Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Make French Pumpkin Soup

This soup is usually eaten straight out of the pumpkin itself which makes it more flavorful.

Pumpkin soup is a French dish that is served during the fall season. It is rich and creamy and usually served straight out of the pumpkin itself. The soup is also served as an appetizer for lunch, dinner or for Halloween or Thanksgiving.


make French pumpkin soup for Fall

1. Washing vegetables is important for proper sanitation.

Wash a 3 lb pumpkin.

2. Create a lid for the pumpkin the same as the picture above using a paring knife.

Use a paring knife and cut out the top of the pumpkin, creating a lid.

3. Be sure to remove all the stringy filling and seeds before preparing the rest of the recipe.

Remove the inside of the pumpkin, including all the seeds and stringy filling, leaving the pumpkin meat intact. A spoon can be used to gut the pumpkin. Now layer the inside of the gutted pumpkin with seasoned croutons and Gruyere cheese.

4. The half and half will give the pumpkin soup a rich and creamy taste.

Fill the pumpkin with half-and-half almost to the top. Add pepper and sea salt for taste as well as a sprig of tarragon. Place the lid back on the pumpkin.

5. Baking the entire pumpkin with the soup ingredients ensures a flavorful soup.

Place the pumpkin on a baking sheet at 350 degrees F for 1-1/2 hour. Remove from oven and stir with spoon. Enjoy.

Tags: pumpkin with, paring knife, pumpkin itself, rich creamy, straight pumpkin, straight pumpkin itself, stringy filling

Difference Between Regular & Greek Yogurt

Many American yogurts are thickened by added ingredients.

Greek yogurt has been around for thousands of years but has only recently gained popularity in the United States. Both types of yogurt are made from milk and active cultures, but Greek yogurt differs from regular American yogurt both texturally and nutritionally.


Greek yogurt is generally thicker than regular, American yogurt. Many types of American yogurts contain thickeners, such as pectin, but Greek yogurt is strained to remove more of the liquid (whey). Straining makes the texture of Greek yogurt denser and creamier than regular yogurt.


Greek yogurt contains less lactose and other carbohydrates than regular yogurt. Because it is more concentrated, whole milk Greek yogurt is higher in fat and calories than regular whole milk yogurt. Regular yogurt contains about twice the calcium as Greek yogurt, but Greek yogurt is higher in protein.


Greek yogurt is better for cooking because it does not curdle when heated, a problem cooks sometimes encounter when heating regular yogurt. The thick, creamy texture of Greek yogurt makes it a good substitute for sour cream. Greek yogurt has a longer shelf life than regular yogurt because it contains less whey.

Tags: Greek yogurt, than regular, Greek yogurt, regular yogurt, than regular yogurt

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Make Grilled Banana Splits

It's unfortunate that more desserts don't take advantage of the grill during a backyard barbecue. This grilled banana split takes great advantage of the grill and can be the perfect cap to a cookout. You'll need a very hot grill and all the standard stuff for a banana split.


1. Heat the grill as hot as it will go.

2. Prepare the bananas by trimming the ends with a knife. Cut off the stem and the base of the banana.

3. With the banana still in its skin, cut it in half vertically so it's in two long lengths.

4. Brush the cut face of each banana half with melted butter.

5. Place the banana halves cut side down on the hottest part of the grill. They should sizzle quite audibly.

6. Stand ready with tongs and a spatula. The bananas will take less than a minute to grill.

7. To burn in grill marks, give the bananas a quarter turn so a new set of grill marks runs across the first set. This isn't necessary, but it looks nice.

8. Check the bananas as they cook; the cut side facing the grill should turn golden very quickly. Remove the bananas before they become too dark.

9. Let them cool slightly, and use your fingers to remove the banana skins.

10. Assemble each banana split by placing two grilled halves in an oval bowl. Top each with two or three scoops of different flavors of ice cream. Drizzle with caramel sauce, top each scoop with whipped cream, and garnish with chopped nuts, cherries or the topping of your choice.

Tags: banana split, advantage grill, each banana, grill marks

Make Great Egg Rolls

An egg roll commonly consists of a variety of chopped meats and vegetables wrapped in a thin sheet of dough that has been dipped in egg wash. It is similar to a spring roll but has a more westernized history than its Chinese cousin, although the exact origin is still debated. Egg rolls can make for a delicious appetizer or main meal and are relatively simple to make.


1. Mix together 1 lb. of ground pork, 1 tbsp. of soy sauce, 1/4 tsp. of sugar, 1 tsp. of cornstarch and a 1/4 tsp. of freshly ground black pepper in a bowl and leave to stand for 10 minutes.

2. Slice 11 oz. of cabbage, 10 fresh shitake mushrooms and three carrots into thin shreds as you wait. Finely mince two cloves of garlic and grate 1 tsp. of fresh ginger too.

3. Pour 1 tbsp. of cooking oil into a saute pan and turn the heat on high. Add the pork mixture and stir frequently for three minutes.

4. Add 1/4 tsp. of sugar, 1/2 tsp. of salt, 1 tsp. of sesame oil, 1 tbsp. of soy sauce, 1 tbsp. of Chinese rice wine and a 1/4 tsp. of freshly ground black pepper. Stir-fry for one minute.

5. Spread the contents of the pan onto a baking sheet and leave it to stand for 15 minutes.

6. Use paper towels on the filling to remove the excess oil.

7. Mix 1 tbsp. of cornstarch into 1/4 cup of cold water.

8. Take one of your 50 egg roll wrappers and drop 1 heaped tbsp. of filling onto the wrapper about 1 inch away from one of the corners.

9. Roll from the corner with the filling on it until you get to the halfway point. Fold the parts of the rolled edge that do not contain filling, so they overlap in the center.

10. Roll the wrapper until you roughly have a 1 inch corner left. Dip your fingers in the cup of cornstarch water and rub them on the corner. Finish rolling the egg roll.

11. Repeat this process for the other 49 egg rolls and the place them in the refrigerator for four hours.

12. Pour high-heat cooking oil into a wok until it is 2 inches deep. The oil is ready when a cube of bread will turn golden brown in then seconds, around 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

13. Cook five egg rolls at a time for roughly one minute 30 seconds or when they turn golden brown. Position them on a wire rack to drain and your egg rolls are ready.

Tags: black pepper, cooking into, freshly ground, freshly ground black, golden brown, ground black

Monday, February 27, 2012

Make Ravioli

Ravioli are little pillows of pasta filled with meat, vegetables or cheese. They're popular with children as well as adults, and can be bought dried along with other pasta, frozen in bags, or packed fresh in the refrigerated section of the supermarket. However, many cooks prefer the taste of home-made ravioli.


Make the Pasta

1. Combine 24 ounces of pasta flour, 15 eggs, 1 ounces of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of salt in a mixing bowl.

2. Use an electric mixer with the dough hooks to combine the ingredients, adding the flour a little a time. Stop adding flour when the dough can't absorb any more.

3. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and set aside at room temperature for about 30 minutes.

4. Remove part of the dough and rewrap the rest while you use a rolling pin or pasta machine to roll out the dough.

5. Cut the dough with a biscuit cutter or round cookie cutter. You can also cut the dough into squares. Cover the squares or rounds with damp paper towels until you're ready to fill them.

Make the Filling

6. Decide on the filling you want such as pureed spinach, cheese, or cooked Italian sausage. Add herbs and spices as desired.

7. Process the filling in the food processor.

8. Drop small amounts of filling on half the ravioli rounds or squares.

9. Wet your fingers and wet the edges of the rounds or squares, then place another round or square on top and press the edges together with your fingers until they are sealed.

10. Dust each ravioli in flour before placing them on a platter. You can also place the ravioli in a single layer on a parchment paper-lined cookie sheet.

Cooking the Ravioli

11. Boil salted water in a large pot.

12. Drop the ravioli in the boiling water a few at a time, being careful not to overcrowd the pot.

13. Remove the ravioli when they float to the top and place the cooked ravioli in a colander to drain.

14. Serve with the sauce of your choice.

Tags: adding flour, rounds squares, your fingers

Create A Brunch Menu

Serve a wide range of items on your brunch menu.

Brunch, a combination of breakfast and lunch, is a meal consumed very late in the morning or in the early afternoon. Since you can derive meal ideas from breakfast and lunch menus, the possibilities are endless. You want to make a menu that everyone in attendance can eat by offering a variety of foods. Combine breakfast and lunch foods to create the "brunch" aspect, and offer options from both traditional breakfast and lunch menus.


1. Incorporate eggs into the menu. Eggs go great in casseroles with potatoes or meats including ham, sausage and bacon. They're quick to throw together and easy to serve to groups of people. Deviled eggs work great as finger foods.

2. Allow your guests to get exactly what they want with made-to-order omelets. Include different types of cheeses, meats and vegetables like onions, peppers, mushrooms and tomatoes. You need someone willing to cook during the meal to incorporate this into your plans.

3. Serve a range of pancakes such as blueberry, chocolate chip and buttermilk. Supply different flavored syrups, butter and strawberry or apple fruit toppings with some whipped cream on the side to appeal to all your guests.

4. Satisfy the sweet craving your guests have with baked goods like slices of cake or pie, cookies or brownies. If you need a healthier option, serve fresh fruit like strawberries and grapes that guests can eat with their hands.

5. Make small sandwiches for guests to grab. You can cut traditional sandwiches into fourths, and stick toothpicks into them for easy handling. Make a variety of types to suit a variety of tastes. Label different types with index cards for easy identification.

6. Create a vegetable platter for guests to enjoy. Cut celery, broccoli, carrots and cucumbers, and place dressing for dipping next to the platter. You can also create a separate platter with pepperoni, crackers and different types of cheese.

7. Don't forget the beverages. Offer something for everyone including children. You can offer champagne or wine for an alcoholic beverage and serve coffee, tea, soda and juice as alternatives.

Tags: breakfast lunch, different types, your guests, breakfast lunch menus, lunch menus

Stop Bread Machines From Sticking

Many modern cooks shy away from the complicated process of breadmaking, but automatic bread machines allow almost anyone to create a tasty loaf at home. Measure the ingredients, push some buttons and your fresh bread will be ready in a couple of hours. Removing the loaf from your machine can sometimes be tricky because bread may stick inside the pan.


1. Slip a silicone spatula between the bread and the pan after the bread is done baking. Never use a metal spatula or knife; the metal will scratch the surface of the pan. This results in spaces and nicks where dough will stick.

2. Wash your bread-pan insert and dough blades with a plastic dish scrubber. These green, rectangular scrubbers will remove baked-on crumbs without scratching the cooking surfaces.

3. Mix 1 to 2 tsp. of olive oil with the rest of your bread ingredients. The additional oil will be enough to keep the browned crust from sticking to the inside of the pan; it will not make your bread heavy or oily. Use very light or virgin olive oil for best results.

Tags: your bread

Friday, February 24, 2012

Roast A Baked Potato On A Fire

A different way to enjoy salt-crusted baked potatoes is at a New England clambake.

Roasting a baked potato on a fire uses techniques ranging from wrapping the potato in foil, tossing it into a low fire and hoping for the best, to much more sophisticated methods. Roast the baked potato as part of an entire meal, all prepared simultaneously on the campfire. Preparing the potatoes with a fire imparts a distinctive texture and smoky flavor that serves as a meal by itself or as a complement to a larger spread.


1. Dig a fire pit deep enough to accommodate the potatoes and two layers of seaweed that are each at least 3 inches wide.

2. Cover the bottom of the pit with large rocks.

3. Pile firewood over the rocks, ignite it and allow it to burn down to ashes.

4. Sweep away the ashes, and lay a metal grate over the rocks.

5. Cover the metal grate with 3 to 4 inches of seaweed.

6. Place the potatoes over the seaweed, cover them with another layer of seaweed and cover the entire pit with wet burlap sacks. Keep the burlap sacks and the top layer of seaweed wet.

7. Check to see if the potatoes are ready to eat after two hours of baking. Allow as little heat as possible to escape while removing one large potato from the fire pit. Insert a knife or fork into the potato. The inner flesh should be firm but flaky and the skin crispy and wrinkled. Depending on how much heat you are working with, the potatoes may require an additional hour before they are ready to eat.

Tags: baked potato, burlap sacks, layer seaweed, metal grate, over rocks, seaweed cover

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pickles & Mustard Gifts

Mustard and pickles serve as a wonderful complement to many dishes. Both of these foods are tart, but in different ways. They may be spicy, sweet, sour or bitter. Mustard is made by adding ground mustard seed to a liquid like white wine, vinegar or fruit juice and adding spices to taste.

Pickling increases the acidity of a food so that it does not spoil by letting it soak in brine. Many foods can pickled, such as mushrooms, peppers and pig's feet. Most people think of pickled cucumbers when they hear the word "pickle."

Gift Baskets

Gifts for mustard and pickle lovers may be difficult to find locally; however, traditional butcher shops and supermarkets will sell both mustard and pickles, and perhaps a few specialty varieties that can be used to create personalized gift baskets.

Many online businesses offer gift baskets for sale containing specialty pickles or mustard, usually accompanying meats, chutneys and jams. Also, many of these sites sell build-it yourself gift baskets for the pickiest eaters.

Make Your Own Mustard

Homemade gifts touch the heart as well as please the palette. Making specialty mustard at home is fast and easy. The key is to grind whole mustard seed rather than buy ground mustard seed. The flavor will be much richer if freshly ground seed is used. This powder should be added to enough white wine or vinegar to obtain a ketchup-like consistency, and then appropriately spiced or sweetened -- if making honey mustard, honey would be added here instead of spices. Hot sauce or dried peppers may be added to make spicy mustard.

Cleaned mason jars of all sizes can be used to store the mustard, and decorated labels attached for identification purposes add aesthetic enhancement.

Make Your Own Pickles

Homemade pickles are an excellent gift for pickle lovers. Making pickles at home is a much more involved and time-consuming process than making mustard. Cucumbers made ready for pickling must be washed and soaked in salt water for 12 hours prior to being drained and added to a solution of water, salt, vinegar and pickling spices. All of this is then boiled while mustard seed and dill is added to the mixture. The cucumbers are then added to the jars and heated in a boiling water bath. The jars should be sealed by the boiling water bath and stored after they are cooled (see References).

Pickles and Mustard Combinations

Fellow pickle and mustard lovers will be excited to receive a gift of different combinations of the two foods. Battered and deep-friend pickle slices go very well with a mustard-style dipping sauce (see References).

Mustard pickles will wow aficionados of both foods. Made by boiling cucumber chips in a vinegar-mustard sauce, they are finished the same way regular pickles are: processed in jars inside a boiling water bath (see References).

Tags: mustard seed, boiling water, boiling water bath, water bath, gift baskets, ground mustard

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Make Fruit Leather In The Microwave

Fruits are nature's candy.

Fruit is an important part of a balanced diet and a good alternative to candy. Dried fruit and fruit leathers concentrate the sweetness of fruit, are easy to store and are great for backpacking. Using your microwave to make fruit leather eliminates lengthy drying time or bulky dehydrators. Mix and match favorite fruits to add excitement to brown-bag lunches or to keep on hand for a quick pick-me-up snack.


1. Wash, peel and pit the fruit. Good selections for fruit leather are apples, blueberries, bananas, peaches or pears. Blackberries and raspberries can be used, but the seeds can affect the texture of the finished product. High acid fruits like pineapple may affect the consistency of the dried leather.

2. Puree the fruit. An electric blender works well for this step, but you can use a hand-cranked food grinder instead. The fruit needs to be ground into small particles. The puree should be moist enough to pour easily, but should not be too wet. Commercial applesauce is the correct consistency. Sugar or honey may be added if desired.

3. Place a layer of plastic wrap on a microwave safe plate. Spread the fruit in a thin layer on the plastic wrap.

4. Elevate the plate in the microwave by placing it on a saucer that is turned upside down. Microwave at 50 percent power for five minutes or until the puree is no longer sticky. If it is still a bit sticky in the middle, continue to microwave in 25 second bursts. Watch the mixture closely to make sure it doesn't burn.

5. Allow the fruit leather to cure at room temperature overnight. Roll up the finished leather in its plastic wrap. It can be stored at room temperature for up to a week.

Tags: fruit leather, plastic wrap, layer plastic, layer plastic wrap, room temperature

What Are The Functions Of Gelatin

Gelatin provides a garnishing touch to bakery products.

Gelatin is not a substance that occurs free in nature; it is a water-soluble protein, derived from the extraction of collagen found in animal skin, bones, hides and tendons. It is generally taken from the collagen of healthy animals certified for human consumption. It cannot be extracted from horns, hooves or other body parts of animals that do not contain collagen. Gelatin is not found in plant sources or vegetable sources like seaweed extracts. There are two types of gelatin: Type A from pig skin and Type B from beef skin.

Food Applications

Gelatin plays an important role in many different foods. In bakery products it has a unique function, helping to sustain sugar's crystal-like shape and to stabilize the liquid phase of various bakery products like icing, cream fillings, glazes and marshmallows. It is used with mousses and whipped toppings for its whipping and stabilizing functions. It is used in canned foods like hams to congeal the juices that get extruded during the processing stage.

Industrial Applications

In pharmaceutical industries, gelatin is useful in making hard and soft gel capsules. Stainless steel pins are dipped into gelatin solutions to form hard capsules, which are then set by blasting them with chill air. The moisture is removed and the two halves of the capsule are joined together. It is as an important part of the process that makes synthetic polymers and latexes, functioning as a protective agent to prevent coagulation of the polymer and latex particles. It is used in hair care products, cosmetics, textiles and paper making.

Armaments Applications

A professional grade of gelatin is used by various law enforcement entities, military and ammunition manufacturers for testing purposes. Gelatin has properties that enable it to function as a simulation of human body density. It is used to test the effectiveness of ammunition in hunting, crime-stopping applications and military applications. Gelatin in block form is used to provide information to law enforcement agencies because of its ability to closely mimic human flesh. It also has a consistently high clarity which allows observation and photography of projectiles, penetration and fragmentation.

Photography Applications

Dr. Richard Maddox is believed to be the first person to suggest the use of gelatin in photography. He advocated coating a glass plate with sensitizing chemicals and putting it in gelatin instead of collodion emulsion. The gelatin used in the photography industry comes primarily from beef bones. Gelatin functions as a bonding agent for the various layers in celluloid film. A photographic grade of gelatin has several applications in a photographic product including use in anti-halogen layers, non-curl layers, sub-coating layers, coating layer and the silver halide emulsion layer.

Tags: bakery products, from beef, gelatin used, grade gelatin, Type from

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cold Process Dill Pickles

Pickles are the perfect side dish for American fare, such as burgers and hot dogs.

Pickles have been a favorite food for thousands of years, ever since the Mesopotamians made them a part of their culinary history. Once used as a means of preventing scurvy during sea travel, dill pickles are doubly as popular as their sweeter cousins in America. While pickles are usually canned through a hot process, cold process pickles can also be created if a canner is unavailable or not desired. Refrigerated pickles are simple to create, and can be stored for several months.


1. Rinse the cucumbers under running water and rub them with your hands to remove any dirt and debris.

2. Cut the ends off of the cucumbers. Cut each one lengthwise into quarters, or desired size.

3. Pour the vinegar and pickling mix in to the large pot. Place it on the stove and bring it to a simmer.

4. Insert one grape leaf in the bottom of each mason jar. Place the cucumber slices vertically in the mason jars, leaving 1/2-inch of space at the top.

5. Pour the simmering vinegar mixture on the packed cucumbers, leaving 1/4 inch of space at the top.

6. Set the lids on the jars and tighten the rims around them until they are tight.

7. Cool the jars for two hours. Place the jars in the refrigerator and allow them to sit for 24 hours to one week to absorb the flavor. Use within two months.


Monday, February 20, 2012

Make Easy No Bake Cheesecake

Top no-bake cheesecake with fresh fruit.

Try a no-bake cheesecake if you're craving the cool and creamy dessert but don't want to turn on the oven because it's hot outside. No-bake cheesecakes also are ideal for occasions when you want a special homemade dessert but have a limited amount of time in the kitchen. No-bake cheesecakes have all the tangy flavor and richness of their baked counterparts, so you won't be missing out on taste or texture.


1. Place one 8 oz. package of softened cream cheese and 2 cups of cold milk into an electric mixer bowl or a mixing bowl. Blend the cream cheese and milk with an electric or handheld mixer on medium until the mixture is smooth and creamy.

2. Add the contents of one 3.4 oz. package of instant vanilla pudding. Beat the mixture for two minutes or until it is well-blended.

3. Pour the cheesecake mixture unto a pre-made 9-inch graham cracker crust.

4. Cover the cheesecake and place it into the refrigerator for one hour or until it firms up. Top the cheesecake with cherry pie filling or sliced fresh peaches, if desired.

Tags: cheesecake with, cream cheese, no-bake cheesecake, No-bake cheesecakes

Make Mexican Hominy

Hominy makes an excellent side dish for any Mexican meal, including Mexican casseroles, salads or enchiladas. You also can pair hominy with a side of refried beans to form a complete meal. Mexican hominy is easy to make and it contains only a few ingredients that are staples in most pantries. Follow these steps to spice up your next meal.


Mexican Hominy Recipe

1. Warm hominy in saucepan over medium heat.

2. Add 1 can diced tomatoes.

3. Stir in 1 can green chilies.

4. Spice it up by adding cumin and garlic.

5. Cook over medium heat for 7 to 8 minutes.

6. Stir in cilantro and salt and pepper to taste.

7. Remove from heat and pour into 4 single serving bowls.

8. Top with shredded Monterey Jack cheese and serve.

Kinds of Hominy

9. Remove the hull from corn kernels and strip them of their bran and germ to make hominy.

10. Soak corn kernels in a weak lye bath to make Lye Hominy.

11. Crush corn kernels mechanically to make pearl hominy.

12. Grind corn to make that old southern favorite, grits. Grits are most often served as a cooked breakfast cereal or side dish, with butter, salt and pepper.

13. Choose between white hominy made from white corn or yellow hominy made from sweeter yellow corn. You can buy hominy canned or dried.

Tags: corn kernels, hominy made, hominy made from, made from, medium heat, Mexican Hominy

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Type Of Meat Used At Fondue Parties

Fondue can be used as an appetizer, main course and dessert.

Though some people may associate fondue with fruit and chocolate, the term fondue refers to dipping meat or seafood into various sauces or cheeses. You can either center your party around the fondue or just serve it as an additional snack. Either way, you'll need to provide enough fondue forks for everyone in attendance. If using disposable forks or toothpicks, keep trash cans nearby for easy disposal.


Cubed or sliced steak makes a tasty fondue meal.

Beef -- preferably in the form of a steak -- can be used for both broth- and oil-based fondues. For broth fondue, trim the fat and cut the steak in ¼-inch-thick strips to allow for quick cooking. Each strip can be cut to any length, but under 2 inches is best for bite-size pieces. Cook the strips of steak in 212 degree F broth for 20 seconds to a minute, depending on how well-done you like the meat. For oil fondue, trim the fat and cut the steak into 3/4-inch cubes. Cook each cube of beef in 350 degree F oil for 30 to 60 seconds, depending on how well-done you want it. Eat the meat plain or dip it in any variety of steak sauce.


Cut pork into cubes before cooking it in fondue oil.

Use pork in oil fondue for best results. Trim the fat from a pork tenderloin or cutlet, but leave a very thin layer of fat on the meat for extra flavor. Cut the meat into 3/4-inch cubes and cook it in 350 degree F oil for 45 to 60 seconds. Eat the cooked pork plain or eat it with dipping sauces such as a honey mustard or sweet and sour sauce.


Broth fondue with chicken is one of the more healthful fondue options.

Chicken works well with broth and oil fondue. For oil fondue, cut a chicken breast into ½- to 3/4-inch cubes. Dip the chicken cubes in 350 degree F oil for one minute to ensure it cooks thoroughly. When cooked in oil, dip the chicken in any variety of dipping sauce normally used for wings. For broth fondue, cut the chicken into ½-inch cubes or ¼-inch-thick slices. Dip the chicken in 212 degree F broth and let it cook for two minutes. The chicken can be eaten on its own or along with the broth in which it was cooked.


Delicate fish flavors often go best with broth fondue.

Oil or broth fondue can be used for seafood. Keep in mind, however, that cooking in oil may cover up the flavors of some fish. For oil fondue, cut the fish fillet into 3/4-inch cubes or ½-inch-thick strips. Dip the fish in 350 degree F oil for one minute. Dip the fish in tartar sauce or any other type of dipping sauce. For broth fondue, cut the fish fillet into ¼-inch-thick strips. Dip the strip in 212 degree F broth for one to two minutes, depending on how well-done you like it. If cooking shrimp, let it cook until it's completely pink.

Tags: 4-inch cubes, broth fondue, into 4-inch, into 4-inch cubes, degree broth

Friday, February 17, 2012

Deglaze A Pan With Wine

De-glazing a hot pan that has just been used to cook a flavorful cut of meat is a common cooking technique used to make pan sauces. While the process of de-glazing can involve any cold liquid added to any hot pan, using wine to de-glaze a pan adds deep, robust flavors like oak and cherries to any pan sauce. De-glazing a pan requires the searing of a good cut of meat, added aromatics like onions or garlic, and a nice cooking wine.


1. Put the saute pan on a stove top over medium-high heat. Add the butter to the pan.

2. Lightly season your cuts of meat. Add them to the saute pan when the butter begins to brown. Cook until your cuts of meat are cooked to your liking, which should take 10 to 20 minutes. Remove meat from saute pan and set it on a separate plate.

3. Add your onion, garlic and herbs to the saute pan and turn the heat to High.

4. Pour the wine into the saute pan and bring to a boil. Use a wooden spoon to scrape the bits of cooked meat left in the pan off the bottom of the pan.

5. Stir the sauce for several minutes as it cooks. After the sauce becomes slightly thickened, season it with salt and pepper, then pour it over your cut of meat to finish your pan sauce.

Tags: cuts meat, your cuts, your cuts meat

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Make Puff Pastry Cookies

Any home baker hunting for new cookie ideas cherishes this recipe. Instantly mix the mock puff pastry dough in the food processor and then roll it out in minutes. When baked, the cookies magically puff up creating buttery layers that melt in your mouth.


1. Separate 1 egg and reserve the egg white in the refrigerator for later use. Put the egg yolk into the food processor.

2. Place the butter, cream cheese, flour and salt into the processor with the egg yolk. The butter and cream cheese should be at room temperature. Process the ingredients on medium high until a smooth cookie dough forms.

3. Transfer the dough to a one gallon plastic bag and flatten it into a 6-inch square. Seal the bag, forcing the air out. Refrigerate for 3 hours.

4. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and place on a work surface. Sprinkle lightly with flour and roll into a 12-by-8 inch rectangle. Imagine the 12-inch length of the dough divided into 3 sections, each measuring 4 inches. Carefully lift the left section and fold it over the middle section. Do the same with the right section so that the dough resembles a folded letter.

5. Turn the dough so that its length goes from left to right across the work surface. Roll again into a 16-by-8 inch rectangle and fold into thirds again. Cover the dough once more and fold again, this time into a 16-by-10 inch rectangle. Put the puff pastry dough on a baking sheet, cover tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 to 3 hours.

6. Pre-heat the oven to 350-degrees F. Remove the reserved egg whites from the refrigerator. Place the granulated sugar in a bowl near the work surface.Take the dough from the refrigerator. Use cookie cutters to cut out cookies from all the dough and place them on a cookie sheet about 1/4-inch apart.

7. Brush the tops of the cookies with the egg white and sprinkle liberally with the sugar. Bake for 18 to 20 minutes until golden brown and puffed. Remove from the oven and wait 2 minutes before transferring the cookies to wire racks to cool completely before serving.

Tags: from refrigerator, inch rectangle, work surface, butter cream, butter cream cheese, cream cheese

Pair Wine With Smoked Turkey

Toast to a delicious meal with a glass of wine.

Finding a wine that pairs well with smoked turkey can depend heavily on your personal taste and palate. The general rule when pairing wine and food is that red wine goes well with red meat, such as beef and lamb, and white wine goes well with chicken, pork or fish. Provide a few white wine choices so you and your guests can have an opportunity to find the one that most pleases the palate when paired with the smoked turkey dinner. According to, chardonnay, sauvignon blanc and Torrontes wines are all good choices to pair with smoked turkey.


1. Place the three bottles of wine on the table with your meal. Let your guests know that you have different white wines from which they can choose. Explain that each wine you have chosen goes well with the light and smoky flavor of your turkey.

2. Give your guests a description of the wines you have chosen so that they can decide which wine to drink. Use descriptive words such as aromatic, acidic or light-bodied. Let them know how the wine tastes by using words such as toasty oak, nutty or citrusy. Chardonnay is generally known to have a light oak taste, while sauvignon blanc has notes of citrus. Torrontes is more dry than the others and has a floral and fruity flavor.

3. Pour a small amount of the chosen wine in each guest's glass so that they can taste the wine before pouring a full glass. Have your guests swirl the wine in their glass to release its aromatic qualities. Have them smell the wine next. Smelling the wine prior to tasting it will help to identify the fruity or floral notes. Pour your guests a glass of their favorite wine.

Tags: your guests, well with, goes well, goes well with, with smoked turkey, have chosen

Mizithra Cheese

Mizithra cheese is a unique and flavorful Greek specialty. There are many varieties of this cheese, making it an excellent addition to any cook's repertoire.


Mizithra is a traditional Greek cheese. It is usually unpasteurized. In Cyprus, this type of cheese is known as anari. Dishes made with anari are rare and famous. In Europe, many countries have restrictions on mizithra cheese that strictly regulate the location and processes that must be used in the cheese-making process in order for the result to be considered true mizithra cheese. The popularity of mizithra cheese can be traced back to ancient times.


Mizithra cheese is made from the whey from feta and kefalotiri cheeses, combined with sheep's or goat's milk. Mizithra can be used both fresh and aged. This cheese can be served with honey and fruit as a dessert, or as a dish with olives, basil and tomatoes. Mizithra cheese is also a popular topping on salads and pastas.


Mizithra cheese is unique in that it can be served at a variety of stages in the aging process. Fresh mizithra is soft and creamy, similar to cottage cheese. Aged mizithra is known as anthotyros. This cheese is usually formed into the shape of a ball or truncated cylindar. Sour mizithra is known as xynomizithra. This type of mizithra has a very sour, tangy flavor.


Mizithra cheese is soft and white. Young mizithra has a sweet flavor and is only slightly granulated. Depending on the time of year it is made, fresh mizithra may have a slightly tangy flavor. Aged mizithra becomes hard and crumbly. The goat's milk used in production gives the flavor a bit of a bite. Even aged mizithra is very moist. Sour mizithra is best paired with strong liquors. The often pungent flavor of this type of cheese can make it distasteful to some.


True mizithra cheese is produced in Greece. This specialty cheese can be purchased online from a few vendors. It can be found in stores throughout Europe but is much more difficult to find in the United States. Specialty cheese shops are the best bet for locating good mizithra cheese.

Tags: Mizithra cheese, cheese unique, cheese usually, goat milk, mizithra cheese, mizithra cheese, Mizithra cheese

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Make Flavored Syrups

Create your own flavored syrups for drinks, ice cream, pancakes and waffles.

People use flavored syrups in drinks, on snow cones and over desserts for added flavor. Making flavored syrups can save money and does not take much time. It only takes about 10 minutes, and flavored syrup is available in any desired flavor. The hardest part of making flavored syrup is making the simple syrup, and that is a simple task. Making flavored syrups doesn't require any special cooking skills.


1. Place the sauce pan on the stove and add the sugar and water to the pot. Stir the mixture together.

2. Turn the cooking eye on high and bring the mixture to a boil. Continue stirring the mixture. When it starts boiling, reduce the heat to medium and keep stirring.

3. Cook the mixture on medium heat until it reaches the consistency of maple syrup. Make sure that you stir the mixture constantly. Turn off the heat and remove the pot from the hot eye.

4. Open the flavored cooking oil of your choice. Pour a few drops of flavored oil into the simple syrup. Stir in the flavor and taste it. Be careful the syrup is really hot.

If it is too weak, add more of the flavoring. Let the syrup cool for 10 minutes.

5. Sterilize a canning jar and lid in boiling hot water, and pour the syrup into the jar when it cools. Use a canning funnel when you pour the syrup into the jar, so you have less of a chance of burning yourself. The syrup is still hot for several hours after it is made.

6. Put the lid on the jar and close it tightly. Make sure you store the flavored syrup in a refrigerator and use it within 30 days.

Tags: flavored syrups, flavored syrup, flavored syrups drinks, Make sure, Making flavored syrups

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wheatfree Sugarfree Foods

Wheat-free and sugar-free breads are available for people with allergies and other health problems.

There are several reasons to consider avoiding both sugar and wheat. The most obvious of these is that a person is diabetic and the carbohydrates from the wheat will turn into sugar in the body. However, those who suffer from Celiac disease and who also need to limit their sugar intake (for instance, to lose weight or because they are also diabetic) may also need to avoid such things.

Ryvita Crisps

These crackers are made by a New Jersey-based company, and most of them (with the exception of the Fruit Crunch flavor) are sugar-free and wheat-free. Though the company offers one variety which contains wheat, that variety is processed in a different facility than the wheat-free varieties.

Bountiful Harvest Sugar-Free and Wheat-Free Cookies

These cookies are sugar-free and wheat-free and in fact contain no flour of any kind, so they are ideal for those watching their carb intake. There are more than a dozen flavors available from A Bountiful Harvest (see Resources). As of March, 2010, they are $12.95 per package plus shipping; each package contains 4 ounces.

Garcia Lo Tortilla Chips

Not only do these contain no sugar or wheat, they are actually good for you; they contain Omega 3-rich flaxseed. The chips come in several flavors, including blue corn, multi-grain spicy, plain, spicy, Thai and veggie. They can be ordered online from a variety of retailers, including and

Barley and Oats

Cooked barley and cooked oats are natural choices for those needing to avoid both wheat and sugar. Barley can be cooked by boiling one cup of barley with four cups of water. Wait until the water boils out completely, but make sure the barley doesn't start to burn. Oats are cooked the same way, using one cup of oats to four cups of water. In both cases, any flavorings you'd like to add (such as spices or raisins) should be added before you start cooking.

Tags: also need, Bountiful Harvest, cups water, four cups, four cups water, sugar wheat

What Is Kosher Beef

What Is Kosher Beef?

The Jewish Torah states that Jewish people may eat any animal that chews its cud and has cloven hooves. Kosher beef is beef that is slaughtered and prepared in accordance with Jewish tradition and the religion's rites. The method of preparation for this type of beef is significantly different from that of beef that millions of Americans feast on. In fact, according to, only the forequarters of the cow are used by Orthodox Jews in the United States. Read on to find out more about kosher beef.


Kosher beef is consumed in accordance with Jewish dietary laws, which dictate what Jewish people can and cannot eat based on the religion, and how foods should be prepared. The word "kosher" is an umbrella term for foods that fit into these dietary laws, according to Cattle that have died of natural causes, were killed by other animals or have diseases or flaws cannot be used for kosher beef, according to


When cattle are slaughtered for kosher beef, they are killed with a fast and deep cut across the throat with a sharp blade. According to, this method of slaughtering is painless for the animal and causes them to lose consciousness fast--in less than 3 seconds. The blood is then drained from the animal, a key step to make the meat kosher.

Time Frame

According to, once the cattle is slaughtered, the kosher beef must be used within 3 days. If it is used after that period of time, it must be washed every third day until 12 days have passed. At this point it won't be considered kosher and may or may not be used.


The majority of kosher markets or grocery stores that sell kosher beef only sell square-cut chucks, such as brisket, chuck and shin, according to Orthodox Jews tend to eat only the forequarters of the beef that have the ribs removed. All types of kosher beef are marked "kosher" for easy identification so that Jewish people can distinguish kosher beef from regular beef sold in markets.


According to, Jewish religious officials and rabbis do not have to bless beef once it has been slaughtered for it to be deemed kosher. Beef can be kosher if it is prepared and slaughtered appropriately. So, even blessings over slaughtered beef cannot make it kosher if it hasn't been dressed and slaughtered in the kosher tradition. Utensils used to cut, eat and serve the meat must also be kosher, meaning that the utensils must not have come into contact with nonkosher food and that they cannot have previously been used to eat and serve dairy products, according to

Tags: kosher beef, beef that, Jewish people, kosher beef, slaughtered kosher

Monday, February 13, 2012

Organic Chocolate Ingredients

The market for organic chocolate is growing.

The term organic has more to do with what is not included in a product than what is. In the case of organic chocolate, there are no chemical additives. Cacao is one of the most highly sprayed food crops in the world; organic chocolate products are derived from cacao beans that have been grown and processed without these chemicals.

The Term "Organic"

The USDA oversees the National Organic Program (NOP) which regulates the production of items labeled as "organic" in the United States. Producers, marketers and handlers of organic products must gain accreditation and certification from the USDA to market their products as organic. An enforcement and compliance agency within the USDA makes sure that companies and organizations follow the guidelines set out in the NOP in order to be deemed organic.

Commercial Chocolate Production

Much of the production of chocolate takes place in third world countries where pesticides and chemical fertilizers are heavily used. Many chocolate manufacturers also add chemicals such as preservatives and artificial flavors to chocolate products to extend shelf life and to add sweetness or a particular flavor such as mint or citrus. Additionally, commercial chocolate producers may use farming techniques that strip the land of valuable topsoil and, thereby, damage the environment.

Organic Chocolate Production

Organic chocolate producers do not use chemicals when growing, fermenting or processing cacao beans. Furthermore organic chocolate products are made without added artificial ingredients such as flavoring agents and preservatives. Many organic chocolate producers also use sustainable farming and cultivation techniques which do not exploit the land, and actually improve the environment.

About Organic Chocolate

Products containing organic chocolate tend to be high quality and have a higher price tag. Other added ingredients, such as milk for milk chocolate or flour to make brownies, must also be grown and processed in accordance with the NOP in order to be labeled organic.

Tags: organic chocolate, chocolate producers, cacao beans, Chocolate Production, chocolate products, grown processed, ingredients such

Shape Bread Dough For Baking

One of the most fragrant smells is that of homemade bread baking in the oven. After you have the dough mixed, however, you must shape it into the final product. The recipe and style of bread may be different, but all dough must be shaped before baking to get the desired result.


1. Allow the dough to rise for 1 to 1 1/2 hours, until doubled in bulk. Punch the dough down to dispel air from the yeast. Add some flour and work it around until there is no dough clinging to the bowl.

2. Turn the amount of dough needed for one loaf onto a floured surface and knead it for 3 to 5 minutes.

3. Roll it out into a rectangular shape as wide the loaf pan. Begin on one end and roll the dough in a jellyroll fashion.

4. Lift the dough into a greased loaf pan and place it seam-side down, with the ends tucked in. Cover the pans loosely with plastic wrap to keep in the heat generated by the rising process.

5. Permit the dough to rise a second time until doubled in bulk. This time, you will only need one hour to get the job done. You shouldn't need to shape the bread further.

Tags: doubled bulk, dough rise, until doubled, until doubled bulk

Friday, February 10, 2012

Keep Kale From Wilting

Keep kale fresh, crisp and dark green for maximum flavor and nutrition.

Eat kale to benefit from the nutritional content of this mild, spicy flavored leafy green vegetable. Kale contains significant to high amounts of vitamins and minerals, as well as dietary fiber. This leafy vegetable varies from a deep green color to a purplish-red and occasionally a pale green with white splotches. It has large leaves that are curly and sometimes serrated. Kale keeps for a short time under refrigeration before wilting and is preserved long-term by freezing.


Refrigerator Storage

1. Remove the kale from the plastic bag in which it is packaged. Pat the leaves dry with paper towels to retard the wilting the kale. Supermarkets routinely spray greens with water while on display.

2. Keep the kale from wilting as long as possible by placing it into an airtight plastic bag and storing it in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.

3. Inspect the kale without opening the airtight bag after three days to determine if it shows any signs of wilting. Store the kale under refrigeration for three to five days.

Freezer Storage

4. Remove the kale from the plastic bag in which it is packaged and rinse the leaves under cool running water to remove dirt and grit.

5. Use a sharp knife to cut out the thick midrib and remove the bottom of the stem with it. Removing these parts does not keep the kale from wilting but they are tough and stringy.

6. Blanch the kale by cutting the leaves into 2-inch strips and place into a pot of boiling water for two to four minutes.

7. Drain the kale and cool it in a bowl of ice water. Pat the kale dry with paper towels and store it in the freezer in airtight freezer bags. Freezing preserves the kale and keeps it from wilting.

Tags: kale from, from plastic, from plastic which, from wilting, kale from plastic, paper towels, plastic which

Diy Italian Dressing

Italian dressing, a vinaigrette salad dressing, contains a mixture of herbs and seasonings. The mixture often includes water, oil, lemon juice and vinegar, which combine with the dry ingredients to create a zesty flavor. Recipes for Italian dressing vary according to personal tastes. After you make your own Italian dressing, use it to marinate chicken, flavor a fresh garden salad or as a dip for fresh vegetables.


1. Combine 1/4 cup of distilled white vinegar and 3 tbsp. of water in a bottle.

2. Add 2 tsp. white sugar, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp. garlic salt, 1 tsp. onion salt and 1 tsp. of ground black pepper.

3. Close the bottle and shake it until the salts dissolve. Add 1 tsp. of dried parsley flakes, 1/2 tsp. dried basil, 1/2 tsp. dried oregano and 1/4 tsp. of dried thyme.

4. Pour in 1/2 cup of olive oil. Shake the Italian dressing to blend it well. Cover the bottle and store the mixture in the refrigerator. Shake each time before you use the dressing.

Tags: Italian dressing, lemon juice

Use Stale Bread

Maybe you purchased too much bread at the grocery store. Or, maybe you just forgot that you had some bread in your bread box. If your bread is stale, don't despair. There are many things that you can do with stale bread, so rest assured that your bread purchase won't go to waste!


1. Use stale bread to make toast. Stale bread can still make good toast to serve with breakfast or extra crunchy garlic bread to accompany your pasta dinner.

2. Make French toast one morning for breakfast. Stale bread is good to use in French toast because the dry bread will readily soak up the egg and milk mixture.

3. Use your leftover stale bread to make bread crumbs. Toast stale bread and then crush it in a food processor or with a kitchen mallet. Bread crumbs can be used in many recipes, such as meatballs or as a coating for chicken or fish.

4. Cut stale bread into chunks and place them on a baking sheet to make croutons. Drizzle the cubes with olive oil and spices such as garlic or pepper, then bake in a moderate oven until they are crunchy and golden brown.

5. Use stale bread to make stuffing (or dressing) for a Sunday supper or Thanksgiving dinner. Substitute your stale bread in your favorite stuffing recipe and no one will know that difference after you add your seasonings and top it with gravy.

6. Make an Italian bread salad, called Panzanella, with stale or crusty bread.

7. Feed your stale bread to the birds and squirrels outside, or add it to your compost pile.

Tags: stale bread, bread make, bread your, stale bread make, your bread, your stale bread, bread your bread

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Make Spam Musubi

Spam musubi is a popular Hawaiian snack, known for its portability when wrapped in cellophane. There are several ways to form Spam musubi. You can use a Spam musubi rice mold or a small Spam can with the ends removed to form your Spam musubi.


Prepare the Rice

1. Soak 2 to 3 cups of rice in cold water. Rinse the rice grains until the water runs clear.

2. Drain the water from the rice and put the rice in a pot with 3 to 4 cups of water, depending on the variety of rice you are using. Let the rice soak for at least 30 minutes.

3. Bring the rice and water to a boil and reduce the heat to low. Let the rice boil for 15 minutes, or until all of the water is absorbed and the rice is soft.

4. Set the rice aside to cool.

Prepare the Spam

5. Stir the soy sauce, oyster sauce and sugar together in a bowl until the sugar dissolves. You will use this mixture as a sauce or marinade. Instead of oyster sauce, you could also use rice wine or sake.

6. Slice the Spam into 8 to 10 pieces, or to the desired thickness.

7. Marinate the Spam in the sauce you prepared in step 1. You can also soak the sliced Spam in the sauce after you cook it.

8. Fry the Spam slices in a pan until they are browned and slightly crispy. Set the fried Spam slices aside.

Make the Spam Musubi

9. Cut the nori in half lengthwise. Put it in a sealed bag or container when you aren't using it so it doesn't become tough.

10. Position the Spam musubi rice mold over the center of a piece of the nori. Position the rice mold so that its longest side is perpendicular to the nori's longest side.

11. Spread about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of the cooked rice into the bottom of the rice mold.

12. Put a slice of the fried Spam on top of the rice and use the rice press to compact the Spam musubi. Remove the mold from the Spam musubi.

13. Wrap one end of the nori around the Spam musubi and press it to the rice. Moisten the other end, wrap it over the Spam musubi and press it to other end of the nori.

14. Repeat steps 2 to 5 with the remaining fried Spam slices.

Tags: Spam musubi, rice mold, fried Spam, Spam slices, fried Spam slices, longest side

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Make Lowfat Stuffing

You'd be hard-pressed to find a stuffing recipe with less fat. The recipe yields 8 servings (1/2 cup per serving) with just 2.5 grams of fat per serving. For the record, 1 cup of this stuffing contains 75 calories.


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

2. Put hazelnuts on a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes, stirring once.

3. Remove nuts from oven and turn them out onto a towel. Roll up the towel and rub off the skins of the hazelnuts.

4. Coarsely chop the hazelnuts and set aside.

5. Coat a nonstick skillet with cooking spray and place over medium heat.

6. Add the quince and sprinkle with sugar. Cook for 15 minutes or until very brown, stirring often.

7. Add 1/2 cup broth and bring to a boil.

8. Reduce the heat and simmer, uncovered, for 5 minutes or until quince is tender and liquid is almost completely evaporated.

9. Add bell pepper, onions, poultry seasoning and garlic and cook 3 more minutes.

10. Remove skillet from heat and stir in 1/4 cup broth, nuts, bread cubes, salt and 1/8 tsp. pepper.

11. Spoon the mixture into a 1-quart baking dish coated with cooking spray, cover, and bake for 30 minutes.

12. Serve warm.

Tags: bake minutes, cooking spray, minutes until, with cooking, with cooking spray

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Use Dried Apricots In Freezer Jam

Freezer jam is a quick and painless alternative to a hot water canner. Freezer jam has its advantages not only in its easier preparation but in its fresh flavor. Jam is made to ensure fruit flavors during the off-season, but what about ensuring the flavors of the off-season during the season? It might seem puzzling why one would preserve dried apricots, but they give the jam a unique flavor. The same jam process is used, preceded only by a little soaking.


1. Wash 2 cups of dried apricots in warm water to remove dust and dirt. Fill a bowl with 5 1/3 cups room temperature water. Toss in the apricots (reserve a handful), and allow them to soak overnight.

2. Wash your freezer containers and their lids in soapy water. Set them aside on a clean towel. You can use any freezer-size plastic container (or freezer specific glass jar) as long as it has a tight snapping lid to help prevent freezer burn.

3. Pour the now engorged apricots and their soaking water into a large saucepan, and sprinkle with 3 tbsp lemon juice. Bring the contents to a boil. Reduce the heat, and allow to simmer for 30 minutes.

4. Stir in 5 cups of sugar until completely dissolved. Bring the contents to a boil, stirring constantly. Cook until the jam is set when tested; submerge a small spoonful into a cup of cold water, and if it sets, then it is ready. Skim the foam off the top, and fill the prepared containers with the jam. Allow the containers to sit uncovered for about 30 minutes.

5. Apply the lids tightly, and place the containers in the freezer. Once in the freezer, the jam can be stored for virtually as long as you want. When you are ready to eat the jam, first thaw the container in the refrigerator overnight.

Tags: Bring contents, Bring contents boil, contents boil, dried apricots

List Of Mild Cheeses

Mild cheese can be eaten on its own or can be combined with other ingredients.

Cheese is usually made with with cow's milk, although it can be made with the milk of goats, sheep and buffalo. To make cheese, rennet is added to the milk to solidify the mixture. Rennet is an enzyme extracted from cow stomachs. Mild cheeses tend to mature for a short period of time and have subtle scents and flavors.


Emmental cheese.

Emmental is produced mainly in Switzerland, although varieties are also made in other European countries. In the United States, it is sometimes referred to as "Swiss cheese." Emmental has a mild, almost nutty flavor. It is made from cow's milk and is distinctive for its large holes. A common sandwich filling, it can also be used on cheeseburgers.


Leicester or "Red Leicester" is a hard cheese with a flaky texture and a thick, hard rind. It is made in England and has a deep, orange color due to the natural dye, annatto. Leicester often pairs well with fruit and beer. It is usually matured for a short period of time and its flavor is mild and slightly sour.

Doux de Montagne

Doux de Montagne is a French, semi-soft cheese. It originates in the mountainous Monts du Velay region and is made from cows' milk. The cheese is coated in brown wax and formed to resemble a cottage loaf. Doux de Montagne is a full-fat cheese, with a mild, fruity taste.

Bel Paese

Bel Paese originates in the Lombardy region of Italy. It is a semi-soft cheese with a mild flavor and aroma. The cheese is sold in small discs and can be used as a substitute for mozzarella.

Cream Havarti

Cream Havarti is a semi-soft cheese from Denmark. Made from cows' milk, it is pale in color and contains small holes. The original Cream Havarti is mild and buttery in taste. Cream Havarti can also be found in a variety of flavors such as garlic and herb.

Tags: Cream Havarti, cheese with, Doux Montagne, semi-soft cheese, cheese Emmental

Make A Salad With Prawns

If you love prawns, but you're not quite sure prepare them, try combining the seafood with a few other ingredients to make some healthy and delicious salads. Just changing the seasonings can transform the salad into something exotic.


1. Combine several cooked and peeled prawns in a bowl with chili lime salad dressing. Put half a ripe avocado on a serving plate along with a few mango slices, some baby greens and a thinly sliced red onion. Top the mixture with the prawn dressing and a few chopped walnuts. Serve the salad with a loaf of crusty bread.

2. Put a generous helping of arugula in a salad bowl and add halved kalamata olives, baby tomatoes, chopped artichoke hearts and a few cubes of creamy goat cheese. Mix the ingredients and top them with prawns. Serve the prawn salad with an oil and vinegar dressing.

3. Grill 6 large prawns on a barbecue and serve them in a bowl with blanched asparagus, 1/2 cup of green olives and the juice of 2 fresh lemons. Drizzle extra virgin olive oil over the top and sprinkle the salad with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Garnish the asparagus and prawn salad with cashews.

4. Create a tropical prawn salad. Combine a package of prepared prawns with a peeled and cubed papaya, 4 cubed kiwi and some fresh strawberries. Squeeze a fresh lemon over the salad and sprinkle it with chopped chives.

Tags: salad with, prawn salad, bowl with, prawn salad with

Monday, February 6, 2012

Make The Most Effective Homemade Deodorant

Make an effective deodorant at home.

Many people assume they have to buy deodorant and, since it's typically used daily, the price adds up quickly. But you can make an effective deodorant at home using a few simple ingredients -- which not only saves money, but also allows you to create a scent that you enjoy.


1. Add 3 tablespoons of shea butter and baking soda with 2 tablespoons of corn starch and cocoa butter to a microwave-safe bowl. Puncture the vitamin E gel capsule with a needle, squeeze the liquid into the bowl and discard the rest of the capsule.

2. Microwave the ingredients for 30 seconds. Stir the mixture together until it forms a smooth paste.

3. Add any essential oils you like -- as little as one drop to as many as 30 drops or more. Stir the mixture again to evenly spread the oil.

4. Pour the mixture into a storage container. This recipe will make about a quarter of a pint. To use, simply scoop out a pea-size ball and rub it into your skin with your fingers.

Tags: deodorant home, effective deodorant, effective deodorant home, Stir mixture

Buy English Cider

The number of imported ciders has grown rapidly in the last few years and English cider is now more accessible than ever before. When buying cider, it is worth knowing a little bit about your product to ensure you make the right choice. Not all English ciders are the same but they are all renowned for great quality and taste.


1. Decide on which type of cider you prefer. Dry ciders have a sharp bittersweet taste and sweet ciders have a longer aftertaste. Traditionally made ciders are usually cloudy and a clear and sparkling liquid characterizes mass-produced ciders. Colors can vary depending on filtering and fermentation.

2. Visit British or Irish themed "pubs" in your local area. Many of these, especially ones with a wide selection may carry a couple of brands from their brewery. Good liquor stores may also have a selection of English ciders and these are normally found chilled in cans. Order online (see resources) for a bigger selection.

3. Choose common brands. The most widely available English ciders in the US are Strongbow dry cider, Scrumpy Jacks and Woodpecker. These are all mass produced sparkling ciders and normally cost between 2 and 5 dollars for a large can.

4. Go on vacation for a truly authentic cider. Locally produced ciders are served at many pubs in England, especially in the south, and these are made without the artificial sweeteners and additives of the mass produced brands. Local ciders are often available on tap instead of in bottles and cans.

Tags: English ciders, ciders have, mass produced

Friday, February 3, 2012

Make Thin Chocolate Mints

The secret to making your own Thin Mint cookies lies in the use of a fudge cake mix to create the cookie and a little peppermint extract and oil in the chocolate chips for the coating. This recipe is as close to Girl Scout Thin Mints as you are going to get without paying $3.50 a box for the real thing.


The Cookie

1. In a large bowl, combine the cake mix with the flour and mix thoroughly. Add the egg, melted shortening and the oil. Mix until the dough forms a ball.

2. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

3. Remove from refrigerator and roll the dough out to 1/16 of an inch on a lightly floured board. Cut into 1 1/2 inch circles using the cap to a small bottle as a cutter.

4. Place on a greased cookie sheet so that the cookies are not touching. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes.

5. Remove and cool.

The Coating

6. Combine the chocolate chips, peppermint, and shortening in a double boiler and heat until melted thoroughly and smooth.

7. Stir to create a creamy smooth consistency.

8. Remove from heat, but allow the coating to sit in the double boiler to prevent it from hardening too quickly.

9. Dip chocolate wafers into the chocolate to coat. Use a fork or tongs to dip the cookie. Be sure to tap the cookie on the side of the pan to remove excess chocolate coating.

10. Place on a baking sheet that has been lined with waxed paper and allow to cool completely.

Tags: chocolate chips, double boiler, Remove from, sheet that

Cook Light With Pumpkin

If you are looking to decrease the amount of fat in your diet, one of the easiest places to start is with baked goods. Instead of using oil or butter in your dessert recipes, you can substitute canned pureed pumpkin. When you learn some tips on cook light with pumpkin, you can decrease the total fat and calories in a recipe and increase the vitamins, minerals and fiber. The finished results will be slightly different, due to the unique taste of pumpkin, but these will be less noticeable in some recipes than in others. There are a few guidelines you should know about to achieve the greatest success.


1. Find a recipe for citrus, chocolate or pineapple-flavored spice cake; bread; biscuits; or muffins. These are the types of recipes in which a pumpkin puree substitute tastes best.

2. Preheat the oven to a temperature 25 degrees lower than that required in your recipe.

3. Assess your recipe for the total amount of fat. This will include butter, shortening, oil or a combination of these three.

4. Multiply the amount of butter or shortening by ¾ (.75) to get the amount of canned pumpkin puree to use. For instance, if the recipe requires 1 cup of butter (2 sticks) you will use ¾ cup pumpkin puree.

5. Replace all of the oil required in the recipe (if applicable) with pumpkin puree. A measure of ½ cup oil in the recipe needs to be replaced with ½ cup pumpkin puree. You might have to add additional puree to reach a smooth consistency.

6. Add the pumpkin when the recipe instructs you to add the shortening, butter or oil.

7. Replace each whole egg in the recipe with two egg whites. This step is optional, but it will help to lower the cholesterol and fat in the overall recipe.

8. Pour the batter into the pan and bake at 25 degrees lower than the temperature required in the recipe.

9. Test the dessert 5 to 7 minutes before the time required in the recipe. Insert a fork or a toothpick into the center of the dessert. It should come out clean.

Tags: pumpkin puree, required recipe, butter shortening, degrees lower, degrees lower than

Get Pumpkin Seeds For Toasting

Pumpkin seeds can be toasted in the oven or in a skillet on the stove top.

Pumpkin seeds, a tasty and very healthy snack especially when roasted, are popular treats around Halloween and Thanksgiving when pumpkins are fresh and ripe. Also known as pepitas, pumpkin seeds can be toasted with either their white outer coat, or with just the green interior. Toasting pumpkin seeds at holiday time is a fun, festive way to include the whole family in a cooking project that is produces a healthy snack that can be eaten as soon as the seeds are cool enough to handle.


Harvesting Pumpkin Seeds for Toasting

1. Select a fresh pumpkin. During the autumn months and around holidays such as Halloween and Thanksgiving, fresh pumpkins are available at road side stands, farms and in your local grocery store. Select a well rounded pumpkin that is firm and sounds hollow when you knock on it. Avoid pumpkins with soft spots, broken areas, or rotten sections.

2. Prepare your work surface. Hollowing a pumpkin is extremely messy work. Cover your work surface with newspaper or a disposable table cloth. Set your pumpkin on the work surface, and gather your knife, spoon, and bowl. You will not want to run back and forth to gather your tools once you have cut open the pumpkin, as this could create a mess.

3. Cut a hole in the top of the pumpkin. Using your knife and working very carefully, cut a circle out from around the stem, approximately six inches in circumference. You can choose to mark this circle by drawing it with a marker or pencil, but that is not necessary. Cut deeply enough to penetrate the skin and flesh of the pumpkin. Work slowly, to avoid injury.

4. Harvest the pulp and seeds. Remove the top of the pumpkin and set it aside. Using your spoon, scrape out all the pulp and seeds from the interior of the pumpkin. Set this material on your work surface.

5. Separate the pulp and seeds. By hand, remove the seeds from the pulp, and place them into a bowl. Leave the pulp on your work surface.

6. Clean up your work area and seeds. You may choose to keep the pumpkin as a decoration or continue carving it into a jack o'lantern, or you may discard it. The newspaper or table cloth from your work surface can be used to bundle up the pulp and juices and then be discarded. Tools and your seeds should be taken to the sink for washing. Once washed, the seeds may be prepared for toasting. Rinse seeds in a colander, so that you don't loose any and so that they are easily able to drain.

Finding Pumpkin Seeds for Toasting

7. Purchase pumpkin seeds from a grocery store. Check in both the snack foods isles and where the bulk food bins are located. Many grocery stores sell bulk pumpkin seeds by the pound. Check labels to determine whether the seeds have already been toasted or dried, as many markets offer several varieties of pumpkin seeds. If you are uncertain, speak with a store employee. Purchase as much fresh seed as you need, and prepare it for toasting.

8. Purchase pumpkin seeds from health food stores. Health food stores typically have a wide variety of seeds available to purchase in bulk. These may be either loose in a bin, or prepackaged in smaller bags for purchase. Read labels carefully to determine whether or not the seeds have already been toasted or dried, and ask an employee if you are uncertain about the product.

9. Purchase pumpkin seeds from a pumpkin patch. Much of the seed used on a pumpkin patch is for planting. However, the vast number of pumpkins being grown on the farms will not all be purchased, but will instead be processed for seeds and pumpkin flesh. Check the shelves of the the pumpkin patch's store, or speak with an employee about purchasing seeds for consumption.

10. Grow your own pumpkins to harvest for seeds. Purchase pumpkin seeds for planting from your local nursery or home improvement or gardening store. Plant them according to the directions. Once your pumpkins have grown and ripened, harvest the seeds for your own use.

Tags: work surface, your work, your work surface, pumpkin seeds, seeds from

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Dehydrate Cooked Bacon

Properly rendered bacon will have enough fat for flavor but not too much to inhibit the dehydrating process.

Dehydrated cooked bacon has a crumbly texture and chewy consistency, like a cross between beef jerky and commercially produced bacon bits. The taste, however, bears no comparison to the aforementioned foods, especially when you use lean, high-quality bacon. A large portion of processed bacon, however, has excessive amounts of nitrates and fat, neither of which lends itself well to dehydrating. Although all bacon has a large amount of intramuscular fat, or marbling, high-quality bacon has a muscle-to-fat ratio ideal for dehydrating.



1. Cut the bacon into strips measuring 1 inch to 1¼ inch long and ¼ inch wide. You can freeze the bacon for 20 minutes prior to beginning to make it easier to cut. Remove and reserve any pieces of pure fat for another use.

2. Render the bacon in a saute pan over low heat for approximately 10 minutes until cooked through. Drain the bacon on paper towels. Place a piece of parchment paper on the drying trays followed by a mesh drying sheet. Arrange the bacon on the drying tray without overcrowding it and place the bacon in the dehydrator.

3. Dry the bacon for seven hours or until it crumbles easily. Halfway through the dehydrating process, remove the bacon and degrease it with paper towels. Degrease the bacon again when finished.


4. Cut the bacon into strips measuring 1 inch to 1¼ inch long and ¼ inch wide. Heat the oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit.

5. Cook the bacon over low heat until cooked through and drain on paper towels. Place a perforated baking sheet over a sheet pan. Arrange the bacon on the baking sheet in an even layer and place it on the middle oven rack. Alternatively, you can arrange the bacon in an even layer on a sheet pan lined with parchment paper before placing it in the oven.

6. Dry the bacon for five hours in the oven with the door slightly ajar. Degrease the bacon every two hours with paper towels if you're using a perforated baking sheet, or every hour if you're using a sheet pan. Degrease the bacon again when finished.

Tags: paper towels, baking sheet, Degrease bacon, again when, again when finished, bacon again, bacon again when

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Brew Kombucha

Kombucha is a powerful, health-giving elixir that can improve digestion and help your body become its best. This health drink is expensive to purchase by the bottle, but you can brew your own at home easily with minimal investment.


1. Obtain a kombucha culture, the substance put into the tea to ferment it. It is easiest to find a kombucha culture online at websites such as the Happy Herbalist. Your kombucha culture will arrive packaged with some starter kombucha tea.

2. Find a wide-mouth gallon jar and clean it well.

3. Bring 3 qt. of filtered or distilled water to boil in a large pot. Turn off heat and add five teabags or 2 tbsp. of loose tea (in an infuser). Stir in ? to 1 cup organic sugar or other sweetener.

4. Steep the tea for at least 10 minutes or longer if you want a stronger tea. Remove tea bags or infuser and allow the tea to come to room temperature.

5. Pour the tea into the gallon jar. Add your kombucha culture and the tea it came packaged with. Cover the jar with cheesecloth to keep out dust.

6. Let your kombucha brew in a warm place for at least 2 weeks. You will see a "baby" kombucha culture growing on top of the "mother" culture. After 2 weeks, taste it to see if it is to your preference. It should be tangy and slightly carbonated. If you want more carbonation or a less sweet brew, keep brewing.

7. Prepare for the next batch of kombucha. Remove the cultures and pour all but 2 cups of the kombucha tea into a new container. To brew another batch, return to Step 3.

8. Bottle your kombucha if you aren't going to drink it right away. You can bottle it in sterilized plastic bottles. Alternatively, you can purchase glass bottles, bottle caps and a bottle capper, and easily bottle your kombucha in a professional-looking manner.

Tags: kombucha culture, your kombucha, packaged with

Make Rollup Shades

Make Roll-Up Shades

The nice thing about roller shades is that you can customize the look by using your own fabric. The final details though, really make it personalized. You can create a regular tailored hem, finish it with a scallop, a zigzag or just add custom-made trims to the bottom such as braiding, pom-poms, rickrack or decorative pulls.

The roller shade mechanism has a spring-loaded feature that enables the shade to roll up tightly, allowing maximum daylight or sunshine into a room.


1. Affix the roller shade "brackets" to the inside window frame as noted in the instructions included with the kit. It's easy with the aid of a power drill and screwdriver; the kit typically includes all hardware, the roller, brackets and screws.

The roll-up shade is mounted inside the window frame to control light and increase energy efficiency.

2. Measure and cut your own designer fabric. The fabric will be lined with the provided no-sew shade liner in order to keep the fabric stiff and to give it a heftier feel. Measure the inside width of the window frame. Lay out the fabric and add an additional 2-inch margin on each side of the measure taken and add 9 to 12 inches extra on the bottom for your desired pattern and window size.

3. Measure the iron-on lining to be 1 inch narrower than your chosen decorator fabric. Cut it out. There are two sides to the lining--arrange the shiny side of the lining to the back side of your fabric.

4. Match fabric and lining and make sure that both are completely flat. Fuse the two together with a steam iron. The lining has a bonding affixed to it. Let cool and double-check the bond.

5. Use a hot steam iron and work slowly from the center out so as to assure no bubbles pop up. Steam bond the decorator fabric to the lining. The edges must be stuck together tight.

6. Place the bonded fabric on a cutting surface and make sure it's square in accordance with the instructions in the kit. With the aid of a straight edge or plastic ruler guide, run a rotary cutter along the marked line to create a clean side edge. You can lightly rub white glue---or Fray Check---along the edges to prevent raveling. The bottom or lower edge can be finished with a single hem to form a slat casing (a wooden lower edge support) or the bottom decorated by adding fringe, braid or trimmed with an ornamental cut.

7. Prepare the roller tube or bar by removing the double-stick tape. Align the upper edge of the fabric shade on the roller and smooth it in place to adhere them together. Finish assembling the roller tube and insert the prepared roll onto the bar and into the window framing.

Tags: window frame, decorator fabric, fabric lining, inside window, inside window frame