Thursday, June 30, 2011

Make A Tasty Lowfat Coleslaw Dressing

Use lowfat sour cream and yogurt for a healthier coleslaw dressing.

If you love coleslaw but are turned off by the high fat content in the prepared dressing for the dish, you can prepare your own tangy, creamy sauce to pour over the chopped cabbage. This way, you can enjoy this chilled, and crunchy treat and still stick to your healthy diet. This side dish is a tasty addition to barbecue fare, or you can add other vegetables like carrots or broccoli for a quick salad you can enjoy with your favorite dinner creation.


1. Mix skim milk yogurt and low fat sour cream in a bowl.

2. Add the grated shallots or chives to the sour cream mixture, along with the black pepper.

3. Mix in ground celery seed and lime juice into the dressing for a fresh taste.

4. Add artificial sweetener to taste, along with the rice wine vinegar. For a tangier taste, add apple cider vinegar instead.

5. Mix in the minced garlic, chopped red bell pepper, salt and paprika. Add water to keep the dressing from getting too thick.

6. Whisk all the ingredients together and pour over shredded cabbage. You can also add chopped carrots, broccoli or radishes to the coleslaw for added crunch and sweetness.

Tags: sour cream, along with, carrots broccoli, pour over

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Spices In Venison Jerky

Venison can be made into sliced or ground meat jerky.

Traditionally, venison jerky is made in one of two ways: It is either sliced, solid muscle jerky, or it's pressed or formed jerky made from ground venison. There are three common methods for making jerky: oven baking, smoking or dehydrating. The spices used to make venison jerky are quite common, found in most kitchens.

Liquid Marinade Jerky

Spices used in the marinade for venison jerky recipes are quite common.

Some hunters marinate their venison in a refrigerator overnight. A common marinade consists of ¼ cup of soy sauce, 1/3 cup of Worcestershire sauce, 1 tbsp. of salt, and 1 tsp. each of onion powder, ground black pepper and garlic powder. Check a butcher shop or butcher supply store for quick cure, which helps the jerky dry at low temperature. Add 1 level tsp. of quick cure to the marinade. If you desire, add 1 tsp. of liquid smoke for a smoky flavor. The sliced meat should soak overnight in the marinade, preferably in a zip-top bag.

Ground Meat Jerky

Many spices used to make venison jerky are common to most kitchens.

For 3 lbs. of ground venison, mix 3 tbsp. of water with 3 tbsp. of salt, 1 level tsp of quick cure, 1 tsp. of onion powder, 1 1/2 tsp. of ground black pepper, 2 tsp. of garlic powder, and 1 tsp. of liquid smoke. After mixing thoroughly, add the venison and, using your hands, mix it with the spice mixture for about five minutes.

Alternative Jerky Spices

There are many alternative spices to add unique flavors to venison jerky.

There are as many recipes for jerky as there are people who make it. Some individuals make their jerky hot by adding crushed red pepper or chili powder. Other recipes call for brown sugar and red wine vinegar. Some Asian-style jerky uses pineapple juice, while one based on recipes from India relies on curry and creamy sherry.

Tags: venison jerky, quick cure, black pepper, black pepper garlic, garlic powder, ground black

Make A Bloomin' Onion Like Outback Steakhouse

Outback Steakhouse is known for its Australian-themed restaurants and, most importantly, its Bloomin' Onions. Although Outback Steakhouse's Bloomin' Onions and dipping sauce look elaborate and extremely difficult to make, they are tremendously simple if one has the proper tools and a little patience.


1. Gather all the needed supplies for both the dipping sauce and the Bloomin' Onion.

2. Make the dipping sauce by blending some ketchup, mayonnaise, creamy horseradish, salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper, paprika and dried oregano in a small bowl. Keep the dipping sauce covered with either tin foil or plastic wrap until called for.

3. Beat one egg and blend it with about a cup of milk in a large bowl. Combine the salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper, flour, oregano, cumin and thyme in a separate, smaller bowl.

4. Prepare the onion by peeling it and slicing about 1 inch off the top and bottom of the onion. Use a very narrow knife to cut about a 1-inch circular slice out of the center of the onion.

5. Use a large and extremely sharp knife to slice the "petals" of the Bloomin' Onion. Make an X through the middle of the onion, going about ? of the way down the onion. Carefully slice all the sections in half extremely carefully, going ? of the way down each time, until the onion has been sliced a total of 16 times. To make coating the Bloomin' Onion easier, spread the "petals" apart.

6. Immerse the Bloomin' Onion in the milk and egg mixture and then generously cover it with the dry ingredients by placing the onion in the other bowl, making sure to get in between the "petals." Repeat this process one more time so that most of the coating will stay on during frying. Place the onion in the refrigerator for 15 minutes to allow the frying oil to be heated.

7. Heat enough oil to completely cover the onion in either a deep pot or a deep fryer to about 350 degrees F. Place the onion in the fryer right side up and allow to fry until it browns. Place the Bloomin' Onion on a rack or on many paper towels to allow it to drain the oil. Place the dipping sauce in the middle of the onion to finish the Outback Steakhouse Bloomin' Onion.

Tags: Bloomin Onion, dipping sauce, Outback Steakhouse, Bloomin Onion Make, Onion Make, black pepper

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Make Boiled New Red Potatoes For A Crowd

Red Potatoes add a splash of color to your meal.

Potatoes are a staple in the American diet, and they can be prepared in a variety of different ways. Boiling potatoes is a popular and healthy option. Boiled new red potatoes are tasty and perfect for any event with a large crowed.


1. Wash your potatoes thoroughly in cold water. Use a potato brush to remove excess dirt from the potato skin.

2. Dice the potatoes into chunks. Cube them about 1 inch by 1 inch. The smaller the cubes, the quicker the potatoes will cook when boiling.

3. Fill the 8-quart pot with about 4 quarts of water. Place the potatoes into the water and bring them to a boil on the stove top. If all of the potatoes do not fit loosely into the pot, keep them to the side and place into another pot, or wait and boil them when the first batch is done.

4. Boil the potatoes on the stove top for at least 15 minutes. Test one to be sure they are cooked to a soft perfection; continue cooking if needed.

5. Drain the water from the cooked potatoes. Place the potatoes in a serving bowl and add seasonings or sour cream as desired.

Tags: Place potatoes, potatoes into

Brew Your Own Beer Recipe

When you brew your own beer for the first time, you're going to want to follow the instructions on your brewing kit carefully. With the help of a clear manual and plenty of practice, you'll begin to get the hang of brewing. However, that's also when you'll get the urge to experiment. Fortunately, it's easy to mix and match ingredients to brew your own beer recipe.


1. Sterilize your equipment prior to beginning a new recipe. This is immensely important, as contaminants from previous batches can have a significant impact on the final flavor of any future brews.

2. Prepare your wort. Wort consists of your malt extract, and is what will be metabolized by the yeast later. How you prepare your wort depends on which recipe you are using, as well as whether you are using an extract or true malted barley.

3. Add your hops to the completed wort. This is the best time to let your imagination run wild. Different hops produce different tastes, and in different proportions, you can come up with some surprising results. Be aware that some malt extracts already come hopped, so you'll want to find an unhopped extract to have the greatest control over the final flavor.

4. Add finishing hops after the first hour-long boil. Additional hops added at this point will generally contribute a more muted flavor, as opposed to hops added prior to the first boil. This helps you control the flavors with which you are experimenting.

5. Mix in other ingredients into your wort. Fruits and nuts can be added, but bear in mind they'll have an impact on the fermentation process. For example, natural sugars and fats will change the length of time required for complete fermentation.

Tags: your wort, brew your, final flavor, hops added, your beer

Monday, June 27, 2011

Make Food With A Hair Dryer

Maybe you're a college student living in the dormitories. Maybe you're stuck in a position where your stove is broken. Making food with a hair dryer is a simple but time consuming alternative to cooking on the stove. Nearly anything that needs to be cooked on low heat or requires melting can be made with a hair dryer. A grilled cheese sandwich is one such food item that takes little in the way of time and supplies.


1. Using the knife, spread butter on one side of each piece of bread.

2. Place one slice of the bread, buttered side up, on the plate.

3. Place one to three pieces of cheese on top of the bread that is on the plate. The more cheese you use, the heartier your sandwich will be, but it will also take more time to prepare.

4. Add any other items you would like to your sandwich. These can include lunch meats, tomato slices, or other items that do not need to be thoroughly cooked and will not be damaged by mild heat.

5. Cover the sandwich with the second piece of bread, placing the buttered side down on top of the contents of the sandwich.

6. Turn on the hair dryer to the highest setting. Hold the hair dryer approximately 6 to 12 inches away from your sandwich.

7. Heat the sandwich until the cheese begins to melt. Rotate the plate every few minutes, ensuring a nice, even amount of cooking throughout the sandwich.

8. Continue to assess your sandwich. When the cheese has melted sufficiently, turn off and unplug the hair dryer. Allow the hair dryer to cool on a heat resistant surface. Allow your sandwich to cool before eating.

Tags: hair dryer, your sandwich, buttered side, other items, piece bread, with hair, with hair dryer

Make A Mojito At A Dinner Party

Word will get out fast that you're serving Mojitos at your dinner party. It's one thing to drink a Mojito, but it's even better to be a part of making a Mojito. The making of the Mojito is an experience that sets the mood for your dinner party.


1. Cut your limes into slices or quarter the lime.

2. Smash 3/4 of the pulp of a lime in the bottom of a Mojito glass along with 5 to 6 of the mint leaves and 3 drops of the bitters. Mash and smash these ingredients until they are extremely well blended. This mixing and mashing is known as "muddling." You are muddling the ingredients to bring out the fragrance and oils that make a Mojito so appealing.

3. Fill the glass with crushed ice until about 3/4 full. The crushed ice goes right in the glass on top of the smashed lime, mint leaves and bitters.

4. Add 2 oz. of the white or light rum right on top of the other ingredients.

5. Use guarapo to fill the rest of the glass leaving about 1/2 inch from the top rim. The guarapo is sugarcane syrup.

6. Top off the glass with club soda.

7. Cover the glass with a cocktail shaker tumbler, shake well and pour the Mojito back into the cocktail glass. Add a stick of sugarcane, fresh mint leaves and a lime wedge to complete the Mojito.

Tags: glass with, mint leaves, dinner party, making Mojito, your dinner, your dinner party

Remove Melted Plastic From Metal Or Glass

If you accidentally leave a plastic spoon laying on a warm oven range, it may melt into a puddle and virtually fuse itself to the enamel. If you mistakenly microwave a plastic dish that isn't microwave safe, it can melt right onto the glass turntable. These plastic blobs can be some of the toughest stains to tackle.


1. Allow the area of melted plastic to cool completely. If the metal or glass surface is part of an oven or toaster oven, make sure that the heating element is turned off and the entire appliance has completely cooled before proceeding. Melted plastic that is still hot can cause severe burns if it touches the skin, and the stains are actually easier to clean if the areas are left to cool completely.

2. Soak a dishcloth in household ammonia. Gently wring out some of the excess, but do not wring it out completely. Lay the soaked cloth on top of the melted plastic. Allow the stain to soak under the cloth for at least 15 minutes.

3. Remove the ammonia cloth. Rub at the plastic with a dry, soft dishcloth, applying firm pressure. This won't remove many melted plastic stains, but it's usually worth a try because the cloth is the least abrasive tool. If this doesn't remove the plastic completely, move on to the next step.

4. Rub the plastic firmly and briskly with a synthetic scouring pad such as the green side of a green and yellow kitchen sponge. This will remove most melted plastic stains. If most of the plastic comes off but a little bit of residue remains, you can re-place the ammonia-soaked cloth for another five minutes and try again with the scouring pad.

5. If the scouring pad does not work, switch to a plastic scraping tool. Windshield ice scrapers work well, and so do credit cards and other laminated cards. Just be very careful not to scratch the surface you're cleaning. Softer, more pliable plastic scrapers are less likely to cause damage than firmer, thicker ones.

Tags: melted plastic, cloth least, cool completely, melted plastic stains, plastic stains

Friday, June 24, 2011

Make Beef Jerky In A Dryer

You can make your own beef jerky using a dehydrator.

Beef jerky is a snack that is often brought along on hikes and on travels. It is high in protein and low in fat, and can be stored without refrigeration, making it economical as well as healthful. Although beef jerky can be purchased from any grocery store, commercial jerky often contains preservatives and artificial coloring. One solution is to make your own beef jerky using natural seasonings and a food dehydrator.


1. Cut the roast beef into 1/8-inch slices, using the butcher knife.

2. Place the beef slices into the baking dish.

3. Cover the meat with the soy sauce, liquid smoke and cayenne pepper.

4. Cover the dish with the plastic wrap, and marinate for two hours.

5. Remove the beef slices from the baking dish.

6. Lay the slices on the trays of a food dehydrator. Do not overlap the sections.

7. Run the dehydrator for 36 to 48 hours, according to manufacturer directions, until the beef is completely dried.

Tags: beef jerky, your beef jerky, baking dish, beef jerky using, beef slices, food dehydrator, jerky using

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Pan Fry Potatoes

Serve pan-fried potatoes to accompany your meal.

Potatoes grow well in inhospitable soil conditions and yield a relatively large volume per acre, making them a sturdy, reliable food source. Throughout history potatoes were a crop of necessity, growing where nothing else would. They date back to at least 7,000 years ago in South America as a primary food source. The humble potato has made its way through history to become a staple at the American dinner table. Enjoyed in a variety of different ways, common preparations include mashed, baked, boiled and fried. Pan-fried potatoes are a delicious addition to most meals.


1. Look for smooth, unblemished potatoes. Red or white varieties are both acceptable for this preparation. Leave potatoes at room temperature; or if stored in the refrigerator, allow them to return to room temperature before cooking for even heat distribution.

2. Remove all dirt from the potatoes.

Scrub any excess dirt or debris from the potatoes using a vegetable brush. Use a sharp knife to cut away any bad spots or eyes that have started to sprout.

3. Cut each potato in half so you have a flat surface to safely slice your potato. Place your potato halves flat side down and cut slices approximately 1/8 inch thick. Thin slices will cook and brown faster.

4. Place 6 to 8 tbsp. of oil in the bottom of a heavy frying pan; cast iron is preferred but any heavy-bottom frying pan will work. Suitable oils include canola, corn, safflower, sunflower and vegetable. Add sliced potatoes before you turn the heat on.

5. Turn heat to medium-high; ideally your pan should be approximately 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Spread the potato slices to cover the bottom of the pan evenly. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.

6. Allow the potatoes to cook undisturbed for about 10 minutes. Use a turner to flip your potatoes and once again allow them to cook undisturbed for 10 minutes. Continue this method until your potatoes are cooked all the way through and have achieved the desired level of browning. Cooking time will vary depending on how many potatoes you are cooking.

7. Serve fried potatoes alongside meat with a vegetable or green salad for a complete meal.

Tags: allow them, cook undisturbed, food source, from potatoes, meal Potatoes, room temperature

Make Basic Easy Mashed Potatoes

Mashed potatoes are a staple at many family gatherings.

There are many ways to make basic mashed potatoes, depending on personal preference. For potatoes to mash nicely, you need to add an oil, such as butter, and a liquid, such as milk. For healthy alternatives and just as much flavor, use margarine and broth. A stand mixer makes the creamiest mashed potatoes, but the traditional potato masher does the trick as well.


1. Wash the potatoes with a vegetable brush and water.

2. Peel the potatoes or leave them with the peels on. The peels contain extra vitamins and fiber, but leaving them on will give you a less creamy mash.

3. Cut the potatoes in half if they are small, and in quarters if they are large. Don't cut them down any further than that unless you like watery mashed potatoes.

4. Have a large saucepan or pot (5 qt or so) ready with some water in it, and put the potatoes in the water as soon as they are cut to prevent browning. Add more water to completely submerge the potatoes.

5. Put the pot on the burner on high without the lid on. Once it reaches a rolling boil, turn it down to medium. Simmer for 20 minutes. Get an empty colander ready in the sink.

6. After 20 minutes, stab a few of the larger pieces with a fork. Are they soft all the way through, or is it hard to pull the fork out? If they are still hard, give them more time. If they are soft, take the pot off the stove and strain the potatoes in the colander. Lift the colander and give it a good shake to get out more of the liquid.

7. Put the potatoes back in the pan and back on the stove over medium-high heat. Set your timer for 1 minute and stir the potatoes constantly. This step further allows the potatoes to dry so your mashed potatoes won't be watery. When the timer goes off, put your potatoes in your stand mixer's bowl, or keep them in the pot if you will be using a masher.

8. Add 1 to 4 tbsp. butter or butter substitute. Let the butter melt in the hot potatoes while you get a measuring cup and measure 1 cup of milk or broth; microwave the milk or broth for 1 minute. The milk should be hot but not boiling. To save on time, you can add the liquid cold. Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup liquid to the potatoes.

9. If using a mixer, turn on your mixer at low speed and mix the potatoes. Check the consistency and add more liquid if it looks too dry. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add about 2 tbsp. of sour cream (optional, but it gives an extra creaminess that mashed potatoes often sorely need). Mix or mash the potatoes at a slightly faster speed until smooth. Scrape down the sides.

Tags: mashed potatoes, fork they, liquid potatoes, mash potatoes, milk broth

Make The Best Potato Soup Recipe

The best potato soup recipe.

There's nothing more comforting than coming home to a bowl of hot soup. And in the world of soup, potato soup is at the top of the list of tasty soups. Here's make the best potato soup recipe.


1. The first step in make the best potato soup recipe is to melt the butter in a large pan over medium heat.

2. The next step in make the best potato soup recipe is to add the onions to the butter in the pan, and cook for a minute or two. Stir occasionally until the onions are tender.

3. Next, you'll want to gradually stir in the flour, broth, and evaporated milk.

4. In order to continue making the best potato soup recipe, you'll now need to add the best part: the potatoes! Stir in the potatoes and mash until chunky but somewhat smooth. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the mixture comes just to a boil.

5. The lest step to make the best potato soup recipe is to divide the soup into bowls and sprinkle each bowl with the yummy toppings. Enjoy!

Tags: best potato soup, potato soup recipe, best potato, make best, potato soup, soup recipe, potato soup

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Differences Between Bell Peppers & Salad Peppers

Peppers add color to your dishes, especially salads.

With everyone being so health conscious these days and looking for ways to eat better, more and more people are turning to salads and finding ways to enhance their flavor. Bell peppers and pickled peppers that people use on salads belong to the Capiscum family, typically indigenous to Mexico. You can use any of the peppers from this family -- it just depends on the particular flavor you wish to layer onto your salad.

Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are larger, squat peppers that come in various colors like yellow, red or orange, but more typically are green. These sweet peppers are large enough for you to use for recipes, whether you use them raw or cooked. You can stuff cooked bell peppers with ingredients such as rice, tomato sauce, meat, cheese, sausage and seafood. When raw, the crisp flesh of the pepper adds a sweet crunch with zero heat to salads and sandwiches.

Pepperoncini and Banana Peppers

Greek pepperoncini are also known as Golden Greek Peppers, and add a juicy bite with mild heat to salads, sandwiches and antipasti. Pepperoncini are typically a vibrant yellowish-green color, are oblong and retain a crunch even when pickled. Similarly, banana peppers are oblong, bigger and often yellow in color -- but are not pepperoncini. You can pickle banana peppers for sandwiches, or stuff them like you'd stuff a bell pepper.

Cherry Peppers and Pimentos

A shorter, squat cherry pepper adds a pop of spice and heat to your salad. Pickled cherry peppers reach the same levels of heat as pepperoncini, but offer a brighter red color to add to your dish. Pimentos -- thick-fleshed sweet peppers -- offer that same vibrant red color to salads, such as a Southern Pea salad, which includes mayonnaise, peas, sweet pickles, eggs and cheese or deli meats like the pimento loaf.


Whereas bell peppers, banana peppers and pepperoncini are sweet to mild in heat, the jalapeno has a more significant bite. The Scoville system measures the capsaicin in the pepper, and the jalapeno has a rating of 5,000 units, compared to the 100 to 500 rating of the pepperonicini or pimento or the 0 rating of the bell. Jalapenos add spice to salads whether pickled or fresh. You can curb some of the heat and keep the flavor of the pepper by trimming the ribs and seeds, which retains the pepper's heat.

Tags: banana peppers, color your, heat salads, heat salads sandwiches, mild heat

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Make Fine Texture Bread

There is nothing like the smell and taste of homemade bread to give your house a warm and welcome feeling. If you do not have the time to make bread by hand, there are many bread machines on the market today to do the work for you. However, a bread machine is not necessary to make a delicious fine texture bread.


1. Choose all purpose flour for making your bread to create a fine texture. Bread flour, or specialty flour such as wheat or rye produces heavier textured bread.

2. Measure your flour carefully, following the guidelines on the bread recipe you are using. Extra flour in bread gives it a heavier texture.

3. Use only enough flour as is necessary to prevent the dough from sticking to your hands and work surfaces to create a fine texture. Again, excess flour, whether added when mixing the dough of when kneading it makes the bread heavier.

4. Punch the dough down for consecutive kneading and rising as quickly as possible after your first rising. Bread that has been allowed to over-rise is coarser in texture.

5. Allow the bread to rise 3 times, instead of only 2. Although most recipes tell you to let the dough rise twice, a third rising makes the texture finer.

Tags: create fine, create fine texture, fine texture

Make Chicken Curry With Spinach

Chicken curry with spinach is similar to a traditional Indian dish called Chicken Saag. It's a great one dish meal, combining protein and vegetables into one delicious dish. Serve spicy chicken curry and spinach with hot rice or buttered toast.


1. Heat the peanut oil in a large skillet or a wok. Add the garlic, sliced onion, cloves, cinnamon stick and bay leaves, and fry until the onion and garlic are golden brown.

2. Stir in the chopped tomatoes and cook the mixture for 5 more minutes. Add the chicken and the remaining spices, and cook until the chicken is done and the oil begins to separate, about 15 minutes.

3. Mix in the chopped spinach and the cream, and add additional salt and pepper to taste, if needed.

4. Cover the pan and cook the chicken curry with spinach for about 10 more minutes. If the mixture seems too thick, add a small amount of water.

5. Serve the chicken curry with spinach on top of rich or toast.

Tags: curry with, curry with spinach, with spinach, chicken curry, more minutes

Make Baked Enchiladas

Baked enchiladas are a Tex-Mex staple. It's a recipe that can be made as spicy or as mild as your taste buds can bear. Make baked enchiladas with beef, chicken, pork, fish, vegetables or just with cheese. Multiply the ingredients and this dish can feed a lot of people with minimal effort.


1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.

2. Cook the meat in a frying pan until browned or well done. If using vegetables, saute the veggies until they are tender.

3. Grease a 9" x 13" inch baking pan with cooking spray.

4. Mix the cream of mushroom soup, cream of chicken soup, chopped onions, green chilies and milk with your meat, vegetables or cheese to make the filling for the enchiladas.

5. Create the enchiladas adding 1/3 cup of filling along the center of a corn tortilla. Roll the tortilla into a tube. Place the enchiladas in the baking pan.

6. Pour the taco sauce and any remaining filling over the top of the enchiladas.

7. Sprinkle 1/2 lb. grated cheese over the top.

8. Bake at 325 degrees until the cheese melts and begins to bubble.


Monday, June 20, 2011

Make Pizza Without A Pizza Pan

Make your own pizza at home.

Recreate pizzeria pies at home even if you do not own a pizza pan or baking stone. All you need to prepare a pizza is a skillet with an oven-proof handle. Using a skillet to pre-cook the pizza dough before melting the cheese in the oven ensures that the pizza dough is cooked all the way through at the same time as the toppings are done. Using pre-mixed or frozen pizza dough will save time when making your pizza.


1. Heat the olive oil or butter in a skillet over medium-high heat. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Using your hands, flatten the pizza dough into a circle the same diameter as the skillet.

3. Transfer the pizza dough to the skillet and cook it for five minutes or until the bottom browns.

4. Flip the pizza dough to cook the opposite side until browned.

5. Top the pizza with your choice of pizza toppings.

6. Place the entire skillet with the topped pizza into the oven for five to 10 minutes to melt the cheese and brown the toppings.

Tags: pizza dough, five minutes, skillet with, your pizza

Friday, June 17, 2011

Dom Perignon History

Dom Perignon History

Dom Perignon Champagne is known world-wide as one of the finest sparkling wines available. The name Dom Perignon originates with its namesake Dom Pierre Pérignon (1638-1715), a Benedictine monk credited with the invention of Champagne.


In 1688 Dom Pierre Pérignon was appointed treasurer at the Abby of Hautvillers, near Epernay, where one of his duties was to manage the winemaking. By blending wine from several of his best vineyards Pérignon produced a wine superior to its individual components.


With the introduction of glass bottles and corks, Pérignon experimented with the naturally sparkling quality of wine. Through these experiments Pérignon developed the méthode champenoise, the technique for producing sparkling wine that exists to this day.


Since Pérignon's time, Dom Perignon has been produced in the Champagne region of northeast France, where the rare combination of soil and climate provides for Champagne's distinctive qualities.


Dom Perignon consists of Pinot Noir and Chardonnay grapes in essentially the same combination Pérignon worked to discover in the late 17th century.

Fun Fact

Prior to blending, Pérignon tasted the grapes without knowing the source vineyard in order to avoid influencing his opinion. References to his "blind" tastings have fueled the fallacy that Dom Pérignon himself was blind.

Tags: Perignon History, Pierre rignon

Keep Wine After Being Opened

Keep Wine After Being Opened

In some states if you purchase a bottle of wine at a restaurant and don't drink the entire bottle, they will allow you to take home the unfinished portion. Before you remove the wine from the premises, they will normally require you to recork the bottle, and then cut whatever amount of cork is protruding over the top of the bottle, so that it is flush with the brim. Keeping wine at home, after being opened, can be handled in a similar fashion, yet you won't need to cut the cork.


1. Return the wine to the wine bottle if you have poured it into a canister. If you've filled a canister with wine, don't store it in the canister for more than a couple of hours as the oxygen will quickly destroy the wine.

2. Recork the bottle by pushing the cork back into the top of the bottle. Corks can expand and make it difficult to reinsert. You can use a wine stopper for easier insertion.

3. Drink within a couple days, or store in the refrigerator and drink within one or two weeks.

4. Use a product like Wine Saver if you plan to store the opened bottle for longer than a few days. It is a canister of inert gas. It is squirted into the open bottle and sits on the wine, preventing oxidation. Wines treated this way may keep for several weeks.

Tags: After Being, Being Opened, Keep Wine, Keep Wine After, they will, Wine After

Cut Finger Sandwiches

Tea sandwiches should contain thin fillings rather than being stuffed.

Finger sandwiches offer a dainty touch of elegance to any meal. You can serve them with a formal tea, as hors d'oeuvres before a lunch or dinner or as part of a buffet meal. Finger sandwiches give you the opportunity to be extremely creative. You can include unusual sandwich fillings such as cucumber, watercress, raisins, goat cheese, curry, smoked salmon, cream cheese and olives. Finger sandwiches generally should be chilled or at room temperature rather than warm, so assemble them, cut them and then refrigerate them in an airtight container until you are ready to serve them.


1. Spread a slice of bread with a very thin layer of butter or margarine. This will help prevent sogginess when you refrigerate the bread. Add a thin layer of the toppings, spreading them all the way to the sides of the bread, then put another slice of buttered bread on top to close the sandwich. Repeat this process for each sandwich you make.

2. Slice the crusts off of the sandwiches with a serrated knife. Cut off as little as possible, and cut gently to avoid crushing or tearing the bread.

3. Cut the sandwiches into the desired shapes. For triangle-shaped finger sandwiches, slice each sandwich along both diagonals to form four triangles. Alternatively, you can cut the sandwich into quarters by slicing it in half vertically and horizontally. This will create four squares. Another common option is to cut the sandwich into thirds either vertically or horizontally to create three finger-shaped pieces.

Tags: Finger sandwiches, each sandwich, rather than, sandwich into, serve them, thin layer

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Enjoy Ice Wine

Ice wine is a dessert wine that is produced primarily by Canadian and German vintners. Its name is derived from the fact that the grapes are left to freeze on the vine before being harvested and processed. This results in an intensely sweet and complex wine, since much of the water content evaporates from the grapes during freezing, leaving more concentrated flavors and sugars. Ice wine tends to be much more expensive than traditional wine, mainly because production is labor-intensive. The grapes are harvested by hand, and the juice extracted from the frozen grapes is only about a fifth as much as that from regular wine grapes.


1. Chill the bottle of ice wine in the refrigerator or the freezer to approximately -10 degrees Celsius (14 degrees Fahrenheit). The flavors of ice wine are showcased best when the wine is chilled but not cold.

2. Uncork the bottle. Pour a small amount of the chilled ice wine into a wine glass. Ice wine has a very complex flavor, but it also has a highly intense sweetness, so it's usually consumed in small quantities.

3. Enjoy the ice wine on its own---it is often called "dessert in a glass"---or serve it with sweet baked desserts or fresh fruit.

4. Recork the bottle and refrigerate any unused ice wine. Once opened, ice wine will keep for three to five days when properly refrigerated.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cook Frozen Scallops

Frozen scallops can go directly from the freezer to the pan.

Frozen scallops are a treat for those who don't live near the coast where they are available fresh. Most frozen scallops are packaged to go directly from the bag to the pan. Allowing them to thaw can give the scallops a mushy texture when cooked. Scallops can be used in most any recipe calling for shrimp, crab or lobster. The simplest method of preparing scallops is in a seafood boil. The instructions for this method are generally found on the bag.


1. Melt 1/2 stick of butter or margarine in a large flat bottomed skillet over medium heat.

2. Add 1/4 cup lemon juice to the melted butter. Bring to a slow boil.

3. Add in the frozen scallops, turning each once to coat in the butter/lemon juice mixture. Bring the liquid back to a simmer.

4. Simmer until the scallops just begin to curl around the edges. Remove the pan from the heat. The centers should still be slightly translucent, as they will continue to cook when removed from the heat.

5. Sprinkle the scallop mixture with fresh group pepper, Italian seasoning mix or any grated hard cheese.

6. Serve over garlic buttered noodles or rice. Add pan juices and toss.

Tags: directly from, from heat, frozen scallops, lemon juice

Make Stuffed Butterfly Chops

Pork is becoming more popular at the dinner table, as it is sometimes cheaper than chicken. Grilled pork chops can start to get boring after a bit, and plain baked chops are often dry, but this recipe produces a juicy, tender chop filled with your favorite stuffing. Complete the meal with your favorite vegetable.


1. Rinse the chops off and place them on a cutting board. Using a sharp knife, slice the chops horizontally, as you would slice a bun open. Stop cutting when you get about an inch from the opposite side. If you use a properly sharpened chef's knife, you should be able to make two or three smooth cuts, while pulling the top half up with your fingers. When you are done with the cut, the meat should lay open as pictured. Repeat for all four chops.

2. Sprinkle salt and pepper on the cut side of the chop. If you wish to add additional spices such as garlic or onion powder, add them now.

3. Set the chops aside and prepare your favorite stuffing.

4. Line a cookie sheet with foil, and arrange two of the chops on the cookie sheet. Top with a liberal amount of stuffing. Set the other two chops on top of the stuffing. You should have a pork chop sandwich with the stuffing inside.

5. Bake at 350 degrees F for about 1 hour. If you have thick chops, you may have to cook them for more than an hour. Check for doneness by cutting a slit in one of the bottom chops and making sure all the meat is a white color.

Tags: with your, your favorite, cookie sheet, cookie sheet with, favorite stuffing

Choose A Barolo Wine

Barolo made exclusively from the finicky Nebbiolo grapes that grown on the tiny 3,000 acres of the Barolo Appellation. Not for the faint of heart, this red wine is big, bold and only gets better with age.


1. Attend a wine tasting. This is the best introduction to Barolo. It allows you to experience many types of wine while having an expert explain the differences. Check with the local fine-dining restaurants to see when the next tasting is scheduled.

2. Understand the aging requirements for Barolo. All Barolo wines must be aged for a minimum of three years: one year in the bottle and two years in the barrel.

3. Know what to expect in a young Barolo. When this wine is young the flavors aren't as well-rounded. It is harsh, brassy and even a little pushy, but it still tastes wonderful.

4. Know what to expect in a mature Barolo. It is dry, full-bodied and goes down like velvet.

5. Learn about Barolo Riserva. When the Barolo wine label says "Riserva," the wine has been aged for a minimum of five years.

6. Seek advice at the local wine store. There is always one person at the store that knows every wine the store sells. Don't be afraid to ask him for advice. Just about every town (except dry ones) has one store known for selling good wine.

Tags: aged minimum, Know what, Know what expect, this wine, what expect, wine store

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Can Crunchy Dill Pickles

It is easy to can pickles at home.

Canning your own vegetables is a good way to save money. It also allows you to control the preservatives that go into the food that you serve to your family. Small pickling cucumbers can be purchased in your local grocery store and used to make your own crunchy dill pickles at home. Canning fresh vegetables will allow them to keep for up to a year. It is easy to can pickles. It only takes about an hour and requires just a few ingredients.


1. Wash your cucumbers and place them in a bowl of cold water. Place them in the refrigerator for 24 hours. This will provide you with a crispy pickle.

2. Remove the cucumbers from the refrigerator, and place them on paper towels to dry.

3. Wash all of the canning jars and lids. Sterilize them by running them though a hot cycle in your dishwasher. Boil the canning lids for at least 15 minutes and leave them in the water while you are preparing the cucumbers.

4. Add two cloves of garlic and one head of dill into the bottom of the canning jars.

5. Cut each cucumber into four or five spears or cut them into slices. Pack them on top of the dill and garlic.

6. Prepare the canning liquid by combining 3 quarts of water, 1 cup of pickling salt and 1 quart of vinegar into a large pot. Bring the liquid to a boil, and then remove it from the heat.

7. Ladle the liquid into the jars. Leave 1/4 of an inch at the top of the jar.

8. Place the lid on the top of the jar, and seal it with the bands. Do not tighten completely.

9. Place the jars into your canner, and fill it with enough water to completely cover the jars.

10. Bring the water to a boil and allow it to boil for a full 20 minutes. If the water boils down then add more water to keep the jars covered.

11. Remove the jars from the hot water bath, and allow them to cool on a towel.

12. Check to make sure the lids have sealed by pressing down on them when they have cooled. If the lid did not seal, you can store the pickles in the refrigerator. Pickles are ready to eat in about two days.

Tags: allow them, canning jars, easy pickles, home Canning, pickles home, pickles home Canning, place them

Monday, June 13, 2011

Make Easy Pizza

When it comes to cooking, between the measuring, the cooking and the ingredients, there's a lot that can go wrong. The good news is that you relax, because even things like pizza are easy to make. Here is a great recipe for easy pizza.


1. Place a layer of foil over the grate in your toaster oven. If you are using an oven, then place foil inside a pan. You may also spray the foil with non-stick spray if desired.

2. Pre-heat the toaster oven to 400 degrees.

3. Lay the base of your pizza out on the counter. The really cool thing about an easy pizza is that the baking portion is done. By using a piece of pita bread, English muffin, or pre-cooked dough, you are saving yourself a lot of time and energy. (If you are using an English muffin, be sure to split the English muffin in half.)

4. Add a few spoonfuls of tomato sauce onto your pizza base. There's no actual measurement required. Just use enough to make a thin layer across the base.

5. Sprinkle your pre-shredded cheese on the tomato sauce and pizza base. (When you purchase at the supermarket, look for a specific "pizza mix" which is a combination of mozzarella and other cheeses usually found in pizza.)

6. Throw on any topping which you desire. Let your imagination run wild here. It can be everything from pepperoni to pineapple, sausage to mushrooms and more.

7. Bake in your toaster oven or oven for 7 minutes or until the cheese is golden brown on top. Remove from the toaster oven, let cool for a couple of minutes and enjoy.

Tags: toaster oven, English muffin, easy pizza, pizza base, tomato sauce

Grow Hot Salsa Mix Peppers

Salsa veggies all do well in the same growing conditions.

Peppers are the stars of a fresh summer salsa, the type and amount you add determining its heat and adding color. Make a mix of hot salsa peppers the stars of your summer garden as well. Planted early in the spring, pepper crops mature 60 to 100 days after planting. Include tomatoes, onions, garlic and cilantro in your garden for a steady supply of homemade salsa ingredients. Part of the fun of making homemade salsa is experimenting with different pepper flavors until you produce that just-right combination that makes your hot salsa distinctive. Grow a mix of bell peppers, jalapenos, Habaneros and even Scotch bonnets for some real fire in your salsa.


1. Sow your pepper seeds eight to 10 weeks before the last spring frost. Plant each seed according to package directions in a seedling starter part. Place the pots in a warm area with bright fluorescent full spectrum lights. Bottom heat of around 80 degrees helps germinate the seeds more quickly. Keep the soil slightly moist. After the seedlings sprout transfer them to larger pots after about six weeks. Be sure to mark the plants by their variety as pepper plants can look similar from variety to variety.

2. Set the seedling outdoors for a few hours a day about two weeks after the last frost of the season. Set them out every day for a few hours, gradually increasing the time until they are out for 24 hours, before transplanting the seeds to your garden. This hardens your plants for living outdoors.

3. Clear a sunny spot that gets at least six hours of full sun per day. The soil should be well-drained and fertile. Peppers need a long, warm growing season to produce well.

4. Test the soil. The soil pH should be between 6.0 and 6.5. If it is low, increase the soil pH with lime or wood ash. If high, decrease it with aluminum sulfate or sulfur. Loosen the beds to 12 inches deep and mix into the soil along with manure or a fertilizer recommended for your particular soil. Consult your local agricultural extension agent for recommendations.

5. Dig holes 12 inches deep and 18 inches apart. Partially fill the hole with a rich compost. Loosen and remove the plants from their containers and plant so that the top of the root ball is just below the surface. Mark each section of the garden so you know what's growing there and can tend each plant according to its particular needs.

6. Water the plants well after planting and then water as often as necessary to keep the soil slightly moist, but not wet. Fertilize your peppers with a low-nitrogen fertilizer after they have blossomed.

7. Use row covers early in the season for gardens located in cool climates. Peppers particularly need long warm growing seasons to produce a good crop. Once the weather is consistently warm remove the row covers.

Tags: about weeks, after planting, homemade salsa, inches deep, long warm, long warm growing, need long

Friday, June 10, 2011

Make Vegetable Chips

Choose your favorite root vegetables to make chips.

Vegetable chips can offer a welcome change from regular potato chips. However, they won't necessarily be any healthier if they are prepared in the same way, that is, deep-fat fried and heavily salted. You can prepare your own vegetable chips, including potatoes if you wish, in a simple process that involves baking rather than deep-fat frying.


1. Preheat the oven to 375 F.

2. Peel your choice of five root vegetables. Cut them about 1/8-inch thick with a knife or use a mandolin to slice them.

3. Add the vegetables to a large bowl. Drizzle with oil and mix with a spoon until all the vegetables are lightly coated.

4. Sprinkle the vegetables with your favorite seasonings and toss until well-combined.

5. Place the vegetables in single layers on the cooking sheets.

6. Set the sheets in the oven and bake for 15 to 20 minutes. Turn the vegetables once during that time. Bake until golden brown.

Tags: root vegetables, your favorite

Make Quinoa Flour

Quinoa comes from a species of goosefoot that has been cultivated in the Andes since the time of the Incas.

Quinoa, a grain with a strong grassy flavor, has achieved increasing recognition for its health benefits. According to the "Vegetarian Times," one cup of quinoa contains "4.7 milligrams of iron, 60 milligrams of calcium, 9 grams of protein, 420 milligrams potassium, and 5 grams of fiber." Quinoa is easily ground into flour, and may impart its unique flavor to your baked goods. It pairs well with fruits and nuts, spices like cinnamon, cardamom, cumin and coriander, as well as herbs like rosemary.


1. Toast the quinoa. This step enhances the grains' nutty flavor. In a nonstick frying pan, heat your quinoa grains, stirring frequently, until the grains are lightly golden and start to pop. Remove the pan from heat, and allow the grains to cool.

2. Pour the toasted, cooled quinoa into the bowl of a blender or food processor. Blend until the grains are reduced to the size and texture of flour. One cup of whole quinoa grains will yield 1/4 cup of quinoa flour.

3. Your quinoa flour is now ready to use. If you have not used quinoa flour before, try to pick a recipe that already contains quinoa flour so that you will have a chance to learn the specific effects of its taste and texture in baking.

4. If you would like to substitute quinoa flour in a recipe that does not originally call for it, be sure to keep a few things in mind. Because the flavor is so strong and its texture not necessarily suitable to produce a well-structured baked good on its own, it may be safest to use only a small proportion of quinoa flour in baked goods, using all-purpose flour for the rest of your recipe's flour requirement.

Tags: quinoa flour, quinoa flour, baked goods, quinoa grains, recipe that

Make Easy Cheesy Ranch Potatoes

Cheesy ranch potatoes is a filling recipe to complement any meal. Shredded cheese, ranch and bacon are added to potatoes to give them a more flavorful kick. This dish works well as a healthier alternative to some other potato recipes such as french fries. Potatoes are low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. They provide important vitamins such as C and B6 as well at potassium, protein and manganese.


1. Preheat oven to 400 F.

2. Peel one 5 lb. bag of potatoes. Cut each potato into cubes or small wedges. If desired, cut into paper-thin round slices starting at one end.

3. Pour potatoes into a glass pan. Cut up butter into cubes and add over top of the potatoes. Salt and pepper to taste. Add a pinch of garlic powder for an extra kick, if desired.

4. Cover and cook for 30 minutes or until potatoes are tender.

5. Remove potatoes from oven and pour ranch over top. Mix up and add more ranch dressing according to your tastes. Top with shredded cheese as well as bacon bits, if desired. Cook for another 10 to 15 minutes and remove when the cheese begins to melt and bubble.

Tags: into cubes

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Extra Virgin Olive Oil Vs Extra Light Olive Oil

Extra Virgin Olive Oil Vs. Extra Light Olive Oil

Olive oil has been marketed as a healthier alternative to other types of cooking oils in recent years. There are several types to choose from, including extra virgin and extra light olive oil.


Extra virgin olive oil comes from the first pressing of the olives, and is not processed with heat or chemicals. Extra light olive oil has been subjected to extensive processing.


Extra virgin and extra light olive oil contain the same number of calories. "Extra light" refers to the flavor, not the calorie or fat content of the oil.


Extra light olive oil offers the health benefits of extra virgin without the flavor; no olive flavor will be present in the finished dish. Extra virgin olive oil has a strong, distinctive olive flavor.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil Uses

Most cooks finish a dish with extra virgin olive oil rather than cooking with it. It is drizzled over salads, breads and cooked dishes.

Extra Light Olive Oil Uses

Extra light olive oil is typically used as a substitute for vegetable oil or butter. It can be used for stir-frying; pan frying or in breads, cakes or muffins.

Tags: Extra light, Extra Light, extra virgin, Extra Virgin Olive, light olive, light olive, Olive Extra

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Carve A Chicken

There is nothing better than a hot, succulent chicken right out of the oven. But no matter what the recipe, if you want it to taste its best, you must carve a chicken properly. It will help the bird hold onto its juices and enhance the flavor.


1. Remove the bird from the oven or grill and allow the chicken to rest for 10 minutes. This allows the juices to settle within the bird. Set the chicken on the cutting board so that the breast side is up.

2. Pull the leg and thigh away from the body so that the joint is exposed. (This may take a little wiggling.)

3. Carve through the socket with your carving knife, which will separate the leg and the thigh from the body. Repeat this process on the other side.

4. Slice through the leg and thigh, separating those two. Repeat this on the other leg and thigh of the chicken.

5. Separate the wings by tugging them from the carcass. You may need the aid of your knife to help carve through the cartilage.

6. Feel for the breastbone on the top of your chicken. Carve along the breastbone on each side with your carving knife.

7. Peel the breast meat from the chicken using your hands (make sure they're clean when you begin).

8. Slice the chicken breast into five or six pieces. Arrange the carved chicken in an aesthetically pleasing manner on a plate and serve.

Tags: carving knife, from body, Repeat this, with your, with your carving, your carving

Make Chocolate Carmel Pretzel Sticks

Make Chocolate Carmel Pretzel Sticks

Create a sweet and salty treat for any occasion by coating pretzel sticks with caramel and chocolate. While the desserts may be sweet enough on their own, add more flavor with nuts, dried fruit, coconut or assorted candies and sprinkles. Holiday-themed or colored sprinkles can decorate your sweetened pretzel sticks to match any party or special occasion. While your guests may think you spent hours in the kitchen, these coated pretzel sticks take one hour to make.


1. Combine unwrapped caramels and whipping cream in a medium saucepan.

2. Heat the caramels and whipping cream over low heat until the caramels are melted and the mixture is smooth.

3. Hold a pretzel rod diagonally over the saucepan. Use a spoon to scoop the caramel and pour it over the pretzel rod. Leave the end of the pretzel rod, where you are holding it with your fingers, uncovered to avoid burning yourself with the hot caramel.

4. Place the pretzel rod on a piece of wax paper to let the caramel cool and become hard.

5. Repeat for additional pretzel rods until you run out of melted caramel. You should have enough caramel to cover 18 pretzel rods.

6. Wait 30 minutes for the caramel covered pretzel rods to cool and harden.

7. Measure semi-sweet chocolate chips and vegetable shortening into a microwave safe bowl.

8. Microwave the chocolate on high for 30-second intervals until it is smooth and melted. Stir the chocolate and shortening mixture after each interval.

9. Scoop some of the melted chocolate with a spoon and drizzle it back and forth over the caramel covered pretzels. Continue to do this over the remaining pretzel rods.

Tags: pretzel rods, pretzel sticks, caramel covered, caramels whipping, caramels whipping cream

Eat Grape Leaves

Grape leaves are a delicious addition to many in Mediterranean cultures. They are typically stuffed with less flavorful foods in order to bring out the subtle taste of the leaf. It is important when selecting your leaves to choose leaves that are from unsprayed plants because the sprays are normally toxic and the leaves absorb the spray. Choose leaves that are medium sized and a green color. Small leaves are typically too thin to use, and the large leaves are normally too tough. Whether you use canned or fresh leaves, each leaf needs to be prepared in order to use in a recipe and consumed.


1. Put the water into the large pot. Add the salt.

2. Boil the salt water mixture, also known as brine.

3. Drop the leaves in 12 to 13 at a time and return the brine to a boil.

4. Remove the leaves immediately when the brine begins to boil with a spatula or strainer.

5. Drop the leaves into cold or ice water and pick them right back up. This stops the cooking process.

6. Dry the leaves with paper towels or shake dry. The leaves should be curled or slightly curled at this point. This process is called blanching.

7. Set the leaves out on paper towels.

8. Soak the rice for 10 minutes in hot water.

9. Chop or dice the onion, celery, or fennel and then the meat if you have time. Chicken is a tasty addition to this recipe. If you are a vegetarian, choose two foods out of onion, celery, or fennel to put in this recipe.

10. Drain rice and cook as directed.

11. Sautee the onion and meat with desired spices such as rosemary, thyme, basil, and/or salt and pepper.

12. Line the grape leaves with rice. Put the meat and onion on top of the rice.

13. Let the dish sit for 5 minutes before eating. This gives the juices time to settle into the rice.

Tags: celery fennel, Drop leaves, leaves that, leaves with, onion celery

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Make Cheese Sauce In The Microwave

If you're in a pinch and want to spruce up some steamed veggies, tortilla chips or even pasta, this cheese sauce recipe couldn't be easier. All you need to do is whisk together the ingredients in a microwave-safe bowl and you can be ready to enjoy this delicious sauce in minutes.


1. Place some butter in a microwave-safe bowl. Cook on high in the microwave for 15 to 30 seconds, checking on the butter to see if it's melted.

2. Whisk an equal amount of flour into the butter until smooth. Measure out an equal amount of cheese and milk. Set the cheese aside and add the milk to the flour and butter mixture. Stir until blended. Season with salt and pepper.

3. Cook on high in the microwave for 2 minutes. Remove from microwave, and stir ingredients. Cook again for another 1 to 2 minutes or until the mixture has thickened.

4. Add cheese to the bowl. Stir thoroughly. Place bowl back in microwave if the cheese doesn't melt fully. Serve immediately.

Tags: Cook high, Cook high microwave, equal amount, high microwave, microwave-safe bowl

Monday, June 6, 2011

Make Dried Tomato Powder

Tomatoes will continue to ripen after the harvest.

If you have more fresh tomatoes from your garden than you can eat, preserve them to enjoy these flavors all year long. One method of preservation involves dehydrating them and grinding them into a fine powder. Add the powder to your soups, pasta dishes and casseroles to boost the flavor and add important nutrients, like lycopene and phytofluene -- two carotenoids. If you have a food dehydrator, use this to dry your tomatoes. Otherwise, dry them in your oven at a low temperature.


1. Wash your fresh tomatoes and dry them with a paper towel. Slice them in half lengthwise.

2. Remove the seeds from the tomato halves, but try to leave the pulp in them. Remove discolored spots. Slice the halves in half again.

3. Arrange the tomato quarters on your oven rack (not a cookie sheet) with the cut side facing upward. Place aluminum foil underneath them or on the bottom of the oven. This will catch the tomato juice.

4. Heat the oven to 140 degrees Fahrenheit and leave the oven door slightly open. Allow the tomatoes to dry for about six hours. After three hours, use a spatula to flatten the slices and stir them around a little.

5. Test the tomatoes after six hours. Tomatoes intended for powdering must be brittle, rather than leathery. If you can easily break a tomato slice, it is ready. If it bends, allow it to dry longer.

6. Take the tomatoes out of the oven when they are done. Let them cool completely.

7. Add the tomatoes, about 2 cups at a time, to a food processor. Turn the setting to "high" and run the food processor until the dried tomatoes are the consistency of a fine powder.

Tags: fine powder, food processor, fresh tomatoes, tomatoes about, your oven

Make Vanilla Extract From Scratch

Use vanilla beans to make your own extract.

Vanilla extract is an essential cooking ingredient, but can be one of the most expensive spices. Make your own real vanilla extract using high-quality ingredients, with no artificial colors or sweeteners. Premium vanilla extract can be used for all your cooking and baking needs. It can be used in candies, ice cream, cakes, pies and to flavor almost anything. When placed in a decorative bottle and tied with a ribbon, homemade vanilla extract makes an elegant gift for any cooking enthusiast.


1. Choose premium, grade B vanilla beans. Look for beans that are 6 to 8 inches long with a rich aroma. Short beans with little scent are not premium. Purchase 5 to 8 vanilla beans per cup of vodka.

2. Cut the beans in half lengthwise, leaving about 1/2 inch intact at each end.

3. Place the vanilla beans in a clean, dark-colored glass bottle with a tight-fitting lid. Pour in a quality vodka at a ratio of 1 cup for every 5 to 8 beans.

4. Place the lid on the bottle and store in a cool, dark place to allow the flavors to form. Gently shake the bottle daily for the first week to mix the vanilla and vodka. Over the next three weeks, shake the bottle a few times a week.

5. Begin using the extract after the fourth week. The flavor continues maturing for six months. If you like, you can pour in new vodka as you use the extract to make it last longer.

Tags: vanilla beans, vanilla extract, shake bottle

Make Do Ahead Hot Artichoke Dip

Make Do Ahead Hot Artichoke Dip

There is nothing more authentic, than to add a tantalizing tasty dish, like hot artichokes, as an additional side dish, to any meal! Get a kick out of life, by adding some spark to your artichokes! This simple easy recipe is an awesome way to add spark to any party and it's a great conversation starter, to impress your family and friends. It's guaranteed that you will keep them coming back for more! This artichoke dish makes a great dip for any occasion!


Make Do Ahead Hot Artichoke

1. Rinse the artichokes very well and cut them into bite size pieces. Place them in a medium mixing bowl.

2. Add the diced Ortega chilies, mayo and Parmesan cheese, to the cleaned artichokes and mix well. Add spinach with the artichoke mixture if desired. For additional spiciness to the artichoke dish, add more chilies. Re-mix well.

3. Place the artichoke mixture into a lighty sprayed, greased 9 x 16 casserole dish and bake the artichoke mixture in oven, at 350 degrees, for approximately 20 to 25 minutes. Remove artichoke dish from oven.

4. Sprinkle the artichokes with paprika. Covering the entire top of the dish, with a light coat. Bake the artichoke dish for approximately 20 to 30 minutes longer or until lightly brown.

5. Serve the hot artichokes with dried pita bread, chips or Wheat Thins, on a medium serving platter. Arrange the pita bread, chips or Wheat Thins, neatly around the dip in a decorative fashion. Ready to serve.

Tags: artichoke dish, Ahead Artichoke, artichoke mixture, Make Ahead, Make Ahead Artichoke, approximately minutes

Friday, June 3, 2011

Chili Sauce Uses

Chili sauce is an excellent addition to meatballs.

Chili sauce is a spicy condiment similar to ketchup. Like ketchup, it is tomato based and smooth, though it has much more of a flavorful kick, making it perfect to incorporate into recipes. While you can use chili sauce as you would ketchup-- dipping French fries and topping burgers-- it's also a pretty versatile condiment that can add extra flavor to some classic dishes.


Update plain, frozen meatballs for an easy dinner or party snack. Combine one 12 oz bottle of chili sauce and one 16 oz can of jellied cranberry sauce in a large saucepan over medium heat. Stir the mixture until it is fully combined and smooth. Add 2 pounds of pre-cooked, frozen meatballs to the saucepan and cover. Stir occasionally. Allow the meatballs to cook for 15 minutes or until thoroughly heated. If you want a make-ahead meal, combine all ingredients in a crock pot and cook on high for four hours.

Cocktail Sauce

Combine chili sauce with a few other ingredients for an easy dip for shrimp. Mix together 6 tablespoons chili sauce, 6 tablespoons ketchup, 1 1/2 teaspoons lemon juice, 2 teaspoons brown sugar and 3 teaspoons wasabi powder. Combine until all ingredients are evenly distributed and the mixture is smooth. Refrigerate for at least two hours before serving.

Chicken Mozarella

Serve this baked chicken with a side of pasta or rice. Preheat your over to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. Coat the bottom of a 13 by 9 inch baking dish with olive oil. Combine in a shallow bowl 2/3 cup baking mix, 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese, 2 teaspoons Italian seasoning, 1 teaspoon paprika and 1/4 teaspoon black pepper. Coat six large chicken breasts, arrange them in the baking dish and bake uncovered for 45 minutes. Remove from oven and flip each chicken breast over. Cover each breast with 1 tablespoon of chili sauce and 1 slice of mozzarella cheese. Bake for another five minutes, or until cheese has melted.

Macaroni and Cheese

Add chili sauce to macaroni and cheese for a new take on a classic dish. Cook and drain 8 oz of dried macaroni. Transfer back to saucepan over low heat. Immediately add 3/4 cup cubed butter. Stir until butter begins to melt. Add 2 cups grated cheddar cheese, 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce and 1/4 chili sauce. Continue stirring until all ingredients are evenly combined. Serve immediately.

Tags: chili sauce, baking dish, chili sauce, chili sauce, frozen meatballs, ingredients evenly, minutes until

Fondue Party Themes

Host a fondue party for a tasty good time.

For an entertainingly unusual get-together, try a fondue party. Fondue is yummy, gooey melted cheese in a pot placed over a heat source to stay warm; items such as bread and veggies are dipped into the cheese. A fondue theme is not only delicious fun; it is also easy to incorporate into every aspect of your party.


Get creatively and inventively cheesy when decorating for your fondue-themed party. Hang up some streamers and balloon clusters that are the colors of cheese: white, gold, orange and yellow. Hang a "Fabulous Fondue Party!" banner. Put up strings of white Christmas lights for some sparkle. Make cheese posters by writing the names of cheeses on poster board and adding clip art pictures of cheese.


One fun idea for something to do at a fondue-themed party is karaoke. Let everyone have a turn belting out songs with titles that are reflective of the theme. "Melt With You" by Modern English, "Eat It" by Weird Al, "Big Cheese" by Nirvana, "Dip It Low" by Christina Milian, "I Melt" by Rascal Flatts, "Chocolate" by Kylie Minogue, "Melt My Heart to Stone" by Adele and "Delicious" by Semisonic are just a few options.


Allow guests to help cook dinner.

Let guests play card games, charades or any party game for the chance to win a fondue gift basket that's stocked with a fondue set, fondue cookbook and some hard cheeses. Play cheese trivia. Call out the name of a cheese and let everyone try to guess what country it's from. Turn on the burners under the fondue pots and let guest participate in heating up and cooking the dipping mixtures.

As party favors, buy an inexpensive set of cheese slicers or spreaders. Neatly print fondue recipes onto index cards; punch a hole in them. Tie a card to each slicer or spreader with orange ribbon.


Chocolate fondue makes a decadent dessert.

Of course, fondue will be the featured party food. There is the classic version: melted cheese with bread for dipping. Provide a few different options using different recipes and cheeses. Another option is "fondue bourguignonne," which is when pieces of meat are cooked in pots of hot oil. For any vegetarians in attendance, provide seasoned raw tofu or thickly sliced mushrooms. Serve chocolate fondue with strawberries, banana chunks and cake cubes for dipping for dessert.

Tags: Fondue Party, fondue party, fondue-themed party, melted cheese

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Make Delicious Smothered Burritos

Buy the largest tortillas you can find at your local market.

This recipe for quick and easy burritos smothered with delicious toppings can be spiced up by adding hot sauce or salsa, either to the sauce mixture or served on the side.


1. Brown the ground beef in a skillet over medium-high heat. Drain off the fat. Add the taco seasoning packet and water (as directed on seasoning packet). Stir well and simmer for about a minute.

2. Pour the tomato sauce into a small bowl. Drain the excess liquid from the beef mixture into tomato sauce, stir well and set aside.

3. Spread a layer of refried beans, a few tablespoons of beef and some onions and olives into each tortilla. Roll them up and place them in a greased 9-by-13-inch baking dish.

4. Pour the tomato sauce mixture over the burritos. Sprinkle the top of the dish with cheddar cheese and any remaining onions and olives.

5. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes, or until the filling is hot and cheese is melted.

6. Serve with sour cream, chopped lettuce and diced tomatoes on the side.

Tags: tomato sauce, onions olives, Pour tomato, Pour tomato sauce, sauce mixture, seasoning packet

Make Hot Dog Relish!

This mustardy relish is like a premium version of the commercial products. It will turn an ordinary Hot Dog into an unforgettable delight!


1. This relish makes a wonderful addition to a gift basket. Have jars sterilized and ready for processing when you are finished making the relish. Wrap a printed piece of holiday fabric around the top of the jar and tie with a matching ribbon. Make sure you add a label with the name of the relish and who made it.

2. Combine the following in a large bowl:

13 medium-sized cucumbers, washed, finely chopped (These are pickling cucumber, not the waxed ones! Do not peel!)

3 red bell peppers, washed, seeded, finely chopped

6 green bell peppers, washed, seeded, finely chopped

1 extra-large sweet onion, finely chopped (I prefer Vidalia!)

3. Mix 1 gallon of water with 1/4 Cup pickling salt and pour over vegetables. Let stand overnight at room temperature!!!

4. In a large kettle, bring vegetables and water to a boil. Remove from heat and drain vegetables thoroughly.

5. Wash Kettle for reuse!

Mix the following in the kettle:

4 cups distilled white vinegar,

2 cups water,

6 cups sugar,

4 teaspoons mustard seed,

4 teaspoons celery seed

Add vegetables and then bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Do not cook, just bring to a rolling boil and remove from heat.

6. Drain pineapple juice into a glass measuring cup, reserving fruit!

7. In a small bowl, mix 2 tablespoons dry mustard, 1 tablespoon turmeric and 1 cup of flour.

8. Using a wire whisk, slowly add pineapple juice and enough liquid from hot vegetable mixture to make a thin smooth paste.

9. Carefully add mustard paste, a little at a time, to hot vegetable mixture, stirring constantly.

10. Stir in reserved pineapple fruit. Simmer until relish has thickened slightly, stirring constantly. Removed from heat.

11. Immediately ladle into hot jars, leaving 1/2 inch headspace. Wipe jar rims; seal with hot lids and screw bands. Process 10 minutes in a simmering water bath. Makes 11 1-pint jars.

Tags: finely chopped, from heat, bell peppers, bell peppers washed, peppers washed

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What Are Les Escargots

In France, cooked snails are a common appetizer.

Les Escargots is a staple French appetizer of cooked snails. There are a variety of ways the snails are prepared for different flavors. Usually, the snails are raised on farms and fed cereals so that there aren't toxins in their stomachs. In most instances, the snail is removed from its shell, gutted, and then cooked for human consumption. However, some forms of Les Escargots involves cooking the snail while it is in its shell.


Snails have been consumed for thousands years by humans. Snail shells have been excavated in different sites in large quantities throughout the world in human dwellings from prehistoric times. Many cultures considered them a delicacy. Now, they are considered a French dish. There are an estimated 116 types of snails that are edible today. In addition, an estimated 40,000 tons of snails are consumed each year worldwide.

Escargots de Bourgogne

Escargots de Bourgogne, also known as burgundy snails, and is one of the traditional and most popular varieties of escargots. This version involves cooking land snails in garlic and parsley butter. The burgundy snail is considered a true specialty item in France and because of huge demand, the collecting of the snails is controlled by the French government. This dish is traditionally served on a special "snail" plate and usually in the shell, but on some occasions, the snails will already be removed from their shells.


Petit-Gris means little grey or Helix Aspera if going by the scientific name. These snails tend to be smaller than the Escargots de Bourgogne. Petit-Gris along with Escargots de Bourgogne are the most popular snails to eat. These snails also tend to be cooked in garlic and butter, sometimes with the addition of other herbs.

Escargots Recipe

Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (205 degrees Celsius). Get a stick of butter, 1 1/2 tablespoons minced garlic, and 2 tablespoons of well-chopped parsley. Put them into a food processor to create mixture. This is the seasoning that goes on the snails.

Open the can of snails and place them into the shells. Apply the butter-parsley mixture, filling in any cavities in the snail shell.

Put the snails on a pan and place in oven for 12 minutes. Remove from oven, allow a few minutes for them to cool, and then serve.

Tags: Escargots Bourgogne, cooked snails, have been, involves cooking, most popular, removed from

Treat Wheat Seed

Before planting wheat seed, farmers evaluate the seed quality. Experts suggest that farmers treat wheat seed in several ways before planting the seed. Farmers must decide which treatments to undertake for their particular wheat seed. Some wheat seed demonstrates susceptibilities to certain problems that others do not. This is based on the wheat's growing and harvest times, seed storage time and conditions, and the history of the ground. Experts offer several suggested methods of treating wheat seed to ensure proper growth and a good yield.


1. Check whether the wheat seed comes from a wheat seed dealer or from a farmer. "Farmer saved seed" refers to seed which a farmer kept in a bin. Among other problems farmer saved seed may contain contamination from loose smut, Septoria or head scab. Treat wheat seed with a fungicidal seed treatment (e.g. Dividend Extreme, Raxil-Thiram or RaxilXT) which is not expensive. This fungicide can reduce the risk of contamination.

2. Treat wheat seed for stripe rust, a yellow powdery pustule which can erupt on the wheat's leaves, with Alphaflo, Foliarflo-C or Maxiflo. Wheat seed should receive early preventative treatment against stripe rust as the disease, if allowed to erupt, can spread easily and widely throughout the field. Maxiflo also serves as an effective wheat seed treatment for Take-all disease, a disease which attacks the roots of the wheat plant and disrupts its growth.

3. Protect wheat seed against insect damage if storing the seed for more than six weeks. Weevils, grain borers, meal moths, flour beetles and other insects can damage wheat. Cypermethrin, triflumuron, dryacide, dichlorvos or phosphine will control these insects, killing the adults and subsequently killing the larvae when they hatch and start feeding off the grain. Other non-chemical treatments for wheat seed to prevent insect damage are to cool stores of grain or to control the atmosphere with carbon dioxide.

Tags: wheat seed, insect damage, saved seed, seed treatment, stripe rust