountains are easier to use and make less mess than traditional fondue pots. Most fondue fountains disassemble easily, and you can wash the parts in the dishwasher, making cleanup simple.


1. Turn on the fountain, and allow it to warm while you prepare the chocolate.

2. Place five pounds of chocolate chips or bits in a microwave-safe container. Add 1/2 cup vegetable oil.

3. Microwave the chocolate and oil on high for 1 1/2 minutes. Stir. Microwave for another 1 1/2 minutes. Stir. Continue to heat at 10-second intervals until the mixture is smooth.

4. Fill the bottom bowl of the warm fondue fountain with the melted chocolate. Switch on the fountain auger. If the chocolate doesn't flow smoothly, check first to make sure the fondue fountain is level. If the chocolate is too thick, add oil a teaspoon at a time to the base of the fountain.

Tags: fondue fountains, fondue fountain, melted chocolate, minutes Stir

What'S For Dinner Delicious Fall Cookout

Golden beauty of Fall

We just had a GREAT Fall family cookout! HOT DOGS AND HAMBURGERS AGAIN! No, a delicious Fall food line-up. Join me here so I can give you the cookout"how to".


1. Begin with the pork, 1 hour before cooking, soak in a bowl of wine vinegar. Soak the corn (after it is husked and cleaned) in another bowl of vinegar. Cut the apples in slices. Squeeze a cut lemon, the juice should cover the apples. The amount of food is all based on how many guests will be coming for dinner. Prepare the lettuce. The asparagus can come from a can but it should be opened from the bottom so the stalks will slip out without breaking. Chop chives and parsley. Pop Pop-Corn. Serve some as a snack and crush the remains. And slice of all the white cheddar cheese into thin slivers. Mix a bowl of cinnamon, sugar and nutmeg. This is going to be a delicious meal!!

2. Next melt the butter in a bowl. You will need a enough for the pork to baste it in. Sprinkle a teaspoon of the OLD BAY seasoning into the butter. Time to put all the pork on a plate. Wrap the corn in aluminum foil. Soak the sliced apples in a bowl of melted butter and put into the microwave for two minutes. They will soften and absorb the butter. Take all to the grill.

3. Take the pork, corn, apples to the grill. Meanwhile let the kids rake leaves and jump in them. The pork and corn should go right on the grill. The apples need to be sprinkled with a mixture of cinnamon, sugar and nutmeg. All go on an aluminum spread, wrapped up in the aluminum and let to cook on the grill. Be sure to spray the aluminum with Pam. Put the pork and corn on the grill. Be sure not to blacken the corn.

4. The pork will have a light tanning in color on the outside and when cut white meat will show. Put a few slices of the white cheddar on each slice of pork to melt. The corn will be ready in about 20 minutes time. Bring the salad out in a large bowl covered with the asparagus, crushed popcorn on top with parsley and chives. Serve the pork, salad, and corn. For dessert hot spiced apples over vanilla ice-cream. The vinegar on the pork and the corn does some amazing things. The vinegar softens the fibers in the meat to make for a very tender butter knife cutting meat! The corn will be more plump and juicy!

Tags: pork corn, cinnamon sugar, cinnamon sugar nutmeg, corn will, grill sure, sugar nutmeg, white cheddar

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Wash Hot Peppers Off Your Hands

Wash Hot Peppers Off Your Hands

If you have ever handled hot peppers without gloves, you know that it can be difficult to get rid of the burning sensation on your hands. The next time you prepare a recipe that calls for hot peppers and forget to wear gloves, it's important to wash hot peppers off your hands properly.


1. Wash your hands with an oil cutting dish detergent. Capsicum is an oil, and the detergent should remove most of it. Use a small brush to brush your nails, as the oil can get underneath your nails. You may use aloe vera gel if your hands continue to burn after washing them.

2. Use spritus, a household cleaning product, to wash your hands. It contains 85 percent alcohol and is effective in removing the capsicum oil.

3. Pour one can of tomato sauce in a bowl. Soak your hands in the sauce for about 15 minutes.

4. Coat your hands with salt. Rinse off the salt and use a waterless hand cleaner. Rinse your hands again and wash them with dish detergent. After rinsing them with water, rinse them with rubbing alcohol.

5. Soak your hands in milk after washing them thoroughly with dish detergent. Dairy products have an enzyme that neutralizes the acids.

Tags: dish detergent, them with, your hands, your hands, your hands, after washing

Make Italian S Cookies

Italian S Cookies, those tender, buttery morsels that are decorated with white icing and rainbow-colored sprinkles, are customarily prepared by Italians for Christmas and Easter. But you needn't wait for a special occasion to make them. This recipe makes a large batch that keeps for at least 1 week and freezes well for several months.


1. Cream together the sugars and butter with a hand-held or standup mixer. Slowly add milk, heavy cream, eggs, honey, extract and cinnamon. Continue beating at medium speed until batter is smooth.

2. Add the flour, 1/2 cup at a time, beating at low speed. Mildly firm dough begins to form. When all the flour has been added, remove the dough from the bowl and shape it into a 4-inch disk. Lightly flour both sides of the disk. Wrap the dough plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour and up to 1 day.

3. Remove dough from refrigerator when ready to form cookies. Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees F. Place the dough on a lightly floured work surface. Keep a small bowl of flour nearby for dusting both the work surface and hands if the dough becomes sticky and unmanageable.

4. Pinch off small pieces of the dough about the size of a walnut. Roll the pieces into logs about 3 1/2 inches long and about 1/2 inch wide. Gently push the dough into an "S" shape. Repeat this process until all the dough has been shaped.

5. Place the "S" cookies on the ungreased cookie sheets, about 1 1/2 inches apart. Bake for about 18 to 20 minutes, or until golden brown and firm. Remove the cookie sheets from the oven. Using a spatula, transfer the cookies to wire racks to cool.

6. Mix the confectioner's sugar with 2 tsp. of the milk. Use more milk if necessary to create a mildly thick icing that coats the tops of the cookies without running off. Spoon the icing onto the cooled cookies, spreading it evenly. Top the cookies with the colored sprinkles.

Tags: about inches, cookie sheets, dough from, Italian Cookies, work surface

Monday, January 28, 2013

Keep Unused Egg Yolks Fresh

Some egg recipes involve plenty of guesswork, which makes it easy to end up with leftover cracked eggs. Most of the time, these eggs are written off as a loss and are simply thrown away. But with this handy trick, you can save the yolks and use them again another day.


1. If you haven't already separated the egg yolks from the egg whites, separate them first. The egg whites will not keep as well as the yolks, regardless of how you store them.

2. Put the yolks in a small bowl. Then pour vegetable oil over the top, using just enough to completely cover the tops of the yolks. About 2 tbsp. will usually do it. This creates a great airtight seal, preserving the eggs almost as well as they were preserved inside the shell.

3. Cover the bowl in plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator. Plan to use the yolks within two days, just to be safe.

4. When you're ready to use the yolks, use a spatula or another flat kitchen tool to hold the yolks inside the bowl while you tip it over the sink and drain out the oil. Now it's time to enjoy your salvaged eggs.


Friday, January 25, 2013

Cook Fish Cholesterol Free

Managing your blood cholesterol level means reducing your risk of heart disease and stroke. Even a healthy and omega-3-rich food like fish can contribute to your blood cholesterol level. Some kinds of fish have almost the same amount of cholesterol as meat does. Unlike meat, however, fish has very little fat and almost no saturated fat, which your body can convert to cholesterol. Still, how you cook fish will affect its--and your--cholesterol levels. Read on to learn cook it cholesterol free.


1. Don't add dairy to your fish. Butter, cheese and cream all contain high amounts of saturated fat. Plus, they can drown the naturally good taste of your fish. Try using citrus to enhance its flavors. Squirt lemon, lime or even grapefruit, onto your fish before you broil, bake, roast, steam or microwave it.

2. Use olive or canola oil if you want to use oil at all. They are rich in heart-healthy unsaturated fats. Still, use them sparingly if you're broiling, baking or roasting your fish.

3. Eat more cold-water fish like mackerel, salmon, herring, albacore tuna, lake trout and sardines. These fatty fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids which can both lower triglycerides--a type of fat in the bloodstream--and slow down the growth of plaques in the arteries. These benefits outweigh the negative effects of the cholesterol in the fish. If you don't like these fish, try halibut, which has about half the omega-3 fatty acids.

4. Cook fish with fruits like avocado and tomato. Try the recipe for seared tuna with avocado in the Resources section below. There are also many recipes for fish with avocado sauce. Substitute the sour cream or mayonnaise in the recipe with a vegan sour cream or vegan mayonnaise. You will not be able to tell the difference once it is cooked. Plus, without the dairy, you will not add unnecessary cholesterol to your fish.

Tags: your fish, blood cholesterol, blood cholesterol level, cholesterol level, fatty acids, fish like, fish with

Bake Heart Shaped Cookies

Nothing is sweeter or more endearing than receiving a baked treat on a special occasion. Wow your significant other, family members, or friends by baking them heart-shaped cookies for Valentine's Day, an anniversary, or just because. These cookies can be simple sugar cookies, or they can be ornately frosted treats. Whatever you choose to do, your heart-shaped sweet will impress everyone! Here is bake heart-shaped cookies.


1. Find a recipe that compliments your baking skill level. There are several available online or in cookbooks. Choose something simple if you are a novice.

2. Collect all of your ingredients. If you don't have something available, visit the store and purchase what you need.

3. Preheat the oven according to directions and gather your ingredients in the kitchen.

4. Spray the cookie sheet with cooking spray, or lightly butter and flour it to prevent cookies from sticking, depending on the recipe specifications.

5. Mix all ingredients according to the recipe. Make sure to separate wet and dry ingredients according to the recipe.

6. Roll the dough onto a lightly floured surface, such as a cutting board or countertop. Give yourself enough room to work.

7. Use a heart shaped cookie cutter to cut the cookies out of the dough. Press firmly for best shape.

8. Place onto the cookie sheet, and bake according to directions. Space your cookies evenly.

9. Roll the remaining scraps into a ball, and repeat steps four through six until all the cookie dough is gone.

10. Let cool, and then decorate as you wish.

Tags: according directions, according recipe, cookie sheet, heart-shaped cookies, ingredients according, ingredients according recipe, your ingredients

Use White Tea For Health

Tea is fast becoming the drink of choice for many Americans. Our stressed-out society is willing to try anything for some down time, and tea is a proven soother of nerves. Different teas help the body in different ways. Here are some of white tea's special powers and use them.


1. Replace your coffee or diet soda with white tea for better dental health. White tea has some of the same health benefits as coffee or sodas, but it does not pose the same staining threat to your teeth.

2. Keep your bacteria levels down. New studies are suggesting that drinking a couple of cups of white tea a day can keep certain types of bacteria, such as Staphylococcus and Streptococcus, under control.

3. Take your antioxidants and leave your tannins and grass. White tea leaves are picked and dried before oxidization. The high levels of antioxidants in white tea are very good for you. White tea is also free of a grassy flavor (usually tasted in green tea) and tannins (found in black teas). Many people get headaches from tannins, which makes white tea a great option for migraine sufferers.

4. Lower your risk of stomach and colon cancer. Research studies done in Oregon have pointed to a lowered chance of certain types of cancers once you become a white tea drinker. Polyphenols are a type of antioxidant found in abundance in white tea. Antioxidants are known to fight off many forms of cancer.

5. Reduce your caffeine intake. White tea has much less caffeine than other forms of tea, approximately 5 to 15 milligrams in a cup.

Tags: certain types

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Make Chicken Makhani (Indian Butter Chicken)

Chicken Makhani or Indian Butter Chicken is a highly flavorful dish featured at many Indian restaurants. According to documented history, it dates back to the Mughal empire where it was allegedly created at a famous restaurant. This is a relatively easy recipe for Chicken Makhani.


1. Place the chicken pieces in a dish with the lemon juice, 1 tbsp. of chili, 1 tbsp. of cinnamon and a dash of salt. Coat the chicken with this mixture, cover the dish and marinate it for 1 hour in the refrigerator.

2. Drain the yogurt in a cheese cloth. Mix it with the salt, garlic paste, garam masala, ginger paste, lemon juice and oil. Coat the chicken with this mix and refrigerate it for another 4 to 5 hours.

3. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Bake the chicken for 20 to 25 minutes.

4. Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir in garam masala for a couple of minutes, then add the ginger paste and chopped garlic. When the garlic is tender, add the tomato puree, chili powder, salt and 1 cup of water. Bring the sauce to a boil, then lower the heat to simmer and add the honey.

5. Add the chicken to the sauce and stir until the chicken is fully cooked. Add the cream and stir until the two are completely mixed.

Tags: Chicken Makhani, Butter Chicken, Chicken Makhani Indian, chicken with, chicken with this

Eggless Caesar Salad

Traditional Caesar salad dressing contains eggs.

Caesar salad, served as an appetizer or as a main meal, derives its familiar flavor from the dressing, a zesty blend of anchovies, Parmesan cheese, olive oil, garlic and egg yolks. Eggless Caesar salad can be made with eggless Caesar salad dressing.


As she watched Caesar salad inventor Caesar Cardini prepare the salad dressing, Julia Child observed that raw eggs added a creamy texture to the salad dressing. Eggless caesar salad dressing incorporates the same ingredients as traditional Caesar salad dressing minus eggs. Yogurt can be added to eggless Caesar dressing to restore the creamy texture.


Caesar salad made with eggless dressing can be a good choice for those on a reduced-cholesterol diet. The eggless dressing option also could appeal to those who simply do not like the taste or texture of raw eggs. Eggless Caesar salad dressing can be a safer alternative to its traditional counterpart when it comes to preventing food-borne illnesses associated with raw eggs.


Caesar salad enthusiasts can either make or purchase eggless Caesar salad dressing. Online recipe sources such as Food Network and Whole Foods provide eggless Caesar dressing recipes. Egg-free Caesar dressing can be purchased at your local supermarket. You can also ask for egg-free dressings when dining out, depending on the restaurant.

Tags: Caesar salad, salad dressing, Caesar salad dressing, Caesar dressing, Caesar salad made, creamy texture, Eggless Caesar

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Substitute Fresh Cranberries For Dried

You can substitute fresh cranberries for dried ones in many recipes.

Pure cranberries have an extremely tart flavor, as you may know if you have ever eaten one or had a sip of pure, unsweetened cranberry juice. To achieve the sweet yet mildly sour flavor familiar in most preparations -- like the cranberry sauce at Thanksgiving dinner -- you must add a significant amount of sugar to the cranberries. Most dried cranberries already have this sugar added, making a substitution with fresh cranberries slightly more complicated.


1. Measure out one cup of whole, fresh cranberries for each 3/4 cup of dried cranberries. For example, if the recipe calls for half a cup of dried cranberries, measure out 2/3 cup of fresh cranberries. Dried cranberries are naturally more concentrated than fresh cranberries because most of the water in them has been removed.

2. Add 1/8 cup sugar to the recipe for each cup of fresh cranberries you are using. This is to replace the sugar that would otherwise come from the dried cranberries.

3. Reduce the amount of water in the recipe by ¼ cup per cup of fresh cranberries you are using to make up for the extra liquid that the fresh cranberries will add.

4. Make the recipe as normal, adding the fresh cranberries at the same time as you would have added the dried cranberries. There is an exception to this rule: if you would have added the dried cranberries at the end of the cooking process, add the fresh cranberries much sooner. This will give them time to cook and blend in with the recipe.

Tags: fresh cranberries, dried cranberries, added dried, added dried cranberries, cranberries using, fresh cranberries using

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Make Turkey Stuffing

Stuffing the turkey adds so much flavor to a holiday meal. Start with the basic turkey stuffing and add your favorites to make the stuffing your own. Quick, fast and easy to make, turkey stuffing will complete your holiday meal.


Stuffing for a Ten to Twelve Pound Turkey

1. Cube the bread into pieces approximately 1 inch by 1 inch, leaving crusts on. Place cubed bread on baking sheet in one layer to dry out for 2 hours.

2. Mince the onion finely, about the size of slivered almonds. Dice the celery finely, also about the size of slivered almonds.

3. Microwave the chicken stock and butter together, until the butter melts and stock is hot. Remove from the microwave and add the sage to the hot stock.

4. Place dried bread cubes in a large, wide bowl. Add approximately ? cup of the stock mixture, enough to barely moisten the bread.

5. Add the diced celery and onions and toss with the moistened bread mixture. Mix well. Add salt and pepper to taste.

6. Add enough stock to the mixture that bread will hold a ball shape when grasped in your hand.

7. Stuff the turkey, which has been well-rinsed and seasoned with salt and pepper.

8. Bake the turkey.

Great Additions

9. Chop or crumble sausage into the stuffing mix for a smokey flavor.

10. Add apples and walnuts or pecans for a crunchy texture.

11. Substitute white wine for the chicken broth for a more subtle flavor.

12. Add lemon wedges to the turkey before stuffing for a crisper flavor.

13. Include raisins in the basic recipe for a subtle, sweet flavor.

Tags: about size, about size slivered, holiday meal, salt pepper, size slivered, size slivered almonds, slivered almonds

What To Do With Bones Leftover From A Rib Roast

What to Do With Bones Leftover From a Rib Roast

Leftover rib roast bones make a flavorful stock. The roasting process renders the bones more rich. At the same time, it lends a deeper color to the stock. A large batch of beef stock can be used in so many ways. It is an excellent base for a variety of sauces, soups or stews and other dishes. If there is any remaining meat on the bones it can be used for simple, quick, economical meals.

Beef Stock

Make a flavorful and useful stock with leftover bones from a rib roast. Simply brown some carrots, celery and onions in a stockpot. De-glaze the pot with some water or, if you prefer, dry red wine. Some recipes call for tomato paste or fresh tomatoes to be added at this point. Otherwise, add more water, enough to allow for reduction from the long cooking time. Add whole peppercorns and a dried bay leaf or two. Simmer for about three hours. Have a spoon handy to skim off the froth that collects on the surface. Strain the stock to ensure that no small bones or whole peppercorns come through. Once the stock has cooled to room temperature, store it in airtight containers. The stock will keep very well in your freezer for future use. You now have a delicious homemade base for beef stew or sauces. It also makes a richly-flavored brown gravy. French onion soup, minestrone and beef barley soup are some of the many soup recipes that call for beef stock.

Shredded Beef

Check the leftover bones for any meat that may remain. Because this meat will already be tender from having been roasted, there is no need to cook it for any extended period of time. Tossed with a little barbecue sauce and thoroughly heated, shredded beef will make an excellent sandwich filling. You can also use shredded beef for another quick and easy recipe. Saute the beef with garlic, onions, oregano and ground cumin. Chop up some lettuce, open a bottle of salsa and warm up some tortillas and you have tasty shredded beef tacos.

Tags: Bones Leftover, Bones Leftover From, leftover bones, Leftover From, Leftover From Roast

Easy Chinese Meals

Chinese cuisine has become an American staple ever since Chinatown in San Francisco started offering carry-out with iconic white boxes. Though convenient to order, Chinese food can be made easily at home. Fresh ingredients, Asian food staples and some special cooking instruments are all you need to prepare yourself and your family fabulous feasts of healthy and delicious Chinese food.

Stir Fry

The secret of cooking stir fry is investing in a wok. Woks are prized for heating food evenly and being able to cook food fast. The best kind of wok to use is one made of carbon steel. Choose a flat-bottom wok for cooking on gas and electric ranges. When cooking stir fry, use an oil such as peanut oil because it has a high smoke point, and for cooking stir fry you want it to be piping hot. Drizzle oil down the side of the wok and wait about 10 minutes while the heat is turned up high. Add any kind of vegetables of your choosing, such as snow peas, carrots, onions, celery or bean sprouts. It's important to add the vegetables before meat because they take longer to cook. Place chopped meat, chicken or tofu in the wok. Don't worry about the loud sizzling sounds or oil splatter. This is common for wok cooking. You should be able to cook your entire meal in about five minutes. Toward the end of cooking, add a sauce such as soy or fish sauce. You can get these items in an Asian market or at most grocery stores. Use a straining spoon to lift the food out of the wok and serve.

General Tso's Chicken

Traditional Chinese cuisine is vastly different from its American-style cousin. China has hundreds of regional cooking styles that differ from each other. Shandong, Cantonese and Sichuan are just a few. General Tso's chicken is one of the most popular dishes ordered in American Chinese restaurants. Make the sauce for this dish at home by buying fresh garlic, sugar, soy sauce, white vinegar, fresh ginger and condensed chicken broth. Use cornstarch to bind together all the ingredients, and mix everything up in a jar and refrigerate. Take 3 pounds of cut chicken mixed with soy sauce and hot peppers. Roll the chicken over a mixture of cornstarch and 1 beaten egg. Make sure the chicken is coated. Fry it in a wok that has an oil temperature of 350 degrees F. Cook all of chicken, and then allow it to drain on a paper towel. Add sauce to the wok and mix in all the chicken. Fry for one minute on high heat and serve.


Tofu is made from soy beans that have been boiled. This vegetarian favorite is a staple in most Chinese and Asian cuisine. You can buy two types of tofu: soft and firm. Soft goes great in stir fries and sauces; firm is preferably baked or fried. Drain firm tofu and press it with paper towels to get out excess water. To fry it, dredge each piece of tofu in flour or tapioca starch. Heat up a wok with oil and drop in the tofu. Each piece should turn a golden brown to indicate it has been thoroughly cooked. Pour on your favorite sauce and allow the tofu to soak it in. Take the tofu out of the sauce and serve with brown or white rice.

Tags: cooking stir, able cook, Chinese cuisine, Chinese food

Monday, January 21, 2013


Recipe to make summer citrus salsa. This is an easy recipe to cook summer citrus salsa. Prepare and serve summer citrus salsa for family or friends tonight! Cooking is fun with easy recipes check out all my easy recipes here on eHow.


1. Step one in making your Summer Citrus Salsa with this recipe is to prepare all your ingredients including, the navel orange, grapefruit, red cherry tomatoes, yellow cherry tomatoes, red onion, scallions, jalapeno pepper, tomatillo, cilantro, lemon zest, lime zest, fresh lemon juice, fresh lime juice, dash of Tequila, and olive oil.

2. Step two in cooking your Summer Citrus Salsa with easy recipes like this one, is to mix all the salsa ingredients together.

3. The final step to make Summer Citrus Salsa with this recipe is to enjoy it! Great served over grilled chicken or fish.

4. Salsa Recipes are good recipes to learn to cook with. This Citrus Salsa recipe helped me learn to cook. If you have a recent grad, or another child heading away from home soon, help them learn to cook for themselves before they leave home.

Tags: Citrus Salsa with, easy recipes, learn cook, Salsa with, summer citrus salsa, Summer Citrus Salsa

Make Oreo Ball Candy

This article will tell you make yummy oreo ball candy. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. To start, I always get out all of my ingredients. It makes the whole process much easier. Also read completey throught the directions or the recipe before starting.

Put the whole bag of oreos in a sealable freezer bag. Close the bag and crush all of the cookies. A food processor works well too. Soften the cream cheese. In a medium bowl mix the cream cheese and oreos. Stick the bowl in the freezer to chill. Let the oreo mixture sit in freezer for a good 5 minutes.

2. After the 5 minutes take the oreo mixture out and roll them into small balls. A little smaller than a golf ball. Once all the mixture is rolled into balls stick the balls back in the freezer.

3. Take the almond bark and follow the directions on the back on melt the chocolate. Follow Directions! Once the chocolate is melted get your oreo balls out of the freezer and dip them one by one in the chocolate. Toothpicks help with this, if you don't have toothpicks just use a fork. You will need to work rather quickly becuase the chocolate will start to harden. Place the chocolate covered balls on the wax paper, remove the toothpick and let them dry. These are sooo good. You can wrap them in cute little christmas packages and give them to friends, neighbors or whomever.

Tags: cream cheese, oreo mixture

Friday, January 18, 2013

Make Fried Dandelion Blossoms

Fried dandelion blossoms are an interesting side dish to round out a menu, or to add as garnish to greens or vegetable dishes. You can make this recipe in no time at all.


1. Locate dandelions that have not been sprayed with herbicide or other poisons. Organic dandelions are a must for this recipe!

2. Gather the blossoms shortly before cooking them. Dandelion blossoms are at the peak of freshness soon after you pick them.

3. Choose the fullest blossoms, avoiding any that are beginning to close or have not yet fully opened. Fullest blossoms will be the sweetest.

4. Prepare the blossoms. The yellow blossom is sweet, but the green is bitter. Though you need to keep some of the green stem to hold the blossom together, get as little as possible. Blow off the blossoms to rid them of any insects, and rinse them quickly.

5. Create the batter. A simple cornmeal batter allows the flavor of the dandelion blossoms to shine through. Mix together 1 cup cornmeal, ? cup wheat pastry flour, and salt and pepper to taste. Add other dry seasonings if you like.

6. Dredge the blossoms in the cornmeal mixture and fry, blossom down, in hot peanut or canola oil until golden brown

7. Keep warm in an oven. If you have a large batch of dandelions to fry, place the fried blossoms on a cookie sheet covered with paper towel in a 250-degree oven. If you are serving them immediately, drain on paper towels to absorb excess oil.

8. Serve as a side dish or garnish. This is a great dish for gatherings because it is so unexpected!

Tags: side dish, this recipe

Make Lemon Roasted Chicken With Apricot And Plum Sauce

Lemon roasted chicken with apricot and plum sauce is a recipe with origins that can be traced to the big cities of China, when it is often served during the holidays as a special dinner or banquet appetizer. Common Chinese ingredients such as soy sauce, ginger and white pepper are used to make a marinade while honey, prepared plum sauce and apricot jam make a wonderfully delicate yet bold gravy that can be poured over the chicken before serving. Lemon roasted chicken with apricot and plum sauce makes a delicious, satisfying meal when served over a bed of wild rice and paired with a crisp green salad.


1. Wash the chicken thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels. Place the chicken in a large baking dish and preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

2. Combine the soy sauce, salt, sugar, MSG, white pepper, sherry and ginger in a small mixing bowl. Rub this mixture over the chicken, reserving 2 tbsp. for the inside of the chicken. Cover and refrigerate for two hours to marinate.

3. Rub the chicken with the canola oil and place it in the hot oven .Cook for 38-45 minutes or until the skin is lightly crispy. Remove the chicken from the oven and cut it into pieces.

4. Heat 2 tbsp. canola oil in a small saucepan until extremely hot. Add the honey, plum sauce, apricot jam and lemon juice to make gravy. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for three to five minutes.

5. Place the chicken pieces on individual serving plates or on a large platter. Garnish with the sliced cucumber, tomatoes and red chilies. Pour the gravy over the chicken or serve on the side.

Tags: plum sauce, over chicken, apricot plum, apricot plum sauce, chicken with, chicken with apricot, Place chicken

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Make A Deviled Egg

Make a Deviled Egg

Easy and inexpensive to make, deviled eggs are a staple at parties and celebrations. These appetizers are versatile and a good option if you have to make an appetizer on short notice. An infinite number of recipe variations means that you can make your recipe special by adding your own extra touches. And making deviled eggs is an easy first cooking experience for kids.


1. Place the 12 eggs in a pot of cold water and use medium heat to bring the water to a boil.

2. Turn off the burner when the water begins to boil and cover the pot with a lid. If you are using an electric stove top, you may want to move the pot to another burner, as electric burners tend to stay hot for some time after being turned off.

3. Set your timer for 12 minutes. When the time has elapsed, carefully pour off the water in the pot and run cold water over the eggs.

4. Keep the eggs in the cold water for 10 minutes. Soaking the eggs in cold water will make them easier to peel.

5. Remove the eggs from the water, carefully crack the shells and peel. If you crack the ends of the eggs first, you may find that it is easier to remove the shells from the rest of the eggs.

6. Cut the eggs in half lengthwise and scoop out the yolks with a teaspoon. Be very careful not to break the egg whites as you remove the yolks.

7. Mash the egg yolks in a bowl and mix them with the mayonnaise, the Dijon mustard and the green onion. If desired, add 1 tsp. of paprika. Depending on your preference, you may prefer to sprinkle the paprika on top of each finished egg rather than including the paprika in the mixture.

8. Scoop the yolk mixture into the cavities of the eggs and serve. If you are not serving the deviled eggs immediately, be sure to refrigerate them.

Tags: cold water, deviled eggs, eggs cold, eggs cold water

Make Low Calorie Margaritas

Traditional margaritas contain many calories.

The margarita is traditionally made using tequila, triple sec and fresh lime juice. It can be served over regular ice, crushed ice or in a frozen mixture. The traditional margarita can have over 180 calories for a 4 oz serving. Normal drinks are 12 oz which increases the calorie count to over 540 calories. The challenge for any low calorie drink is to preserve the taste. Popular margarita mixes are available but only add to the amount of calories in the drink.


1. Be sure to use a high quality tequila for the drink.

Measure 3/4 cup of the light tequila mix in a measuring cup. Pour 1/4 cup tequila on top of the tequila mix.

2. Use a cocktail shaker to mix the margarita.

Pour the tequila and mix into the cocktail shaker. Measure 1/2 cup of Sprite Zero and add to the cocktail shaker.

3. Large ice cubes are preferred for this drink.

Add three tablespoons of lime juice and 6 to 8 large ice cubes to the cocktail shaker. Close the lid to the shaker and gently rotate the shaker. If the shaker is vigorously shaken, the Sprite will foam.

4. Limes or lime juice gives the drink flavor.

Add 4 to 6 large ice cubes to the margarita glass.

5. There are several types of cocktails glasses to use.

Pour the margarita from the cocktail shaker into the margarita glass. Add a straw.

Tags: cocktail shaker, lime juice, margarita glass, over calories, Pour tequila

Make A Kidney Bean Salad

Kidney bean salad is a chilled bean salad recipe that requires little refrigeration. To add a nice touch to the presentation, serve this salad in lettuce cups or on a bed of lettuce. Kidney bean salad stays fresh in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. Read on to learn more.


1. Cook the kidney beans on the stove or in the microwave as directed on the can.

2. Mix the beans and vinaigrette dressing. Place in the refrigerator and chill for 1 hour. Stir the beans occasionally so they soak up the vinaigrette's flavor. While the kidney beans chill, prepare the other items.

3. Peel and slice the onions into rings.

4. Chop the celery and pickles into small cubes.

5. Fry the bacon until crispy. Tear each strip into 1/2-inch or smaller pieces.

6. Drain both cans of olives.

7. Boil the eggs in hot water over high heat for 7 to 10 minutes. Remove the shells from the eggs by cracking the shells and then rubbing them with a wash cloth until the shells are easily removed from the eggs. Dice the eggs into small pieces.

8. Remove the kidney beans from the refrigerator.

9. Mix all of the ingredients together and toss the salad until thoroughly mixed.

Tags: kidney beans, bean salad, from eggs, into small, Kidney bean salad

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Celery Health Benefits

Celery is a popular vegetable that is known for its trademark stalks, which range in size from 12 to 18 inches. They are eaten as a snack, often with a dipping sauce, and are also enjoyed in various salad, soup and entree recipes. While the stalks are eaten more than any other part of the vegetable, celery leaves and seeds are also eaten. All parts of the celery are very healthful and contain a number of beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin C

Celery is an excellent source of vitamin C. This has been proven to fight colds, prevent free radical damage, promote a healthy cardio system and aid in the prevention of arthritis, inflammatory conditions and asthma.


Laboratory tests have shown that celery helps to lower cholesterol in some people. It does this by increasing the secretion of bile acid.

Blood Pressure

Celery has been used in eastern medicine to lower blood pressure, and western science has found it does this thanks to something called pthalides. These relax arterial muscles, allowing blood to be pumped easier throughout the body.

Detox Aid

Celery is rich in both potassium and sodium. These help the body produce more urine, which helps it get rid of waste products quickly, thus cleaning the body out.


Celery has antioxidants known as coumarins. These fight off free radicals, which could cause health problems such as cancer, and they also promote the health of white blood cells.

Tags: does this

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Build A Wine Bar

Wine bars come in many forms. Visit a local wine bar for an enjoyable evening out or take pleasure in owning a personal wine bar. Anything from a small cabinet to a large wet bar can qualify as a personal wine bar, but it always involves having good wine on hand. Build a wine bar and join other connoisseurs who take pride in knowing, storing and sharing excellent wines. Read on to learn more.


1. Know that there is no set template for building a wine bar. Enjoy being creative in designing your own wine bar and express your personality. Decide if you want something elaborate or something simple and easy to maintain. Realize that wine bars can also be portable.

2. Take note you can do-it-yourself (DIY), and if you have the time, supplies and equipment, you can build a wine bar which fills an entire room, or you can take it easy by dedicating and maintaining a small area of a kitchen, dining room, library, bedroom or another area of your home or office as your wine bar.

3. Understand that if you want to keep a lot of wine on hand, you may need a wine cellar. Fine wines stored too long in kitchen areas near food and heat will change, and wines stored on top of refrigerators will ruin. Realize you must maintain a certain temperature to preserve wines, and you must store wines properly on a steady rack or shelf.

4. Start with a wine rack or shelf, what all wine bars have in common. Discover build your own wine rack or caddy by visiting web sites, such as "DIY Network," or purchase a wine rack to include when you build a wine bar. Make your own wine cellar if you want to DIY and keep a lot of wines on hand in a temperature controlled environment.

5. Buy or build wine glass hangers next. Plan to hang wine glasses upside-down in hangers to prevent dust collection. Have enough wine hangers to hold at least a set of wine glasses.

6. Build a basic wine bar setup inside a pre-existing set of sturdy shelves or a small cabinet, or else make a cabinet yourself or design a caddy. Understand you will need nails/screws and strong glue to secure racks and hangers inside any pre-existing piece of furniture or shelves.

7. Begin by placing or building your wine rack inside the bottom portion of a small open cabinet, caddy or set of shelves. Include at least two separate racks and allow enough space for inserting and grabbing each wine bottle. Make sure each wine bottle has its own secure space. Place or build your wine glass hangers next at least 2 feet above the wine racks. Allocate plenty of space between your racked bottles and your wine glasses. Remember your wine glasses will be hanging down.

8. Add a chic table or bar. Attach your wine bar to a table or slide the table beside it or underneath it if the wine bar is properly attached to a wall. Decorate the area and make sure everything is secure and out of the way. Include chairs and accessories. Buy a small refrigerator to add to the area or even a specialized wine refrigerator.

9. Stack your wines in your wine racks after your project is complete and everything is clean, dry, secure and ready to go. Insert your wine glasses into their hangers. Expand your wine bar over time by adding new cabinets, shelves, racks, hangers, refrigerators, tables, chairs and more accessories.

Tags: your wine, wine glasses, wine rack, build wine, your wine glasses, build your, build your wine

Pack A Child'S Lunch

Pack a Child's Lunch

Because kids can be so picky, packing a good lunch for your child can take a great deal of ingenuity. Not only do you have to find healthy, nutritious foods, but the foods have to taste good, too.


Choosing Foods

1. Talk to your kids about what they want to eat, and see if you can reach a compromise between flavor and nutritional value.

2. Pack lunch foods in small portions that are easy to eat. Remember that children have smaller appetites and smaller hands and mouths that may make it difficult to eat large-sized foods.

3. Include foods with varied tastes, textures and colors. Include something salty, something sweet and something sour, and try to have at least one crispy item and one chewy item.

4. Pack a different meal every day, find creative substitutions for items and add something new to the lunch menu every week or two to keep your child from getting bored with his or her lunch.

Packing the Lunch

5. Pack foods either in reusable plastic containers or in disposable plastic sandwich bags to keep everything together and sanitary.

6. Wash all fruits and vegetables before packing.

7. Know which foods need to be refrigerated before packing the lunch. Keep these and all unprocessed foods cold until the time of use.

8. Keep bacteria from developing in the lunch box by keeping cold foods cold and separated from hot foods. This can be done by including ice packages in the lunch box and storing hot foods in insulated containers.

9. Include whatever utensils will be necessary for the meal, along with a napkin.

10. Clean lunch boxes and insulated containers every day. Use baking soda once a week to eliminate odors.

Tags: before packing, Child Lunch, foods cold, insulated containers, Pack Child

Monday, January 14, 2013

Use Jointprotection Techniques To Treat Arrthritis

Use Joint-Protection Techniques to Treat Arrthritis

Those suffering from arthritis often find their joints becoming painful and inflamed. Keeping your joints in good working condition is one way to protect yourself from developing the pain associated with arthritis. If you already suffer from painful arthritic conditions, maintaining healthy joints on a daily basis can help ease your pain. You can use a variety of joint-protection techniques to treat arthritis.


Get Moving to Protect Your Joints

1. Start protecting your joints by moving each joint daily. You will need to identify what your full range of motion is without experiencing pain. Then exercise to this range of motion each day.

2. Keep it easy and don't overdo your movement. Your joint exercises should be performed gently and slowly without any jerking.

3. Respect your joints and recognize when you are in pain. Identify which specific movements cause pain in your joints and avoid that movement or level of activity in the future.

4. Expect that your range of motion may change from day to day and avoid pushing yourself too far.

5. Explore different exercise techniques to find the best form to help you maintain good overall health without damaging your joints. Possible activities might include water walking and water aerobics.

6. Use regularly scheduled brief walks to treat stiff joints during long periods of seated activity such as riding in a car or working at your desk.

Equip Yourself for Healthy Joints

7. Look for products with thick, padded handles to help avoid pinching or clutching household items too tightly.

8. Use a book stand when reading to avoid putting undo pressure on the joints in your hands when reading for long periods of time.

9. Choose a purse with a shoulder strap, instead of something you carry in your hands. For men, choosing a light-load backpack or waist bag is preferable to carrying a heavy satchel or briefcase.

10. Use ergonomic workspace techniques by maintaining the proper height for your work surface and keeping your back and feet firmly supported throughout. Your table or desk should be positioned at a height around two inches below your bent elbow.

11. Use supportive devices if you will be performing fine motor activity with your hands for long periods of time such as typing, sewing or writing. Wrist and forearm supports can provide protection for your joints.

12. Treat yourself to breaks from work at regular intervals throughout the day to help maintain your energy and provide protection for your joints.

Tags: your joints, long periods, range motion, your hands, your joints, help maintain

Make Homemade Chicken Stuffing

Cranberry-Pecan Chicken Stuffing

While it's tempting to turn to a store-bought mix to cook chicken stuffing, you might be surprised to learn just how easy it is to make this dish from scratch. Homemade chicken stuffing is simple to prepare and requires few ingredients. It is an ideal use for leftover chicken, and it can be served as a side dish or a main course. Creating a homemade version of stuffing also allows you to add new flavors based on your family's preferences.


1. Place the skillet on the stove burner over medium-high heat to melt the butter. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease your baking dish with butter or oil.

2. Add the ¾ cup celery and ¾ cup onion to the skillet. Stir to coat in the butter and cook until the onion is translucent and the celery is tender, about seven minutes. Stir in the salt, pepper and poultry seasoning.

3. Pour in the dried bread crumbs and stir to combine with the vegetables. Stir in the chopped parsley.

4. Slowly add the 5 cups of chicken stock until the stuffing is moist, but not wet. If you like drier stuffing, add less stock.

5. Stir the shredded chicken into the stuffing. Transfer the stuffing to the greased baking dish. Spread it evenly in the dish.

6. Bake the stuffing for 15 to 20 minutes until the top is crisp and everything is firm and heated through.

7. Remove the stuffing from the oven and serve it warm. This makes about 10 side dish servings and 6 to 8 main course servings.

Tags: baking dish, Chicken Stuffing, chicken stuffing, main course, side dish

Friday, January 11, 2013

What Is Mold In Cheese

The veins in cheeses such as Stilton are produced by Penecillium roqueforti.

Cheese is formed by processing the curdled milk of a variety of different animals, but mainly cows and goats. The process involves rennet and a variety of microorganisms, including several types of mold. It is the different ratios of these different kinds of mold that give the various cheeses from around the world their unique looks, scents, tastes and textures. The issue of mold in cheese therefore depends on the type of cheese being discussed.

The Facts

Cheese begins as milk that is processed using rennin, the active enzyme in rennet, to separate the curds from the whey. The curds are then separated, drained and packed tightly into molds, where microorganisms begin to grow and spread. Molds either already present in the curds or introduced at this point then grow, breaking down the curds into fats and other chemicals that eventually form the cheese after months or even years of processing.

Penicillium camemberti

The Penicillium camemberti fungus is a common species of mold used in the production of many cheeses from around the world. It is a member of the genus of fungi that also produces the antibiotic medicine penicillin. Penecillium camemberti is responsible for the edible rind that grows around a variety of soft cheeses, including Camembert, from which it gets its name, and brie cheese.

Penicillium roqueforti

The Penecillium roqueforti fungus is a species of mold from the same family as Penicillin and Penicillium camemberti. It gets its name from Roquefort, a variety of tangy, veined cheese. Penecillium roqueforti is responsible for the growth of the veins in Roquefort and other similar cheeses such as Stilton and Danish Blue. It is often injected into the center of a wheel of cheese and allowed to grow outward over time.

Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is a form of mild-tasting cheese which does not contain any additional molds above and beyond what was present in the milk the curds were originally extracted from. As a result, cottage cheese is little more than mostly-drained curds, bearing little resemblance to other cheeses created using the traditional aging process.

Tags: Penecillium roqueforti, Penicillium camemberti, around world, cheeses from, cheeses from around

Healthy Prepackaged Snacks

There are many alternatives to unhealthy snacking that are readily available at your local grocery store.

In today's busy world, it's common to snack on the go, but the difficulty lies in doing so in a healthy manner. While snacking is not necessarily a bad thing, it is preferable to choose healthier foods as an alternative to fatty snacks, according to Netty Levine, RD, CDE, a dietitian and diabetes educator at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. There are many prepackaged options that are suitable for children and adults throughout the day.

Choices for Kids

There are many choices for children's snacking. Yoplait Go-Gurt Smoothies are high in calcium and only 120 calories. They are appealing to children because of the tasty flavors and ease of use.

Clif Bars are another healthy option that come in tasty flavors, such as chocolate brownie, chocolate chip, s'mores and peanut butter. The organic ingredients include 12 essential vitamins and minerals, and the bars have no preservatives or artificial flavors.

Back to Nature Cinnamon Graham Sticks are another good option for prepackaged snacking for children. They have the sweet taste of a graham cracker, but no transfats or saturated fats and are relatively low in sugar.

Adult Choices

Adults need quick snack ideas as well. One alternative to a bag of chips is the 100-calorie snack packs made by Nabisco, Hershey's, Chips Ahoy and more. They are easy to grab and control the portion size. These are found in the cookie aisle at many grocery stores. The options range from Pringles 100 Calorie Packs to the Nabisco 100 Calorie Pack of graham crackers.

South Beach Bars also are healthy snacks. They are a granola bar-type product that provide 10 grams of protein, which will help you feel full. They are available in a variety of flavors and make a quick, healthy snack.

On the Go

Sometimes you need something quick that can be thrown into a purse or work bag to take with you on the go. There are many easy-to-eat prepackaged snack options for this, including granola bars such as the Fiber Plus bars. They are high in fiber, providing a feeling of being full to last you until your next meal.

Rice cakes are another good alternative. With a variety of flavors, they will satisfy a craving and at 60 calories per serving and no fat, won't add to the waistline.

Clif Bars also makes Luna Bars, which are geared toward women because they are high in calcium, folic acid and iron and are a good source of vitamin D. The flavors include berry almond, chocolate chunk and s'mores. They are also available in a mini-bar size.

Healthy Candy

When you have a sweet tooth and nothing will satisfy it but a candy snack, choose healthy prepackaged candy. Hershey's offers sugar-free alternatives to its Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Twizzlers and more. The candy is available in easy-to-carry packages that can be toted around in work bags or purses.

You can still have your chocolate, but keeping it in moderation is a good way to keep it healthy.

Tags: There many, another good, Bars also, Clif Bars, have sweet

Use Glass Bakeware

Baking in an oven tends to be something saved only for celebrations. With the advent of the microwave, most meals are zapped not baked. If you're one of the people that still use your oven, or that makes the occasional meal in the oven, you may be using the glass bakeware that you bought for the microwave.


1. Adjust your oven temperature down 25 degrees when you're using glass bakeware. The glass is a better retainer of heat and so a lower temperature is advisable.

2. Bake without worry. The glass bakeware will not react to acidic mixtures like a normal metal pan would. Use your glass bakeware for any acidic recipes, such as those containing tomatoes or vinegar.

3. Cut a baked cake right in the pan. The glass bakeware doesn't scratch like metal would so you can feel comfortable cutting right in the pan without worry of scratching.

4. Watch out for breakage if you move the glass bakeware too rapidly from very cold to very hot. It's designed for changes in temperatures, but is still stressed by dramatic change. Watch out for times that you might make rapid changes in temperatures.

5. Set the food on the table in the dish you baked it in. Serving directly from the oven to the table can be appealing. Glass bakeware is attractive enough for use on the dining table

6. Cover and store your leftovers right in the bakeware. There isn't any reason to use another container when the glass bakeware is designed for all types of temperatures.

Tags: glass bakeware, changes temperatures, metal would, using glass, using glass bakeware, without worry, your oven

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Identify Chili

Chili is featured at competitions and cook offs across the United States.

Chili is a popular dish that has deep roots in America's culinary history. Chili lovers across the United States show their love for the dish by ever so slightly altering the recipe to create what they believe is the best chili dish there is. Chili is so loved that it is a staple dish at cook offs and competitions. While the types of chili vary from recipe to recipe, the main ingredients of chili in its pure form usually don't change, making it an easily recognizable dish.


1. Identify the basic ingredients. For chili to be chili in its most basic and purest form, according to chili purists, it should contain two staple ingredients--meat or beef of some type and red chili powder--along with spices such as cumin, garlic, and salt.

2. Identify the flavors, texture, and taste. Pure chili has a distinct flavor and taste due to the spices that it is made with. Taste the chili and note the spices and flavors such as garlic, different chiles, such as red chiles, serrano chiles, and ancho chiles, onion, cumin, and salt. The chili should have a thick consistency and texture different from typical soups and more like a stew.

3. Note the toppings and presentation of chili. Chili isn't just served in a bowl, but it's served in many different ways based on the region of the United States in which it is eaten. It can be served in a dish topped with sour cream, cheese and onions, served with crackers, or served in a bread bowl. Chili is also used as a topping for hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries, or served as a sandwich inside a roll or wrap. Cincinnati chili, for example, is served over pasta.

4. Be aware of the different types and variations of chili. While pure chili contains meat and chili peppers or powder, you will come across many different varieties labeled as chili that depart from the basic ingredients held to by chili purists. Such differences are often due to the different regions in which the dish is served. Different types of chili may have added ingredients, such as beans, different types of meat, no meat at all, rice, corn, peanut butter, tofu, corn, brown sugar, grains, tomato paste, and celery. For example, Cincinnati chili contains a unique combination of ingredients that depart from basic chili, including cocoa, chocolate, and cinnamon, while San Antonio chili contains pork shoulder and pork fat.

Tags: chili contains, United States, across United, across United States, basic ingredients

Cranberry Pole Beans

Use heirloom cranberry pole beans for baking and soups.

When mature, red cranberry beans resemble ripe cranberries. Some varieties have creamy-white seeds and pods with red specks. A type of heirloom dry bean, cranberry pole beans originated in Maine and were used by the Abnaki Indians.

Growing Conditions

Cranberry pole beans are a warm-season vegetable. They prefer well-drained soil with a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit or greater. The optimum pH is 5.8 to 7.0. The bean plants do not tolerate frost.


Cranberry pole beans climb trellises. Plant five or six seeds 1 to 2 inches deep in a circle at the base of a 6- to 8-foot trellis. A teepee tripod trellis is one design. An alternative is to plant the seeds 4 to 8 inches apart in rows 24 to 36 inches apart. Use sturdy trellises that can withstand rain and wind. Provide adequate water and a 10-10-10 fertilizer.


Cranberry pole beans require about 60 days to reach maturity. Harvest pods when they are dry and yellow. Crack open the pods and remove the beans. Store the dry beans in a jar.

Tags: Cranberry pole beans, pole beans, Cranberry pole, inches apart, pole beans

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Make Tater Tot Casserole Like Michelle And Jim Bob Duggar (A Recipe As Seen On Tlc'S 17 Kids And Counting)

The Duggars

With a family as large as the Duggars, mother Michelle has to come up with quick, easy, and frugal recipes like her tater tot casserole. Michelle has to prepare meals that will feed her entire family of 19 (soon to be 20!) without putting a strain on the household budget. I've made a couple of adjustments to one of her family's favorites, and altered her measurements altered to feed smaller families like yours. Even though your end product won't feed 19 people, it will still be a hit with your family.


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

2. On your stove, brown the ground meat (turkey or beef). Season according to your family's tastes (salt & pepper, garlic powder, All Season, etc).

3. Drain the fat from the browned meat, and pour it into your 9x13 baking pan.

4. Cover the meat with the still-frozen tater tots, making sure the layer is even.

5. Mix the cans of soup and evaporated milk together.

6. Pour the soup and milk mixture over the top of the casserole. Do not stir. The liquid will drip down on its own while it's baking.

7. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes to one hour. You might be tempted to take it out sooner, but if you do, the tater tots will be soggy and/or raw in the middle.

8. Allow to cool for about 8-10 minutes before serving.

9. Serve with a vegetable and a green salad to make a healthy balanced meal.

Tags: tater tots, your family

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Preserve Fruit With Silica Gel

Experiment with different fruits for your craft projects.

Dried fruits and foliage have long been popular in arrangements and wreaths as well as objects to fill decorative containers. Silica gel is the fastest acting, moisture-absorbing chemical desiccant available. Since silica gel is fast acting, color remains more natural than through other drying methods. While more expensive than most other drying agents, it can be used over and over with proper care. Silica gel is marketed under a wide variety of brand names and can be found in craft stores, floral supply stores, garden supply stores and online. Some are specifically marketed for fruits and vegetables (see Resources).


1. Spread one inch of silica gel on the bottom of a heat safe bowl. Heat on high for one minute in your microwave until the silica gel crystals turn blue. Even if you are just opening your supply of silica, this is a good measure to use.

2. Place your fruit on top of the silica gel taking care that pieces do not touch each other. Check to make sure each piece of fruit is dry and clean. Cover the fruit completely with silica gel.

3. Heat the fruit and silica-filled bowl in your microwave on high for one to three minutes.

4. Let fruit and silica-filled bowl stand 25 minutes. Silica gel will turn blue gray or pinkish gray as it absorbs moisture.

5. Carefully remove fruit from silica gel.

6. Spread the silica gel you have used onto a cookie sheet. Bake in oven at 250 degrees Fahrenheit for one or two hours until it turns blue. Immediately place into your airtight silica container for future use.

7. Mix equal parts of clear lacquer and water. Paint fruit to maintain color. Or, look for products like Fruit and Floral Glaze in craft stores, garden supply stores or floral supply stores to maintain color.

Tags: supply stores, craft stores, floral supply, floral supply stores, fruit silica-filled, fruit silica-filled bowl, garden supply

Make Homemade Onion Rings

You can make onion rings at home with just a little time and effort.

If you like frozen onion rings that you purchase at the store, you might also enjoy those you can make at home. They take only a little time and effort and don't require too many ingredients.


1. First, cut your onions into 1/4-inch-thick slices. Once you finish this step, the rest of the work is pretty simple.

2. In a large bowl, add your buttermilk and onions and allow them to soak for at least 30 minutes. You will need to stir occasionally so that they are covered. Then, in a shallow bowl, beat the eggs and water together. In another bowl, combine the flour, salt and garlic powder. You will then need to drain the excess buttermilk off of your onion rings. Then dip them in your egg mixture. After that, roll them in your flour mixture.

3. In an electric skillet or deep fryer, heat your oil to 375 degrees. You need enough oil to cover the onion ring. Fry only a few at a time so that they do not stick together. Fry for 1 to 1 1/2 minutes or until golden brown. Drain on paper towels to avoid having excess grease. This makes approximately 8 servings.

Tags: little time, little time effort, onion rings, that they, them your, time effort