Friday, September 28, 2012

Smoke Vegetables

Smoked vegetables are easy to prepare and smoking gives them a different taste. You can cook them in your smoker right along with the meat. If you don't want them to taste too smoky, wrap the vegetables in aluminum foil while they cook, suggests "The Field & Stream Wilderness Cooking Handbook."


1. Preheat charcoal or electric smoker.

2. Cut vegetables into slices or chunks. You can use just about any vegetables, such as mushrooms, squash, corn or asparagus. If you can grill a vegetable, you can smoke it and they'll take on a richer, more flavorful quality when you smoke them.

3. Lightly brush the vegetables with oil, then season with salt and pepper.

4. Place vegetables on a baking pan or a perforated grill pan made especially for small items.

5. Place the veggies on the smoker and reduce the heat to low.

6. Check the veggies frequently to make sure you don't overcook them.

7. Remove the vegetables when they are tender.


Smoke Sock Eye Salmon

Salmon is an excellent fish to smoke because it has a thick meaty texture.

Smocked fish has been an ancient practice that enabled societies to store fish throughout winter months. In today's modern world it is still and appreciated way of preparing fish. Smoking fish does not have to be complicated or difficult. Salmon makes for an excellent smoking fish because of it's thick texture and meaty flesh.


Prepare the Fish

1. Scale the salmon with your fillet knife and wipe it down with a damp cloth. Cut the belly of the salmon, slicing from the neck to the tail. Fillet the salmon. Cut into the head of the fish with the fillet knife, cut up to half way, do not push the knife through to the other side. Turn the knife and slice through the fish from head to tail removing the top half of the carcass.

2. Remove the sliced half of the fish to reveal the bright orange salmon flesh you will be using to smoke. Cut off any remaining layers of fat in smooth straight slices. Using pliers remove any remaining pin bones. Wipe the salmon with your hand to reveal the pin bones. Pluck them from the salmon flesh using your pliers. Leave the skin attached.

3. Take the clean salmon fillet with the skin still attached and make thin slices into the salmon flesh. This should be done with the salmon lying horizontally. The strips should be as long as the height of the salmon. The thickness should be similar to that of a candy bar. do not slice off these segments allow the sliced strips to remain attached by the skin.

4. Satisfied with the width of the slices, cut them into separate pieces.

Preparing and applying the Dry or Liquid Brine

5. Pour all of the dry or liquid brine ingredients into your large bowl in any order. Mix the contents of the bowl.

6. Cover the sliced salmon with the brine. For dry brine sprinkle large handfuls of the brine over the fish. For liquid brine douse the fish using the pastry brush.

7. Pour the fish and brine mixture into the glass or plastic bowl and leave it in the refrigerator for six hours.

8. Remove the fish from the brine mixture after the six hours. Rinse in cold water, ensure there is no brine left on the fish. Gently remove any remaining brine take care not to destroy the flesh.

9. Set the fish on the drying rack to dry off at room temperature. Do not disturb.

Smoking the Salmon

10. Insert wood chips and preheat the smoker for 15 minutes. Use chips that will compliment the taste of your fish, alders, rosewood and cherry wood are all recommended.

11. Place fish into the smoker for five to six hours smoking time. Check frequently to see the appearance, texture and colour of the fish.

12. Remove fish once they are of a rich colour and soft texture. Be careful not to over smoke and cause a tough rubbery texture.

Tags: salmon flesh, salmon with, because thick, brine mixture, fillet knife, fish from

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Use Olive Oil To Soften Feet

Use Olive Oil to Soften Feet

Olive oil has been used for hundreds of years as a beauty treatment. Today, olive oil can be used on your feet to soften and smooth them in the comfort of your own home. Use olive oil as a home remedy for dry, cracked feet and add it to your beauty secrets list.


1. Wet your feet. Use a pumice stone or skin file to slough away dead skin cells on your feet.

2. Wash your feet with soap and water. Pat dry with a towel until completely dry.

3. Get extra virgin olive oil. Buy a new bottle of extra virgin oil to use strictly for cosmetic purposes; using portions from your kitchen bottle will suffice, but it's not sanitary if the bottle is transferred between the kitchen and bathroom.

4. Find a clean pair of white, cotton socks.

5. Apply the olive oil liberally to your feet. Massage the oil firmly into your skin by using circular strokes. Pay special attention to problem areas like heels and the balls of feet. Include often-overlooked areas such as the ankles.

6. Allow the olive oil to sink into your skin for a few minutes.

7. Slip the socks on over your oiled feet by rolling the socks down and unfolding them over each foot inch by inch to ensure that the olive oil stays on your skin.

8. Sleep with the socks on. Remove the socks to find softened feet when you awake.

9. Repeat as necessary.

Tags: your feet, your skin, extra virgin, into your, into your skin, Olive Soften

Prepare Dry Chickpeas

Chickpeas retain their shape after cooking.

Chickpeas, also called garbanzo beans, add a nutty flavor to bean salads, soups and layered casseroles. Dried chickpeas are also the primary ingredient in both hummus and falafel. They are low in calories but provide protein, iron and calcium to the diet. Preparation for dried chickpeas is similar to that of other dried beans. The chickpeas require soaking so they can rehydrate, which shortens the cooking time.


1. Rinse the dried chickpeas under cool water.

2. Fill a large pot with 8 cups of water for every pound of dry chickpeas. Place the chickpeas in the pot.

3. Cover the pot and let it sit at room temperature for 12 to 24 hours. The dried chickpeas absorb the moisture and double in size.

4. Empty the pot in a colander, draining off the water. Place the chickpeas back in the pot.

5. Add enough fresh water to cover the chickpeas to a 1 to 2 inch depth. Cover the pot with its lid.

6. Bring to a full boil over medium high heat. Lower the temperature to medium low, bringing the water to a simmer.

7. Simmer the chickpeas for 2 to 3 hours, or until they are tender and cooked through.

8. Add the chickpeas to the recipe or dish of your choice.

Tags: dried chickpeas, Place chickpeas

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Make Smoked Mozzarella And Ricotta Fritter

Smoked mozzarella and ricotta fritters make absolutely delicious appetizers, beginning any meal in great style. The fritters are fried in hot oil, resulting in a succulent fritter that's golden brown and crispy on the outside, with a savory blend of cheeses on the inside.


1. Heat the canola oil to 350 degrees F. Start heating the oil ahead of time so it will be the correct temperature when the fritters are ready to fry.

2. Mix the ricotta cheese, smoked mozzarella cheese, Parmesan cheese, salt, pepper and milk in a large mixing bowl and still well. Beat the eggs lightly in a separate bowl and add them to the cheese mixture.

3. Blend in the baking powder and enough flour to make a thick dough.

4. Place the panko in a shallow dish. Form the dough into fritters and roll the lightly in the panko.

5. Drop the cheese dough into the hot oil carefully and fry the fritters until they're golden, turning them often, for about 2 to 3 minutes.

6. Remove the fritters from the hot oil with a slotted spoon and let them drain on a layer of paper towels for about 5 minutes before serving.

Tags: about minutes, dough into

Make Brown Rice Gratin

More than just a vegetarian dish, brown rice gratin is healthy and versatile. For the vegetarian, it makes an excellent main dish, offering potassium, protein, carbohydrates and a variety of essential vitamins and minerals in one low-calorie dish. For the carnivores of the population, brown rice gratin is a delicious side dish, offering necessary servings of grains and vegetables in a flavor that complements any meat choice. Of course, learning make brown rice gratin is the first step to enjoying this tasty dish at home.


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Using 1 tablespoon of the butter or margarine, lightly grease the baking dish. Be sure to grease the sides, too.

2. Place the water or vegetable stock in the saucepan. Add the salt. Bring to a boil and add the rice. Reduce heat to low and cover. Simmer for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the liquid is absorbed.

3. Heat the remaining 2 tablespoons of butter or margarine in the skillet over medium heat. Add the onions. Cook, stirring constantly, for two minutes, or until the onions are soft and translucent. Add garlic, zucchini, carrots and baby corn. Cook, stirring constantly, for five minutes.

4. Add rice, sunflower seeds, and herbs to vegetables. Mix well. Stir in half of the mozzarella cheese. Salt and pepper to taste. Spoon the mixture into the prepared baking dish.

5. Top the mixture in the baking dish with the breadcrumbs and the remaining cheese. Bake 25 to 30 minutes, or until the cheese turns golden brown. Serve warm.

Tags: baking dish, brown rice gratin, minutes until, rice gratin, brown rice

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Facts Tootsie Pops

Facts About Tootsie Pops

Tootsie Pops are a lollipop with a chewy chocolate center. These candy treats have been on the market for over three quarters of a century and enjoyed by numerous generations. The Tootsie Pop has been the subject of numerous commercials in which individuals try to find out how many licks it takes to get to the center of this candy treat. The answer has never been officially revealed.

Original Flavors

Tootsie Pops only have five original flavors. These original flavors are chocolate flavor, cherry flavor, raspberry flavor, orange flavor, and grape flavor. Each of these original flavors have a center of a traditional chocolate tootsie pop center. The flavor of the center does not change; only the flavor of the outside candy coating changes.

Rotating Flavors

Tootsie Pop has rotated different flavors at various times as a sixth flavor in the manufacturing process. This flavor is in addition to the standard five flavors available. There are only three flavors in rotation as the sixth flavor. Those flavors are lemon-lime, blue raspberry and watermelon. Once again, each of these has the traditional chocolate flavored tootsie center.

Company History

Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc. was formed in the United States in 1896 by Leo Hirshfield. The tootsie candy was named after Mr. Hirsfield's daughter, whose name was Tootsie. The Tootsie Pop itself was first produced in 1931. This was nine years after the company registered with the New York Stock Exchange.

How Many Licks Does It Take?

One of the central themes around Tootsie Pops has been investigating how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. There is no definitive answer to this question. This doesn't mean people have not tried to answer the question, though. Tootsie Industries, Inc. reports that it has received over 20,000 letters telling them how many licks it took for the writer to reach the center of a Tootsie Pop.

Get Certified

If you send a letter to Tootsie Industries, Inc. about how many licks it takes you to reach the center of the Tootsie Pop, you will receive a reward for your effort. That reward is a certificate issued by Tootsie Industries, Inc. called "The Clean Stick Award," and it is an actual paper certificate that is mailed to you.

Tags: Tootsie Pops, center Tootsie, licks takes, many licks, many licks takes

The Difference Between Greek Yogurt & American Yogurt

Yogurt is a source of protein, calcium and healthy bacteria. Eating yogurt regularly can improve digestion and provide a sweet low-calorie snack or breakfast when eaten with fruit or granola. Greek yogurt is available in the United States at health food stores and some grocery stores. It is much thicker and tangier than American yogurt.


American yogurt is made from cow's milk and the whole milk variety contains about 3.5 percent milkfat, according to the Ochef website. American yogurts may contain added fruit, sugar or corn starch. In contrast, Greek yogurt is traditionally made with sheep's milk. It contains about 5 percent milkfat. Greek yogurt made from cow's milk contains about 9 percent milkfat. Although some commercial Greek yogurts are flavored with vanilla, fruit or honey, traditional Greek yogurt is unsweetened.


Greek yogurt is much thicker and creamier than American yogurt because it is strained to remove the liquid whey. Greek yogurt is about as thick as sour cream or cream cheese and it contains more protein and fewer carbohydrates per serving than American yogurt. Greek yogurt is generally made with whole milk and it contains more fat and calories than American yogurt.


Traditional Greek yogurt tastes much tangier than American yogurt. Compared to Greek yogurt, American yogurt is very mild. American yogurt is also much sweeter than Greek yogurt. The taste of Greek yogurt can take some getting used to, so try adding fruit, honey or granola to your Greek yogurt.

Do It Yourself

Plain Greek yogurt is available at health food stores and in some mainstream grocery stores. If you want to make it yourself, put one to two cups of regular yogurt into a square of cheesecloth, tie the corners together and place in a colander over a large bowl. Leave the yogurt this way for an hour or two or until the yogurt has thickened as much as you want.

Tags: Greek yogurt, Greek yogurt, than American, than American yogurt, American yogurt

Reconstitute Dried Porcini Mushrooms

Fresh porcini mushrooms do not have the same long shelf life of dried porcini.

Exotic porcini mushrooms do not last long in storage in a fresh state, but dried, they can be kept almost indefinitely in a cool, dry pantry. Drying concentrates the flavor of porcini mushrooms, which have a richer flavor than common button mushrooms. You will not need the same volume measure of dried mushrooms as fresh. Replace each pound or 6 cups of fresh mushroom with 3 oz of dried porcini mushrooms, according to The Cook's Thesaurus.


1. Measure out the amount of dried porcini mushrooms needed for your recipe on a kitchen scale. Replace each cup of fresh porcini in your recipes with ½ oz. of dried mushrooms.

2. Pour warm water over the dried porcini mushrooms.

3. Soak the mushrooms for 20 to 30 minutes or until they expand in size.

4. Drain the soaking broth off of the reconstituted porcini mushrooms and save this mushroom broth for flavoring soups and sauces.

5. Use your reconstituted porcini mushrooms as you would fresh in any recipe requiring these Italian mushrooms.

Tags: porcini mushrooms, dried porcini, dried porcini mushrooms, dried mushrooms, reconstituted porcini, reconstituted porcini mushrooms

Monday, September 24, 2012

Make Crock Pot Roast Beef

Crock pot meals are the best meals you can make. They may take a long time, but the prep time is very minimal. A crock pot roast beef will be much more tender than one baked in the oven, especially if you use a cheaper cut of beef.


Make Crock Pot Roast Beef

1. Turn your crock pot on to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Slice the bacon into thirds. Cook the bacon in the crock pot until the fat is translucent.

2. Add the roast. Season the roast with salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, and just a touch of cayenne pepper. Cook the roast until it is brown on both sides (about 20 minutes each side).

3. Add about 8 cups of water. Let the beef simmer in the water for six hours. If it starts to boil, you can turn down the temperature to about 300 degrees Fahrenheit. If the water evaporates more than two inches, add a bit of water.

4. If you want a thicker gravy, scoop out about 1/2 cup of the broth and place it into a bowl. Add 1 tablespoon cornstarch to the bowl and whip until there are no lumps. While stirring the crock pot broth, add the cornstarch mixture to the ingredients in the crock pot.

5. Wash the potatoes, carrots and onions. Add in the potatoes skin-on. Depending on the size, you can either leave them whole or cut them in half. Cut the carrots into thirds and add the carrots. Peel and cut the onions into six pie shaped pieces. Add the onions.

6. If you added the cornstarch, turn the temperature up to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Let the broth in the crock pot come to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes. Turn the temperature back down to about 325 degrees Fahrenheit. Let simmer for one and a half to two hours. Vegetables should be soft when pricked with a fork.

Tags: degrees Fahrenheit, about degrees, about degrees Fahrenheit, Crock Roast, Crock Roast Beef

Friday, September 21, 2012

What Is Saffron Sauce

It takes an experienced cook to make a good saffron sauce for fish, seafood, meat or fruit. The sauce is made like a white sauce using broth, fish stock or heavy cream. Its bright yellow color comes from the saffron, which also serves to flavor and add aroma to your recipe.


Saffron comes from the female parts of the crocus sativus. These look like three thin bright yellow threads growing in the middle of each flower in the fall. The flower is native to Asia Minor. Very expensive to gather, saffron comes either as a powder or in its original state, threads. To flavor about ten pounds of rice, you only need about a fourth of a teaspoon of saffron.

Using Saffron Threads

Most recipes for saffron sauces call for the threads, not the powder. In order for the threads to produce the most color, flavor, and aroma, you have to soak them in warm liquid for about an hour before cooking them over direct heat. You can, however, substitute a pinch of saffron powder, adding it directly to the sauce as it boils.

Saffron Fish Sauce

To make a saffron sauce for fish, squid, or other types of seafood, soak a teaspoon of saffron threads in 1 1/4 cups of warm fish stock for about an hour. Then toast three teaspoons of flour in six teaspoons of melted butter. When the flour is golden brown, add the liquid in which the saffron has been soaking. Stir to combine the ingredients and continue stirring until the mixture boils. It will thicken as it cooks. Add salt to taste and serve the saffron sauce hot over hot fish.

Saffron Sauce for Meat

To make a saffron sauce to serve over veal or pork meatballs, start by soaking a teaspoon of saffron threads in a cup of warm chicken broth for an hour. Mince a small onion. Then fry the onion in a quarter cup of olive oil before dumping in three teaspoons of flour. When the flour is toasted to an even golden color, pour in the broth in which the saffron has been soaking. Add one-fourth of a cup of white wine. Then, stir as the saffron sauce cooks until it thickens and begins to boil. Pour it over your main dish, meatballs, which you can serve with rice or pasta.

Saffron Sauce for Stewed Fruit

Stewed apples or peaches can be embellished with a sweet saffron sauce. Soak a teaspoon of saffron threads in two cups of heavy cream that is at room temperature. Leave it soaking for an hour. Add a quarter cup of amaretto liqueur to the cream. Place one-quarter cup of unsalted butter in a saucepan. Let it melt. Then stir in one half cup of granulated sugar and three teaspoons of flour. When the mixture is thoroughly combined, pour in the cream mixture in which the saffron has been soaking. Stirring constantly, bring it to a boil. It will thicken as it cooks. Pour it hot over hot or cold stewed fruit. You can even decorate the dessert with a fresh mint leaf for fun.

Tags: saffron sauce, teaspoon saffron, been soaking, saffron been, saffron been soaking, saffron threads

How Is Celery Juice Good For The Body

How Is Celery Juice Good for the Body?

Celery, the crunchy pale green vegetable, yields a delicious and healthful juice that provides many benefits and is nutritious.

Vitamins and Minerals

Celery juice is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C, as well as folic acid, iron and potassium. Celery juice has some of the fiber present in whole celery, which is beneficial for the digestive system.

Celery juice is also fat-free and has only 15 calories per serving. Since celery is high in water content, celery juice contains a lot of water and contributes to overall water intake for the day.


Celery juice contains cancer-preventing compounds called acetylenics, coumarins and phenolic acids. It also helps to lower bad blood-cholesterol levels.

Internal Relief

Celery juice contains potassium and sodium so it is a mild diuretic, which helps rid the body of excess fluids. The juice helps to flush the kidneys of toxins and prevents the formation of kidney stones. It also prevents the formation of gallstones and urinary tract infections. Sufferers of asthma, gout, rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases can find relief with celery juice, which calms inflammation and promotes healing.

Sometimes whole celery can be irritating to the stomach and intestines, particularly because of the high fiber content. In this case, celery juice is a perfect substitute because there is much less fiber to irritate the digestive system. Celery juice is also gentle enough to drink daily and to give to children.


Drinking a glass of celery juice between meals will soothe and cool the body and also help control appetite. It is also useful to incorporate celery juice into cooking since celery does not lose its beneficial properties and nutrients when heated. Celery juice is also a wonderful substitute for other vegetables for those with poor teeth or dentures. If pure celery juice is unpleasant for you, you can mix it with another juice such as pineapple, apple, grapefruit or papaya. This will also increase the vitamin content, especially the vitamins A and C.

Tags: Celery juice, celery juice, Celery juice also, juice also, juice contains, celery juice

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Preserve A Cactus

Preserve a cactus by replanting in new soil after purchasing.

When preserving a cactus plant, you need to ensure it has adequate drainage to keep the roots from rotting. Small pebbles sprinkled deep into the soil keep moisture from pooling around the roots. Although cactus can survive long stretches without watering, it still requires regular soil examination so the ground area does not dry out completely. Light is also important to the preservation of the cactus, but surprisingly, the plant requires acclimation to the sun's rays before it can withstand direct sunlight.


1. Replant a new cactus in rich, black topsoil along with small pea gravel. Remove the cactus from the container by pulling it up gently using a gloved hand.

2. Pour a 1- to 2-inch layer of pea gravel in the bottom of the plant container. Place topsoil on top of the gravel. Do not mash the soil into the pot as you want tiny spaces for water and oxygen to hide within the soil. Fill the container, leaving 1 to 2 inches from the top. If planting outside, dig a hole 6 inches deep. Sprinkle a layer of pea gravel inside the hole and fill with the topsoil.

3. Dig a small hole in the middle of the pot or the ground with your hand. Lay the cactus roots gingerly into the hole and cover with the soil. Lightly press the soil around the base of the cactus to help brace the plant.

4. Pour 1/8 of a cup of water slowly into the potted container or around the cactus in the ground. For a large outdoor cactus double or triple the amount of water. Allow the water to soak into the soil. The next day, stick your index finger 1 inch deep into the soil. If the end of your finger feels dry, add 1 to 2 tbsp. of water or more for a larger cactus. An inside cactus does not need as much watering as an outdoor plant because of weather factors such as wind, so test your outside cactus at least every two to three days in the dry season.

5. Place a new cactus in an area with bright light, but not direct sunlight so it adapts to the sun slowly. Cactus can sun burn just like the human skin, according to the Texas A&M University.

Tags: into soil, deep into, deep into soil, direct sunlight, layer gravel

Make Massage Oils Water Dispersive Or Watersoluble

Use water and water-based lubricants to make water-dispersive massage oils.

The expression "like oil and water" is used to describe things or people that are simply repellent for a reason: oil and water, frankly, don't mix. However, this doesn't mean there aren't a few workarounds for this chemical dilemma. If you have massage, aromatherapy or essential oils, you can use water or water-based lubricants to make them more water-dispersive. Oils, however, are not water soluble.


1. Make an emulsion. An emulsion is a mixture of two liquids that cannot be blended, such as oil and water. Fill a clean and dry glass container with a small amount of room-temperature water, preferably distilled or purified. Begin with about one fluid ounce of water. Add one to three drops of aromatherapy/massage/essential oil to the water and blend vigorously with a whisk. The essential oil will continue to be suspended in the water as long as the emulsion is occasionally agitated. The oil and water will separate if left to settle but can be emulsified once again simply by stirring. Dab a small amount of the emulsion onto pressure points for a quick and additive-free perfume.

2. Blend massage oils or essential oils into unscented, water-based personal lubricant to make a massage oil that's much easier to wash off. For a body massage covering a large expanse of skin, squeeze a tube of unscented personal lubricant, such as KY Jelly, into a clean and dry class container. Add a few drops of essential or massage oil, one to three drops at a time, and mix the two together with a glass stirrer or slim spoon until the lubricant is as strongly scented as you want it to be. The lubricant will suspend the scented oil more easily than water, and the resulting mixture can be warmed in a microwave to make it appropriate for personal massage.

3. Wash off the scented lubricant or emulsion with soap and water. Because of the presence of the oil, neither solution will be entirely removed with water alone. For completely water-soluble scent solutions, mix alcohol-based scents and perfumes with personal lubricant. The physical chemistry of essential oils, and other oils used in massage and aromatherapy mean that they cannot be totally dissolved in water.

Tags: essential oils, personal lubricant, lubricants make, massage aromatherapy, massage oils, small amount

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Make Shrimpstuffed Bell Peppers

Bell peppers stuffed with shrimp are a favorite Lenten dish in the South.

Whether served as an appetizer or a main course, stuffed bell peppers are an all-around favorite. However, in the South, there's a variation of the dish that uses bread stuffing and shrimp instead of the more traditional style, which uses rice and ground meat. The former seems to better absorb the sweet flavor of the pepper itself.


1. Add chopped vegetables and melt stick of butter in skillet on medium-high heat. Stir vegetables in until they begin to soften or become sauteed.

2. Add a dash of Tabasco sauce and then add the shrimp into the heated mix. Stir thoroughly, allowing the shrimp to turn a bright orange.

3. Add 3 cups of water and the stuffing into the mix. Stir it in very well. Reduce heat to low.

4. Add sage, thyme and gumbo file (derived from the sassafras plant as a food thickener). The file lends a nice flavor to the shrimp and natural juices of the pepper.

5. Remove from heat and allow 15 minutes to cool. Then, use a spoon to scoop the mixture into the hollow bell peppers. Place the six stuffed peppers on a baking pan and bake on 350 degrees for approximately 45 minutes or until the stuffing protruding from the top of the peppers has turned golden brown.

Tags: bell peppers

Shape The Sheet Cake

A sheet cake usually doesn't come out of the oven perfectly, regardless of how skilled a baker you are. To make a perfectly shaped sheet cake, you need to do some shaping after it's baked. Once the cake is frosted, nobody will ever know that you shaped it.


1. Remove your sheet cake from the pan carefully by inverting the pan onto a tray. You can only see its flaws if it's on a flat surface outside the pan.

2. Evaluate the shape of your sheet cake. Sheet cakes often dip in the middle and rise higher at the sides or corners, though sometimes the center rises higher. You may also see a flare at the sides of your sheet cake.

3. Cut a piece of parchment paper to the size of the sheet cake pan. Place the paper in the bottom of the pan. Return the sheet cake to the pan by placing the pan over the cake on the tray and flipping it over.

4. Move your eye level down to the top of the cake to more accurately see where your cake is too high. Use a serrated knife to cut off any higher parts of your cake, sawing the knife back and forth gently to make sure you don't rip your cake.

5. Return the cake to the tray to check the edges of your sheet cake for uneven or flared sides.

6. Cut each side straight using the same sawing motion as you used for the top. Your goal is to achieve a cake with perpendicular sides.

Tags: your sheet cake, sheet cake, sheet cake, your sheet, your cake, cake tray

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pickle Banana Peppers

Use fresh banana peppers for quality taste.

A great way to preserve the taste and quality of your banana peppers is to pickle them in canning jars. Canning banana peppers lets you eat them throughout the year, and pickling enhances and preserves their strong flavor. Named after their similarity in appearance to the banana, these peppers are prepared in a variety of ways. Pickling your own banana peppers proves rewarding because they stay fresh for a long time, and it helps to preserve their color, texture and taste better than placing them in the freezer.


1. Select the ripest banana peppers in your bunch. Discard soft peppers and peppers with imperfections, such as discolorations. Peppers measuring 1 to 1¼ inches in diameter tend to work the best.

2. Wash the peppers under warm water. This removes any dirt, debris or pesticides that rest on the surface.

3. Sanitize the canning jars. Place the jars, lids and rings in a large pot of boiling water and boil them for 10 to 15 minutes.

4. Pour white vinegar into a pan. Place the pan over medium-high heat. You will need 2 cups of white vinegar for each jar of banana peppers.

5. Sit the rack in the bottom of the pressure canner. Add 2 to 4 inches of hot water into the canner, and place it over low heat. Leave the lid off the pressure canner, and follow the directions that came with your pressure canner to know what setting to use.

6. Cut the banana peppers into small round sections. Keep the sections no larger than an inch wide. Remove the seeds and stems from the peppers.

7. Blanch the banana peppers in boiling water. Bring a pot of water to a boil, and allow the peppers to blanch for three minutes. Pour them in a colander to drain, and sit a bowl underneath to catch the water. Pour this water back into the pot, and set it on the stove top to bring it to a boil.

8. Add the banana peppers to the canning jars. Leave 1 inch of head space at the top.

9. Pour 2 cups of the white vinegar into each canning jar. Still keep 1 inch of head space on top of the canning jars. Top each jar off with boiling water, and add ½ tsp. of salt to each jar. Place the canning jar lids on top, and screw on the rings.

10. Sit the canning jars in the pressure canner. Add water to the canner if the water dropped below 3 inches, and then place the lid on top without the weight or valve open.

11. Let the canner steam for 10 to 15 minutes. Once the steam stops coming from the pressure canner, replace the valve or close the vents.

12. Follow the directions that came with your pressure canner. Typically, banana peppers will need canned at 10 pounds of pressure, but it depends on your altitude. They will need 10 to 20 minutes of processing time, also depending on your altitude.

13. Remove the pressure canner from the heat. Allow the pressure to drop to zero, and then remove the weight or open the vent to remove the lid. Allow the jars to cool, and check to make sure that they sealed properly. Press down one each lid, and if you hear a popping or clicking sound, they will need processed again with new lids in the pressure canner.

Tags: pressure canner, banana peppers, canning jars, banana peppers, will need, boiling water

Monday, September 17, 2012

Cook Cutlets


Cutlet" refers to a few dishes, mostly cuisines fried in batter or bread crumbs. The most common cutlet is just a thin cut of meat---especially pork or veal. These dishes take only a couple minutes to fry up and offer the chef many variations of prepare it. This article will describe cook a pork cutlet the right way: seared on the outside and juicy on the inside. This basic preparation also goes great with veal, beef and poultry cutlets.


1. Heat the pan to medium-high. Pour about two tablespoons of olive oil, or enough to cover the pan. Take the cutlets out of the package and set aside any liquid left over in the package. Rub the pork with salt, pepper and seasonings. Be fairly generous, but put no more than two teaspoons on one cutlet. Don't let the cutlets dry out with too much seasoning. If they feel dry, pat them with a little water.

2. Lay the cutlets in the oil and let sear for two minutes. Turn the pork over. There should be some bits of the cutlet stuck to the pan. Let the other side sear for two minutes.

3. Pour any water from the package into the pan. Pour enough water to submerge the cutlets. Scrape the bottom of the pan to get any and all drippings off and bring the water to a boil.

4. Let the water boil away until thick, but not evaporated, so that it covers half the cutlet in liquid. Remove cutlets from heat and serve.

Tags: sear minutes, water boil

Pick Amarone Wine

One of the most beloved and famed Italian wines, Amarone is big, rich, dark and dry, and will knock you over (in a good way) with its full bodied-flavors. Once you try Amarone, it will be love at first sip.


1. Amorone is made in Veneto, the same region that makes Valpolicella. The wine's full name is Amarone della Valpolicella.

2. Understand what makes Amarone special. Once the grapes are picked from the vine, they are laid to rest for three to four months in a well-ventilated room. This concentrates the flavor of the grapes, lending to the big bold flavors of Amarone.

3. Learn how Amarone tastes. The flavors of lush, dark fruits are evident in both the smell and taste of the wine. Amarone strikes a perfect balance among tannin, alcohol and acidity.

4. Discover Amarone Classico. To be labeled Classico, the wine must be produced in the original Valpolicella Appellation. Amarone Classicos are considered to be of higher quality than simple Amarones.

5. Let it breathe. Whether young our old, this wine requires breathing to allow the complex flavors to open up.


Make A Frozen Daiquiri

The original daiquiri, invented in the late 1800s, is a lime-based rum drink. Named after a beach near Santiago, Cuba, there are many variations of the frozen daiquiri with the more-popular flavors being fruit-based. The drink is so popular that it even has its own holiday. You don't have to wait until National Daiquiri Day on July 17 to enjoy a delicious homemade frozen daiquiri.


1. Place the cocktail glass in the freezer to keep it cool. Although this step isn't necessary, it can help keep the finished frozen daiquiri cold.

2. Make simple syrup by boiling two parts sugar to one part water. Boil for about 10 minutes. Make sure to cool the simple syrup before you use it.

3. Fill the blender with the ice. Add the rum, lime juice and simple syrup. Blend the ingredients on medium speed for about 15 seconds.

4. Add a handful of your favorite fruit for additional color or sweetness. Nice choices of fruit include strawberries, pineapple, bananas or peaches. Blend for an additional 15 seconds on medium speed. Make sure the mixture is creamy.

5. Remove the glass from the freezer, and pour frozen daiquiri contents into the glass. Serve with a straw and a lime wedge or a slice of fruit.

Tags: frozen daiquiri, simple syrup, Make sure, medium speed

Friday, September 14, 2012

Make 10 Minute Spicy Garlic Chili

Make 10 minute Spicy Garlic Chili

When you want to throw together a meal in just a few minutes, this can seem like an impossible task, and many of us just resort to throwing a frozen dinner in the microwave, making a quick sandwich, or perhaps just pouring a bowl of cereal. As it happens, though, there are quite a few tasty dishes that require very little time in the kitchen, but taste just as good as anything you've spent hours to create. When it comes to quick recipes for spice lovers, you just can't beat this garlic chili that takes just ten minutes to cook.


1. Peel and chop the onion and the garlic cloves. Slice open the chile and remove the ribs and seeds before mincing if you don't want all of that heat--if you really like spicy food, though, you can just go ahead and mince the chile, seeds and ribs and all.

2. Brown the ground beef in a skillet. Stir in the chopped onion, garlic and chile and cook until the onion is soft.

3. Drain and rinse the kidney beans, adding them to the skillet along with the tomato sauce and water. Stir in the chili powder, salt, black pepper and cayenne.

4. Bring the chili to a boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer. Cook for 10 minutes.

5. Serve the chili hot. You may top it to taste with sour cream, chopped onions, shredded jack or cheddar cheese, pickled jalapenos, or any other chili toppings you enjoy. If you want to give it a little more substance, you can serve the chili over saltine crackers or tortilla chips or even ladle it over cooked rice or noodles.

Tags: Garlic Chili, just minutes, onion garlic, Spicy Garlic, Spicy Garlic Chili

List Of Wisconsin Cheeses

You will not find a bigger, better variety of cheese anywhere else in the country.

Wisconsin is known as "the Dairy State" for a reason. With over 35 percent of the nation's cheese produced mostly by factories owned and operated by local Wisconsin families, this state takes cheese very seriously, and it shows in the award-winning varieties that are found there. With a list of factories too long to list, visitors and residents alike can embark on tours and tasting events almost any day of the week--and often leave with a variety of uniquely delicious cheeses to take home.


Pronounced "Ko-tee'ha," this often crumbled or grated Mexican-style cheese is similar to Parmesan, with a sharp and slightly salty taste. Wisconsin artisans have been producing Cotija for years, and chefs often use it as not only an ingredient but a dish-finishing spice as well. Serving suggestions include sprinkling the grated cheese on soups and salads or pairing the intense flavor with meats, lager beers, and red wines. This variety of hard cheese can be purchased in wheels, loaves, pieces, and in pre-grated bags.


Pronounced "Huh-var'-tee," this pale yellow, creamy Wisconsin cheese is firmer and more buttery than other varieties made elsewhere. Producers often add flavors such as dill, caraway, or pesto, making it a versatile accompaniment for sandwiches, fruit, poultry, and fruity wines. Havarti melts into a wonderful creamy sauce that is perfect for fondue or pasta but will hold up nicely on a buttery grilled cheese sandwich. Sold in loaves or small pieces, slicing is made easy if it is kept chilled.

Baby Swiss

Although Baby Swiss is a popular variety of cheese produced all over the United States, Wisconsin artisans use whole milk rather than the traditional skimmed milk, creating a creamier and more buttery texture. This silky product is ideal for melting on a Reuben or inside an omelet and goes well with a variety of fruits and meats, as well as white and red wines. Available in smoked, organic, sweet, and Kosher varieties, Baby Swiss has a shorter aging process and is produced and packaged in smaller sizes than other Swiss varieties.


Brick is a smooth, ivory-colored cheese that is original to Wisconsin. Developed by John Jossi in 1877, this variety got its name from not only its shape but the method of pressing the moisture out of the cheese, using bricks. Depending on the age, brick varies in flavor from mild to sweet and nutty to even pungent and is great for dishes that call for a creamy, melted cheese, such as macaroni and cheese or potatoes au gratin. Also a favorite for sandwiches, brick provides a great pairing with dark breads, porter, or bock lager beers and light red wines. Sold in loaves and small pieces, this is also a cheese that slices best when chilled, and if you have purchased a washed-rind variety, be sure to remove the bitter rind as it is not meant to be consumed.

Tags: Baby Swiss, cheese produced, cheese that, lager beers, loaves small

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Crafts With Decorative Bottles

Store flavored vinegar in a beautiful bottle.

Glass bottles come in all shapes, sizes and colors. They can be used as decorative items on a shelf for their unique shape and color. But a better use for them is to turn them into something useful as well as beautiful. Use them to store spices, flavored vinegars or liquors, turn them into reed diffusers, vases or oil lamps or use them to hold homemade gift items like candles or baking mixes. By putting just a little more effort into it, you can make beautiful craft items out of decorative bottles.

Decorating a Bottle

Bottles can be painted with glass paint.

There are numerous ways to decorate a plain bottle. You can use Mod Podge to glue on scrapbook paper, gift wrap or pretty pictures, or just decoupage on tissue paper and then seal with another coat of Mod Podge. The bottle can be painted with glass paint to add color, or have ribbon or raffia wrapped around it and tied to decorate. Lids can also be decorated by painting them or covering them with decorative paper.

Candles in a Decorative Wide-mouth Bottle

Crayons can be melted down to make candles.

Candles are a perfect match for a wide-mouth bottle or jar. Decorate the bottle by gluing on tissue paper with Mod Podge, then adding another topcoat of Mod Podge to seal. Place a votive candle in the wide-mouthed bottle.

For a winter look, decoupage a winter scene from a greeting card or book to the front of the bottle or jar. Seal with a topcoat of Mod Podge. Mix white acrylic paint, Mod Podge, ginger and cinnamon together and apply the mixture around the outside of the bottle or jar and on the edges of the image. When the candle is lit, the scene will be illuminated.

You can also melt down an old candle and wick, then pour the melted wax in a bottle and insert the wick to make a candle. Crayons can also be melted down to make candles.

Homemade Bath Salts

Fill a decorative bottle or jar with homemade bath salt.

A gift of homemade bath salts in a decorative bottle or jar is always in season. You can add aromatherapy as well by adding fragrance. Start with Epsom salts or sea salt, food coloring, glycerine (optional) and essential oils like mandarin orange, lavender, sandalwood or patchouli. Do not use baking soda, as it can make the mixture explode. Fill a decorative bottle or jar with your salt mix and it's ready to give as a gift or to embellish your home bathroom and bath.

Lava Lamp Bottle

Use a glass bottle with a lid or cork to make a lava lamp bottle.

A fun item to make and give is a lava lamp bottle, where colored blobs of oil float around in a bottle. You'll need 3/4 cup cooking oil, 1/2 tbsp. powdered tempera in the color of your choice, water, a funnel and a bottle (wavy bottles are fun) with a sealable lid. Mix the oil and tempera and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Use the funnel to pour the colored mixture into the bottle. Then use the funnel to fill the bottle the rest of the way with water. Seal it tightly with the lid. As you tilt the bottle back and forth, the lava mix will crash against the sides and is fun to watch.

Tags: bottle with, decorative bottle, decorative bottle with, down make, down make candles, Fill decorative

Stuff An Olive With Jalapeno

Stuffing an olive with jalapeno provides an explosive burst of heat, followed by a salty spray that cools the mouth. Here is a great jalapeno stuffed olive recipe.


1. Go to the store and purchase a jar of large Spanish green olives. The larger the size of each olive, the easier it is to stuff. Also buy a jar of jalapenos. You will find these next to the pickles, olives and salad dressing. You may also buy fresh jalapenos for an extra hot kick.

2. Place each olive in between the pitter and squeeze. The olive pit will pop right out. Discard the pit.

3. Cut the jalapenos you purchased into small circles. If you like, you may remove the seeds to make the peppers slightly less hot. Do not rub your eyes during this process before giving your hands a good washing.

4. Place the sliced jalapeno into each pitted olive. You may use a toothpick to help expand the hole on the olive if you are having trouble.

5. Return the stuffed jalapeno olives into the olive jar. Store them in the juice to marinate the olives and place in the fridge. Your jalapeno stuffed olives will keep for 2 months.

Tags: each olive, jalapeno stuffed

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Diets Low In Cholesterol

Contrary to popular opinion, cholesterol is not bad. It's too much cholesterol that's the killer. Cholesterol is a wax-like substance found in the body's cells that runs through everyone's bloodstream. Believe it or not, cholesterol is a key to good health, as it produces membranes and assists in other functions. But having too much can lead the heat disease (the No. 1 killer in America) and stroke. The good news is, most of the time, your cholesterol level can be controlled through your diet.

Where to Begin

The first step in lowering cholesterol is avoiding breaded and fried foods of any type. That includes French fries, whole eggs, bacon, sausage and double cheesburgers topped with mayonnaise and other high-fat condiments. Smoking is another cause of high cholesterol, as is an inactive lifestyle.

Say Goodbye to Sodium

Besides eliminating fried foods, and possibly quitting smoking and starting an exercise program, you will want to pay close attention to your sodium intake if you're trying to lower cholesterol. This really boils down to reading labels and cutting back on pure salt, as well as condiments such as steak sauce, pickles and olives. Experts suggest limiting your salt intake to 2,300 g per day, and even aiming for a number somewhere closer to 1,800 g per day.

Starting the Day

People on low-cholesterol diets are encouraged to eat as much fruit, vegetables and other sources of fiber as they wish. A breakfast of low-fat or fat-free cottage cheese with a slice of whole-grain toast and an apple or strawberries would be a good way to start the day. Also, oatmeal is considered one of the best cholesterol-lowering foods there is.

Have a Snack

Even people on low-cholesterol diets would be wise to eat at four or five smaller meals, as opposed to the traditional big three of breakfast, lunch and dinner. More meals help keeps glucose levels up and provides energy. So grab an apple or orange (or both) after breakfast and lunch to keep your spirits high and cholesterol levels low.

Go Green for Lunch

When it comes lowering your cholesterol, you can't go wrong with bread, rice and pasta. Provided, of course, you watch the sodium in the sauce. You also should eat between three to five servings of fruits and vegetables per day, so get used to eating one or the other at every meal. A good lunch, therefore, would be a big salad with leafy greens, carrots, cucumbers, and even some broccoli. Just make sure to go light on the cheese and dressing.

Fish for Dinner

Doctors who treat patients with high cholesterol typically recommend at least two servings of fish per week. That's because fish such as salmon and trout contain Omega-3 acids that actually lower your risk of a heart attack. But remember, make sure the fish is not fried. Instead, broil, grill or bake it and add lemon juice for flavor. Add steamed veggies on the side and some low-fat yogurt for dessert.

Tags: high cholesterol, breakfast lunch, fried foods, low-cholesterol diets, make sure, your cholesterol

Make Healthy Breakfast Meals

A healthy breakfast is the best way to start your day. Studies show that it improves concentration, sharpens problem-solving skills and lifts your spirits. People who consistently enjoy a healthy breakfast benefit from an increase in the daily intake of important vitamins and minerals, a reduction of fat and cholesterol, better weight control and a reduced risk of heart disease.


1. Forget the sugary pastries and cereals. They may give you a quick start but usually leave you sluggish and tired by mid-morning. They're also deficient in the important minerals, vitamins and protein that you need to start your day off right.

2. Create a breakfast meal combination, which includes at least three of the recommended foods groups. Refer to the U.S.D.A. food pyramid for helpful nutritional information when planning your healthy breakfast meals.

3. Choose a variety of foods consisting of whole grains, low-fat protein, dairy and fruit. When you include a complex carbohydrate, protein and a small amount of fat in your morning meal, you won't experience those feelings of hunger a few hours into your day.

4. Think about non-traditional breakfast ideas. Leftover vegetable pizza, a baked potato or tortilla filled with vegetables and cheese, or fresh fruit topped with yogurt and a crunchy granola cereal are some good choices for a nutritious morning meal.

5. Make a breakfast smoothie by blending equal amounts of yogurt, milk and 1/2 tsp. of vanilla. Add your favorite fruit to the mix and enjoy your drink with a slice of whole grain toast.

Tags: healthy breakfast, morning meal, start your

Roast Pistachios

Roast Pistachios

Pistachios are nuts related to cashews. They can be soaked in salt brine and roasted at home, with minimal time and effort, resulting in a delicious snack. Pistachios are a wonderful source of protein, making them a favorite of vegetarians. They are also high in potassium, and when unsalted, low in sodium. This recipe yields approximately 8 to 10 cups of roasted pistachios.


1. Pour 1/2 cup of warm water from the tap into a small mixing bowl. Add 6 tsp. of table salt to the water and allow it to dissolve completely.

2. Pour the salt and water mixture into a large, deep sauce pan. Heat on medium-high flame until the water comes to a boil.

3. Add 8 to 10 cups of hulled pistachios to the salted water, and stir constantly until all the water has evaporated and the salt has been infused into the nuts, which should take approximately 30 minutes.

4. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees F. Place the salted pistachios onto a cookie sheet in a single layer and cook in the oven for 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

5. Stir the pistachios every 30 minutes while they are being roasted, to ensure an even roasting. Remove them from the oven and serve or store in an airtight container until you are ready to eat the pistachios.

Tags: Roast Pistachios, salt water, until water

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Set A Table For Afternoon Snacks

Snacks can provide energy to fuel your body throughout the day.

Regular snacks play an important part in your daily nutrition, as they provide the energy that fuels your body throughout the day. If you like to sit down to snacks in the afternoon or have several people to cater for, you will benefit from some practical tips about set the snack table. Your layout depends on whether you choose buffet-style snacks, where people visit the table to pick from a selection of foods, or a sit-down snack time, with all guests seated around the table.


1. Set out the tablecloth. People pick up many snack foods with their hands, so there's a chance of crumbs and spillage.

2. Stack small plates, serviettes and cutlery on the left side of the table, if serving buffet-style. You may not need cutlery if you have only finger food, such as chips, sandwiches and crackers.

3. Add place mats and plates around the edge of the table as you would for any meal, if you intend to seat guests for snacks. Serviettes belong folded on or to the right side of the plate. If you need cutlery, lay it where you would for a normal meal: forks on the left, knives on the right, spoons across the top.

4. Arrange bowls, plates or containers of food in the center of the table. Set appropriate utensils, such as serving spoons, next to each dish, if required.

5. Set out cups or glasses on the left side of the table with bottles, jugs or other drinks containers behind, for people to help themselves. If you have time and space, lay out the cups separately and pre-fill, especially if you have children.

Tags: body throughout, left side, left side table, need cutlery, provide energy

Monday, September 10, 2012

Use A Potato Peeler

Potato peelers are specialized kitchen helpers found in nearly every household. They are a popular alternative to using a normal knife because they are so much safer and easier to use. Parents are especially fond of giving potato peelers to children so they can help in the preparation of meals.


1. Hold the peeler in your dominant hand and the potato firmly in your other hand.

2. Angle the peeler so that one of the cutting surfaces presses lightly into the skin of the potato. The alternate cutting surface will rest lightly on the potato, where it will help to guide the peeler.

3. Push the peeler away from your body and hands. Always push away from yourself to avoid cutting your hand.

4. Rotate the potato so you are always peeling in the center of the top side. This will help you keep your grip on the potato and minimize the chance of injury.

5. Remove the eyes of the potatoes with the sharpened end of the peeler (not every potato peeler has one of these). Wait until you have completely peeled the potato so you know exactly how much to remove.

Tags: away from, will help

Serve Brownies

Now that you've made your brownies, you want to wow your guest with their appearance as well as their taste. Use ingredients from your brownie recipe or complementary ingredients to garnish the finished product with style.


1. Place your brownies on a dessert plate. Drizzle a thin stream of chocolate or raspberry syrup in a zigzag pattern or any decorative fashion to the edges of the plate.

2. Place the brownie in the center of the plate, directly on top of the drizzled syrup design. If there are chocolate chunks in your brownies, add some chocolate chips to the plate in a deliberate pattern, too.

3. Sprinkle chopped walnuts on top of the brownie. You can sprinkle them onto the plate surrounding the brownie as well.

4. Add other edible elements, such as peanuts, pecans, sprinkles, mini-marshmallows, crushed peppermint sticks or chocolate curls.

5. Dust the brownie and serving plate evenly with a small amount of cocoa, cinnamon, powdered sugar or a mixture of all three.

6. Select the freshest mint leaf you can find to add to your plate. Offset it on top of the brownie. This final garnish adds beauty and flavor.

Tags: your brownies

Make Apple Pie Filling

Nothing smells better baking in your house than homemade apple pie.

Apple pie is one of the classic comfort foods, a perfect dessert for autumn evenings or any time of year. Fresh apples make for the best filling, and the firmer and tarter the apple, the better the quality of pie. Avoid using softer apples, such as red or golden delicious, since they tend to become soggy or mealy in the pie. Instead try Granny Smiths, Pippin, Jonagold, Jonathan, Fuji or Pink Ladies to make a pie filling with the best texture and flavor.


1. Combine the sugars, flour, cinnamon and nutmeg in a medium sized bowl with a large spoon.

2. Add the apples, corn syrup and butter to the sugar mixture. Mix thoroughly and set aside.

3. Prepare the crust and place the bottom crust in a pie tin. Spoon in the filling. Cover the top of the filling with more pie crust. Make several slashes in the top of the crust to allow the filling to vent while it's baking. Alternatively, add a crumb topping to the top of the pie instead of another crust.

4. Bake the pie according to crust directions, or for 45 minutes at 350 degrees until the crust is browned and the filling inside is bubbling.

Tags: filling with

Friday, September 7, 2012

Light Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast is probably the most important meal of the day. It provides your body with fuel, and energy to get the day going. That being said, breakfast is probably the most overlooked meal of the day. If you're a person who is always on the go, it can be hard to make the time to eat a traditional breakfast. If you're on a diet, a light breakfast can help get your day started without packing on excessive calories. Here are some ideas for a light breakfast.

Fruit & More Fruit

Fruit is a great way to eat a light breakfast. Apples, oranges, pears, and bananas are some fruits you can eat for breakfast. If you have the time, cut up your fruit into a fruit salad. You can include watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, cherries, mangoes, and any other fruit of choice. If you have a blender, you can make a fruit smoothie using some of the fruits just mentioned. You can use fruit with your hot or cold cereal, to provide a light, nutritious breakfast.

Cold & Hot Cereal

Both cold and hot cereals are a good way to eat a light breakfast. Oatmeal is a particularly healthy breakfast option. You can add a little milk and strawberries to give your oatmeal added flavor. Cream of Wheat is another option available to you, if you prefer hot cereal. Cold cereals such as Special K, and Raisin Bran Crunch can get your day started on the right foot. If you want, try substituting regular milk for soy milk. Yogurt is another light breakfast food that you can eat on the go, if necessary.

Cooking a Light Breakfast

If you have time to cook a light breakfast, whole wheat pancakes and waffles may be a good selection for you. Substitute pork sausage with turkey sausage or soy breakfast links. Regular bacon can be substituted with turkey bacon. Hard-boiled, organic eggs are a good addition to your breakfast as well. If you have time to be a little more creative, you can make a breakfast burrito, using a whole wheat tortilla. If you must use cheese, make sure it's of the low fat variety.

Tags: light breakfast, have time, light breakfast, probably most, some fruits

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Eat Snails

Snails, also called escargot, are typically served on odd looking plates with strange utensils. Knowing a little snail etiquette can save a lot of embarrassment.


1. Anticipate a snail. Expect six snails with shells intact when ordering escargot.

2. Examine the plate. Six cavities hold each snail in place. A rim prevents spillage of the garlic butter sauce.

3. Locate utensils. Proper etiquette calls for snail tongs and a slender two-pronged snail fork. Find these to the right of the plate.

4. Select a snail. Use the tongs to grip and hold the shell in place.

5. Remove the meat. Use the snail fork to pull out the contents of the shell.

6. Experience the snail. Appreciate the texture. Fresh snails are a bit rubbery, while canned snails are more tender. Enjoy their delicate earthy taste.

7. Savor the sauce. Tear off a small piece of dinner roll. Using the snail fork, dip the roll into the sauce. Repeat until the sauce or roll is gone.

Tags: snail fork, snail tongs

Press Homemade Vegetable Oils

With a hand-crank expeller press, you can produce a variety of vegetable oils in your home.

Making your own vegetable oils at home is not difficult if you have a good oil expeller. Using nuts and seeds of your choice, you can create your own cooking oils at a fraction of the grocery store cost. With a hand-crank expeller press, you can produce a variety of cooking oils. You can use almost any kind of vegetable to create your own oil. Homemade oils also make attractive gifts.


Setting Up Your Expeller

1. Make sure that your expeller is assembled properly and that it is mounted on a sturdy surface. Cranking the expeller will require some amount of force, so you will want to make sure that it is well attached to a counter top or workbench. Place a cup or jar beneath the hole where the oil will drip down from the expeller. Light the expeller's lamp and allow it to heat for 10 minutes.

2. Add nuts or seeds to the expeller's holding receptacle. If the expeller does not come outfitted with a receptacle for holding nuts and seeds, use a large-mouthed funnel, or feed them into the expeller manually.

3. Begin turning the crank of the expeller to press the oil out of the nuts or seeds. Drops of oil will begin to collect in the cup or jar. Continue to operate the expeller by turning the handle until you have produced the desired amount of oil.

4. The oil may have a cloudy appearance due to natural particles. Commercially processed oils have removed any natural matter in the refining process. It is not harmful to use the oil with these particles. But if a clearer oil is preferred, set the oil in a warm place for a day. After particles have settled to the bottom of the jar, pour off the oil and discard the sludge matter.

Tags: nuts seeds, expeller press, cooking oils, create your, expeller press produce, hand-crank expeller, hand-crank expeller press

Make A Dunkin Donuts Coffee Coolatta At Home

Dunkin Donuts Coffee Coolatta

Dunkin Donuts Coffee Coolatta is the ultimate iced coffee. It's not, as some people would have you believe, a coffee milk shake, and it doesn't contain any ice cream. A real Dunkin Donuts Coffee Coolatta contains Dunkin Donuts coffee and frozen Dunkin Donuts coffee, with sugar and milk to taste. While it's not an exact match for a store bought Coffee Coolatta, you can make your own version of a Dunkin Donuts Coffee Coolatta at home if you plan ahead just a little bit.


1. Brew a pot of Dunkin Donuts coffee. Dunkin Donuts coffee is sold by the pound at all Dunkin Donuts stores. It's also available at many supermarkets, or online through the Dunkin Donuts web site. I prefer to buy it in whole bean form so I can grind it myself just before I brew a pot of coffee.

2. Pour half the pot into an ice cube tray and freeze it. If you cover the tray with a sheet of plastic wrap, you can avoid the ice picking up any other flavors from the freezer.

3. Pour one cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee into a cup with a cover and put it in the refrigerator to cool. I generally do this every morning when I make the first pot of coffee for the day. I get a fresh, hot coffee to start my morning and split the rest between the freezer and the fridge.

4. When the coffee cubes are frozen, remove them from the ice cube tray and drop them into a blender. One full tray of coffee cubes is just about right to make a large Coffee Coolatta.

5. Add one cup of chilled coffee and sugar to taste to the blender and cover. Pulse the coffee cubes and coffee to break up the cubes into small chunks. Switch to high speed on your blender and whirl for 1 to 3 minutes or until the ice and coffee are the consistency of slush.

6. Pour the Coffee Coolatta mixture into a tall glass. Add light cream, whole milk or skim milk if desired. Top with whipped cream if desired.

Tags: Dunkin Donuts, Coffee Coolatta, Donuts Coffee Coolatta, Dunkin Donuts Coffee, Dunkin Donuts coffee, coffee cubes

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Cut An Avacodo

Avocados are native to Latin America, but the groves in California now produce approximately 90 percent of the avocados sold in the U.S. The avocado has a thick, tough rind that is typically green when growing and black when ripe, although some varieties remain green throughout the ripening process. This tough rind is why the avocado is sometimes called the "alligator pear." Avocados are commonly used in dips, such as guacamole, but they are a very versatile fruit. They can be eaten raw, used in appetizers or main dishes, and they are even an ingredient in some sushi rolls.


1. Hold the avocado in the palm of one hand and a sharp knife in the other. For some, a paring knife may be to small and a chef's knife may be too big. Choose a knife that will cut the width of the avocado at a minimum and that you are comfortable with.

2. Cut into the avocado lengthwise and rotate the knife and avocado so you cut completely around the seed. Lay the knife down when you have finished.

3. Twist the two halves of the avocado to separate. One half will retain the seed. Keep this half in your palm and lay the other half aside. Pick up the knife again.

4. Hold the avocado half so the seed is facing upward. Firmly tap the blade of the knife into the seed and then twist to remove the seed. If the knife comes loose, tap again using slightly more force. Discard the seed.

5. Peel the rind off each half or pare it off with the knife. Lay the halves face down and slice lengthwise. If you want your avocado diced, cut across the slices as well.

Tags: Hold avocado, seed knife, tough rind

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Visit Coney Island

Visit Coney Island

For a taste of classic old New York, take a trip to Coney Island. Between the cheap beach food, classic carnival rides and freak shows, there are limitless entertainments to put a strain on the wallet. Whether your a New Yorker looking for a cheap escape from the city or an out-of-towner seeking a unique vacation, Coney Island is the perfect daytrip getaway.


1. Pick an income bracket. Coney Island is a spot where money can easily get drained by endless junk food and roller coaster rides or it can be a penny-pincher's delight. Before hopping on the subway, decide which category is yours. If you are going for the cheaper route to freak show fun, pack a lunch and drinks rather than buying them there. Also, Coney Island can be just as fun to walk around and observe as it is when zooming around in a ride.

2. Hit the road. The easiest and cheapest way to get to Coney Island is the subway from New York City. The N, Q, D and F trains can all take you there. The trip will only cost you $4 both ways, but can take up to forty minutes from downtown New York. Bring a book or some sort of distraction for the trip, or just use the classic subway people-watching method to while away the time. Early morning until about noon tends to be a quieter time for the beach, but things start to speed up after 2:00 p.m., when crowds begin to pack in to the parks.

3. Get the lay of the land. Upon first arriving at Coney Island, it's best to just take in the atmosphere. Stroll along the board walk and down the pier. Watch out for the fishing lines of the myriad of fishers that will be hogging that part of the beach, but definitely check the view from the end of the pier.

4. Clog your arteries. Every inch of the strip along the beach is crammed with delicious yet incredibly unhealthy beach food. Feast on everything from the famous Coney Island hot dog to fried shrimp and even knish. Healthy options can be found, however, in the form of fruit. Several stands sell whole chopped mangoes on a stick and huge coconut shells still full of their juice.

5. Freak out. Coney island is probably best known for its freak shows, which over the years have featured everything from the classic bearded lady to fish people. Shows run Wednesday through Friday from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays from 1pm-9pm, and Mondays from 1pm-9pm.

6. Defy gravity. In many ways, Coney Island is like the traditional county fair on steroids. The amusement parks Deno's Wonder Wheel and Astroland have both fast paced rides and arcade game classics like skee ball. The roller coaster Cyclone is a New York legend and landmark and the ferris wheel is 150 feet high. Also try your luck at shooting targets or tossing coins into fish bowls.

7. Take lots of photos or get a post card. You will definitely want to capture Coney Island's unique culture and shoreline. Its colorful chaos cannot easily be forgotten, but is always fun to have in photo form.

Tags: Coney Island, Coney Island, beach food, everything from, freak shows, from 1pm-9pm

Juice Broccoli To Prevent Brest Cancer

Woman Juicing

Do you want to prevent breast cancer? One way is to juice broccoli. This is how.


1. Broccoli, as part of the cabbage family of vegetables, has demonstrated remarkable anticancer effects. Broccoli is one of the richest source of vitamin C. A cup of broccoli has the same protein as a cup of rice or corn but only 1/3 of the calories.

2. Drinking 1 cup of broccoli juice a day has proven to dramatically reduce the risk of breast cancer. Broccoli is high in vitamin A and C, potassium, calcium and other vitamins and minerals.

3. Broccoli juice is bitter and should be mixed with other fruit or vegetables to taste. Best with carrots and or apple juice.

4. A simple Juice recipe is 1 broccoli spear and 3 carrots. You can add a celery stalk or a half cup of parsley. This will give you high vitamin C, folic acid and the nutrients needed that helps reduce the risk of many cancers, especially breast cancer.

5. Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, and Cabbage have similar nutritional benefits as Broccoli. They can be substituted with broccoli and you will still have a juice high in vitamin C and with anticancer effects.

Tags: breast cancer, high vitamin, anticancer effects, reduce risk

Monday, September 3, 2012

Mix A Strawberry Daiquiri

Strawberry Daiquiris are a delicious and fun way to add spice to any party or function. Fresh ingredients produce a richer flavor than pre-made mixes, and the added nutritional value from the fresh fruit will ease any guilt you may feel about drinking a sugary alcoholic drink. Strawberry Daiquiris are a classic cocktail drink for a good reason – they are great tasting and easy to make.


Mix a Strawberry Daiquiri

1. Collect your ingredients and glasses. Fresh fruit is the key to mixing a delicious strawberry daiquiri, but a mix can be used if strawberries are not in season. Read and follow the directions on the package of mix carefully.

2. Mash the fresh strawberries, and place them into your blender. Add the shaved ice, frozen strawberries, limejuice, strawberry schnapps, sugar, and as much rum as desired. Blend until the mixture is smooth and the ice is no longer in chunks. Be very careful to keep your hand on the blender lid while blending to prevent the vibrations from loosening the top.

3. Pour mixture into pre-chilled cocktail glasses. For a smoother texture, the mixture can be strained prior to pouring. If the drink is too thin, additional ice can be added, either crushed or shaved.

4. Garnish your Strawberry Daiquiris using slices of fresh fruit. Orange and lemon are typical favorites, but pineapple, lime, or any other fruit will do. Place a straw into each glass, and serve cold to guests.

5. If there is any mixture remaining, place it immediately into the freezer. It can then be used to refill glasses throughout your party.

Tags: Strawberry Daiquiris, fresh fruit, fruit will

Decorate Cookies Using Fondant

Fondant is popular for decorating cakes, but it's also a great medium for decorating cookies. If you're making cookies for a contest, or for a party where you really want to impress the guests, then fondant is the way to go.


1. Cover the entire cookie with fondant for a sleek, smooth appearance. Make a batch of quick pour fondant, pour it into an icing bag, add a tip and pour the fondant over the cookie. Use a small spatuala on the edges and then let the fondant dry.

2. Add fondant decorations to cookies covered with fondant by rolling out a sheet of fondant and using mini cookie cutters to cut out small shapes. You can cut out small fondant circles by using the bottom of a clean pen cap.

3. Make fondant hat cookies for a tea party or girl's birthday party. Bake a batch of round sugar cookies and attach with icing half of a large marshmallow or a small, round cookie to the top. Roll out fondant and cut a circle larger than the cookie, drape over the cookie, trim the edges and decorate with fondant flowers and ribbon.

4. Make imprinted fondant by rolling out a sheet of fondant. Then take a textured material, such as lace, and lay it on top of the fondant. Secure the material with tape and firmly roll over the material with a rolling pin so that the texture is embedded into the fondant. Cut the fondant into the shape of your cookie, and apply it to cookies fresh from the oven so that the heat attaches the fondant to the cookie.

5. Ice cookies with regular icing and make fondant flowers, shapes, ribbons and other decorations and attach to the icing. You can make pink fondant ribbons for breast cancer cookies, red, white and blue stars for July 4th cookies or black and orange stripes for Halloween cookies.

Tags: with fondant, fondant flowers, fondant fondant, fondant rolling, fondant rolling sheet