Monday, April 30, 2012

The Caffeine In Coffee Vs Pop

The Caffeine in Coffee vs. Pop

Caffeine is a stimulant that gives you that extra boost when you drink coffee or soda pop. However, caffeine can also contribute to anxiety, headaches and restlessness. Different brews of coffee and different brands of soda pop vary in the amount of caffeine it contains. Check the caffeine content in the coffee and pop you are drinking and consider cutting back on caffeine if you are taking in more than 500 mg per day.


The caffeine content in coffee can differ every day, even if it is from the same place because factors such as grinding, roasting and brewing affect the caffeine content. Use the caffeine content as a guide for daily consumption. Soda pop, on the other hand, has the same caffeine content because of its uniform manufacturing processes.


Coffee comes in caffeinated and decaffeinated options. But decaffeinated coffee still contains caffeine. Coffee is naturally caffeinated so to make decaf, the caffeine is removed either through the Swiss water method, which removes about 95 percent of the caffeine, or the chemical solvent method, which removes 97 percent of the caffeine in coffee beans. Caffeine-free soda really contains no caffeine.

Caffeine In Coffee

An 8 oz. cup of instant coffee contains 27 mg to 173 mg of caffeine, but a cup of decaf has only 2 mg to 12 mg of caffeine. For stronger coffee, an 8 oz. brewed cup contains 95 mg to 200 mg of caffeine. For those who enjoy coffee from coffee shops, an 8 oz. regular coffee at Starbucks contains 160 mg of caffeine, and Dunkin' Donuts' regular coffee has 103 mg.

Caffeine In Soda Pop

Some soda pop, such as 7Up, Sprite, Fanta (all flavors) and Mug root beer, contain no caffeine. A can of Coca-Cola Classic, Coke Zero, cherry Coke and diet Coke all contain 35 mg of caffeine, but diet Coke or Coke with lime has 45 mg. A can of Pepsi has 38 mg of caffeine. Soda pops that contain more caffeine include Dr Pepper (41 mg), Mello Yello (53 mg), Mountain Dew (54 mg) and Vault (71 mg).


If you are choosing between coffee and soda pop for a drink with no caffeine, you have several options in soda pop. On average, soda pop contains less caffeine than coffee, but coffee also provides antioxidant benefits that soda pop does not. Whichever you choose, it is best to drink in moderation.

Tags: caffeine content, contains caffeine, Caffeine Coffee, caffeine content coffee, coffee soda, contain caffeine

Eat Healthy No Bread Low Carb Meals

EAT Healthy No Bread Low Carb Meals

My dad has proved another theory about bread. My father now 50+ has been overweight for many years with a chronic habit of eating late at night and in the middle of the night. After much criticism he finally has made me proud as he takes some interest in his nutrition. Here's what he's doing and how's he has lost 10 lbs. by just doing a few easy things.


1. Stop eating so much bread. Try to cut it out for 1-2 days and then 50% of your normal intake after that. Unless your severely overweight then I recommend 75-100% less bread.

2. Most people enjoy eating burgers, sandwiches, and other things with bread on them. Now take those same ingredients and eliminate the bread. Cut up the ingredients or make a lettuce wrap out of the toppings unless you don't like lettuce. Sometimes I just use the toppings for a hamburger and make a salad out of it.

3. Watch your consumption of dairy. Do you really need butter or could you use something else or nothing at all? Most of the time I eat my rolls with no butter and they taste just fine. Dip them in something else like ranch, jam, or gravy. Assuming you haven't cut out all the bread in your diet. Which can be hard during special times like Christmas and Thanksgiving when bread seems like a main course. Also start to think about eating less cheese, ice cream and other high fat or high cholesterol dairy products. Start trying new fruits and vegetables. Go to the grocery store and just experiment with new foods. You want to consume things with lower sodium levels and more protein. Many people have high salt and low protein diets thus creating a dangerous mixture which is what likely causes fat to be stored.

4. I know you really want that fast food but take a trip to the grocery store instead or go home and eat the food you've already bought. Avoid TV Dinners and Microwaved items. These foods are not meant to be eaten all the time and are really just live savors to make sure you don't go hungry. Take your time eating and enjoy the preparation of making your food more than you do eating it. This balance will help your stomach have the proper time it needs to feel full and tell your brain that you don't need to eat any more food.

5. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, if your fat or feel fat then its your fault. I lost 40 pounds a few years ago following these same diets and nutrition tips and you can do the same. Watch the Biggest Loser on NBC to learn how people that are severely obese can get back to a healthy weight. It will be painful physically and emotionally but you must do it if you able and if not for people around you but for yourself. Imagine what your life would be like at your ideal weight and know that you are the only thing keeping that from yourself. It all starts with what you put in your body so start taking accountability of your nutrition and you will be on the first step to living a healthier life.

Tags: Bread Carb, Bread Carb Meals, Carb Meals, grocery store, Healthy Bread, Healthy Bread Carb

Friday, April 27, 2012

Make Homemade Strawberry Wine

Strawberries add a fruity sweetness to wine.

Sweet, juicy strawberries are a hallmark of summer. Homemade strawberry wine preserves the berry goodness of summer in a delicious beverage. Making fruity wine is a simple process that only requires patience, a large pot and some friends to share your vintage with.


1. Blanch the strawberries to retain their bright red color. Drop a few strawberries at a time into a large pot of boiling water. Boil for about 15 seconds before removing with a slotted spoon. Set aside to cool.

2. Mash strawberries and with a potato masher. Mix in four sulfur-based tablets to remove chlorine from the mixture and inhibit the growth of mold. Add one pound of sugar to every pound of strawberries you are using. Mix the strawberries together with about 15 pints of water and set aside.

3. Dissolve wine yeast into warm water. After the yeast dissolves, add the mixture to the mashed strawberries. Leave the mixture in an open container at about 70 F for 3 to 4 days. Occasionally stir the strawberry mixture.

4. Line a large colander with cheesecloth. Place the colander over a pot or bowl. Pour your strawberry mixture into the pot, straining any particulates through the cheesecloth. Ferment the wine for five to ten days.

5. Pour into bottles and keep at temperatures under 60 F. Strawberry wine does not age well, so you should drink it as a new wine as soon as you can.

Tags: strawberry mixture

Pair Champagne With Appetizers

Thanks to champagne's sparkling personality and appetizers' easy-going appeal, the two make a great pair. Whether it's a quiet dinner party at home or a black-tie gala for hundreds, begin an ideal evening with a flute of bubbly and a tray of hors d'oeuvres.


1. Choose your cheeses. Cheese is always great paired with wine, and champagne is no exception to this rule. Cubes, slices or spreads of gouda, brie, edam and mild cheddar will get your party off on the right foot.

2. Bring it fresh from the sea. Champagne goes well with shrimp, lobster, raw oysters, sushi and just about any other seafood. Raw fish work especially well as appetizers with this beverage.

3. Discover the love affair between champagne and salt. Although it's rarely anyone's first choice, this classy cocktail goes brilliantly with salty and fried foods. Try pairing a glass of Brut with prosciutto-wrapped appetizers, cocktail sausages, egg-based hors d'oeuvres, fried mushrooms or crab rangoons.

4. Pair champagne with foie gras. Serving duck or goose liver is a tradition in some cultures. This is also a rather expensive pairing.

5. Serve chicken-based appetizers with champagne. The bubbles of sparkling wine smooth over the flavor of steamed or baked chicken in small amounts. However, grilled chicken will overpower champagne.

6. Select fruit to be paired with champagne. Champagne always complements the flavors in fruit. When serving lighter fare, serve strawberries with a small glass of champagne before the meal. Or, consider doing dessert appetizers at the end of the meal. Champagne can be served with most desserts.

Tags: appetizers with, hors oeuvres, paired with, with champagne

Store Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkins are great for pies and jack-o-lanterns, but one of the little known benefits to carving your pumpkin is that you end up with a great snack. Pumpkin seeds are filled with nutrients and can be part of a healthy diet, but only if they don't go bad before you have a chance to eat them. Here's store pumpkin seeds all season long.


1. Harvest your pumpkin seeds. Once you've carved out your pumpkin, use a strainer to rinse the pumpkin seeds and remove any strands of pumpkin still attached.

2. Roast the pumpkin seeds. If you are interested in keeping your seeds from spoiling quickly, the best way to store them is to first make sure any excess moisture is toasted out of the seeds. You can use spices to add flavor when you roast your pumpkin seeds such as salt, nutmeg, cayenne pepper, and even chili powder.

3. Cool the pumpkin seeds before storing to avoid trapping moisture in the storage container. Pumpkin seeds will go rancid more quickly if exposed to moisture.

4. Store in an airtight container. A hard plastic storage container or disposable storage container is ideal because it creates an airtight seal to keep them fresh. However, if you live in an arid climate, you can store your seeds in a plastic bag.

5. Refrigerate or freeze your pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds can turn rancid even after you roast them if left at room temperature. They will remain fresh for up to 2 months if refrigerated. If you are going to eat them soon, refrigeration is not necessary.

Tags: your pumpkin, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seeds, storage container, your pumpkin seeds, your seeds

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Red Kidney Bean Plants

Red kidney beans are a versatile legume used in dishes from chili to red beans and rice. The small, kidney-shaped beans pack a strong nutritional punch. Kidney bean plants require little maintenance other than proper planting and sunlight. Protect the plants from freezing and watch the pods closely for signs to harvest.


Wait until the risk of frost has passed and the ground has thawed enough to be workable before planting red kidney beans. The plants like full sun, so select an area that receives a minimum of six full hours of sunlight every day. Plant the beans 1 to 2 inches below the surface, spacing each plant about 4 inches apart. Water the plants regularly, making sure to keep the ground moist without allowing water to pool. Provide tall stakes or trellis structures where the plants can climb to support them while they grow.


Wait for the pods to dry completely before you harvest the beans. The beans become hard inside the pod when the plants are ready for harvest. If rainy season becomes a problem before the plants dry out, move them indoors to complete the production season. The pods become a hay-brown color when the beans are ready.


Raw red kidney beans contain a high level of lectin, a toxin that can cause illness. It takes only four or five raw beans to cause symptoms. Within one to three hours of consuming raw or undercooked kidney beans, you may experience serious digestive system upset including diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pain. Illness subsides after three to four hours. Consult a doctor if you believe you are suffering from red kidney bean poisoning.

Nutrition Benefits

Red kidney beans are high in fiber, which helps lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar. As a rich source of iron, they are good for sustained energy. The beans are a great meat substitute due to the high protein content. One cup of red kidney beans provides close to 30 percent of your daily requirement for protein. The vitamin B1 content offered in kidney beans protects your memory and helps defend against Alzheimer's disease.

Tags: kidney beans

Crack Wheat Seed

Cracked wheat is easy to make from whole seed.

According to Madeleine Kamman, author of "The New Making of a Cook," cracked wheat is difficult to come by in North America. What most stores offer is bulgur wheat. And although similar, bulgur wheat and cracked wheat are not the same. Bulgur wheat is composed of wheat seeds that are partially cooked before they are cracked. Cracked wheat is composed only of raw wheat berries. But, luckily, while cracked wheat is hard to find, whole wheat seed (also called wheat berries) is available at many health food stores. Simply purchase it and crack it yourself.


1. Wash the wheat berries under running water.

2. Spread them out to air dry for 30 minutes or so. Turn them once by mixing them around with your hands.

3. Place the wheat seed in a cloth bag -- loose, tied cheesecloth or an old clean pillowcase works well. Close the bag and place it on the table. Smooth out the contents of the bag so that you have a thin, roughly even layer.

4. Hit the bag with the meat tenderizer. Try to hit each spot in the bag once with a clean, sharp rap.

5. Open the bag. Pull out a handful of cracked wheat and examine it. If you need finer pieces for your recipe, repeat steps three and four.

Tags: wheat berries, bulgur wheat, cracked wheat, wheat composed, wheat seed

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cucumber & Celery Snacks

There are a variety of snacks that can be made from celery.

Getting kids to eat healthy isn't the easiest task for parents, but there are several cucumber and celery snacks that are yummy as well as good for children. These snacks are simple to prepare, and often consist of ingredients found in most kitchens. Celery and cucumber snacks make ideal after school treats that kids will enjoy.

Stuffed Celery Snacks

These stuffed celery snacks are simple to prepare and are loaded with nutritional value for children. The best part is, these snacks take about five minutes to prepare so they are a perfect go-to snack when a mom or dad is in a hurry. Four celery sticks that have been halved are stuffed with a mixture of cream cheese, walnuts and raisins. This sweet yet salty snack will fill them up between school and dinnertime. It can also be varied by using dried cranberries or dried cherries.

Ants on a Log

This is a classic and popular celery snack that lets kids have a little bit of fun with their food. Celery sticks that have been halved are spread with peanut butter, and raisins are placed on top so that they appear to be ants on a log. This is an ideal snack to send with children to school, and it is also a fun way to greet them when they return home for the day.

Stuffed Cucumbers

For children who may not be a fan of celery, there also are cucumber snacks to choose from. A whole cucumber is cut in half and seeded in this recipe. Cream cheese, blue cheese, parsley, dill and onion are combined and spread into the center of the cucumber halves. The two halves are placed back together and refrigerated for several hours. After that, the halves are garnished with pimentos and more dill. This is a more intricate but delicious recipe that kids will enjoy after school or before bedtime.

Simple Cucumber Snack

For a very basic cucumber snack that is quick to make and sure to be a hit, slice up a cucumber into many pieces, and then squeeze lemon juice from a fresh lemon onto the slices. The slices of cucumber can be flavored with a dash of salt and chili powder. This basic snack offers a lot of nutritional value, and it is sure to please when the kids come running in after a long, hot sports practice.

Tags: after school, been halved, Celery Snacks, celery snacks, cucumber snacks, have been

The Advantages Of Wok Cooking

For centuries, woks have been an integral component of Asian cooking. In recent years, the wok has also been embraced by cooks throughout the world because of its simplicity and ability to create healthy meals.


A wok is shaped like a large bowl and usually made out of carbon steel, with some alternatives being aluminum and cast iron. The stove top wok's rounded bottom nestles into the grates of a gas range. This projects the flames' heat into a hot spot on the wok's bottom.


A wok's main advantage is that cooks can create healthy meals in a relatively short amount of time. Little oil is used in preparing vegetables, meats or seafood. Vegetables retain a crisp, crunchy texture, while the meats and seafood do not absorb large amounts of oil, which is heart-healthy.


Stove top woks come with both rounded and flat bottoms. The rounded fit easily into a gas range's grates. For electric ranges, a flat bottom is usually necessary. There are also electric woks on the market, but they generally do not work as well because they cannot attain the high temperatures needed for stir-frying, for instance.


Woks also eliminate the need to cook with a number of pots and pans. One wok can hold a variety of ingredients. Woks also are useful for sauteing, deep frying or steaming.


Woks should be seasoned with oil before their first use. Do not use dish soap to clean. Simply rinse with very hot water and a plastic scouring pad.

Tags: create healthy, create healthy meals, healthy meals, meats seafood, Woks also

Monday, April 23, 2012

Make Low Fat Mayonnaise

Substitute non-fat yogurt for the low-fat cottage cheese.

Mayonnaise is the creamy sauce that adds flavor to several comfort foods. Mayo lovers are 25 percent more likely to use the condiment over any other and it is consumed far more by women than men, according to the Association for Dressing and Sauces. Create a homemade, low-fat mayonnaise that will rival its store bought competition, and wow your family with its taste and texture.


1. Pour 2 cups of cool water and 1 tbsp. corn starch into a medium-sized saucepan.

2. Stir the ingredients until they are well incorporated and bring the mixture to a boil on high heat.

3. Continue to boil the mixture for 2 to 3 minutes and remove the mixture.

4. Pour 1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese and 1/4 cup olive oil into a large bowl.

5. Stir the ingredients and add 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp. table salt.

6. Pour the water and corn starch mixture into the bowl. Stir the ingredients until they are incorporated.

7. Spoon the mixture into an airtight container and refrigerate for 24 hours. This will allow the mayonnaise to become more firm.

8. Refrigerate and enjoy the low-fat mayo for up to one week.

Tags: Stir ingredients, bowl Stir, bowl Stir ingredients, corn starch, cottage cheese, ingredients until, ingredients until they

What Are Chicken Drippings

A roasted chicken produces flavorful drippings.

Anyone who's ever roasted a chicken has seen the drippings collect in the pan. Some cooks ignore them, others make sauce or gravy with them, and some simply mop them up with a slice of bread and eat them before the chicken ever leaves the kitchen. The drippings are a familiar sight, but most cooks don't really give much thought to how they come about or what they're made of.

The Meat Juices

One significant component of the chicken's drippings is the juices from the meat itself. The chicken's flesh, like that of other animals, is made up largely of moisture and strands of protein. During cooking, the protein strands in the chicken begin to contract. As they do so, they lose part of their ability to bind up water, forcing juices to escape. The longer the chicken is cooked, the more juices escape, which is why an overcooked bird is dry. However, even a properly cooked chicken will shed some moisture while roasting.


Another major component of the chicken's pan drippings is rendered fat. Commercially raised chickens put on weight quickly, much of it in the form of a layer of fat under the skin and larger deposits elsewhere through their bodies. During roasting this fat melts, or renders out. This is an important part the roasting process, because it moisturizes the meat, crisps the skin and carries flavors throughout the bird. The fat also insulates the meat to some extent, minimizing the loss of moisture during cooking.

Amino Acids and Other Flavor Compounds

One of the most important parts of the drippings is the amino acids that are part of the bird's juices. These are the building blocks of proteins, and when they are heated they undergo a browning process called a Maillard reaction. As they brown, the amino acids in the juices become very complex flavor molecules, providing the savory, rich flavors we associate with roasted meats. The drippings also absorb flavors from any seasonings you've used with the chicken, such as salt, pepper, garlic and herbs.


One further component of the drippings is gelatin, which occurs naturally in the muscles, bones, skin and connective tissues of poultry and other animals. As the bird cooks, its connective tissues are broken down and dissolved by the heat, filling the drippings with natural gelatin. This gives flavor and body to sauces or gravy made from the pan drippings. It's what makes the broth of chicken soup feel rich in your mouth. If you roast several chickens at once, you may have enough drippings left to debone and jelly one of the birds.

Tags: amino acids, component chicken, component chicken drippings, connective tissues, juices escape, other animals, roasted chicken

Friday, April 20, 2012

Cool Down A Hot Pepper

The oil, seeds and juice of a chili pepper can burn your skin.

A British chili farmer, Gerald Fowler crossed the three hottest chili peppers to create what has been claimed to be the hottest chili pepper in the world, the Naga Viper. According to scientists at University of Warwick, the new chili pepper measures a 1,359,000 on the Scoville Scale, which measures the hotness of hot peppers. Jalapeños are typically 2,500 to 5,000 on this same scale. Lovers of super hot food enjoy the pain and endorphin rush of hot peppers, but if you want to cool down a hot pepper, follow these simple steps.


1. Wear rubber kitchen gloves before handling your chili peppers. The oil, seeds, and juices can burn eyes and skin. Place the chili peppers on a cutting board.

2. Cut your chili peppers in half, lengthwise. Scrape out the seeds with you tip of your knife. Removing the seeds should lessen the hotness of your peppers. Prepare the dish with chili pepper seeds removed.

3. Eat yogurt, preferably full fat, if you cannot handle the hotness of your chili pepper dish. Oils in yogurt can dilute the oils in your hot pepper. Water will not help your burning tongue.

4. Drink lemonade with lots of sugar, real sugar not substitutes, to cool down the hot pepper. It should degrease the oils from the chili pepper and give you some relief.

5. Eat white bread or crackers, which can also help break down the hot oils.

Tags: chili pepper, chili peppers, your chili, cool down, cool down pepper, hotness your, hottest chili

Substitutes For Brie

Explore the other creamy alternatives to Brie cheese and find new additions to your cheese board.

Brie cheese is a creamy, white, French cheese often baked in a pastry crust for an appetizer, but there are other cheeses equally as rich. If you enjoy the savory flavor of brie, try other soft, rind cheeses as brie substitutes. Exploring your cheese options will expand your culinary possibilities.

Explorateur Cheese

The richest bries are triple cream. Explorateur is a rich, triple cream cheese to replace brie types with a high fat content. Use it to replace an equal amount of brie in recipes or for serving. Identify explorateur cheese by its cylindrical shape and white rind.


Camembert is a rich, creamy French cheese with a white rind and a soft texture. Like brie, opt for versions of Camembert cheese from France made with raw milk for the best flavor. Serve Camembert at room temperature or slightly warmed to enhance the texture and flavor of the cheese.


Reblochon is a ripened, white rind cheese made from French cow's milk. Properly aged, this cheese is creamy with a complex flavor. Over-ripened reblochon cheeses are bitter. The best way to avoid such bitter cheeses is to purchase your cheese from a trusted cheesemonger with a high turnover rate. Though the rind on reblochon is edible, many find it too pungent for their personal taste. Inform your guests of this if they are expecting the milder rind of brie cheese.

Paglia-Style Cheeses

Paglia-style cheeses can be considered Italian versions of brie. These cheeses are made in the Piedmont and Lombardy regions using cow's milk. Historically, the cheeses were packed in hay, giving this cheese type its name, "paglia," meaning straw. Modern paglia-style cheeses are wrapped in the same edible mold rind as brie instead of hay. Paglia-style cheeses have a natural combination of mushroom, garlic, onion and nut flavors, similar to brie. Use Paglia-style cheese in an equal amount for brie in recipes and on cheese boards.

Tags: white rind, your cheese, amount brie, amount brie recipes, brie recipes

Make Chinese Sweet And Sour Chicken

Make a flavorful dish.

Sweet and sour chicken combines two distinct flavors that come together well. Once you prepare the chicken, cook it in hot oil and mix it with the sauce. Keep in mind that you'll be working with hot oil. Use caution and supervise any children who are near the stove. If you don't have a wok, use a deep-sided pan to hold the oil and fry the chicken.


Cook the Chicken

1. Cut the chicken into a large dice.

2. Combine the water, egg and flour. Whisk well to form a batter. Mix 4 Tablespoons of water and cornstarch. Add this mixture to the batter.

3. Heat 3 cups of canola oil on high heat in a wok. Once the oil is heated, add the chicken to the batter and mix. Move the coated chunks to a plate.

4. Place the chicken in the hot oil, being careful not to let it splatter. Cook the chunks for about 8 minutes or until the chicken is cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degrees F as read by a meat thermometer.

Make the Sauce

5. Combine the ketchup, sugar, rice wine vinegar and juice from the can of pineapple chunks in a medium saucepan.

6. Bring the mixture to a simmer. Combine the cornstarch and remaining water. Add the combined cornstarch and water to the sauce. Add the diced green onion and pineapple chunks. Let the mixture simmer for 10 minutes.

7. Toss the cooked chicken with the sweet and sour sauce in a large bowl. Serve the sweet and sour chicken over white or brown rice.

Tags: mixture simmer, pineapple chunks, sweet sour

Ways To Prepare Oysters

Oysters can be prepared in several different ways.

Oysters are a versatile shellfish in the kitchen, as they can be baked, steamed, fried or even eaten raw in their shells. Known for a source of pearls, oysters have also provided great value as food for centuries and continue to be a delicious source of protein and nutrients. Abundant and flavorful, oysters can be presented as an appetizer, a side dish or a component in a number of main courses that call for seafood or shellfish.

Boiled, Steamed and Smoked Oysters

Oysters can be steamed or smoked and many cooks fine-tune flavors by using certain types of wood or seasonings in the water to get the flavor and taste their recipes call for. Seasoned water spices up these shellfish as they boil while Hickory, Apple and Alder woods pass along distinct flavors to smoked oysters. The seasoning of the water and the types of wood used bring forth accents and tastes that can sometimes be defined by the seaside area where the oysters were harvested.

Baked Oysters

Some recipes call for the oysters to be baked or broiled. Oysters Rockefeller, for example, is prepared by broiling or baking the oysters in their shells with various toppings. They can be shucked and spread on a sheet pan and baked after topping with bread crumbs, garlic and butter. Oysters also can be broiled under an open flame in butter and Worcestershire sauce. They can also be baked into seafood casseroles or pasta dishes.

Raw Oysters

Many oyster connoisseurs prefer them "on the half-shell," which means they are eaten raw with condiments such as hot sauce, lemon juice or cocktail sauce. Oyster shooters are raw oysters served in a shot-glass with vodka, tabasco sauce and lemon juice. Oysters are sometimes served as hors d'oeuvres with a variety of dips. Raw oysters are always served cold and usually in their shells on rock salt. Different regions around the world have their own variations of condiments and sauces they prefer with their raw oysters. Many people believe raw oysters are a natural aphrodisiac.

Oysters in Soups and Stews

Oysters are often incorporated into soups, stews and chowders. Bouillabaisse is a seafood soup that calls for oysters and clams added to the pot in their shells. Shellfish-based chowders are seasonal favorites along the New England coast and oysters play a starring role. Home cooks can add previously-frozen oyster meat to seafood soups, stocks and chowders to add depth and flavor. Tomato-based (Boston style), and cream/milk based (New England style) chowders are both complimented with oysters and/or clams.

Tags: their shells, lemon juice, oysters clams, recipes call, sauce lemon

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Make Homemade Candy

Candy is a favorite during the holidays, parties and celebrations, but it always seems so hard to make from scratch. It also makes great gifts, and if you know make it yourself, it can be a fantastic way to make a personalized gift that is inexpensive, as well. With a little candy making know-how, you can be on your way to making great gifts and special treats for all of your loved ones.


Make Homemade Candy

1. Heat the sugar and butter. The whole trick to making good candy is temperature. More to the point, exact temperature. Different candies are made at different temperatures, and the candy you will be making today is one of the most basic: peanut toffee. Toffee is a hard crunchy candy that gets its hard and crunchy consistency from a chemical change that the ingredients go through at a very high temperature. In a medium saucepan, heat the butter and sugar over high heat. Stir this constantly as the butter melts. Do not leave the stove while this mixture is cooking. Clip the candy thermometer to the side of the saucepan, so the tip is in the heating mixture.

2. Get the butter and sugar to the "hard crack" stage. This is the highest temperature stage of candy making, and at this temperature, the sugar crystals break down and reform as they cool, making a stronger, crunchier structure. As your mixture heats up, it will begin to bubble and start to turn from off white to beige to light brown. The mercury will begin to rise quickly on the thermometer. As it gets closer to 300 degrees, Fahrenheit, have half of the peanuts ready. The mixture will turn even darker brown at this point.

3. Add the peanuts. Just as the mixture hits 300 degrees Fahrenheit, remove from heat and add half of the peanuts, stirring immediately to incorporate completely. The addition of the peanuts will cool the mixture and stop it from cooking.

4. Pour into the pan. Once the peanuts are incorporated, pour the entire mixture into the pan, and spread to the edges with a wooden spoon. Let it cool for five minutes.

5. Add the topping. After five minutes, the mixture will have begun to solidify, but will still be very hot. At this point, add the crumbled chocolate to the top. The heat will melt the chocolate. Spread with the back of the wooden spoon. Sprinkle the top with the remainder of the peanuts. Let cool in the refrigerator for at least one hour. After it has cooled, break apart into shards with a knife. This should serve five to six people.

Tags: butter sugar, candy making, degrees Fahrenheit, five minutes, great gifts, half peanuts

Make Cheesy Spaghetti Pie

It's not just spaghetti anymore

Remember when you were a kid and your parents made spaghetti and you wished it was something else. How about spaghetti with a twist! In this "how to" article I will show you make an amazing "Cheesy Spaghetti Pie" that will make you crave it at least once a week.


Make Cheesy Spaghetti Pie

1. First step in making this amazing "Cheesy Spaghetti Pie" is to boil the spaghetti and allow it to cool for at least 30 minutes once it is cooked. Be sure to rinse the spaghetti thoroughly to remove the excess starch so that the spaghetti does not stick together.

2. Grease your deep casserole dish with olive oil or vegetable oil so that your spaghetti does not stick or burn when inside the oven.

3. In a large mixing bowl, add the cook spaghetti, the three cans of spaghetti sauce and the crushed Italian style tomatoes together. Mix thoroughly until all the spaghetti is coated.

4. Add a half of bag of the mozzarella cheese to the mixture, stirring until completely mixed.

5. Pour mixture into deep casserole dish, evening it out with a plastic spoon so it does not overflow. Add the rest of the shredded mozzarella cheese to the top, completely covering the spaghetti.

6. Place casserole dish inside a pre-heated 350 degree over for 45 minutes or until cheese has turned a light golden brown. Take out and serve with homemade garlic bread or crusty French bread.

Tags: Cheesy Spaghetti, casserole dish, amazing Cheesy, amazing Cheesy Spaghetti, deep casserole, deep casserole dish, does stick

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Make Tapenade For A Picnic

Tapenade is the perfect picnic food because it travels well. Mayonnaise free and great at room temperature, this is the perfect spread for bread, crackers or sandwiches. Simple or fancy, tapenade makes a versatile addition to a picnic.


1. Choose your olives, which are the base of tapenade. Green, Greek, kalamata and black are good choices. Those packed in oil offer more flavor than those packed in juice or water. Don't forget to pit them, if they aren't pitted already.

2. Put the olives in a food processor. You can also mash them by hand with a mortar and pestle.

3. Add your extras. Capers are traditionally used, but you can add basil, tuna, figs, caviar or garlic.

4. Season with herbs. Rosemary is a customary addition, but basil and thyme work just as well.

5. Pour 1 or 2 tablespoons of olive oil in the food processor. You want just enough that it will mix well and be easily spreadable.

6. Pulse the mixture until it is spreadable and uniformly ground to a paste. Taste and add salt if needed. Your olives may be naturally salty so taste the mixture before adding additional salt.

7. Pack the mixture in an airtight container, and serve with bread, crackers or pita bread. You can also use as a spread on your sandwiches, instead of traditional mayo and mustard. It will stay fresh all day.

Tags: bread crackers, food processor

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Use Lemon Juice For Health Benefits

Use Lemon Juice for Health Benefits

Lemon juice is quite high in vitamin C. There are a lot of health benefits and ways to use lemon juice. Lemons come from a lemon tree, which originated from Asia. Lemon juice is made up of 5% of citric acid. Lemons are used in baking desserts, drinks, teas, and meals as key ingredients quite frequently. Lemon juice contains a good source of fiber and protein as well. I'll show you the health benefits of using lemon juice.


1. Use lemon juice to treat and promote healthy skin. Lemon juice can be very effective in promoting healthy and younger looking skin. Lemon juice lightens the skin and removes dead cell skins. Lemon juice can be used to treat acne and heal wound cuts as well. Lemon juice can help stop nose bleeds. Lemon juice is rich in fruit acids, that benefit the skin. Lemon juice can be effective in reducing dark circles under eyes, because it lightens the skin. Also great at reducing blemishes on the skin. Lemon juice has antiseptic properties.

2. Use lemon juice to lose weight. Drinking lemon juice, as tough as it may be, can contribute to weight loss. The taste of lemon juice is quite strong, so I'd suggest applying a few tablespoons of lemon juice to green tea. Mix together and drink a few cups a day. Lemon juice will help boost your metabolism. Green tea is also linked to weight loss.

3. Use lemon juice for arthritis. Lemon juice can be effective in reducing arthritis and protecting the joints in the body. Two tablespoons a day dissolved into water can help reduce inflammation. Lemon juice can be a effective home remedy against kidney stones, too.

4. Use lemon juice for digestive disorders. Lemon juice helps treat and prevent heartburn. It also can help with indigestion as well. Lemon juice can be used to treat intestinal bacteria, constipation, upset stomach, and bloating. Best used when applying lemon juice with honey.

5. Use lemon juice for to treat colds and coughs. Lemon juice can reduce your fever symptoms, by reducing body temperature. Lemon juice has anti-inflammatory effects and can kill bacteria, fungi, and viruses in the body. Lemon juice can help treat tooth sores as well. Lemon juice helps boost the immune system.

6. Drinking lemon juice can lower high blood pressure and lower LDL cholesterol. Drinking lemon juice can naturally lower high blood pressure and bad cholesterol in the body. Those with heart problems should get more lemon juice, as the antioxidants help fight away diseases.

Tags: Lemon juice, lemon juice, skin Lemon, skin Lemon juice, Drinking lemon, Drinking lemon juice

Make Stuff Out Of Tootsie Rolls

The classic Tootsie Roll candy has been around since 1896, when they were sold for just 1 cent each. This little candy with a big history is now available in many flavors, colors and sizes. Kids will love making crafts out of candy; not only is it fun, but you can eat it when you're done. The pliable rolls can be squished into all kinds of shapes, combined to build sculptures, and cut into pieces for small decorations on cakes or gingerbread houses.


Make Tootsie Rolls Into Shapes

1. Buy a large variety pack of Tootsie Rolls so you have many colors and sizes available to use. Divide the rolls by color, and put each type in its own individual bowl or on a plate. Unwrap the rolls.

2. Microwave a plate of Tootsie Rolls for only a few seconds until the rolls can be easily pressed and molded. Do not allow the Tootsie Rolls to get so hot that they would burn your fingers. If you accidentally overheat them, simply wait for them to cool.

3. Flatten the Tootsie Roll lump on a bread board, cutting board, or wax paper using a rolling pin.

4. Cut out shapes in the Tootsie Roll with the cookie cutters. Use the stencil by placing it on top of the flat Tootsie Roll "dough" and cutting out the shapes by following the outline with a knife. Children can use a butter knife for this task; smaller shapes will be too difficult to cut with a duller knife.

5. Repeat for all the colors of Tootsie Rolls. Try stacking some shapes to make animals; for instance, make one large circle and two smaller ones for a bear's head with ears. Then make three very small circles for eyes and a nose, and a thin line for a mouth. Set the shapes aside when you are done molding them. They will become stiffer as they cool.

Tags: Tootsie Rolls, Tootsie Roll, colors sizes, when done

Turn Tomato Paste Into Tomato Sauce

Normally added to other tomato products as a thickener, tomato paste can be used to create tomato sauce.

Tomato paste is a highly concentrated form of tomato normally added to other canned tomato products, such as tomato puree, crushed tomatoes and tomato sauce. As it is highly concentrated, it is added for flavor and to help thicken a sauce. Tomato sauce can be used on its own to make a tomato sauce for pasta, and is prepared much in the same way as sauces made with other tomato products would be. This recipe uses two six-ounce cans of plain tomato paste and makes a flavorful sauce suitable for pasta or as a cooking ingredient.


1. Finely chop one quarter of a medium onion and one clove of garlic. Saute the onion and garlic in two tablespoons of cooking oil in a medium-sized sauce pan over medium heat for three to four minutes.

2. Add two eight-ounce cans of tomato paste and three paste cans of water to the onions and garlic. As the paste and water heat up, stir with a large spoon until blended. Lower the heat.

3. Add one and one-half teaspoons of oregano or basil (your preference), one-quarter teaspoon of hot pepper flakes (if desired) and salt and pepper to taste. Also add one-half teaspoon of sugar, to reduce the tang of the tomato paste.

4. Simmer on low heat for 20 minutes. Taste and adjust seasonings if necessary.

5. Serve over pasta or use as a sauce for cooking.

Tags: tomato paste, tomato products, tomato sauce, added other, highly concentrated, other tomato

Monday, April 16, 2012

Louisiana Cajun Shrimp Recipe

Louisiana Cajun Shrimp Recipe

Nothing says Louisiana like Cajun spices, and a recipe for Lousiana Cajun shrimp will wake up anyone's taste buds. Cajun culture derives from French migrants from North America (the word Cajun is a derivation of "Acadian") and the Caribbean. Food is absolutely central to Cajun culture, and Cajun spices are generally hot, including paprika and chili powder, and sometimes hot sauce and Tabasco. Peppers and onions are usually featured as well. Cooking shrimp in Cajun spices is one of the most common dishes. Other popular ones are jambalaya and gumbo, dishes that tend to throw in the "kitchen sink," or all the vegetables and meat that's around, and the former is cooked with rice. Add this to my Recipe Box.


A Louisiana Cajun shrimp recipe requires 1 tsp. each of paprika, chili powder, black pepper, salt, lemon juice and Worcestershire sauce. It also includes two cloves of garlic, one green bell pepper and 1 lb. of shrimp.

Mix the Cajun Spices

Mix together the paprika, chili powder, black pepper, salt, Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice in a bowl. Peel, devein and wash the shrimp.

Marinate the Shrimp

Add the shrimp to the cajun spice mix, and toss until evenly coated with the mixture. Put in the refrigerator and marinate for one to two hours.

Preparing the Garlic and Bell Pepper

Thinly slice the garlic. Chop the bell pepper. Heat the saucepan and add 1 to 2 tbsp. of olive oil. Saute the garlic and bell pepper on medium heat, until the pepper begins to soften, or approximately three to five minutes.

Cook the Shrimp

Add the shrimp to the pan after the bell pepper has softened, and cook the shrimp thoroughly, or about five minutes. The shrimp should be completely opaque when it's cooked through.

Tags: bell pepper, chili powder, Louisiana Cajun, paprika chili, paprika chili powder, black pepper, black pepper salt

Friday, April 13, 2012

Make Cannellini Bean Prosciutto And Mustard Greens Soup

Cannellini, prosciutto and mustard greens soup is a simple to prepare dish that makes an excellent, hearty first course to a large meal or a delicious full meal all on its own. Combining the smoky, savory flavor of prosciutto hock with the earthy taste of mustard greens and cannellini beans, this soup is quite satisfying on a cool winter day. Serve with a loaf of crusty French bread and a glass of chilled dry white wine.


1. Soak the cannellini beans in a large bowl of water overnight.

2. Drain the beans and put them in a large saucepan and cover them with water. Add the chili, crushed garlic, carrot, celery, onion, rosemary sprig and prosciutto hock. Bring to a boil over high heat. Lower the heat and simmer until the beans are tender, about 40 to 45 minutes, stirring occasionally.

3. Drain the beans, reserving the beans and cooking liquid separately. Discard the chili, carrot, celery, rosemary sprig and onion.

4. Remove the fat from the prosciutto hock once it is cool enough to touch. Slice the meat into small cubes and set aside until needed.

5. Heat the extra virgin olive oil in large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the rosemary leaves and shallots and sauté for four to six minutes. Stir in the mustard greens, reserved prosciutto and sea salt and cracked black pepper to taste.

6. Add the beans and reserved cooking liquid and simmer over low heat for 10 to 12 minutes. Ladle half of the soup into a blender and puree, returning the pureed soup to the pot once done. Transfer to individual serving bowls and serve immediately.

Tags: mustard greens, prosciutto hock, cannellini beans, carrot celery, cooking liquid

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mix A Twoliquor Drink

Many cocktails, including martinis, use two types of liquor. Add in a little mixer for even more possibilities. After you've mixed your concoction, serve it neat and chilled, on the rocks, blended or frozen. Follow these steps to mix a two-liquor drink.


1. Choose your liquors. You'll want to find two complimentary liquors such as a pineapple-flavored rum and an orange-flavored liqueur.

2. Pick a mixer. If you are making a mixed drink, choose a mixer that compliments the flavors of the liquors you have chosen. Some examples of mixers that go well with most liquor are tonic water, club soda and lemon-lime flavored soda.

3. Figure out the proportions. This is decided by whether you want certain flavors to dominate the drink or whether you want the flavors to balance. In the case of dominating flavors, mix two parts (one part equals one ounce) of the dominating liquor to one part of the other liquor. Mix equal parts if you want balanced flavors.

4. Shake it up before serving. This is best done by pouring your chosen liquors into a martini shaker filled with ice. Shake thoroughly and pour the liquor over ice or in a chilled glass. Fill the remainder of the glass with your chosen mixer.

5. If you don't have a martini shaker, stir it up. Pour your mixed drink into a glass with ice and stir it. Use a spoon, fork, straw or whatever you have on hand.

6. Add the liquors, mixer and ice to a blender and hit the "pulse" button a few times for a lightly blended drink. If you want a frozen concoction, add the liquors, mixer and crushed ice, then blend thoroughly.

Tags: glass with, liquors mixer, martini shaker, mixed drink, whether want, your chosen

Use Xanthum Gum

Xanthan gum is a thickening agent found in commercially prepared products such as ice cream and salad dressings. It works similarly to gelatin when used in home recipes and is great for thickening and stabilizing nondairy dishes such as soymilk and rice milk sauces, soups and ice cream. Xanthan gum is perfect for preparing foods for individuals who suffer from allergies or who have certain food restrictions that exclude dairy foods, eggs or soy from their diets. Xanthan gum is readily available from most health food retailers.

Try this quick and easy-to-prepare creamy ranch salad dressing that is high in protein and vitamin C, but low in fat and completely dairy-free. Blending a little bit of oil into the xanthan gum before you add other ingredients will produce the best texture and taste in any dishes calling for the gum. The mixture will actually impart the same depth of flavor and richness that would have otherwise been provided by using butter, eggs or cream. Work quickly, and don't attempt to blend xanthan gum by hand. If you don't keep it moving in a blender, it will form lumps and become gummy right away.


1. Empty two 12.3-oz. packages of firm light silken tofu into a colander and drain it very well. Thaw a 12-oz. package of frozen raspberries and drain them.

2. Put the tofu and the raspberries in the blender and process until thick and smooth. Empty the mixture into a mixing bowl, set it aside and wash and dry the carafe.

3. Combine 2 tbsp. of coconut oil with ½ tsp. xanthan gum in the blender, and mix very well.

4. Pour in ½ cup of maple syrup, 1 ½ tbsp. lemon juice, ½ tbsp. red wine vinegar, 2 tbsp. agave nectar and ½ tsp. salt. Blend well.

5. Add the tofu and raspberry mixture. Whip for about 45 seconds or until smooth.

6. Taste the salad dressing and add more salt and agave nectar to taste, if necessary. Add lemon zest, chopped nuts, coconut flakes or fresh herbs to taste, if desired. Chill for about ½ hour before serving.

Tags: agave nectar, salad dressing, very well

Grow A Nutmeg Tree From Seed

Myristica fragrans, more commonly known as nutmeg, is an attractive evergreen tree native to the Spice Islands. Nutmeg trees are prized for the yellow-skinned oval fruits they produce. When ripe, the fruit splits to reveal a hard brown kernel covered in lacy red aril, which is dried and used to make the spices nutmeg and mace, respectively. Nutmeg trees can be cultivated from seed in U.S. Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zones 10 and 11.


1. Collect two to three healthy nutmeg seeds that have recently fallen from their parent tree. Avoid choosing old, lightweight seeds that rattle when you shake them; these seeds are too dried out to germinate successfully.

2. Cover your planting area with 3 inches of equal parts peat moss, perlite and well-rotted compost. Work the amendments into the soil to a depth of at least 4 inches using a garden tiller, shovel or hand trowel. Push the collected fresh nutmeg seeds into the amended soil to a depth of no more than 2 inches. Allow 1 foot of space between each seed.

3. Erect a 50 percent shade cloth over the planted nutmeg seeds to prevent them from receiving too much direct sunlight. Position the shade cloth 2 feet above the ground. Reposition the cloth as the nutmeg grows, keeping it approximately 2 feet above the top of the plant. Shade your tree for the first six to seven years of growth, after which the tree can receive unfiltered sunlight.

4. Water the newly planted nutmeg seeds to encourage them to germinate. Continue to provide your nutmeg with supplemental irrigation as often as needed to keep the soil evenly moist.

5. Begin a regular fertilization schedule for the nutmeg tree in the spring of its second year of growth. Fertilize the tree with a granular, slow-release 16-16-16 fertilizer, applied according to package directions. Add a second application of fertilizer in late July. Repeat the twice-yearly fertilizer applications annually to stimulate healthy, hardy growth.

6. Prune damaged, diseased or dead branches from the tree in the spring, if needed. Remove the tree's lower branches during spring pruning for a more attractive growing form and easier access to seeds and fruit. Remove shoots growing from the base of the trunk as soon as they're noticed, regardless of the season.

Tags: nutmeg seeds, feet above, Nutmeg trees, planted nutmeg, planted nutmeg seeds, seeds that, shade cloth

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Make Black Bean And Salsa Salad

Mexican cuisine is full of rich flavors like tomatoes, peppers, onions and herbs like cilantro and garlic. Blending all of these together into a salad that is both healthy and flavorful creates a dish that infuses the taste of the southwest with fresh ingredients in a simple recipe. Follow these steps to make black bean and salsa salad.


1. Cook rice according to package directions. Do not overcook the rice or allow it to become soft as it will become mushy when added to other ingredients.

2. Drain the black beans and rinse them thoroughly in cold water. Rinse the beans until the water runs clear to make sure that all of the thick starchy juice they are canned in has been rinsed off.

3. Toss the rice, beans and cooked corn together in a large bowl until well mixed.

4. Stir the salsa into the rice and vegetable mixture until it is well combined. If the mixture seems to be a little dry after adding the salsa, add a few additional tablespoons until it is not so dry and is the consistency you want.

5. Add the fresh chives and cilantro and fold the herbs into the salad until they are evenly mixed in.

6. Sprinkle with the lime juice and season with salt and pepper to taste.

7. Top with additional chopped cilantro or chives if desired.

Tags: into salad, until well

Party Tray Garnish Ideas

Parsley-Yesterdays Garnish

The art of garnishing has come a long way from a sprig of parsley or a twist of lemon on the side of a plate. Any kind of fruit or vegetable imaginable may be used to create a work of art to please any palate. Even cheese can be a food artist's medium to capture the eye and tease the tongue.


There are many tools available to make beautiful garnishes and edible decorations. If you are just learning, all you really need to begin is a sharp paring knife; a small, sharp, serrated knife; and a melon baller.

Once you have mastered some simple techniques with these items, you can add other useful tools like a butter curler, a grapefruit knife, various shapes of small cookie cutter and a hand grater with a small section of holes and a larger section of holes. Wooden toothpicks and skewers are also used for more complex garnishes.

Choosing Garnishes

Deciding what to use as a garnish is often determined by what is being served and the occasion. A high school graduation party or a summer barbecue would obviously warrant different garnishes than an elegant dinner party. Some people make garnishes out of leftover ingredients from the dishes they have made. Others like to go all out and get really creative.

If you want to keep it simple, citrus is very versatile. Oranges, lemons and limes can pretty much be used interchangeably. Choose fruit that is firm, evenly shaped and blemish free. Create citrus knots to place on pies and puddings. Wash and dry the fruit. Cut thin strips of the peel with a sharp paring knife or vegetable peeler, then cut the strips into thinner strips, about 3.5 inches long and 1/8 of an inch wide. Carefully tie each thin strip into a knot. Scored slices and twists are also simple to make. Just slice the fruit, and for the scored slices cut it in half and use a fork to score the edge with the peel. For twists, slice the fruit in a circle, cut halfway through the fruit and twist. Use these to garnish party trays of appetizers containing seafood.

If garnishing party trays of meat and cheese, using vegetables is just the way to go. Tomato roses may be made in no time at all. Wash and dry the tomato. With a sharp paring knife, start at the base and cut a continuous strip around the tomato until you reach the top. Place the strip skin side down and begin rolling it into a coil. When the strip is almost completely coiled, turn the tomato rose on its base and tuck the end of the strip underneath.

Tomato roses look especially appealing in the middle of a cucumber spiral. Slide a skewer through a four-inch piece of an unpeeled cucumber (the ends should be cut off and the cucumber should be washed first). With a sharp paring knife held at a slight angle, cut through the cucumber until the blade touches the skewer. Hold the blade in that position and rotate the cucumber away from you, cutting around the cucumber so that the cuts are about ¼ inch apart (do not lift the blade). Once you have finished cutting, remove the skewer and carefully pull the ends outward to form a spiral. Place the cucumber spiral around the tomato rose in the center of the tray.

Preserving Garnishes

Soaking garnishes in cold water for 30 minutes helps preserve them and keep them crisp and fresh. After soaking, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate till needed.

Tags: paring knife, sharp paring, sharp paring knife, around tomato, cucumber spiral, Once have, party trays

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Fundraising Ideas For High School Teams

A car wash can be an entertaining fundraiser idea.

High school sports teams oftentimes need to raise money for new equipment and uniforms, and to get the funds to pay for travel expenses. Students who are part of the high school teams can help manage and work fundraisers. Come up with creative fundraising ideas to get students and community members involved.

Baked Potato Bar

Host an all-you-can eat baked potato bar at the high school for dinner one night during the week. Students and parents sign up to attend, and they get to eat all of the baked potatoes they want, with a variety of fixings, such as scallions, sour cream, bacon bits and shredded cheese. In addition, host a raffle for those who attend. Purchase a few potato-sprouting kits for attendees to win in the raffle. Decide how much tickets should cost based on the profit you need from the fundraiser.

Car Wash

A car wash is an effective way to raise money, and minimal supplies are needed to put one together yourselves at the high school parking lot. Give some students the task of flagging down customers on the street corners by holding up large car wash signs. The rest of the students are in charge of washing and drying the vehicles. Start early in the morning and rotate students in shifts if you have a lot of kids who want to volunteer.

Bake Sale

A bake sale is an easy way to make money because sales can take place on the high school campus. The team members can set up a bake sale booth filled with baked goods, such as cookies, muffins and banana bread, and try to sell to other students during the lunch hour. Or, bake sales can be held outside in the high school parking lot during the weekend to attract people from the community. If you are hosting a bake sale around a particular season, such as Halloween, tailor your baked goods toward the goodies that are holiday-specific. For instance, brownies with orange frosting are attractive for Halloween, and gingerbread cookies make good treats at Christmastime.

Butler Auction

In a butler auction high school team members auction themselves off to other high school students to serve as their butler for the day. An auction is hosted in the school, and students can bid on the butler who they want to have. All of the money goes toward the fundraiser. The butlers have to help students carry their books, get them food or water when they want it and do other silly errands.

Chili Cook-Off

A chili cook-off is a tasty way to raise money for a high school fundraiser. Host a cook-off, or competition, for those who make the best chili. Charge an entry fee to those who want to participate in the cook-off. Make sure your event gets a lot of attention, because the more people you get to participate, the more money you raise. You will also need to make sure that guests come to the cook-off to be the judges of the best chili. You can have different categories for the competition, such as "spiciest chili," "most meaty" and "overall best." The winner of the chili cook-off receives a gift card for a prize.

Dog Wash

A dog wash is like a car wash, only students are washing owners' dogs. Many pet owners want their dogs to be bathed, but they don't always have time to do it themselves. High schoolers can set up dog washing stations outside in the high school parking lot and charge pet owners a minimal fee to get their dogs washed, rinsed, dried and brushed.

Tags: high school, high school, bake sale, high school parking, raise money, school parking

The Health Benefits Of Lemon Juice For Blood Pressure

Lemon juice can help lower high blood pressure.

The lemon packs a powerful punch. With each lip-puckering bite, this fruit can help heal a lot of health problems. Many experts consider lemons to be a natural remedy because it helps solve a number of conditions, including high blood pressure. Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States, and people with high blood pressure should particularly take notice of the health benefits of lemon juice.

A Natural Blood Purifier

Raw, extracted lemon juice is rich in vitamin P, a helpful nutrient found in a lot of citrus fruits. Vitamin P is responsible for helping the body absorb Vitamin C, but it also has a vital role in the condition of our blood.Vitamin P promotes capillary health and helps prevent capillary bleeding. It can be found in both the juice and the peel, and it is essential for controlling hemorrhage in a variety of medical conditions. Vitamin P is also beneficial in preventing capillary fragility, according to the Soy Milk Quick.

Rich in Nutrients

Lemon juice has several nutrients. One of these nutrients is vitamin C, a common vitamin found in most fruits. Adding more vitamin C into your diet has been proved to have heart benefits. A study published in Science Daily discovered that a daily dose of vitamin C can significantly reduce an individual's high blood pressure.

Nitric oxide is a natural component in the human body that relaxes blood vessels. It also contributes to helping the body maintain a healthy blood pressure. However, stress and other factors inactivate or slow nitric oxide's ability to function. According to the study, an intake of vitamin C helps protect levels of nitric oxide and allows it to perform its natural purpose.

It also contains the mineral potassium. According to GI Care, potassium works with sodium to help keep blood pressure regulated, and studies have also proved that people who consume more potassium have a lower blood pressure than those who consume less of the mineral.

Other valuable nutrients found in lemon juice include vitamin B, phosphorus, proteins and carbohydrates.

Suggested Remedies

Some experts recommend adding lemon juice to your morning routine. Because lemon juice helps to make capillaries flexible, drinking hot water with lemon juice in the morning helps to overcome high blood pressure.

Another remedy suggested by Guma Gumalu calls for boiling barley with buttermilk and adding lemon juice to the concoction. If taken on a regular basis it can help to control hypertension issues.

Room temperature lemons are easier to extract juice from. Microwaving the fruit for a short time is also a tool for juicing, but users should be careful not to boil the lemon.

Tags: blood pressure, high blood, high blood pressure, lemon juice, adding lemon, adding lemon juice

Monday, April 9, 2012

Hearty Soup Ideas

Thick, chunky and packed with nutrients.

The idea behind a hearty soup is that the soup fills you up without the need for side dishes or appetizers. Hearty soups are one-pot meals in which you should receive the nutrients and protein necessary to nourish both body and mind to allow you to get on with your daily tasks feeling energized and ready; if not, they make a great segue to a cozy nap on the couch. The key to hearty soups is to make sure that the majority of food groups are represented within the dish.


Most soup bases are focused on vegetables, whether as a chunky ingredient or pureed into the broth base. Assume that vegetables hold a mandatory presence in any hearty soup; they provide critical vitamins and nutrients and are undoubtedly one of the least fulfilled food groups in the U.S. (that is, the majority of Americans fail to consume the recommended number of vegetable servings per day). Depending on the recipe, hearty vegetables include potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, lentils, onions, celery, kale, spinach, turnips, squash and zucchini.

Hearty, vegetable-based soup include French onion soup (with soaked bread/croutons and cheese), bacon potato soup (with celery and cheddar), pea or corn soup (with ham and dairy cream), sausage and lentil soup (with carrots, celery and heavy cream) and classic vegetable soup (thick cuts of a variety of vegetables such as carrots and beets based in a chicken or beef broth along with pasta or rice).


Adding grains increases substance. Carbohydrates are necessary for increasing energy levels and blood sugar levels, thus adding grains such as rice, barley, pasta noodles (cut linguine, shell pasta, penne, for example) or fresh or dried bread is crucial for making a soup hearty. Adding rice and pasta can either be done from the raw state while the soup cooks, or cooked separately and combined just before serving. For breads and croutons, fresh bread should be placed on the bottom of the bowl and then covered with the soup just before eating.

Hearty, grain-based soups include chicken and rice soup (with carrots, celery and sour cream), steak and noodle soup (with peppers, Parmesan and onions), mushroom barley soup (with chicken) and tortilla dumpling soup (with chicken, corn or flour tortilla dumplings, sour cream and peppers).


Hearty soups should contain a form of protein to be considered nutritionally well rounded. Most soups already contain at least partial animal fat due to the presence of beef, fish or chicken stock, but an additional substance protein is recommended. Grilled chicken, ground beef, pork, steak cubes, fish and sausage are all possible soup proteins. But there are vegetarian protein options, which include adding a of beans (black, kidney, white, pinto and garbanzo beans), dairy sources including cream, cheese and sour cream and even nuts such as peanuts and cashews (usually in Eastern recipes).

Hearty, protein-based soups include American stew soup (beef based in beef broth with potatoes and assorted vegetables), white bean and sausage soup (based in chicken stock with kale and fennel leaves), Thai coconut peanut soup (smooth peanut and coconut based curry broth with chicken, bean sprouts and rice noodles), fish stew (fish stock base with shrimp, cod and/or white fish accompanied by carrots, peppers and cilantro) and wild rice with chicken and mushroom soup (in a chicken broth and cream base).

Tags: soup with, with chicken, sour cream, based chicken, beef broth, broth with

Melt Chocolate In A Crock Pot

Chocolate has a low melting point.

Chocolate melts just below body temperature, so excessive heat is not needed to melt it. Due to chocolate's low melting point, the slow heating process of a crock pot allows busy cooks to work on other projects while chocolate safely heats. Extreme heat will actually cause scorching, leaving chocolate with a burnt flavor and grainy texture. To melt chocolate in a crock pot, use the lowest heat setting, and plan to wait at least five hours before working with the melted chocolate.


1. Wipe the inside of the crock pot, making sure there are no water drops inside of the crock.

2. Plug in the crock pot and turn it on, using either the warm or low setting.

3. Put the chocolate in the crock pot, and cover the crock with the lid. Allow the crock pot to heat undisturbed for at least three hours if the crock pot is set on low, or for four hours on warm.

4. Turn the heat off, and without removing the lid, wait two more hours for heat to finish spreading through the chocolate.

5. Stir the chocolate gently, but thoroughly, and then prepare the chocolate as you normally would, either in candy molds or by using it for dipping.

Tags: chocolate crock, inside crock, melt chocolate, melting point

Types Of Hot Green Chili Peppers

Jalapeno peppers are a popular kind of pepper used in cooking.

Hot green chili peppers add spice to any meal. These peppers range from mildly hot to intense heat that will give you a good sweat. If you want to use hot chili peppers in your cooking, learning a little about the different kinds of peppers can help you add just the right amount of heat and flavor.

Anaheim Peppers

Anaheim peppers are around seven inches long and start off about two to three inches thick at their base, slowly getting smaller to their pointed end. These peppers have a mild, subdued heat. Anaheim peppers typically are stuffed with cheeses, meats, or even peanut butter, or used in making salsa. They are commonly used in the traditional Mexican chile relleno dish.

Habanero Peppers

While ripe habanero peppers often are thought of as yellow or orange, unripened green habeneros also can be used in cooking. They are among the hottest peppers available. These boxed-shaped peppers are about two inches long and two inches wide. Habanero peppers often are used in tropical foods, like Caribbean cooking, as their extreme heat works well with the sweet flavors in tropical dishes. You can use habanero peppers in sauces and salsas, but it is advisable to use only small amounts because of their intense heat.

Jalapeno Peppers

Jalapeno peppers are a popular pepper used in numerous dishes. Two to three inches thick and about four inches long, these peppers, while not as hot as habaneros, are still hot but have a sweet undertone to their flavor. Often served alone by frying, baking or pickling, you also can add them to most dishes to provide substantial heat. Jalapenos are a staple in most Mexican dishes, as well as spicy salads, sauces, meat marinades and even certain alcoholic beverages.

Serrano Peppers

Like habanero peppers, serrano peppers carry a lot of heat. These peppers look somewhat like jalapenos, only slightly smaller. Serrano peppers add intense heat to Mexican dishes and also are commonly used in Thai cooking.

Tags: habanero peppers, inches long, intense heat, Anaheim peppers, chili peppers, commonly used

Friday, April 6, 2012

Preserve Garlic Paste

Make a large quantity of garlic paste so it's always on hand.

From garlic bread to vinaigrette, garlic paste has broad range of culinary applications. Eliminate the necessity of crushing or mincing garlic for paste each time you need it by making it in bulk and preserving it. Two methods of preservation include freezing, and oil and vinegar preservation. These methods will give your garlic paste a shelf life of 9 to 12 months, allowing you to take just the amount you need when you need it.


Oil and Vinegar

1. Add the garlic paste to a glass gar with an airtight lid.

2. Fill the jar with white vinegar until it saturates approximately 1/3 of the garlic paste. The acidity of the vinegar will act as a preservative.

3. Fill the jar with extra virgin olive or soybean oil until the remainder of the garlic paste is covered.

4. Place the lid on the jar and shake well.

5. Stick an adhesive label on the jar and write an expiration date of 9 months in the future, using a permanent marker.

6. Store the jar of garlic paste in the refrigerator. Do not store the jar out of the refrigerator, as the combination of oil and garlic in room temperatures can create botulism.


7. Force the paste into the cavities of a mini ice cube tray, using a rubber spatula. Wait at least 15 minutes after making the paste to put in the ice cube tray so the flavors and nutritional properties ignited by crushing the garlic have time to fully develop.

8. Place the trays in the freezer for 8 hours.

9. Crack the trays and empty the garlic cubes into a plastic freezer bag. Each cube will be the equivalent of one garlic clove.

10. Write an expiration date of 9 months in the future on the bag.

Tags: garlic paste, cube tray, date months, date months future, expiration date

Get Cookies Off A Rosette Iron

Rosette cookies are delicate looking treats made with a batter using eggs, milk, flour, salt and sugar. To form the rosette cookies, iron rosette molds are used. These molds are usually sold in kits with several different shapes. The iron mold is dipped into the sizzling, hot oil and then quickly pressed into the batter. Then quickly dipped back into the hot oil and removed after a minute or so. Sometimes the batter can stick to the rosette iron.


1. Buy a quality Rosette iron set. A cheap set can have a rough finish making it difficult to remove the cookies from the Rosette iron.

2. Follow your Rosette recipe carefully. Using the wrong ingredients can make it difficult to remove cookies from a Rosette iron.

3. Season the iron by dipping it in the hot oil and letting it sit for a minute or so. This will help the batter adhere well to the iron and allow it to slip off easily later.

4. Remove the Rosette iron, lightly shaking off excess oil and then quickly dip it in the batter. The oil should be approximately 375 degrees F. This is crucial to getting cookies off a Rosette iron. If the batter is too hot or cold, the cookies will not come off properly.

5. Cover only 3/4 of the Rosette iron with batter. If you cover too much, the cookies will stick to the iron.

6. Dip the batter on the Rosette iron back into the oil. As the edges start to brown, lift the mold. The Rosette cookie will slip off the mold and into the hot oil. Flip the Rosette cookie using tongs to brown on the other side.

7. Repeat the steps making sure the Rosette iron is heated in the oil before you dip each cookie.

Tags: Rosette iron, Rosette iron, back into, cookies from, cookies from Rosette, cookies will, difficult remove

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Make Yummy Potatoes

Make Yummy Potatoes

This hashbrown potato casserole is one that everyone will love. It's quick and easy to make. You can easily adjust to feed your family or a crowd. It's the perfect accompaniment to a baked ham and is an Easter dinner favorite.

Because it is so easy to make, in Idaho and Utah it's the common favorite to serve at the family dinner after the death of a loved one so many call them "funeral potatoes". Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Heat the butter, soup, sour cream and onions until butter is melted. This can be done in the microwave.

2. Mix partially thawed hashbrowns and cheese together in large bowl. Pour soup mixture over and mix well. Season to taste. Easy on the salt. Pour into 9X13 pan.

3. Combine crushed corn flakes mixed with melted butter for the topping. Or you can just top with more shredded cheese or a combination of cheese and cornflakes. Bake at 350 for 45 min to one hour.

Tags: easy make, Make Yummy, Make Yummy Potatoes, Yummy Potatoes

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Substitute Crushed Red Pepper For Serrano Chiles

It's easy to substitute one hot pepper for another, but the resulting flavor will be different.

Serrano peppers are popular in Mexican cooking and are esteemed for their flavor, for for their thin, tender skins that don't need to be peeled, and most importantly, for their powerful heat. If you don't have fresh serrano chilies, the best substitutes are fresh habaneros, gueros or jalapenos. If even these are unavailable, however, you can use readily available crushed red pepper flakes, which are typically made from dried cayenne peppers. Because these are fruitier than serranos, the flavor of your finished dish will be different, but you'll still have the heat you desire.


1. Determine how many serrano chilies your recipe requires.

2. Measure out 1/4 tsp. crushed red pepper for each seeded, deveined and chopped serrano called for in your recipe.

3. Add and cook the crushed red pepper following the recipe's directions for serrano chilies.

4. Taste your dish after you add the pepper flakes, and add more to suit your taste if desired.

Tags: crushed pepper, serrano chilies, pepper flakes, will different, your recipe

Ideas For Promoting Foods

Entice potential clients to give your food a chance.

No matter how tasty your treat may be, if people don't know of the food's existence they will likely never have the opportunity to enjoy it. To ensure that potential fans don't fail to experience your food, promote the edible products you offer.


Often the best way to catch the attention of a potential food buyer is to give her a taste of what you have to offer. Set up a sampling booth near the shelf that houses your product at a store, or task an employee with offering food samples to shoppers if your restaurant sits in a strip mall. Ensure that your samples represent the best you have to offer to ensure that they effectively catch your potential buyer's attention.

Online Presence

When their stomachs start to growl, many take their search online. Make sure this Internet search leads them to your product by creating and maintaining an online presence. Include tempting pictures of your tasty treats to entice buyers.

Customer Coupons

Give potential buyers the chance to try your product without emptying their wallets by distributing customer coupons. Give customers coupons for greatly reduced prices, or offer them the products for free as a way of getting them hooked.

Food Benefit Advertising

Some consumers are on the hunt for healthier eating options. If the food you are offering is of this healthy variety, make that fact known. Create brochures that outline the health benefits of your foods, and provide calorie and fat content. To increase the likelihood that this information gets into the hands of health-conscious consumers, place it on display at health-food stores or gyms.

Billboard Advertising

Get drivers to look up from the road just long enough to behold your product by taking out billboard advertisements. Create billboards prominently featuring your company name and images of your foods. Include a catchy slogan to make the attention-getting ad even more effective.

Tags: your product, ensure that, have offer, your food, your foods

Make Your Own Lofat Whipped Cream

Whipped cream makes a delicious topping for almost any type of dessert. It's great on ice cream, pies, pudding, and even Jello. You can buy it in the store, but choosing to make it yourself will ensure more flavor. If you want to make your whipped cream a little more healthy for you you can create a low-fat whipped cream.


1. Set your bowl in the refrigerator 30-45 minutes before beginning the recipe so your bowl chills. Using a chilled bowl will help your whipped cream keep it's whipped shape.

2. Pour your light cream in to your mixing bowl and beat with a wire whisk. Be fast and keep at it until the whipped cream takes on it's usually fluffy form. Using light cream instead of heavy cream significantly cuts down on the fat.

3. Add your vanilla extract and sugar to the whipped cream and continue beating with the whisk. Do this until the whipped cream begins to form peaks.

4. Serve immediately on top of your desserts.

Tags: whipped cream, light cream, until whipped, until whipped cream, whipped cream

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Make An Easy Peach Cobbler With Cake Mix

What cook doesn't love an easy peach cobbler?

Peach cobbler- such a traditional dessert. Forget the hassle of making it like grandma, with sugar and flour.

Find out make this super easy peach cobbler with cake mix. Talk about easy? This cobbler takes less than 3 minutes to prepare. Read on to learn how.


1. Gather your dishes. For this cheap, easy peach cobbler, get out your 9 inch square baking dish. Pour in a can of peaches, syrup included. Make sure the peaches are cut up and not whole.

2. Open up the cake mix. After pouring the peaches, open your Jiffy cake mix.

I use Jiffy yellow cake mix because not only is it cheap, but just the right amount. Pour Jiffy cake mix on top of your peaches and syrup, already in the dish.

3. Add the butter. To complete the easy peach cobbler, add one stick of melted butter.

Pour over the cake mix. Preheat oven to 350 degrees, and bake for 30-40 minutes. The peach syrup will keep the cobbler from drying out.

4. Add the ice cream. Once the cobbler is out of the oven, grab the vanilla ice cream out of the refrigerator and put a scoop on top, while the cobbler is still warm.

You will not find another cobbler that is as cheap, yummy or easy as this peach cobbler.

Tags: easy peach, peach cobbler, easy peach cobbler, easy peach cobbler, Jiffy cake

Store Homemade Divinity Fudge

Divinity fudge is a candy that originated in the United States. It has been around since the early 1900's and is most popular during the holiday season. Divinity fudge is naturally white in color, but some recipes add a pastel tint to brighten up the candy. The center of the fudge has a light texture while the outer layer is crispy. It is important to properly store divinity fudge, so the candy does not dry out. If stored properly, homemade divinity fudge can last for up to two weeks.


1. Cover the bottom of an airtight container with waxed paper. Lay teaspoon-sized pieces of the divinity fudge onto the waxed paper. Situate the candies at least ¼ of an inch apart.

2. Lay another piece of waxed paper on top of the divinity fudge. Lay a second layer of the candies in the same manner as above onto this piece of waxed paper. Continue the process of stacking the candies on layers of waxed paper until the container is full.

3. Secure the lid on the container. Store divinity fudge unrefrigerated for up to two weeks.

Tags: waxed paper, divinity fudge, divinity fudge, fudge candy, piece waxed, piece waxed paper