Thursday, May 31, 2012

Chokecherry Tree Diseases

Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana) is a large shrub or small tree with shallow suckering roots. It grows 12 to 25 feet tall and 10 to 20 feet wide. The creamy white flowers are followed by dark red or purplish-black fruit, which is used for jellies, jams and wines.

The Amur Chokecherry (Prunus maackii) also bears edible fruit, which is black. It has an upright form and amber to orange peeling bark. Both varieties are susceptible to numerous diseases.

Black Knot

Black Knot is a common and serious fungal disease caused by Dibotryon morbosum on Chokecherry trees. Hard, black, elongated, swollen areas form on the smaller branches and may grow up to 1 foot long. Eventually the swollen area girdles and kills the infected branches. Severe infections may affect the main branches and trunks of Chokecherry trees but will not girdle them.

To control the spread of Black Knot, remove the infected area and 4 to 5 inches of healthy tissue below the infected area in the spring before bud break. Burn or bury the diseased branch to prevent the spread of infection. Apply a fungicide for Black Knot on Chokecherry trees at the rate recommended by the manufacturer.

Leaf Spots

Bacterial leaf spots or shotholes on Chokecherry trees are caused by Xanthomonas pruni or Pseudomonas syringae. Water-soaked spots appear on the underside of infected leaves. The spots turn brown or black as the disease progresses, and the center of the hole may fall out, leaving a red margin around the hole. Leaves that develop numerous spots yellow and drop early. Premature defoliation reduces the size of the fruit and weakens the tree. The disease also may affect the fruits, which develop dark or reddish brown spots and sunken areas.

Chemical treatments usually are not effective on leaf spots or shotholes. To reduce the risk of infection, do not plant Chokecherry trees near other diseased trees and avoid excessive amounts of nitrogen in fertilizers.

Perennial Cankers

Two fungi, Valsa cincta and V. leucostoma, cause perennial cankers to form on the branches and trunks of Chokecherry trees. The cankers are oval areas of dead tree tissue surrounded by a roll of callous tissue. Perennial cankers get larger each year and may girdle and kill infected branches or trunks.

The fungi enter the tree through wounds, so avoid mechanical injuries to the trees and prune in the spring for faster healing. Do not plant Chokecherry trees in a waterlogged area or near diseased trees. A fungicide for perennial cankers on Chokecherry trees applied according to the manufacturer's instructions may control the canker's growth.

Plum Pockets

Several Taphrina fungi cause the fruit of Chokecherry trees to become hollow and swell up to 10 times their normal size. These pockets, as they are called, turn various colors, from greenish-yellow to bright red. Leaves infected by Taphrina curl up, and young shoots become enlarged and deformed.

The disease may cause a major loss of fruit. Apply a fungicide for Taphrina fungi on Chokecherry trees according to the rate and schedule recommended by the manufacturer to reduce the severity of the disease.

Tags: Chokecherry trees, Black Knot, branches trunks, Apply fungicide, branches trunks Chokecherry, Chokecherry Prunus

All Types Of Packaging Materials Used To Package Food

We need food to survive. For safe consumption, food packaging should ensure that food doesn't come in contact with unwanted bacteria or materials. Manufacturers can't use any just type of packaging for food, but must adhere to agency regulations that make sure packaging is safe. Food comes packed in different materials that help protect and preserve it. Also, packaging offers us information about the content and healthiness of the product and allows the producer to advertise.

Paper and Carton

Some food products are packed in paper bags or carton boxes. Sealed paper bags protect sugar and flour, because bags allow them to "breathe" as much as needed. Products packed in carton boxes (like cereal and crackers) are usually put in a plastic bag prior to the box, for additional protection. Also, some carton boxes are wrapped in plastic film to prevent them from getting dirty and wet (like cigarette packs and tea boxes).


The food industry uses plastic widely for food protection in the form of bags, films, containers and boxes. Plastic bags allow for printing and perforation and hold food like bread, chips, cereal and many others. Cling films work for meat protection mostly. Plastic containers contain food like mustard, yogurt, milk and juices and can have different colors. Manufacturers employ plastic boxes to pack multiple products (ice cream, sour cream, meat, vegetables), as do people at home to store food.


Foam (usually styrofoam or polyethylene foam) is a good insulator. It becomes cups, trays and boxes. The trays combined with the cling films serve as meat protection. Foam boxes, mostly in the fast food industry, keep food warm for an extended time.


Glass bottles and containers (jars) are mostly used to protect liquids and sauces. They break easily, but offer good protection and preservation and are recyclable. A paper label made of thin film lists the product information and attaches to the glass packaging. The first attempt at preserving food for an extended time occurred in France using glass bottles.


Manufacturers also pack food and beverages in metal cans, usually made of aluminum and steel. Metal can have an airtight seal, so it is used to pack food that needs an extra long preservation time (vegetable, fruit, fish, soup). Bisphenol-A (BPA), sometimes used for inside coating, protects food from contamination by the metal can during the heating process to kill bacteria.


Some products (like fruit and vegetables) have a label attacked directly on them. The label offers information about the producer and usually contains the internal code of the store, to be easily identified and charged. The adhesive used for these labels comes directly in contact with the food. It is safe and does not change the nature, substance or quality of the food.

Tags: carton boxes, bags allow, boxes Plastic, contact with, extended time, food industry, food like

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Buy Bing Cherry Trees To Plant

Bing cherry trees feature a popular cherry variety that grows well in most hardiness zones. The fruit from these trees is good for eating out of hand or for use in pies and other treats. Buying a Bing cherry to plant is an easy process---most buyers can simply visit a garden shop or retailer and get trees that are ready to go from store to the ground.


1. Determine your hardiness zone (see link in Resources). While Bing cherry trees will grow well in zones 5 to 9, check to make sure your area is included in those zones. Most U.S. states fall into these zones, with the exception of states with extreme highs and lows in temperatures.

2. Find a spot for your Bing cherry tree. These trees require full sun and adaptable soil that is light and sandy and drains well. Choose a spot where the tree will have plenty of room to mature. Typical Bing cherry varieties grow to 30 to 35 feet. Dwarf varieties grow to 12 feet.

3. Consult your local nursery or garden store during the early part of your zone's growing season. This is the best time to find Bing cherry trees at stores; recommends planting during the early part of the season. If your local shop doesn't carry Bing cherries, it can order the trees or offer suggestions as to where to find them.

4. If you can't find a tree locally, check online sites offer Bing cherry trees for sale. and feature these trees and offer good tips for growing and planting.

Tags: Bing cherry, Bing cherry trees, cherry trees, Bing cherry, during early, during early part

Choose Bar Glasses For A New Bar

Opening a new bar can be an overwhelming challenge. Deciding the type of furniture down to the tiniest details such as choosing among the vast selection of bar napkins is a daunting challenge. Then there is choosing barware. There are many different types of glasses to serve alcoholic beverages to maximize the overall drinking and bar experience. Here are suggestions on choose glass selections for a new bar.


1. Know your budget when opening a new bar. Glasses can be fragile and expensive. Most likely it is good to start with glasses on the cheaper end of the spectrum because of trial periods with new staff. Also, you may want to buy many simple tumbler glasses at first and use them for various drinks rather than buying very specific glasses for different drinks. Also, contact your liquor distributors. They may be able to help you by giving you glasses with brand names and logos on them to serve your alcohol in.

2. Know the necessary barware for opening a new bar. Make sure to buy plenty of shot glasses, because these are a good measurement for staff when making mixed drinks as well as glasses that patrons will drink out of. Also, be sure to stock up on simple glasses such as tumblers, beer mugs and rocks glasses. These glasses are on the more generic side of bar glasses and will save you on price because of their versatility.

3. Know the ambience/clientele you are serving. If you are looking to open a bar catering to the college scene, stock shot glasses, tumblers, beer mugs and rocks glasses as these glasses tend to get broken more often. If you are looking to open a sophisticated bar, stock more sophisticated glasses such as beer goblets, Pilsner glasses, champagne flutes, snifters and martini glasses.

4. Know the types of drinks that are being served. If you open a Margarita bar, be sure to have plenty of margarita glasses and less brandy snifters on hand. If you are opening a corner pub, it is wise to carry beer glasses such as mugs, goblets, pint and Pilsner glasses. There is not a lot of sense in having margarita or hurricane glasses if you do not have a blender in your bar. These drinks, if not blended, may be served in tumblers or rocks glasses. Be sure to match your most popular drinks with their appropriate glasses and stock up accordingly.

Tags: glasses such, rocks glasses, beer mugs, beer mugs rocks, looking open

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Plan Kosher Meals

Eggs and fish are considered to be kosher-neutral and can be served with either dairy or meat.

Kosher eating refers to the rules and laws of preparation and consumption of food as according to Judaism and the Torah. Jews keep kosher for a variety of reasons, including its health benefits, but the practice is primarily religious. People who keep kosher do not eat pork, shellfish or rabbit and do not mix dairy with meat. When it comes to meat, an animal must be killed a certain way and in a location approved by a rabbi to qualify as kosher. Planning a kosher meal does not refer only to the food, but also to the kitchen and dishes used to prepare and serve the food.


1. Choose either dairy or meat as the theme for your meal. Never mix milk and meat, but remember eggs and fish are neutral. The separation of milk and meat does not only apply to the actual dish -- for example, a cheeseburger is not kosher -- because the entire meal must be either meat or dairy. If you are serving meat, dairy products cannot be served throughout the entire meal, including dessert. In accordance with kosher laws, if you consume dairy products, you must wait 30 minutes before consuming meat; and if you consume meat, you must wait three hours before consuming dairy. Eggs and fish can be served with dairy products or meat.

2. Get paper plates and plastic silverware if you do not have two sets of dishes. A truly kosher kitchen has two refrigerators, two sets of dishes, two sets of silverware and two sets of cookware; you must have one set of everything for dairy and one set of everything for meat. Orthodox Jews will not eat off your plates or use your silverware if they have previously been used for both meat and dairy products.

3. Look for unique kosher desserts. Finding a dessert without dairy can be difficult. Chocolate mousse can be kosher if made with dark chocolate, because eggs are neutral and the dish doesn't contain milk. Prepare desserts using marzipan, which is a kosher almond paste.

4. Look for parve signs on food packaging to see if food in regular grocery stores can be used for a kosher meal. Parve refers to kosher food that is neither meat nor dairy; parve signs appear on packaged products, such as bread, even in non-kosher grocery stores. Look for a small, black "U" printed on the package to see if a product is parve and can be used in a kosher meal.

Tags: dairy products, meat dairy, kosher meal, before consuming, dairy meat

Plan A Shish Kabob Picnic

Putting a little pizazz into your summer picnic is easy while hosting a shish kabob picnic. Shish kabobs are an ideal food to have at your summer picnic because they are easy to make, easy to cook and, best of all, easy to eat. Your friends and family will enjoy this event, and it can easily become an annual affair.


1. Send out invitations explaining that you are hosting a shish kabob picnic. Ask your family and friends to create their very own shish kabobs to bring to the party.

2. Inform the guests that they must experiment with various meats, fruits, vegetables, marinades and seasonings to create their festive shish kabobs. Remind them to marinade the meat overnight for optimum flavor.

3. Ask each person attending to bring at least four shish kabobs to the picnic. Let the people that know they don't necessarily have to eat their own creations at the shish kabob picnic. The point of party is to sample other people's kabobs.

4. Encourage your friends and family members to get creative with their kabob creations.

5. Clear out your refrigerator on the day of the picnic so that you have room to store the kabobs until grilling time.

6. Buy hamburgers and hot dogs in case the shish kabobs are not filling enough for each guest. Grilling chicken is also a good idea to supplement the kabobs.

7. Enjoy your party, and be sure to taste a variety of the delectable kabobs that everyone presents at the picnic.

Tags: kabob picnic, shish kabob picnic, shish kabobs, your summer picnic, create their, friends family, hosting shish

Monday, May 28, 2012

Famous Breakfast Cereals

Most Americans have started out their day with breakfast cereal at some point.

Americans buy 2.7 billion packages of breakfast cereal each year, and consume about 10 pounds or 160 bowls of cereal per person per year, according to the book "Cerealizing America: The Unsweetened Story of American Breakfast Cereal." The United States ranks fourth in per capita cereal consumption behind Ireland, England and Australia.


"Cheerioats" was America's first ready-to-eat oat cereal. Introduced in 1941 by General Mills, the cereal's name was changed in 1945 to "Cheerios." The cereal is known for its small doughnut shape and light, oaty texture and flavor and its bright yellow packaging. Over the cereal's history, many different varieties of Cheerios have come onto the market, some successful and some retired soon after they were launched. Just some of the varieties include: Honey Nut Cheerios, MultiGrain Cheerios, Banana Nut Cheerios, Frosted Cheerios and Apple Cinnamon Cheerios, all of which you can still find at stores as of 2011.

Kellogg's Corn Flakes

W.K. Kellogg, along with his brother, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, created the world's first "corn flakes" by accident in the late 1800's at a hospital and health spa. W.K. Kellogg continued developing the process for flaking corn and launched the Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Company in 1906, which eventually became the Kellogg Company. Kellogg's Corn Flakes ready-to-eat cereal is recognizable for its white box featuring a rooster's profile in red and green.

Lucky Charms

When most Americans hear the line "They're magically delicious," they probably think of General Mills' Lucky Charms cereal and its famous leprechaun mascot, Lucky. The cereal consists of frosted oats and multicolored marshmallows in different "lucky" shapes including clovers, moons, horseshoes, hearts and stars. Lucky Charms launched in 1964 and is made with whole grain.

Rice Krispies

Kellogg's introduced its famous "talking" cereal, Rice Krispies, to consumers in 1927. When you pour milk into a bowl of the cereal, the crispy cereal makes a crackling sound, hence its tagline, "Snap, crackle and pop!" According to, the reason for the sound is that air pockets form in each piece of rice during the manufacturing process. When milk is poured over the kernels, it puts pressure on the air inside until the walls of the air pockets shatter, forcing out the sound. Rice Krispies cereal is also the major ingredient in the famous American party snack, the Rice Krispies Treat.

Quaker Oats

Formed officially in 1901, the Quaker Oats Company is known by its familiar round packaging containing the image of a man in Quaker garb. In the early 1920s, the company introduced Quaker Quick Oats, oatmeal that could be cooked in five minutes instead of the usual 20 minutes. In the 1950s, the process was refined to produce its famed one-minute cooking oats. Quaker Oats is also known for its U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved health claim that says oatmeal may help reduce the risk of heart disease as part of low saturated fat, low cholesterol diet.

Tags: Rice Krispies, Lucky Charms, Quaker Oats, breakfast cereal, Corn Flakes, General Mills, Kellogg Corn

Send A Case Of Wine

Cases of wine are an excellent gift.

A case of wine is a package consisting of twelve traditional sized bottles, or six magnum bottles. They do not have to be the same brand or type of wine to be considered a case. You can order cases of wine from retailers and have them ship it to someone for you. Some retailers will even include a short gift note with your purchase.


Purchasing the Wine

1. Call your local wine retailers and ask if they deliver. If the person to whom you want to send the wine lives in another town, do an Internet search for wine retailers in that area.

2. Visit the website of a wine delivery service online if the stores you speak with do not deliver. There is an example in the Resources section.

3. Select twelve bottles from the retailer's selection and click "Check-Out." Enter the delivery information of the person to whom you are sending the wine, including his name and address. Enter your credit card information to pay for the case.

4. Look for a spot on the ordering page where you can indicate that the order is a gift. Some companies will not include the invoice if the order is a gift, and some will even include a gift note. If you don't see a place where you can indicate the order is a gift, call the customer service number and ask if they can leave the invoice out of your shipment.

Tags: order gift, even include, gift note, person whom, where indicate, will even, will even include

Friday, May 25, 2012

Harvest Wild Honey

Honey can be harvested from wild beehives.

Honey is fat free, high in natural sugars and contains several important vitamins and minerals. While honey is readily available in almost any grocery store, you can get it for free by harvesting it directly from a beehive. Not only is this method free, but the honey typically tastes better, contains more nutrients and may even help with allergy problems if it's made in the vicinity of your home as it helps you build a tolerance for nearby pollen.


1. Gather green plant life, such as leaves, weeds or even tall grass. Put the plants in a bundle and tie it together with twine.

2. Hold one end of the bundle of plants in your hand. Light the other end of the plants on fire with a lighter. Since the plants are still green and alive, you don't have to worry about the fire growing rapidly and burning your hand.

3. Walk up to the beehive and place the burning plants below the hive. The smoke from the plants will calm the bees and reduce the chance of aggression toward you. Let the smoke penetrate the hive for at least 30 seconds before you approach the hive.

4. Cut the beehive open with a hunting knife. The hole must be just large enough for you to fit your hand through. If the bees begin to swarm you, quickly walk away from the hive and wait for a few minutes before you return.

5. Stick your hand in the beehive and break off a piece of the honey comb. You should be able to break a piece off with your hand, but you can also cut it out with the knife if necessary.

Tags: your hand, break piece

Kid Snack Ideas

Snacks help increase energy levels during the day.

Snacks are an important part of a child's well-balanced diet. The food pyramid from the USDA shows that everyone including children should have six to 11 servings of whole grains, two to four servings of fruits, three to five servings of vegetables, two to three servings of milk and dairy, and two to three servings of lean meat and poultry. Snacks are a tasty way to help children reach the daily requirements of all food groups.

Fruits and Veggie Snacks

Veggies cut into small slices are a great snack.

Fruits and veggies are healthy snacks that kids can eat on the go. Choose from a wide variety of fruits and veggies. Pick fruits and veggies that your child enjoys and serve them as a snack anytime. To dress up celery for added nutritional value and enjoyment, cut into 2-in. sections. Spread peanut butter or flavored cream cheese in the crevice of the celery. Place raisins on top of the peanut butter.

For a new twist on sweet potatoes, wash and dry 2 medium sweet potatoes or yams. Slice into very thin slices. Place sweet potato slices in a shallow baking dish and lightly sprinkle with sea salt. Preheat over to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and bake sweet potato chips for 20 to 25 minutes or until edges curl upwards. Another delicious idea is to add a little bit of cinnamon to the sweet potato chips before you bake them. To make fruit more enjoyable, make your own fruit kabobs by skewering melon balls, grapes, apples, pear slices, berries or pineapple chunks.


Cheese is a great snack for kids.

Cheese is packed with calcium. String cheese is a terrific choice for cheese on the go. It is individually packaged so you can toss it in a backpack or lunchbox. For an entertaining snack, make cheese shapes. Slice a brick of cheese into small squares and use a small cookie cutter to make stars, hearts, circles or any other shape you choose. Place these in a plastic bag to eat on the go or serve on a plate with some crackers at home.


Hide nutrients in smoothies by tossing in some vegetable juice.

Smoothies are easy to make you can use fresh or frozen fruit such as bananas, any kind of berries, kiwi or your favorite fruit. Add milk or a vegetable fruit juice mix and 1 cup of yogurt. Blend all ingredients in a blender until well blended. Pour into a cup and add a silly straw. Smoothies taste great and contain vitamins, calcium and protein.

Homemade Snack Mixes

Snack mixes are a versatile snack.

Homemade snack mixes are a good snack choice because you can cater them to specific tastes. You can add a favorite cereal with dried fruit, nuts, shredded coconut, popcorn, granola or pretzels. They are portable and handy to eat on the go or at home.


Yogurt makes a healthy snack.

Yogurt is delicious and healthy. It is packed with calcium and many other vitamins. You can get low-fat yogurt and serve it with some fresh or canned fruit and cottage cheese. Portable forms of yogurt for kids come in a wide variety of flavors.

Cheese Quesadillas

You can make cheese quesadillas quickly and most kids enjoy them. You can make a cheese quesadilla two different ways. The first way is to put a little bit of vegetable oil in a frying pan and heat it on medium heat. Place one tortilla in the pan. Sprinkle shredded cheddar cheese on the tortilla and then top with another tortilla. Heat for two to three minutes and then flip and heat the other side. Serve plain or with sour cream. The other, quicker way to prepare a cheese quesadilla is to place one tortilla on a microwave-safe plate and sprinkle it with shredded cheddar cheese. Then top with a second tortilla and microwave for 1 minute and 30 seconds. Cut into pizza-size slices and serve.


Popcorn is a whole-grain snack.

Popcorn is a whole-grain snack that is low in calories. Microwave low-fat buttered or plain popcorn and serve with a glass of milk for a fast snack.

Tags: make cheese, sweet potato, cheddar cheese, cheese quesadilla, fruits veggies, great snack

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Potato Cutter That Uses A Drill

Curly ribbon fries are a common fairground snack.

A familiar sight at fairs and flea markets is an enterprising individual with a deep fryer, and a potato cutting machine powered by a hand drill. One version of the cutter produces curly spiral-shaped french fries, while the other produces a continuous paper-thin ribbon of potato that fries up like commercial potato chips, but hot and fresh. Both are descended from hand-cranked machines used by chefs to quickly turn out garnishes in volume. Using the hand drill as a self-contained drive unit makes it possible to turn out fried potatoes at high volume.

Curly Fries Cutter

The first type of cutter creates curly fries, similar in cross section to a regular french fry but cut in tight spirals. The main cutting blade on the assembly is set to cut the fries to a given thickness, usually 1/4 or 3/8 inch, while secondary blades cut the potato into strips of the same width. The potato comes away from the cutter in a mass of interlocked curls, which must be separated before cooking. Curly fries are cooked in the same manner as regular french fries, and are often sprinkled with seasoning salt when they are done.

Spiral or Tornado Fry Cutter

The spiral cutter turns each potato into a continuous light, curly ribbon. Because the potato is so thin, it cooks very quickly in the deep fryer. In half the time needed for conventional fries, the spiral fries are golden brown and completely crisp. They are usually served on a flat plate, since one potato makes an impressively large nest of fried potato. Salt, pepper, ketchup and vinegar are provided for sprinkling and dipping.

Set Up and Use

The cutter mechanism itself consists of a horizontal metal frame of rods, with the cutter mechanism at one end and a crank at the other. The cutter can be attached permanently with screws, or temporarily with clamps. The cutting mechanism consists of a blade mounted at a right angle to the potato, with a very narrow gap for the potato to pass through. Some brands are sturdier than others, and better suited to high-volume use. The end of the crank mechanism is designed to fit the chuck of a corded or cordless drill.

Entrepreneurial Opportunities

The proliferation of these potatoes at fairs, church bazaars, flea markets and similar venues demonstrates their appeal. For entrepreneurs, a fried potato business has much to recommend it. The initial investment is limited, with a deep fryer and tank representing the largest investment. Potatoes are among the cheapest of ingredients, but these venues are places where food vendors are expected to charge a premium. That combination adds up to low food costs and solid profits for the vendor.

Tags: deep fryer, cutter mechanism, flea markets, french fries, fried potato, hand drill

Make Banku And Okro Soup

The viscous liquid contained in okra pods thickens banku and okro soup.

Banku and okro soup is a rustic, traditional preparation common to Ghana. Although recipes of banku and okro soup vary among Ghanaian tribes, clans and ethnic groups, all contain eggplant and the dish's namesake ingredients -- okra and cassava-based dumplings. Traditional banku and okra soup uses wele, or cow skin, to add background flavors. However, in the United States, wele is often a specialty item and not commonly found in market-form. But by cooking the eggplant in beef broth and using it as the base, all the flavors attained with wele are recreated without sacrificing the bold, hearty nature of the soup.



1. Cut 1 lb. of beef stew meat into 1-inch cubes and place in a saucepan. Cover with 1.5 cup cold beef broth. Add 1 tsp. kosher salt and 1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper and simmer until tender, approximately 30 minutes.

2. Cut one large eggplant or five garden eggs into 1-inch cubes and cover with cold water. Add 1 tsp. kosher salt and 1/2 tsp. lemon juice and simmer until tender, approximately 15 minutes. Scrape away the seeds, remove the skin, puree until smooth and set aside.

3. Remove the stem and chop one large beefsteak tomato. Remove the seeds and stems from five banana peppers and five green chili peppers and place in a food processor. Puree the tomato and peppers until smooth.

4. Heat 2 tbsp. palm oil in a saute pan over medium-high heat for three minutes. Saute one large red onion until translucent, approximately five minutes. Add the pepper-tomato puree and cook until the liquid reduces, approximately three minutes. Set aside.

5. Transfer the eggplant or garden eggs to a food processor and puree until smooth. Place the eggplant puree, onion-pepper puree, stew beef, 1 cup beef broth, 1 cup water, 6 oz. dehydrated shrimp or herring, 10 oz. sliced okra and 1 tsp. grated ginger to the saucepan.

6. Cook over medium-high heat until the okra is tender, approximately 20 minutes. Season the soup to taste with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper.


7. Sift 1/2 lb. cassava flour and 1/2 lb. corn flour in a mixing bowl and add 1.5 cups cold water. Mix well using a whisk and strain using a fine-mesh sieve or colander with small perforations.

8. Transfer the flours to a saucepan and place over low heat. Stirring constantly, cook until dough forms, approximately 10 minutes. In a separate saucepan, heat 2 cups water and 1 tsp. salt over medium-high heat until it simmers.

9. Form the dough into dumplings with a spoon and place in the simmering water. Simmer the dumplings until cooked through, approximately eight minutes. Set aside and serve with the soup.

Tags: approximately minutes, beef broth, kosher salt, medium-high heat, over medium-high, over medium-high heat, tender approximately

Make Starbucks Cafe Mocha'S At Home

Ever wondered make that Starbucks Espresso at home, well here you go.


1. Get an Espresso machine, now you can go all out and get a fancy machine that grinds the coffee for you and all that stuff or you can get the Mr. Coffee Espresso machine for around $30 bucks (depending on how much of a coffee connoisseur you are).

2. Get your hands on some Starbucks Mocha Powder. This is not always an easy trick but they do sell it during the Christmas holiday season (I usually buy out the store when it does become available). Or if you go to E-Bay you can find the actual bags of Starbucks Mocha Powder.

3. Get your Espresso coffee - this has many options; you can buy it already ground from the store (but many times this is not ground enough for good espresso), you can buy whole beans and either grind it at the store (most grocery stores have a grinder in the coffee department) or grind it at home (you can get grinders pretty cheap just make sure it grinds espresso fine). Another option is buying it from Starbucks and they will grind it for you.

4. Brew the coffee per your espresso machines directions.

5. Now here is a nice shortcut, instead of mixing the mocha powder with hot water first I just put my mocha directly into the cup (a "Grande" takes about 2 tablespoons but this will really depend on how much mocha taste you want). Then you can just pour the coffee directly into the cup and mix up the mocha powder.

6. Add your favorite type of Milk.

7. Add your favorite flavoring (optional). Note - you can buy any of the flavorings from Starbucks (even though it does not list them anywhere they are glad to do it)or most grocery stores.

8. Stir well and you are ready to go.

9. Now this will never replace the professional made coffee but for the price it cannot be beat.

Tags: directly into, Espresso machine, from Starbucks, grocery stores, Mocha Powder, most grocery

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Make Coconut Truffles

It takes a little extra effort and kitchen time to make hand-rolled and dipped coconut truffles, but the result will be a melt-in-the mouth treat that your guests won't soon forget. Coconut truffles can also be given away as a gift for special occasions.


1. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees. Sprinkle the flaked coconut on two baking sheets and heat it in the oven, stirring occasionally for about 15 minutes or until the coconut begins to turn light brown. Put the toasted coconut in a large bowl and set it aside.

2. Put the chopped semisweet, or bittersweet, chocolate in a heat-proof bowl. Combine the butter, whipping cream and corn syrup in a saucepan over medium heat and bring it to a full boil. Pour the hot mixture over the chopped chocolate, but don't stir it. Cover and let it stand for about 5 minutes.

3. Whisk the chocolate mixture slowly until it's blended, and then refrigerate it. Continue to stir every 15 minutes for 45 minutes. By that time the mixture will begin to thicken very quickly, so stir it every 3 minutes until it's scoopable.

4. Shape the truffle mixture into balls about 1 inch in diameter and put them on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Place the baking sheet in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes or until they're firm enough to dip.

5. Heat the almond bark or white chocolate in a medium saucepan over low heat, stirring often until the chocolate melts, or melt it in the top of a double boiler. Remove it from the heat and allow it to cool slightly.

6. Roll the truffles quickly in the warm chocolate and remove it with a fork, allowing any excess chocolate to drop back into the pan. Roll and press the truffles in the coconut.

7. Put the truffles on parchment-lined baking sheets, and when a sheet is full, put it in the freezer for about 10 to 15 minutes. Remove the truffles and store them in zip seal bags or sealed containers for up to a week.

Tags: about minutes, minutes until, about minutes until, baking sheet, baking sheets, every minutes

Make Mashed Potatoes From Scratch

Make Mashed Potatoes From Scratch

Preparing a steaming bowl of creamy mashed potatoes from scratch shouldn't be a challenging task. For some people, making the ultimate comfort food of mashed potatoes falls short of how Mom used to make them. You don't need to resort to drastic measures--just follow the steps listed to a better bowl of homemade mashed potatoes.


1. Slice and cube several of your favorite type of potatoes and place them in a pot of cold water so the water just covers the potatoes. If you use boiling water, the potatoes become difficult to mash. It's up to you if you want to peel the potatoes or not. Unpeeled potatoes contain more vitamins than peeled ones.

2. Cook the potatoes until they are tender enough to pierce with a knife. Turn the stove top burner down to simmer to keep the potatoes warm.

3. Pull out a saute pan and melt some butter in bottom of the pan. Add minced garlic and shallots and saute until they're golden brown.

4. Add a 50/50 mixture of heavy whipping cream and whole milk to the pan. Turn the burner down to simmer and let the cream reduce until the liquid becomes thick.

5. Pour the potatoes into a colander over a sink. Place the drained potatoes into a mixing bowl. Season the potatoes with sea salt and cracked black pepper.

6. Mix the potatoes with a hand or stand mixer. Pour in the liquid mixture, making sure to not add too much liquid. Season the finished mashed potatoes from scratch with butter, salt and pepper.

Tags: burner down, burner down simmer, down simmer, Make Mashed, Make Mashed Potatoes, mashed potatoes, Potatoes From Scratch

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pick Midday Energy Snacks

Protein-based foods keep you mentally alert and satisfy your hunger for a longer period of time that the carbs people commonly grab for a quick snack. When picking a snack for midday, considering including protein for a lasting energy boost.


1. Try yogurt for a great snack idea. You can make it even better by adding a small handful (about 1/4 cup) of crushed or chopped walnuts and in a handful of blueberries or sliced strawberries.

2. Jazz up cottage cheese, which is a super protein, but a little dull eaten alone. Add some fruit (frozen fruit is as good as fresh) like berries or sliced bananas. Or, add some spices like pepper and dried tarragon, then stuff the mixture into celery or use it as a dip for sliced cucumbers, carrots and turnips.

3. Have hummus (ground chick peas with olive oil and spices) with a variety of vegetables or pita chips.

4. Try string cheese (mozzarella in individually packaged sticks) with a sliced ripe tomato. Drizzle a little balsamic vinaigrette dressing over the tomato, if you wish. (Cheese contains a lot of saturated fat, but mozzarella cheese is lower in fat and calories than most other cheeses.)

5. Have a few large pitted prunes wrapped in thinly sliced ham. Along with this combo, have some diced cheese and a few leaves of basil.


Monday, May 21, 2012

Buy A Bottle Of Rum

Rum is an alcoholic beverage made from molasses and sugarcane juice. The drink plays a big part in the traditions of celebration and mourning in the Caribbean and South America, where rum originated. Rum is a wonderful and richly spiced drink, so follows these steps to buy the right bottle of rum for you.


1. Pick the right grade of rum. Because rum has a rich and geographically varied history, it comes in an array of grades. Choose from light, dark, spiced and flavored rum. Light rum is particularly good for mixing drinks while spiced and dark rums are suited for sipping or shooting.

2. Find rum from the right region. Different countries and regions produce very different kinds of rum. While most people are familiar with Jamaican or other Caribbean rum, Brazil, Venezuela, Nicaragua and a few other South and Central American countries also produce fine rums. Do a bit of research on rum producing countries and, most importantly, the quality of their distilleries.

3. Check out rum publications. Just as wine lovers turn to wine magazines, rum lovers look to publications like the Rum Report to get the skinny on rum distilleries and the latest rum vintage bottles on the shelves. Make some notes about recommended bottles so you can compare prices at different stores before you buy.

4. Check online retailers for good deals. Local liquor stores are likely to carry a pretty routine selection of rum. Specialty stores, on the other hand, tend to have higher prices. Online outlets such as the Rum Shop find you great deals on very special bottles of rum. Check out websites like this one and other online alcohol retailers to buy the right bottle of rum.

Tags: right bottle

Make Chicken Wings

Make Chicken Wings

Chicken wings are one of the most popular appetizers. Chances are you've probably ordered this hot snack while dining at some of your favorite restaurants, but how often have you made them at home? Unfortunately, many people are either intimidated by the cooking process or simply don't know cook chicken wings. The truth is though, this snack is very easy to prepare.


1. Cut away the tip. The tip of a chicken wing is absolutely useless. Simply find the joint where it attaches to the piece and cut away.

2. Slice the wing into two pieces. Chicken wings are always served in two pieces. To create two pieces, look for the joint and slide your knife into the groove. Move the knife carefully into the joint and apply pressure to cut into two pieces.

3. Deep fry for 10 to 15 minutes. You do not need to use flour. Chicken wings will get perfectly crisp on their own, thanks to the skin.

4. Mix sauce. The melted butter and hot sauce are all you need to create the sauce. Just remember to do this at the last minute or the sauce will separate.

5. Toss in sauce. The chicken wings will soak up the sauce and can be served right away. If you like them to be dry, follow the next step. If not, serve immediately.

6. Bake at 350 degrees for 5 to 10 minutes. Baking for this amount of time will allow the sauce to better adhere to the chicken wings so that they are less messy.

Tags: Chicken wings, into pieces, Make Chicken, Make Chicken Wings, this snack, wings will

Friday, May 18, 2012

Pick Cabernet Franc Wine

The Cabernet Franc grape is the lesser-known parent to the Cabernet Sauvignon grape. That being said, if you are a great lover of the big bold flavors of a Cabernet Sauvignon, but are turned off by the tannins, pick a Cabernet Franc. You won't be sorry you did.


1. Discover the flavors of Cabernet Franc. Think of it as a subdued Cabernet Sauvignon. It leans more toward fruit flavors such as plums and dark cherries, with earthy and herbaceous undertones. It is lighter in body and in tannins and has a medium to short finish.

2. Know its other names. Cabernet Franc from the Loire Valley is often called Breton, and from Pomerol or St. Emilion it goes by the name Bouchet.

3. Learn where the best Cabernet Franc is made. Cab Franc's from St. Emilion in Bordeaux are considered to be the best wine made from 100 percent Cabernet Franc grapes. Try Chinon les Petites Roches or Saumur Les Nivieres.

4. Check out Cabernet Franc made in the United States. Consentino and Chapellet wineries have received great reviews for their Cabernet Franc.

Tags: Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc made, flavors Cabernet, Franc from

Substitute For Urad Dal

The beauty of Indian cuisine is its variety. The sheer diversity of spices, seasonings, cooking methods, regional distinctions, dishes and component ingredients makes eating and cooking Indian food a novel, exciting experience each time. One ingredient often used in Indian cuisine is urad dal, a black bean with a white interior. Urad dal has an earthy flavor and is a common ingredient in curry. If you're short on urad dal, you can substitute it for other ingredients.


1. Replace urad dal with black lentils, which are similar in taste, texture, color and shape.

2. Use mung beans. Mung beans are a small legume that are easy to cook because they don't require soaking.

3. Substitute with azuki beans, which are reddish and small like urad dal, and have a similar texture and taste.

4. Mask the difference in taste between urad dal and your substitution by tweaking spice combinations. Disguise the substitution by adding more of another ingredient (or combination of ingredients) to balance it out.

5. Use urad dal flour in the absence of beans, if it will work in your recipe. This flour is composed of ground, dried beans.

Tags: Indian cuisine

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Use A Food Processor

Food Processor

It slices, it dices, it juliennes - in the '70s, everyone rushed out to buy a food processor. But the miracle machine for the kitchen ended up being just another handy appliance. Get the most from yours by knowing use it.


1. Select the blade you wish to use and put it into the food processor.

2. Latch the lid and the bowl onto the processor, enabling the machine to operate.

3. Trim leaves or other unwanted parts from the food you wish to chop and drop it into the machine's feed tube. Fill the bowl only up to the recommended level (usually marked on the bowl), or it will leak.

4. Use the plastic pusher to help move the food if needed.

5. Use your food processor for chopping vegetables, making graham cracker crusts, smoothing sauces or pureeing baby food.

6. Make soup fixings by adding 2 c. broth to about 2 1/2 c. vegetable chunks ' potatoes, onions, carrots, etc. Put these in for 30 seconds using the S-shaped blade.

7. Chop food, without pureeing it, using the S-shaped blade. Use the Pulse button instead of turning the processor on and keep an eye on the consistency.

8. Put nuts (shelled) into the processor with the grinding blade. Turn it on and watch the nuts go from chopped to a ball shape, and then to thick, then thin butter. Almonds and peanuts work well; walnuts and pecans are a bit tougher but still workable.

9. Shred cheese by putting a block of the appropriate size in the processor and using the Pulse setting and the shredding blade. Mozzarella will shred easily if you freeze it for about 20 minutes first.

10. Make coleslaw with the shredding disk rather than the slicing one, which will make the pieces too short.

Tags: food processor, S-shaped blade, using S-shaped, using S-shaped blade

When Are Watermelons Ripe

A watermelon takes on certain characteristics when ripe.

Watermelon is a fruit with an unmistakable appearance and a scent. Watermelon's soft, red inner flesh has a high water content and will help keep you hydrated in the hot summer months. To enjoy the most delicious watermelons, follow a few basic steps to determine when the fruits are ripe.

On the Vine

To determine if a watermelon still on the vine is ripe, first look at the small tendril that grows closest to the melon. A ripe watermelon will have a tendril that is no longer green, but brown and brittle. The spoon leaf, which is located in the same general area and shaped like a little spoon, should also be brown. If you lift up one end of the watermelon off the ground, the underside should be yellowish if it is ripe and ready to pick.

The Sound

Lightly rap on the side of a watermelon still on the vine or in the store as if you are knocking on a door, and listen to the sound. A ripe watermelon will have a dull, hollow sound with a low tone. If you hear more of a high-pitched "ping" type of sound, it likely isn't quite ripe yet.

The Feel

As the watermelon matures and ripens, small ridges form around the surface. Run your hands lightly around the width of the watermelon and feel for the ridges to determine ripeness. A smooth surface probably means it isn't ripe yet.

The Smell

When a watermelon is ready to be eaten, the stem end will take on a strong watermelon scent. Smell your watermelons before you select one to help find the ripest ones.

Tags: ripe watermelon will, still vine, tendril that, watermelon still, watermelon still vine, watermelon will, watermelon will have

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pick A Dolcetto Wine

The name Dolcetto will conjure up a wine that is sweet, light and slightly fruity. But the loose translation "little sweet one" refers to the taste of the Dolcetto grape rather than the wine. Broaden your Italian wine horizons and give Dolcetto a try.


1. Know the flavors of Dolcetto. These wines are dry with ripe berry flavors and are dark ruby red in color.

2. Learn about Dolcetto d'Acqui. This Dolcetto is produced in the Acqui territory of the Piedmont region. Dolcetto D'Acqui is a dry wine that possesses a slightly nutty flavor with a small hint of bitterness.

3. Discover Dolcetto d'Alba. Dolcetto d'Alba is full-bodied, low in acidity with brighter dark berry flavors.

4. Study Dolcetto delle Langhe Monregalesi. This wine has strong tannins, dense dark fruit flavors with a hint of bitter chocolate.

5. Understand the flavors of Dolcetto di Dogliani. Dolcetto di Dogliani leans more toward dark chocolate and plum flavors. It is medium-bodied with well-balanced tannins, fruit and acids.

6. Become familiar with Dolcetto di Ovada. This wine is dry with strong fruit flavors and has almond undertones with a slightly bitter finish.

7. Grasp the flavors of Dolcetto di Diano d'Alba. This Dolcetto is medium-bodied, well-balanced with strong fruit flavors.

Tags: flavors Dolcetto, fruit flavors, berry flavors, Dolcetto Acqui, Dolcetto Alba, Dolcetto Dogliani

Restaurants In South Hampton New York

Southampton features vineyards, recreation, dining and more.

Southampton is a township of Long Island that features many attractions for visitors and residents alike. 80 miles from New York City, in Suffolk County, the town features world-class fishing, vineyards, and historic landmarks. (See Reference 1.) For the hungry, there are a number of restaurants located within the township catering to guests of varying tastes.

Redbar Brasserie

This upscale restaurant is housed in a "sophisticated Hamptons house," according to the restaurant website. The entire dining area is meant to exude a particular elegance, praised by The New York Times and New York Magazine. (See Reference 2.) Redbar specializes in French-inspired dishes, including many unique offerings like Truffled Chicken Breast with Wild Mushroom Risotto and a homemade Terrine de Foie Gras. Only open for dinner and desserts, this restaurant also offers a number of ice creams, cheesecakes and mousses for a finale. There is also an extensive wine list that features a number of wines made right on Long Island.

Redbar Brasserie

210 Hampton Rd

Southampton, NY 11968



Another restaurant catering to guests that want to be pampered, Savanna's strives to pay special attention to all details in restaurant ambiance, presentation, and in each meal itself. Guests may dine in the fireplace-lined dining room or under pillared outdoor patios. With a dancing fish as its logo, seafood is Savanna's particular specialty. Thus, menu offerings include options like oysters, clams, crab cake, scallops, and salmon. Non-seafood options include Filet Mignon, chicken, duck, salads, and pasta. Savanna's also features many wines complementary to dishes and desserts that include a strawberry sundae, elegant cookies, and a banana parfait for two. (See Reference 3.)


268 Elm St

Southampton, NY 11968


Southampton Public House

Southampton Public House caters to a more rowdy crowd, and stands as one of the few microbrewery-restaurants in the area. Open for lunch and dinner year-round, the menu features chowders, burgers, French fries and nachos. There are also more pricey options, including steaks, duck, and salmon. Beyond the food, Southampton Public House particularly prides itself on its homemade brews and beers, and guests are welcome to attend any of its beer-themed events, including beer tastings and an Oktoberfest celebration. (See Reference 4.)

Southampton Ales and Lagers Public House

40 Bowden Square

Southampton, New York 11968


Tags: Public House, Southampton Public, Southampton Public House, catering guests, features many, Long Island

Remove Air From A Wine Bottle

Unless you're throwing a dinner party or are in the mood to down a bottle of wine, some leftover grape is pretty common after a nice meal. If you don't drink it within a few days, however, you risk the wine going bad from exposure to air in the bottle. Taking the air out of the bottle can prolong the life of your wine for weeks.


1. Purchase a wine pump at a home goods store. For less than $20, you can buy a set with a few rubber corks and a hand pump.

2. Put a rubber cork in the mouth of the bottle once you're done pouring the amount of wine you want that evening. You can discard the bottle's original cork.

3. Fit the hand pump over the rubber cork, and secure it by wrapping your hand around the place where they meet.

4. Raise and lower the hand pump quickly. This will be easy at first, then more difficult as the amount of air in the bottle decreases.

5. Continue pumping the air out until it is extremely difficult to raise and lower the pump, creating a vacuum in the bottle.

6. Remove the hand pump without wiggling the cork.

7. Repeat Steps 2 through 7 each time you re-open the bottle until the wine is finished.

Tags: hand pump, rubber cork

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Host A Couples Only Dinner Party

A dinner party can be a fun and sophisticated way to spend an evening. Perhaps you and the special person in your life want to spend an entire night with other couples. Planning a dinner party for you and your friends is a rather easy process. Here is host a couples-only dinner party.


1. Begin my contacting those couples you are friends with. Tell them about your idea for a couples-only dinner party and invite them to the party. Try your best to coordinate a date that works best for everybody. Most likely, this will be an evening during the weekend.

2. Buy some fancy plates, glasses and utensils if you don't have any. You don't necessarily have to spend a fortune. Your local department store will have plenty of options to choose from and many of them at affordable prices.

3. Plan different courses for your dinner party. For example, you should at the very least have an appetizer, a main course and a dessert. Something as easy as a salad, whatever you want to cook for dinner and then pie for dessert would suffice.

4. Ask your dinner guests if they would like to contribute to the couples dinner party. Even though you're throwing the party, your guests may want to bring a dish, dessert or bottle of wine to the party. Don't be afraid to involve your guests in the planning of your couples-only dinner party.

5. Have music playing quietly in the background during the dinner party. Music is better than TV since it is less distracting to your guests. With soft music, such as jazz, playing quietly in the background, you can create a soothing atmosphere and not distract from any conversations.

6. Be sure to have after-dinner activities available for you and your guests. What you choose can be dependent on the type of dinner party you are planning to host. For a more formal dinner party, consider having cocktails with your guests. If your dinner party is a more informal event, have cards or board games available.

Tags: dinner party, your guests, couples-only dinner, couples-only dinner party, party your

Monday, May 14, 2012

Buy Low Carb Snacks

Low Carb Snacks

A low carb diet is a great way to lose weight. However, there are times when you have an urge for a low carb snack or leave too much time in between meals. When that happens, it's good to have a selection of low carb snacks ready for those occasions. In order for the diet to work, it is very important for participants to stick with foods that are low in carbohydrates, even if it's just a snack.


1. Find out how many carbs you can have per snack.

Depending on the low carb diet you're on, the amount of carbs acceptable could be 50g or less than 15g. Either way, you need to set a limit.

2. Buy a wide selection of near-zero carb snacks. These tend to be from the meat group. Do not put sugar based seasonings on them, or these low carb snacks aren't low carb anymore. Some examples include:


beef jerky

deli meat

pork rinds

These snacks are ideal for ultra low carb diet programs.

3. Buy some snacks with some carbs that are still low carb if your diet program allows. Some examples include:






Cottage cheese

Regular cheese

Veggies with dip

Low carb bars and shakes

For these snacks, watch out for the amount of dip you use. If you use too much dip, your low carb snack ceases to be a low carb snack. It doesn't take much dip to ruin a low carb diet. Ranch dip tends to be a lower carb dip than other dips, but only in strict moderation.

4. Avoid high carb snacks, which tend to be processed foods and starchy products. Some examples of snacks not to get include:

candy bars


full sugar jello



bread, rolls, and biscuits

potato chips

You can't eat a small handful of any of these snacks. They have lots of carbohydrates, even in small one ounce servings. Stay away from high carb snacks.

Tags: carb diet, carb snack, carb snacks, Some examples, carb snacks, carbohydrates even

Make The Best Orange Marmalade

Make the Best Orange Marmalade

Marmalade is a fruit preserve, made of orange or other citrus fruit. Marmalade can be made from lemons, limes, grapefruits, oranges or any combination thereof. It is not difficult to make, just a little time consuming.


1. Ingredients:

4 cups prepared fruit (4 oranges & 2 lemons)

2 1/2 cups water

1/8 teaspoon baking soda

5 1/2 cups sugar

1 box fruit pectin (Sure-Jell is one kind)

1/2 teaspoon margarine or butter

2. Jars and Lids:

Boil jars in water in a large pot for 10 minutes.

Boil flat lids in saucepan 1 minute and turn off burner. Leave them in the hot water until needed.

3. Fruit Preparation:

Remove only the colored part of the peel from 4 oranges and 2 lemons using a vegetable peeler and cut peel into thin strips. Remove and discard the white part of the peel on oranges and lemons as this is bitter and tough. Chop the fruit, keeping the juice,and set aside in bowl.

4. Cooking the Marmalade:

-Combine the peels, water,and baking soda in a saucepan.

-Bring to a boil - reduce heat - simmer covered 20 minutes.

-Add fruit & juice and simmer covered 10 minutes longer.

-Mix pectin into fruit in saucepan and add butter.

-Turn up heat and bring to a full rolling boil, stirring constantly.

-Stir in all the sugar and bring to a another full rolling boil. Boil for 1 minute stirring constantly. Remove from heat and skim off foam with a metal spoon.

5. Canning:

Ladle quickly into prepared jars - fill to within 1/8 inch of top.

Wipe rims and jar lids. Cover with 2 piece lids and screw on tightly.

Invert jars for 5 minutes to seal.

Tags: oranges lemons, baking soda, Best Orange, Best Orange Marmalade, covered minutes, full rolling

Study Winemaking

Wine is a popular drink enjoyed with many meals and desserts. Wine can be bought from retailers and wineries, but with the right knowledge and supplies, anyone can learn produce a variety of wines. Winemaking, however, is not a process that a person can learn in a day. Those who are serious about winemaking should consider options for learning and developing winemaking skills to produce a good wine from home.


Study Winemaking With Experts

1. Visit a winery that offers tours to learn about winemaking. Tours give a quick overview of the process and information about common ingredients in wine.

2. Check community colleges and universities with extension programs. Many programs offer beginning winemaking courses or a full course in wine that includes classes on winemaking.

3. Read books on winemaking, which can supplement what you learn in class and present detailed information on topics such as distilling processes and setting up equipment.

Practice Winemaking Skills

4. Purchase a home winemaking kit, which will include all of the equipment needed to make wine, such as a fermenting bucket, siphon unit and a sanitizer to keep the equipment clean between batches. Kits can be purchased from a wine specialist or online.

5. Purchase an ingredient kit for wine, available through a wine specialist or online. The ingredient kit will include the yeast, additives and specific fruit base for one batch of the type of wine being made. Kits can be purchased according to the oak, sweetness and body of the finished product.

6. Purchase wine bottles. It takes about one month of fermentation before the wine can be transferred to a bottle. The wine is ready to drink after an additional month in the bottle.

Tags: about winemaking, Kits purchased, specialist online, Study Winemaking, will include, wine specialist, wine specialist online

Friday, May 11, 2012

Make Microwave Popcorn Extra Buttery

If you want that movie-theatre-popcorn taste at home, here's how you can get it. All you need is microwave popcorn, some butter and a little seasoning. Use these simple suggestions to make the best popcorn your family's ever had at home.


1. Buy good-quality butter-flavored microwave popcorn. Skip the store and generic brands in favor of premium popcorn. Get family-sized bags; individually sized bags leave too many unpopped kernels.

2. Pop your popcorn in the microwave. Use the popcorn button if your microwave has one. Otherwise, watch the popcorn closely and turn off your microwave when there are two to three seconds between pops. Make sure you don't overcook the popcorn.

3. Melt a few tablespoons of salted butter (not margarine) on the stove while you pop the popcorn. As soon as your popcorn comes out of the microwave, empty the bag into a large bowl. Pour the butter over the popcorn and stir well.

4. Intensify the butter flavor by adding seasoning. The website Popcorn Popper carries a wide variety of popcorn seasonings, including theater spice seasoning and theater popcorn salt. Sprinkle seasonings sparingly on your popcorn so you don't overdo it. Stir the popcorn well after you add seasonings.

5. Serve the extra buttery popcorn to your family and curl up in front of a good movie. They'll never wish for theater popcorn again.

Tags: your popcorn, microwave popcorn, popcorn your, popcorn your family, theater popcorn

Perform At South By Southwest

South by Southwest has grown over the years into one of the premier showcases for young musical talent in the country. Although some major label artists are invited to hit the main stage each year, the vast majority of up-and-coming acts nominate themselves for participation. If you want to perform for some of the industry's most influential artists and producers, it pays to pay close attention to details during the application process.


Review the SXSW Website

1. Apply online at the SXSW website with some basic information about your band (see Resources below). You will need to designate a primary contact who is reachable by email for the next step of the process. This may either be a member of the group, a trusted friend or a band manager.

2. Send in the materials requested by festival organizers. In most cases this will include a photograph, MP3 music samples and a bio.

3. Send a full press kit if requested. This will include everything the organizers need to determine whether you can perform on a big stage, including reviews and press clippings.

Go Through Sonicbids

4. Create a membership at (see Resources below). The site is designed to give bands and booking professionals a way to connect with each other, and includes plenty of space to upload music samples and more.

5. Create an Electronic Press Kit (EPK) for use in South by Southwest and other venues. EPKs can be uploaded in a simple series of steps that prompts you for everything the site needs. If you prefer to create something more distinctive, you can tweak the parameters of your kit as needed.

6. Send the finished application to SXSW and picture yourself as you perform before thousands!

Tags: South Southwest, music samples, Resources below, will include

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Eat Pierogies

Pierogies are a favorite dish for many Polish families and many non-Polish families as well. Part of the fun of pierogi recipes is how many different ways there are to make and eat them. Let's focus on some different preparations for basic potato and cheese pierogies.


1. Boil pierogies for 3 to 5 minutes until they are all floating, then remove from the water and drain. Fry up some onions and top the pierogies with butter, sour cream and onions.

2. Place pierogies in boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes and drain by using a colander. In a saucepan, heat up your favorite spaghetti sauce and add fresh tomatoes to the sauce. Cover the pierogies with the sauce and top with Parmesan cheese.

3. Melt 2 tablespoons of butter in a skillet and place chopped onions and peppers in the skillet along with frozen or thawed pierogies. Heat the mixture until the outside or the pierogies are golden brown and the insides are hot all the way through. Top pierogies with sour cream and serve.

4. Pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees and spray a baking sheet with cooking spray. Coat the pierogies with butter and place on the baking sheet. Leave in the oven for 12 to 15 minutes, turning once. Remove pierogies from the oven and let cool. Cover pierogies with salsa and sour cream. You can also wait until they cool and serve these as kind of an appetizer where you can pick up the pierogies and dip them in the salsa and sour cream.

Tags: pierogies with, sour cream, baking sheet, Cover pierogies, Cover pierogies with

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Make Bodacious Green Tomato Pickles

Nice red tomatoes in the summer, what a wonderful time of the year! Next to that my favorite time is late summer and all the green tomatoes that are available. I love fried green tomatoes but my very favorite is making green tomato pickles! This is a very easy recipe and it is something you can enjoy all winter long. I even have taken a jar of these as a housewarming gift!! They stay nice and crisp and have a wonderful flavor. You won't be sorry if you give these a try!


1. Jars and lids should be boiled before starting.

2. To make brine:





Boil above ingredients until sugar and salt dissolve

3. Put into jars:



4. Put any combination of the following into the jars next:

1. sliced green tomatoes (1/4 inch slices)

2. sliced onions

3. sliced peppers

4. Any vegetables you have left in your garden!

5. Pour brine in jars to cover vegetables.

Check for air bubbles in the jars and use a knife and rolling the jar around to remove them.

6. Pour in approximately one tablespoon of olive oil to seal the top and then tighten the lids on the jars.

Let them sit 6-8 weeks and they are ready for eating!


Tags: green tomatoes, into jars

Make A Low Sugar Low Calorie Carmel Apple Pie

For a seasonal treat or any time, make a guilt-free apple pie.

Watching what you eat is essential, but so is eating good food. What is a person to do? This delicious caramel apple pie weighs in at under 150 calories a slice and tastes delicious. It is low-sugar and low-calorie.


1. Prepare the pie crust by thoroughly coating it with butter spray. Place it in an oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 5 minutes. Take it out to let it cool, but leave the oven on.

2. Peel and slice the apples no more than 1/4 inch thick. Place them in a large mixing bowl. Add the pudding mix and 1 cup of milk. Season to taste with the apple pie seasoning, and add the Splenda. Mix thoroughly. Let the mix sit for a few minutes to season the apples.

3. Prepare the caramel and cream cheese. Cut the cream cheese into cubes, add the 1/8 cup of milk and a half cup of caramel in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave on medium power until mixture is very soft. With a fork, mix it together.

4. Assemble the pie. Add the apple mixture to the pie and cover with the cream cheese and caramel mix. Cover the add the oatmeal evenly to the top of the pie as a top crust. Spray the top of the oatmeal with butter flavored cooking spray to moisten it.

5. Bake the pie. The pie should bake for approximately 45 minutes (or until the pudding begins to boil) at 350 degrees. After the pie bakes and cools, top with more caramel if you wish.

Tags: cream cheese, with butter

Make Mama Juana

Visit the Dominican Republic and everywhere you go people will be drinking Mama Juana. Sometimes spelled mamajuana, it is an alcoholic concoction known widely as a sexual aphrodisiac. Follow this recipe and you can make some homemade "liquid viagra" in your house.


1. Find some local ingredients. This is impossible to do if you live outside the Caribbean. Luckily, one can order the necessary spices over the Internet. Due to different rules and regulations all over the world, Mama Juana spices are shipped in dry spice form. If you want to make the authentic version you will need caro, anamu, brasil, marabeli, hoja de maguey, clavo dulce, bohuco and canelilla.

2. Mix the ingredients. Wash out a large bottle that can hold either a fifth or half gallon of alcohol. Some people will let a filled bottle of gin stand for weeks. You don't have to do this, but make sure the bottle is sterilized and rinsed out.

3. Fill 90% of the bottle with dark Dominican rum. Most rums are about 40 proof (20% alcohol) Fill the rest of the bottle with red wine and honey. You can use light rum as well and it will give it a different taste. Mama Juana recipes are unique all over the Dominican. Experiment with different rums to find a flavor to your liking. Add fruits like raisins, limes and oranges for a fruitier flavor.

4. Let the bottle sit for at least three days. The longer the bottle sits, the smoother it will taste.

5. Mix your Mama Juana with rum for a relaxing after dinner drink or to set the mood for a night of romance.

Tags: Mama Juana, bottle with, people will

Monday, May 7, 2012

Peel A Shallot With The Root Intact

Shallots are a small, sweet cousin of the onion.

Shallots are a small, sweet cousin of the onion. These mild-flavored root vegetables are most closely associated with the French cuisine of Normandy and Burgundy. They can be minced, sliced, chopped or used whole in any recipe where an onion would normally be used. Like an onion, they have layers of papery skin that grow tightly around the soft, purple-toned flesh. When peeling a shallot, it is important to leave the interior root intact so the shallot can be used whole in recipes. The intact root will also hold the layers together for mincing.


1. Pull apart the bulbs within the whole shallot. Often two or more shallot bulbs will grow together in this manner.

2. Cut off the exterior part of the root, leaving the interior root intact to hold the shallot together.

3. Cut the pointed tip off the stem end of the shallot.

4. Drop the shallot into a pot of boiling water to blanch for 30 seconds. Remove the shallot from the water.

5. Run the shallot under cold water until it is cool to the touch.

6. Peel back the shallot skin with your fingers. The blanching loosens the skin so it slides off easily.

Tags: cousin onion, interior root, interior root intact, Shallots small, Shallots small sweet, small sweet

Friday, May 4, 2012

Make Homemade Bread With Out A Bread Maker

Make homemade bread in any shape you desire.

A bread maker produces homemade bread with minimal work for you, but a loaf from a bread machine can't quite measure up to a completely homemade loaf. You can make a loaf of bread by hand in about the same amount of time it takes your bread machine to run, although the handmade loaf will require more hands-on time from you. The most basic homemade bread contains only four ingredients, but you can add and substitute ingredients to create a variety of bread recipes from one basic recipe.


1. Measure 3 cups of flour, the salt and the yeast into the mixing bowl and stir to combine.

2. Test the water temperature against the inside of your wrist; it should feel very warm, but not uncomfortably hot. Add the water to the dry ingredients and stir until the mixture forms a sticky dough.

3. Add the remaining flour 1/4 cup at a time, stirring after each addition, until the dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl and forms a relatively smooth lump.

4. Sprinkle flour over a clean counter top or large cutting board. Dump the dough out onto the floured surface. Press down and forward into the dough with the heels of your hands, turn the dough a quarter turn, fold it in half and press with the heels of your hands again. Continue kneading for about eight to 10 minutes until the dough is smooth and elastic. Test by tearing off a small piece of dough and stretching it out as far as you can; if the dough becomes translucent before it tears, you are done kneading.

5. Spray a large clean bowl with nonstick spray. Place the dough in the bowl and turn it to coat all sides with the nonstick spray. Cover the bowl a clean kitchen towel or plastic wrap and set it in a warm place to rise.

6. Let the dough rise for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours, until it nearly doubles in size. Test the dough by poking a finger into it; if the indentation remains, the dough is done rising.

7. Punch the dough down. Form it into a fat oval a little smaller in length and width than your bread pan. Spray the bread pan with nonstick spray and place the shaped dough in the pan. Alternatively, shape a free-form loaf and place it on a baking sheet sprayed with nonstick spray. Some shape options include a round boule, a long baguette or even a flat bread. Cut a series of diagonal slits into a boule or baguette.

8. Cover the loaf with a clean kitchen towel or plastic wrap and let it rise for 45 minutes to one hour, until it doubles in size. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F for 15 to 20 minutes before the dough is done rising.

9. Bake the bread for 40 to 45 minutes until the top is golden brown and the loaf sounds hollow when you tap it. Reduce the cooking time to around 30 minutes for a baguette or 20 minutes for a flat bread. Turn the bread out onto a wire rack to cool.

Tags: nonstick spray, with nonstick, with nonstick spray, bread machine, bread with, clean kitchen

Grill Pork Spare Ribs On A Gas Grill

Grill spare ribs on a gas grill.

People usually cook barbecued spare ribs in a smoker for that smoked flavor. If you do not have a smoker, you can mimic the taste with your gas grill. Barbecuing spare ribs on a grill may take a little longer than with a smoker, but you will still get a good smoked taste added to your spare ribs.


1. Prepare the ribs with a dry rub of your choice. For best flavor results, season the ribs, wrap them in aluminum foil, and then place them into the refrigerator at least 10 to 12 hours in advance of grilling.

2. Fill a bowl with water and add about 2 cups of wood chips to the bowl. Let the wood chips soak for at least an hour.

3. Light one side of the gas grill and close the lid. The ribs should cook with indirect heat.

4. Lay out a large sheet of aluminum foil and bend the edges up to create a box shape.

5. Remove the wood chips from the bowl and place the chips into the center of the aluminum foil.

6. Fold a second piece of foil over top of the wood chips and foil box, sealing the chips inside. Leave some slack in the foil; it should not be tight around the wood chips.

7. Poke multiple holes around the top of the foil, with a knife, to allow air to flow in and out.

8. Place the wood chips on the side of the grill that is lit. Turn the grill to "High." Once the chips begin to smoke, turn the heat to "Medium."

9. Place the metal rib rack onto the grill next to the wood chips, on top of the side that is not lit.

10. Remove the foil from the spare ribs and place them onto the rib rack. Do not put the ribs on the grill until the chips have begun to smoke.

11. Close the grill's lid and allow the ribs to cook for about 20 minutes.

12. Rotate the ribs after 20 minutes. Switch the position of the ribs; move the slab that was closest to the heat source to the back of the rib rack and the slab that was farthest away from the flame to the front. Repeat this every 20 minutes for 2 1/2 hours.

13. Remove the rib rack and wood chips from the grill once the meat is at least 180 degrees.

14. Turn all of the grill's burners to medium heat.

15. Place the ribs back onto the grill grate.

16. Saturate the ribs with the barbecue sauce of your choice.

17.Flip the ribs over every three minutes and continue to apply the barbecue sauce. Continue this a few times until you are ready to eat.

Tags: wood chips, spare ribs, aluminum foil, ribs grill, barbecue sauce

Pressure Cook Fresh Grape Leaves

Fresh grape leaves grow on vines.

Grape leaves are often featured in Greek dishes. Other types of cuisine that make use of grape leaves include Romanian, Vietnamese, Arab, Turkish and Bulgarian. One of the most well-known dishes made with grape leaves is dolmas, which are grape leaves stuffed with vegetables, nuts, rice or meat. To make dolmas, and many other kinds of grape leaf dishes, it is best to slightly cook the leaves first. Using a pressure cooker can speed up the process of cooking fresh grape leaves.


1. Cut the grape leaves off the vine, if they are still attached. If you plan to eventually stuff the leaves, ensure that they are at least as big as the palm of your hand so that they are large enough to hold the fillings.

2. Fill a clean sink with cold water and gently clean your grape leaves. Drain the water and then fill the sink again. Clean the leaves one more time, and then set them on a paper towel-covered rack to drain for at least half an hour.

3. Stack the cleaned and drained grape leaves together, and roll them into a tight bundle. Place 6 to 20 leaves in each stack. Secure the bundles with kitchen twine or heavy-duty thread.

4. Prepare the pressure cooker, according to your operating manual -- different pressure cooker brands have their own unique operating features. You can either submerge the leaves in salted water or steam them on a rack.

5. Cook or steam the leaves for 10 to 15 minutes. If you will be filling and cooking the leaves again at a later time, do not leave them in the pressure cooker for longer than 10 minutes.

6. Take the finished bundles of grape leaves out of the pressure cooker and place them on a rack to cool. Refrigerate and use them within 24 hours, or freeze them in airtight plastic bags once they are completely cool.

Tags: grape leaves, pressure cooker, grape leaves, that they, them rack

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Foods Found In Spain

Spain is known for its diverse regional cultures, and the foods of Spain reflect this tremendous variance. Each region has its own signature dish.

Valencia and Alicante

Perhaps the most famous Spanish dish is paella, the saffron rice dish of the Valencia and Alicante regions on the Mediterranean Coast. It is usually laden with seafood, but chicken and vegetarian versions are also popular.


In the north, the main dish is "fabada," a white bean stew with various cuts of pork, including sausage.


In and around Madrid, perhaps the most famous dish is suckling pig, which was Ernest Hemingway's favorite.


In the south, especially Andalusia, Spaniards beat the heat with the cold soup gazpacho.


Spain is famous for its mid-morning, mid-afternoon and evening or late-night snacks known as tapas. These delectable treats originated as small sandwiches placed atop drinks to prevent flies from drowning in one's glass. Great tapas include "gambas al ajillo" (garlic shrimp); "tortilla" (frittata); "patatas bravas" (spicy potatoes); "lomo" (pork loin); and "croquetas de jamon" (ham croquettes).

Plato del Dia

"Plato del Dia" is the Spanish version of the prix fix meal. It typically includes a drink (non-alcoholic, draft beer or wine), salad or appetizer, main course and a dessert ("postre") or coffee.

Tags: dish Valencia, dish Valencia Alicante, most famous, Valencia Alicante

Make Orange Marmalade

Delicious marmalades are commonly made from citrus fruits with shreds of peel and fruit in the jelly. Whether served on toast or bagels or used as a glaze for roast chicken or fruit tarts, marmalade offers a refreshing burst of sunshine. This recipe makes five to six 8-oz. jars.


1. Wash jars in hot soapy water and rinse. Place them on a rack in the sink and pour boiling water in and over each jar. Drain. Keep the jars hot by transferring them to a cookie tray and placing them in a 200-degree F oven.

2. Prepare the lids by placing them in a saucepan of gently boiling water.

3. Peel the skin from the oranges and lemons, allowing only a small portion of the white underskin to remain. Cut the peel into very thin slices.

4. Place the peel and 1 1/2 c. water into a medium-sized pot. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

5. Cut and peel off all white membrane and skin from the fruit sections and discard it. Chop the fruit and reserve all the juice. Add fruit and juice to the rind and water. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

6. Place the fruit into a 6- or 8-qt. pot. Stir the sugar into the fruit and mix well. Bring the fruit to a full rolling boil over high heat, stirring constantly.

7. Add fruit pectin and return to a full rolling boil. Boil hard for 1 minute.

8. Remove the marmalade from the heat and skim off and discard any foam using a metal spoon. Ladle the marmalade into a liquid measuring cup and fill jars immediately to within 1/8 inch of the tops.

9. Wipe the jar rims and threads with a clean, damp cloth.

10. Remove the jar lids from boiling water using tongs, and place them on a paper towel. Wipe them dry.

11. Place the lids on the jars and screw them on tightly. Invert the jars for 5 minutes, then turn them upright.

12. Check the seals after 1 hour to make sure the lids are curving down.

Tags: boiling water, Cover simmer, Cover simmer minutes, full rolling, full rolling boil, minutes stirring, minutes stirring occasionally