Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Best Ever Mexican Homemade Salsa

The Best-Ever Mexican Homemade Salsa

If you are craving some tasty and hot salsa but you're tired of getting it from the store, you may want to try making it from scratch. There are thousands of salsa recipes out there and many claim to be the best. The recipe we'll be discussing as the possible salsa champion is one from Rick Bayless's Mexican Kitchen (1996) called Essential Chopped Tomato-Serrano Salsa (Salsa Mexicana Classica).

What Do You Need?

You will need to get approximately 12 ounces of ripe tomatoes, either 2 medium-small round ones or 4 or 5 plum ones. Purchase a dozen or so large sprigs of cilantro, 1 small (4 ounce) white onion, 1 large garlic clove (that has been peeled and finely chopped), ¾ of a teaspoon of salt, 1 ½ teaspoons of fresh lime juice. Not to be forgotten, of course, is the ingredient that brings the real heat--three to five stemmed fresh Serrano chilies. Bayless says that you should get everything as fresh as possible "from warm, just picked tomatoes to green-tops-on white onions." He also suggests that you use a sharp knife to prevent bruising. You will also need a bowl to mix the ingredients in, a strainer to rinse the onions, and gloves if the spiciness (picante) of the chilies may irritate your skin. The recipe makes about two cups of salsa.

Make It

First you core the tomatoes, cut them in half widthwise, and then you can choose whether or not to squeeze out the seeds. Dice the flesh of the tomatoes and cut them into pieces of ¼ each thickness before cutting them into a smaller dice and scooping them into a bowl. Put on your gloves and cut the chilies in half lengthwise and scrape out as many or as few seeds as you wish. The more seeds inside the more intensely spicy the salsa will be. Chop of the chilies as finely as possible and add them to the tomatoes. Chop the cilantro sprigs into 1/16-inch thick pieces, working from the leafy end to the stems, mince the garlic, and add it all to the salsa. Dice the onions, rinse them in the small strainer, and rinse them under cold water. Get rid of the excess water with a few shakes and add it to the mixture. Season the mixture to taste with the lime juice and salt. Let the flavors mix together for at least a few minutes before serving or chilling.

What to Do with It

Obviously you can serve it as a traditional salsa with tortilla chips, but there are several other ways to use this candidate for "The Best Ever Mexican Homemade Salsa." By adding two extra garlic cloves, Serranos, a bit of grated lime zest, and two to three tablespoons of Worcester sauce you can marinate around 1 ¼ pounds of trimmer skirt steak to be grilled and then garnished with a liberal amount of the original salsa. You can use the salsa as a sauce for a simple dish of pasta by mixing it in while the pasta is still piping hot to be topped with Parmesan cheese and chopped cilantro. Bayless suggests you leave out the lime when using it in this way. An inventive suggestion is to add the salsa instead of typical mayonnaise-based dressing for a potato salad. Drizzle some olive oil and vinegar while the potatoes are hot out of the boil and then when cool stir in a cup of salsa and more cilantro to taste.

Tags: Homemade Salsa, Mexican Homemade, Mexican Homemade Salsa, them into, Best Ever

Bake Christmas Tree Cakes Using Cone Cups

Making Christmas tree cakes using the cone cups from water coolers in offices all across America are a decorative and delicious way to gear up for the holiday season. Unlike holiday cookies, these cakes are 3-D, standing tall just like the evergreens that they represent. Like the cookies, they can be decorated with anything small, sweet and edible from sprinkles to colored sugar to white and milk chocolate bark drizzles, making it a particularly good recipe to allow smaller children to help with.


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

2. The cone cups that your cakes will be poured into won't stand up on their own in the oven. For this reason, you need to prepare a tin roasting pan, the sort that are disposable and are widely available around the holidays. Cut circles, or even triangles, into the pan, leaving enough clearance above for each of the cone cups to fit easily. Flip the pan over once the holes have been cut and place a cone cup in each hole.

3. In one mixing bowl, mix the dry ingredients: sugar, flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda and salt.

4. In a separate mixing bowl, mix the liquid ingredients: eggs, milk, oil and vanilla extract.

5. Make a well in the dry ingredient mixture. Add the liquid ingredients and blend thoroughly. Add the hot water.

6. Spray a light coating of cooking spray into each of the cone cups. Divide the batter amongst the cone cups.

7. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes.

8. Remove the pan from the oven. Allow to sit until completely cooled. Invert the cakes and remove the cone cups.

9. Decorate each Christmas tree cake as desired. Stick heavier decorations on using melted chocolate bark as "glue."

Tags: cone cups, chocolate bark, each cone, each cone cups, liquid ingredients, mixing bowl

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Make Chewy Granola Bars

1. 2



Make granola bars at home.

Granola bars are a great treat to add to lunch boxes or to snack on at home. You can flavor homemade granola bars to your taste instead of buying the expensive ones at the store. For instance, substitute 1/4 cup of peanut butter for the honey; for raisin cinnamon granola bars, add 1 tsp. cinnamon and substitute 1/4 cup raisins for the coconut. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Mix together the oats, coconut, crisp rice cereal, and chocolate chips.

2. In another bowl, mix the salt, vanilla, butter, honey and brown sugar until everything is evenly blended.

3. Pour the dry mix into the wet mix and blend together. This mix is stiff so you may need to use your hands.

4. Press this granola bar mix into an 8x8 inch square pan.

5. Bake at 350 degrees for 18-20 minutes.

6. Remove from oven; wait for the granola bars to set before you cut them into bars.

Tags: granola bars, butter honey

Soy Milk Advantages & Disadvantages

The prevalence of soy milk in today's supermarket has raised concerns about its safety.

It has long been known that soy is a heart-healthy plant that provides a long list of beneficial vitamins and nutrients to the human body. Many, however, have speculated on the safety of soy products, particularly soy milk, due to many reasons. Speculations denouncing soy milk's benefits are strictly theoretical and cannot be backed up by empirical data.

Advantage: Lactose Free

Soy milk contains no milk sugar (lactose); therefore, it is a good dairy substitute for those who are lactose intolerant, which affects between 30 to 50 million people of the world's population according to the U.S. Department of Health and Services.

Advantage: Allergies

Cow's milk provokes allergy symptoms in some people, which is different than lactose intolerance. According to the Children, Youth and Women's Health Service (CYH) in Australia, approximately one in 50 infants are allergic to cow's milk. Although most children grow out of the allergy by age 4, the allergic infant's immune system is unable to recognize milk proteins and therefore reacts adversely in the form of skin rashes and breathing problems. Although some babies who are allergic to cow's milk will also be allergic to soy milk, it can be a good alternative for those who are not. Soy milk can provide the nutrients and vitamins found in cow's milk.

Advantage: Heart Disease

The Soy Foods Association of North America states, "Scientists have found that consumption of soy protein can contribute to reducing the risk of heart disease."

Advantage: Nutritional Value

Soy milk's nutritional highlights include containing a host of essential fatty acids, being a high-quality protein source, having no cholesterol and having very little saturated fat. In addition, soy milk is a good source of vitamins A, B and D, fiber, iron and potassium.

Advantage: Breast Cancer

It has been suggested that women who regularly consume soy products are less likely to develop breast cancer according to studies such as at the National Medical Research Council Clinical Trials and Epidemiology Research Unit in Singapore.

Advantage: Phytochemicals

Soy milk contains a large amount of phytochemicals, including isoflavones, genistein and daidzein. The Loma Linda University in California, Department of Nutrition, has produced evidence that isoflavones help prevent osteoporosis.

Disadvantage: Infant formula

Speculation about the safety of soy-based infant formula has been raised due to there being no studies on the long-term effects of children raised on this formula. Studies are not available due in large amount to soy-based infant formula being relatively new to the market.

Disadvantage: Over-consumption

Soy milk and soy-based products have been theorized to be harmful to a person's health if consumed in large quantities. Speculation has been raised because soy products contain larger amounts of certain nutrients than found in other plants, and soy products also increase the human body's need for certain vitamins. There is no scientific evidence to support these claims.

Tags: allergic milk, about safety, been raised, human body, infant formula, large amount, milk contains

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Best Pasta Sauces

A young girl enjoying spaghetti with a tomato-based sauce.

Pasta is one of the easiest, cheapest foods you can make. Pasta can be purchased at all grocery stores inexpensively and requires nothing but boiling water to prepare it. While plain pasta is delicious on its own, adding a great sauce to your pasta takes the meal to another level. There are several types of pasta sauces, all of which are delicious and can be used to make different pasta dishes.

Tomato-Based Sauces

Tomato-based sauces are primarily crafted from tomatoes. These sauces include most commercially available pasta sauces, including marinara and meat sauce. In a tomato-based sauce, tomatoes and tomato paste are combined with other ingredients, such as meat or vegetables, or spices, such as basil or garlic. Tomato-based sauces are time-consuming to make at home, but are readily available at the market.

Cream-Based Sauces

Cream-based sauces include Alfredo sauce and cheese sauce. They are rich sauces and are usually made from at least one, if not multiple dairy products. Cream sauces are the base of many pasta favorites, including macaroni and cheese and fettuccine Alfredo. Basic cream sauces can be modified in a multitude of ways by adding herbs, meats, such as bacon, and cheeses.

Oil-Based Sauces

Oil-based pasta sauces are lighter and thinner than either cream or tomato sauces. Pesto is one of the most popular oil-based sauces and is made by blending basil leaves, Parmesan cheese and pine nuts into olive oil. For a lighter pasta sauce, many people dress their pasta with olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper.


It is difficult to say that one type of pasta sauce is objectively better than another. Pasta is a versatile food and depending on the type of meal desired, any of the sauces listed would be delicious. Tomato sauces are versatile and can be used in a wide array of dishes. Cream sauces are great for special occasions, when a rich, hearty sauce is desired and calories are not being counted. Oil-based sauces are great because they can be stored for a long time and be used to create a lighter meal than a tomato- or cream-based sauce.

Tags: pasta sauces, Cream sauces, pasta sauce, sauces great, sauces include

Monday, March 28, 2011

Recycle Computer Memory

Recycle old computer memory.

Recycle old, out-of-use memory (RAM) chips from your desktop or laptop computer. Not only might you earn a little money in the process, you will be protecting the environment too, as memory chips contain toxic levels of lead. If you sell memory chips, do so as soon as possible after you replace them, because their value decreases over time. You can find many uses for old memory, because it's easy to install and relatively easy to find computers compatible with the memory you're most likely to have.


1. Recycle at home by upgrading your child's computer. They always need additional computer memory to run programs for online games and graphic programs. They will be so happy you upgraded their computer they just might give you hugs and kisses.

2. Recycle in your computer business to help the environment. If you happen to own a computer service center, you can recycle computer memory through your store by repackaging it after testing, and displaying it for discounted prices. You can offer memory upgrades to your customers at a discount. You may want to keep some old memory on hand for testing and replacing damaged memory (RAM) in customer computer systems. This will save your customers money and they may well return for more business.

3. Visit computer sales and servicing stores in your area. If they are interested they may purchase your old chips outright or may sell the computer memory for you. If you decide to sell the memory yourself, they might test and price the chips for you.

4. Sell the memory online to make some money for family activities. If you have an account on a site that allows sales by individuals, like eBay or craigslist, you can sell your PC or laptop memory. Check the memory first to ensure your product works before you put it up for sale.

5. Get a tax break by donating computer memory to a school or nonprofit organization. Check with your local school technology coordinator to see if they might need memory to upgrade the school's computers. Get a receipt for the value of the memory for taxes at the end of the year.

6. Advertise on the bulletin board at work to sell your PC or Laptop memory. Most businesses have an employee bulletin board. Check to see if you are allowed to post your computer memory for sale. You might end up selling the memory and getting paid to install it for the buyer. He might give you the memory being removed to make way for the memory you're installing.

7. Find a company that recycles old computer parts. Some will recycle or trade in your memory when you purchase new memory. Many companies recycle metals from old computer parts to focus on environmental concerns.

8. Make a conversation piece with old memory and computer parts. If you are the crafty type you can design a clock, sculpture, jewelry or a centerpiece for your table from the old memory. Decorate the outside of a flowering plant to "help it remember" to bloom every year. Make "memory clips" to give as gifts for someone's desk to hold her notes.

Tags: computer memory, computer parts, memory chips, bulletin board, might give, sell your

Identify Brie Cheese

Brie is a soft-ripened cheese made by removing the cheese curds from the molds as soon as they can hold their shape and inoculating the surface with peniccilliun candidum. After a few weeks, the result is a creamy, earthy-flavored cheese with an edible white surface mold.


1. Look for brie in the specialty section of your grocery store. You'll find the cheese in wheels, wrapped in a thin foil and placed in a round container with a lid or in foil wrapped wedges. It's best to use brie within a few days because of its short shelf life.

2. Select a wheel or wedge that is plump and resilient. If the cheese is sunken and lacks fullness, it's probably beginning to go bad or has been stored improperly.

3. Smell the cheese and expect it to have a mildly earthy aroma, much like mushrooms. There shouldn't be any kind of ammonia smell if brie is fresh.

4. Observe the white surface mold rind for a clean, fresh appearance. Although there may be some hints of pale brown on the edges of the rind, no gross discoloration should be present. The rind is completely edible, but some people would rather remove it because of its slightly pungent flavor.

5. Cut into the wheel or remove the rind if you prefer not to eat it. The cheese is cream-colored and oozes out when it's at the peak of ripeness. A firm wheel probably won't ripen any further once you get it home, so choose one that is already soft.

6. Serve your brie at room temperature in its wrapper. Slice it in wedges if you are serving it with the rind or just scoop up the soft, creamy cheese with dried fruit, nuts or crackers. It's also good on burgers, sandwiches or with soups.

Tags: cheese with, surface mold, white surface, white surface mold

Friday, March 25, 2011

Beat Cream Cheese In A Mixer

A stand mixer allows large batches to be made easily.

Cream cheese serves as the basis for a number of sweet and savory dishes. Cream cheese is the primary component in cheesecake. It also can be mixed with confectioner's sugar to create frosting. A number of creamy pasta dishes can also be made using cream cheese as the base. Often, cream cheese needs to be whipped using a mixer in order to make it lighter and easier to spread. Using the right equipment at the proper setting will allow you to beat cream cheese in a mixer.


1. Leave the cream cheese out at room temperature for at least 30 minutes,

2. Add the cream cheese to the mixing bowl. Attach a paddle mixer to your stand mixer. Lower the paddle into the bowl and turn on low speed.

3. Whip the cream cheese for about a minute to make it fluffy. Stop the mixer and scrape the sides of the bowl with a silicone spatula.

4. Add any ingredients to your cream cheese, such as sugar, milk or eggs, as per your recipe and incorporate by mixing in the same manner as Step 3. Turn the speed up slightly higher if you need the mixture to be lighter (faster mixing will incorporate more air into the mixture).

Tags: cream cheese, cream cheese, cream cheese, stand mixer

Make Arabic Garlic Paste

Freeze or refrigerate freshly made Arabic garlic paste for a fresh and delicious condiment any time.

Arabic garlic paste is a savory staple of a variety of Middle Eastern dishes. Most commonly used in shwarma, or meat in pita buns with vegetables, the paste is applied fresh to foods to bring both flavor and a slight amount of heat. However, purchasing the paste in North American can be difficult due to availability, and often excpensive due to its scarce nature. By creating your own paste, money can be saved, and the sauce can be personalized for individual tastes and preferences.


1. Insert the peeled garlic in to the blender. Blend on high for about a minute, or until it becomes a mash.

2. Place the lemon juice, salt and olive oil in the blender alongside the garlic. Set the lid on top firmly.

3. Blend the mixture for three to five minutes on medium-high speed, until they are combined and create a paste.

4. Spoon the blended mixture in to a small bowl. Serve it alongside dishes or smeared on pita.

5. Pour the remaining sauce in to a small, sealable container. Place it in the fridge and use within two weeks, or freeze the mixture and use within a year.

Tags: Arabic garlic, Arabic garlic paste, garlic paste

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Cook Calamari Tentacles

Small calamari are more tender than larger ones.

Once an exotic dish only available in specialty restaurants, calamari or squid tentacles are now readily available in the frozen-food sections of many grocery stores. Grilling marinated calamari briefly over hot coals results in tender, flavorful tentacles that can be served over spicy pasta or vegetable dishes or in salads. Some cooks prefer to slice calamari tentacles when serving them to children to disguise the nature of the dish, but many children delight in eating tentacles, turning a family meal into an adventure.


1. Place the tentacles in a bowl.

2. Combine olive oil, lemon juice and garlic in a small bowl and pour over the tentacles.

3. Pour the mixture over the tentacles and stir to coat them.

4. Place the bowl of tentacles in the refrigerator for one hour.

5. Grill over hot coals for no more than one minute on each side or until the tips curl slightly. Brush with marinade before turning, if desired.

Tags: over coals, over tentacles

Xanthan Gum Allergy Symptoms

For those allergic to wheat gluten, xanthan gum can be a godsend. It's a food additive and thickening agent that replaces gluten in many recipes, allowing people with gluten sensitivity to enjoy baked goods and other treats they otherwise wouldn't be able to eat. Unfortunately, even xanthan gum can produce allergic reactions in certain individuals.


Allene Rosalind Jeanes, a chemist with the United States Department of Agriculture, discovered xanthan gum while running tests on biopolymers. It first reached the commercial market in the early 1960s under the name Kelzan and was approved for use in foods in 1968.


Xanthan gum gets its name from the bacteria Xanthomonas campestris. This bacteria, which is the same bacteria that forms black rot on many vegetables, produces a slimy substance that when combined with corn sugar produces xanthan gum.

Classified as a polysaccharide, xanthan gum is comprised of three sugars, all of which are found in corn sugar. These sugars fuel the Xanthomonas campestris bacteria, with the resulting digestive process producing a substance similar to cornstarch.


Even a small amount of xantham gum can greatly increase the viscosity of a liquid. As an added bonus, xantham gum remains stable across a wide range of temperatures and pH, and its viscosity actually decreases when shaken or stirred only to thicken again once the external force is removed. This makes it perfect for salad dressings and sauces.

Xanthan gum's uses in food products are practically limitless, and it can be found in everything from ice cream to toothpaste. It's become a staple of gluten-free cooking, used to provide dough with the stickiness usually supplied from wheat gluten.

Xanthan gum's viscous properties also make it valuable in the oil industry, where it's used to thicken drilling fluids, and in cosmetics, where it displays skin hydration qualities.


The symptoms of a xanthan gum allergy are very similar to those of a traditional gluten allergy, making it frustrating for those trying to live a gluten-free lifestyle. The most common complaints associated with a xanthan gum allergy are intestinal cramps, bloating, and diarrhea. Migraine headaches and temporary high blood pressure may also be experienced. Symptoms become more severe with increased exposure.

Since xanthan gum is formed from bacteria consuming corn sugar, people with corn allergies may also have reactions to xanthan gum.


The only true treatment for a xanthan gum allergy is to avoid xanthan gum and eliminate it from the diet.

Tags: corn sugar, xanthan allergy, from bacteria, people with, wheat gluten, with corn

Get Great Deals On Suites In Las Vegas

Visitors flock to Vegas year-round.

Spruce up your Sin City trip with a stay in a luxurious suite. Las Vegas hotels are world-renowned, but their suites take luxury up a notch. If you're on a budget, you can still score a deal on a suite whether you're heading to Vegas for a getaway, summer vacation or special occasion.


1. Plan to visit Las Vegas on off-peak days. Stay away from holidays and weekends if you want to get the best deal. Rates on suites in most Vegas hotels are often half the price during the week than on the weekends. There isn't really an off-peak or low season in Las Vegas, as tourists flock there year-round. However, those who stay in Vegas from Sunday to Thursday and outside of holiday weekends get the best deals on hotels. More tourists book during the fall and winter because the weather is cooler, but it isn't necessarily considered the city's peak season. But better deals abound--especially on suites--in the summer.

2. Check the websites of the hotels that you want to stay in and look out for special rates on the suites there. Hotels will often post great deals on their sites for guests. Check out the well-known and luxurious hotels on the strip such as the Bellagio, Venetian and Wynn, for example, which offer discount rates on off-peak days.

3. Book a vacation package instead of booking your flight and hotel separately when booking vacations online. Several travel websites offer this option, which slashes the price on hotels and/or suites when booked together with flights. Websites such as Travelocity and offer great deals on vacation packages. If you're interested in booking a vacation package through a hotel, the MGM Hotel in Vegas offers flight/hotel packages.

Tags: flight hotel, off-peak days, vacation package, Vegas hotels

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Make Low Country Boil

Low country boil is a traditional Southern recipe that stems from the southern regions of South Carolina and Georgia. This recipe is easy and fun, and can easily be adapted to feed as many people as are in attendance. It can be cooked outside on a gas burner for party settings, but this particular recipe is to be cooked inside on the stovetop and serves between two and four people.


1. Bring water to boil in a large pot on the stovetop. Add crab boil seasoning according to personal taste. Start with two teaspoons per quart of water. If not spicy enough in the end, the seasoning can be sprinkled on top of the finished food.

2. Add the sweet corn cobblets and small red potatoes to the boiling water.

3. Add the smoked sausages after about ten minutes, and cook for an additional ten minutes.

4. Remove the sweet corn cobblets, red potatoes and smoked sausages. Place in container that will keep them warm.

5. Boil snow crab claws for about four minutes. Then place in a container that will keep warm, such as a tin foil container.

6. Add the thawed and unpeeled shrimp. Cook for about one minute. Stir the shrimp constantly for even cooking. Do not overcook shrimp because they will get rubbery. Shrimp is done when it is pink and begins to float.

7. Remove the shrimp. Add the shrimp to the corn, potatoes, crab and sausage.

Tags: container that, container that will, corn cobblets, smoked sausages, sweet corn, sweet corn cobblets, that will

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cook Halloumi Cheese

Halloumi cheese, traditionally made from sheep's milk and goat's milk, comes from Cyprus. It is an ideal cheese to cook with because it can withstand high temperatures without melting and forms a golden crust. Because it responds well to direct heat, obvious cooking options include frying, grilling or barbecuing the halloumi. It is quite salty, like Greek feta cheese, but is versatile. Salads and zesty dressings are suitable accompaniments.


1. Cut the halloumi cheese into eight slices. Try to make the slices even.

2. Coat them in flour seasoned with salt and pepper.

3. Heat 2 tbsp. of olive oil in a skillet until it is very hot and then fry the slices for one minute each side, until they are golden brown. Alternatively, place the slices on a hot grill for around four or five minutes each side. Another choice is to cut the halloumi into cubes and thread them onto skewers, perhaps with peppers, tomatoes and onions. Barbecue the halloumi kebabs until the cheese is brown with a crust.

4. Serve the pan fried or grilled halloumi cheese with a vinaigrette or a sharp dressing, such as capers, lime or vinegar and then garnish with coriander.

Tags: each side, halloumi cheese

Make Pumpkin Cheesecake

So you don't mind the taste of pumpkin, but the texture of pumpkin pie gives you the willies? Try this pumpkin cheesecake. With a hint of ginger, it's excellent. Serves about 10.


1. Melt 8 tbsp. butter in a small pan over low heat.

2. Combine graham cracker crumbs, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tbsp. sugar, ground ginger and melted butter in the bowl of a food processor fitted with a metal chopping blade. Pulse three times to blend evenly.

3. Pour the crust mixture into a buttered 10-inch springform pan, and press the mixture onto the bottom and 1/3 of the way up the sides with your fingers.

4. Chill at least 30 minutes.

5. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.

6. Beat the cream cheese and 1 1/2 c. sugar in a mixing bowl, using a handheld electric mixer set at high speed, until smooth.

7. Lower the mixer speed to medium and add eggs one at a time. Beat well after adding each egg.

8. Combine the pumpkin, vanilla, diced ginger, 1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon and nutmeg in another mixing bowl. Mix until smooth.

9. Add the pumpkin mixture to the bowl with the cream cheese. Beat with mixer to combine.

10. Pour the mixture into the chilled crust. Bake for 1 1/2 hours, or until set.

11. Whisk sour cream, 1/2 c. sugar, and 1 tsp. cinnamon together in a third mixing bowl. Allow the cake to cool at room temperature, then spread the sour cream icing over the top of the cake.

12. Refrigerate at least five hours before serving.

Tags: mixing bowl, cream cheese, mixture into, sour cream, until smooth

Make French Bread Pizza

Pizza is a popular American food, but ordering pizza gets expensive when you order often, and pizzas that you buy at the grocery store are anything but healthy. Instead of ordering out next time, make an easy French bread pizza at home using ingredients that you have on hand. The beauty of this recipe is that you can make it as healthy as you like, by controlling the amount of cheese, meat and vegetables that you add.


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

2. Slice a loaf of French bread lengthwise. Lay the two halves on a cookie sheet with the sliced side facing up. Brush the top of the French bread with olive oil.

3. Spread a thin layer of spaghetti sauce over the top of the French bread. Leave half an inch of bread uncovered around the edges for a crispier crust.

4. Sprinkle an even layer of mozzarella cheese on top of the sauce. You can add other types of cheese if you like. Cheese spreads as it melts, so leave some room between the cheese and the edge of the bread.

5. Add your choice of meat to the pizza. You can use pepperoni, Canadian bacon, cooked sausage, cooked beef, bacon or chicken.

6. Layer on the vegetables. Add onions, green peppers, jalapenos, mushrooms, black olives, green olives or anything else you can think of.

7. Bake the pizza for 15 minutes or until the cheese starts to brown. Remove the cookie sheet carefully from the oven and allow to cool before slicing.

Tags: French bread, cookie sheet

Monday, March 21, 2011

Read A Recipe

If you love food, you'll want to cook your own special meals. Cook with success by following a recipe correctly. You must put the right amount of each item together. Find recipes you like on a variety of foods and then follow these tips to read a recipe.


1. Read your list of ingredients. Make sure you have all the items in your house before you start following the recipe. You don't want to get half way through the recipe and find you are missing a key ingredient.

2. Finish reading the whole recipe so that you are aware of all the steps involved. Pay attention to the time needed to complete the recipe.

3. Make sure you understand the measuring terms. You will either be using imperial or metric measurements. Check that your measuring tools match the recipe and that you understand the measurements.

4. Pre-heat your oven to the required temperature if you are cooking the food in the oven. This allows you to prepare the recipe while the oven warms up.

5. Place all the ingredients on the counter in your reach. Get all your measuring cups and measuring spoons ready. Some recipe steps must be performed quickly so you want everything in easy reach.

6. Follow the numbered steps in the recipe. Measure the dry ingredients with measuring spoons and cups. Level off the dry portions so that no ingredient overflows. You want an accurate measurement or the recipe won't work out. Use a liquid measuring cup for measuring liquids.

7. Mix ingredients together according to recipe directions. Sometimes ingredients need to be mixed together before they can be added to the recipe. You often mix all dry ingredients together and set them aside. Then you measure all the liquid ingredients together. When you are done, you add the 2 combinations together in the main recipe.

8. Heat or cook the recipe according to the directions. Make sure your oven is set at the correct temperature.

9. Check the food often if it is cooking. All ovens heat differently and you may need more or less time cooking time than the recipe requires.

Tags: ingredients together, Make sure, following recipe, measuring spoons, recipe that, your measuring, your oven

Sell Pecans

Pecans are a favorite snack and recipe ingredient especially in the South. A wide variety of pecans grow easily in most climates and people sell them in bulk through large nut companies or individually at roadside produce stands or flea markets.


1. Evaluate the potential stock of pecans to sell. Whether dealing with an orchard full of productive pecan trees or a small backyard crop, there is a market for pecans. To target the correct market it is important to take stock of the size of the crop and the amount of work to be done in preparing it.

2. Research the local pecan market or branch out into the larger state or national market. If the local market is desirable, look for bustling flea markets or bazaars, county fairs and produce stands interested in selling pecans. For larger-scale operations, many companies or farms specializing in pecans and other nuts are willing to buy from individuals with quality crops.

3. Harvest the pecans. For small businesses this can be as simple as gathering the nuts from the ground in the backyard. Larger businesses often require mechanical assistance in harvesting pecans. Specialized machinery can shake the trees and gather the pecans, thus eliminating the need for extensive labor.

4. Clean the pecans. Hand-held shellers are easily purchased at hardware and department stores across the country. Larger operations may require shelling machines that quickly and efficiently strip the hulls from the nuts and sort them into varying sizes and weights.

5. Package pecans for sale. Packaging depends largely on the method of sale. If pecans are sold in bulk it is often appropriate to leave them in the shell. If the target buyer is unlikely to shell the pecans by hand, place the cleaned pecans in a sealable plastic bag.

6. Price pecans for sale. Pecans are a popular food and they are widely available from supermarkets and individuals. Research the market to get a feel for pricing in a particular area. Pecans are also considered a holiday food by some, so prices may rise around select holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas.

7. Consider shipping pecans. Depending on the size of the target market and the available crop, shipping pecans is an option and increases the ability to sell. Be familiar with shipping and sanitation regulations. Regulations and advice are available from a number of growers' associations and state pecan foundations.

Tags: available from, flea markets, pecans sale, produce stands, shipping pecans

Friday, March 18, 2011

Use Dried Shrimp In Dashi Stock

Dried shrimp add a subtle complexity to the flavor of Japanese dashi.

Dashi is a simple Japanese soup stock made by rehydrating dried seaweed and dried seafood like bonito flakes and shrimp. Bonito flakes have the appearance of wood shavings and are from a dried and smoked tuna fish variety. Tiny whole dried shrimp are added alone or in conjunction with bonito flakes to give dashi stock a more subtle and complex seafood flavor. Many traditional Japanese dishes are made by first creating a rich and flavorful dashi stock that will compliment a variety of ingredients.


1. Wipe down both sides of the piece of kombu seaweed with a clean damp paper towel.

2. Place the cleaned kombu seaweed on a cutting board and use a sharp knife to make three incisions that almost run the length of the piece but do not separate it.

3. Lower the piece of kombu seaweed into the bottom of the large stockpot and pour in all the cold purified water.

4. After the kombu seaweed has soaked for about an hour move the large stockpot onto the stove over a medium heat burner.

5. Turn off the burner just when bubbles start to form on the bottom of the stockpot but before the water actually reaches a boil.

6. Remove the kombu seaweed from the stockpot with a slotted spoon and throw it away.

7. Pour a cup of half bonito flakes and half dried shrimp or just a cup of dried shrimp into the stockpot. Press the dried seafood under the water with the slotted spoon and let it soak for five minutes.

8. Line a strainer with a coffee filter and nest it into a large bowl.

9. Strain the contents of the stockpot through the lined strainer to produce a flavor packed clarified dashi soup stock.

Tags: kombu seaweed, bonito flakes, dried shrimp, dashi stock, dried seafood

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Louisiana Cooking

Louisiana may be just one small area of the United States, but it has a cuisine entirely of its own. The cooking in Louisiana, often referred to as Cajun or Creole, relies heavily on fresh seafood, Southern vegetables like okra and black-eyed peas, rice and a variety of seasonings. What sets Louisiana cooking apart from other cuisines is the abundance of hearty, one-pot dishes.


The foundation of many Louisiana dishes is a flavor combination known as the trinity. The trinity typically consists of diced peppers, celery and onion, although some chefs add tomatoes or garlic. The mixture is heated in oil so the vegetables can become as flavorful as possible. Knowing prepare the trinity is essential in learning Louisiana cooking because it forms the base of most soups, stews and sauces. Chop a green bell pepper, onion and celery stalk into small pieces, then add to a pan with 2 tbsp. oil. Add cayenne pepper for more heat. Cook over medium heat until the vegetables become clear and soft. The longer you cook the trinity, the more flavorful it will become, so heat it for about 30 minutes to an hour if you can. Add the trinity to broth, shrimp, cooked rice or other vegetables.


Crawfish is one of the main ingredients in Louisiana cooking and is similar to lobster. It is typically boiled, then served whole from a bucket or large platter at the table. Purchase live crawfish from a seafood market. Boil a large pot of water, then add the live crawfish directly into the pot. Heat until they float to the top of the water--about five minutes. Serve whole on a platter. To peel and eat a crawfish, grab the tail and twist it until it comes apart from the body. Stick your finger inside the body to pull out the meat. You can eat the meat by itself or add it to stews or rice.


One of the most classic one-pot Louisiana dishes is gumbo. Gumbo is basically a large seafood stew that often contains chicken or sausage and vegetables. It's versatile because it can be customized with a variety of seafood or vegetables. Combine the trinity of sautéed peppers, celery and onion, then add an assortment of seafood (such as peeled shrimp, crab or crawfish) and diced chicken or sausage. Heat until they're warmed through and no longer pink on the insides. Stir in your desired vegetables (tomatoes and okra are a common choice), then pour in seafood stock and simmer over "low" heat for about 45 minutes. Gumbo can be eaten alone or served over cooked rice.

Tags: Louisiana cooking, about minutes, apart from, celery onion, chicken sausage, cooked rice

Make Home Made Jams And Jelly

It is really easy to make delicious jams and jellies at home with your summer harvest or local fruits. Simple steps and proper tools help you enjoy the taste of summer for a long time.


1. Wash and clean the fruits. Hull strawberries. Remove stems from blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, grapes.

2. Wash and Crush the fruits roughly by processing them in a blender or using a potato masher.

3. Sterilize the lids and jars by placing them in boiling water and allow a rolling boil for 5 to 10 minutes. Use tongs to put them in the dishwasher and let them dry. Leave the dishwasher on heated dry to keep the containers warm.

4. Measure out sugar and pectin using amounts as listed on the pectin package.

5. Mix berries and pectin and bring to a full boil. Add sugar and bring it back to a rolling boil and let it boil for 1 to 2 minutes. Skim foam if you want.Switch off and let it stand for few minutes.

6. Pull out your jars with tongs and use a funnel to fill the jams in them. Place lids and close the containers and immerse them in boiling water for 10 minutes to make a seal. Voila, you are done!

Tags: boil minutes, boiling water, rolling boil, them boiling, them boiling water

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Make Beef Carpaccio

Made famous by Harry's Bar in San Francisco, this dish is perfect as a light main course for lunch or as an appetizer before supper. If you're not comfortable slicing the tenderloin, ask the butcher to do it for you. For an interesting variation, try Tuna Carpaccio.


Beef Carpaccio

1. Choose an excellent cut of beef tenderloin from the tip end of the roast. Tell the butcher of the plans for the meat and enlist his help in selecting the right cut.

2. Wrap the meat in heavy plastic wrap. Set in the freezer for two hours. Chill serving plates in the refrigerator.

3. Take the meat from the freezer and remove the plastic wrap. Use a very sharp knife and slice the beef into pieces just under 1/4 inch thick.

4. Lay each slice of meat on to plastic wrap and cover with a second sheet of plastic wrap. Use a mallet or rolling pin and pound the meat until it is paper thin. Repeat the process with each slice of meat until all is pounded thin.

5. Rinse and dry the salad greens. Toss the greens in a bowl with the vinaigrette, salt and pepper.

6. Serve the beef carpaccio. Divide the meat slices among the four chilled plates. Add a generous helping of salad. Finish the salad with shaved Parmesan cheese. Offer additional freshly ground black pepper at the table.

Sauce for the Beef Carpaccio

7. Put the egg yolk in the blender and add half the oil. Put the lid on and pulse to blend.

8. Turn on the blender on a medium speed and stream in the remaining olive oil. Add the dry mustard, lemon juice and seasonings. Pulse to mix well.

9. Drizzle over the slices of Beef Carpaccio. Serve additional sauce on the side.

Tags: plastic wrap, Beef Carpaccio, each slice, each slice meat, meat until, slice meat

Make Sesame Seed Snack Crackers

Sesame seeds are one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world, with a history as far back as 4,000 years. Today, India is the largest sesame seed producing nation and the United States imports about 2,200 tons annually. Sesame oil and seeds are used in sesame seed snack crackers. Great for munching out-of-hand or with cheese or fruit, they are more healthful than those you buy, because they are made without preservatives and you control the ingredients.


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Combine 1 1/2 cups oats, 1 cup all-purpose flour, 1/2 cup wheat germ, 2 tbs. sugar, 1 tsp. salt and 1/2 tsp. ground red pepper in a large bowl.

3. Cut butter into dry mix with pastry blender or two knives until mixture resembles coarse meal.

4. Add water and oil, stir until a soft dough forms.

5. Divide dough in half. On a greased baking sheet, use a floured rolling pin to roll out half of dough into a 10-by-14-inch rectangle.

6. Sprinkle 1 tbs. sesame seeds evenly over dough and use rolling pin to press seeds into dough.

7. Cut dough into 2-inch squares with a sharp knife or pizza cutter. Repeat for remaining dough and sesame seeds.

8. Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until edges are light brown and crackers are crisp. Cool completely on a wire rack, and store in an airtight container. This recipe yields about six-dozen crackers.

Tags: dough into, sesame seed

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Store Kennebec Potatoes

Medium Russet, Large Kennebec!

Kennebec potatoes are a premium variety of russet potatoes. Russet potatoes are the brown skinned, mealy ones that are best for baking and mashing. Kennebecs are usually big potatoes. Since these are prized for baking, they command a high price at the market. You can grow your own if you so desire. Harvest late just before your last frost. Luckily, kennebecs also store well. The main thing to remember is what makes potatoes sprout and grow in the first place.


1. Put your potatoes in your root cellar. That is, of course, if you have one. Group them together, but don't bag them. Don't let the potatoes touch each other without sufficient air. This is to protect against mold and mildew.

2. Dig a trench that is long but fairly narrow. It should be at least a foot deep. Line the sides and bottom with pieces of cardboard. Put your potatoes in loosely. You'll want to then cover it with more cardboard. Pile at least a foot of dirt on top of that cardboard. You can then cover the whole thing with a big mound of straw for extra insulation. The colder your climate, the more insulation your potatoes will need. Remove potatoes as needed for the kitchen, then replace insulating materials.

3. Place your kennebec potatoes in plastic bins or cardboard boxes. Store then in your garage, barn or spare room. You want a room that stays quite cold, but you don't want to pick one that may freeze. Make sure the potatoes get sufficient air circulation around them. You can cut two-inch holes in the container, then line it with cardboard that has been pierced with a screwdriver at one-inch intervals. Keep the lid on when you aren't removing potatoes. Keep the container off the floor if there is any chance of water getting to them.

4. Keep just a week's worth of your Kennebec potatoes in the kitchen. Keep them in a dark spot with plenty of air around them. Don't bring more in until you've used these up. When you are ready to cook, just remove any sprouts and proceed with your recipe.

5. Keep an eye on your Kennebec potatoes if you are able to. Quickly discard any that show signs of spoilage.

Tags: your potatoes, around them, Kennebec potatoes, least foot, then cover, your Kennebec

Make Homemade French Fries

Sprinkle your fries with a fry seasoning for added flavor.

French fries, despite the name, are the staple of American fast food. These strips of fried potato are enjoyed in a variety of ways: topped with chili and cheese, doused in ranch and bacon bits, beer battered and of course served with a side of ketchup. All you need to make your own crispy french fries at home is oil, potatoes and a dash of salt. Put your own twist on these delicious fries by choosing your favorite topping.


1. Peel your potatoes and rinse them thoroughly.

2. Cut the potatoes into 1/4 inch by 1/4 inch strips.

3. Place the fries in a large bowl and cover them with 1 inch of water. Cover with ice and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

4. Pour 2 quarts of peanut oil into a pot and turn heat to medium-low.

5. Allow the oil to heat to 325 degrees Fahrenheit. Measure the temperature with a candy or deep frying thermometer.

6. Strain the ice water from the potatoes and lay them out on a kitchen towel. Pat the potatoes dry.

7. Turn the oil to medium-high.

8. Drop the potatoes into the oil carefully.

9. Fry the potatoes for six to eight minutes, or until they start to turn light brown. Fry for less time if you prefer soft french fries.

10. Remove the fries from the oil using a slotted spoon.

11. Set the french fries on a dry paper towel to absorb the oil.

12. Allow the french fries to cool for 10 minutes.

13. Heat the oil to 350 degrees and add the french fries again.

14. Fry for an additional minute.

15. Remove the french fries and place them on a paper towel lined plate.

16. Sprinkle with kosher salt and pepper and serve.

Tags: french fries, french fries, paper towel, potatoes into

Fold Phyllo Triangles

Use phyllo dough to make assorted tasty snacks.

Paper-thin phyllo dough is used to make traditional Greek pastries such as baklava and spanakopita. You can use the versatile, flaky dough to make everything from savory appetizers to sweet desserts for parties and special events. To make individual pastries, simply fill the phyllo dough with the desired filling -- cheese or chocolate are popular choices -- and fold it into a triangle shape to create a bite-sized treat.


1. Unroll the sheet of phyllo dough. Lay the dough out on a piece of wax or parchment paper.

2. Use a sharp knife or kitchen scissors to cut the dough into several strips. These strips should be 3-inches wide and 17-inches long. Place one strip on a flat work surface. Cover the remaining strips with a piece of wax paper topped with a damp kitchen towel to prevent the dough from drying out.

3. Spread melted butter over the phyllo dough using a pastry brush. Place a spoonful of the desired filling at the end of the right side of the dough strip.

4. Fold the right corner over to create a triangle with the filling enclosed inside. Continue folding the strip of dough to the opposite end while maintaining the triangle shape; fold the dough in the same manner as you would fold a flag.

5. Brush the top of the triangular-shaped pastry with butter before baking it.

Tags: phyllo dough, desired filling, dough make, triangle shape

Monday, March 14, 2011

Cool A Mouth After Eating Spicy Food

Eating spicey food and create a hot and uncomfortable sensation in your mouth.

Eating a hot chili pepper or a spicy dish can create intense heat on your tongue. Intense heat from something that is too spicy can be incredibly uncomfortable and you may want to seek relief for your mouth. Continue reading this article to discover a few tricks you can employ next time you unknowingly take a bite of some food that is too hot for you to handle.


1. Drink a cup of milk, holding the milk in your mouth for five second intervals. Milk, unlike cold water, has been known to actually subdue the effects of spicy food as opposed to covering up the symptoms for a short period of time.

2. Place an ice cube in your mouth. An ice cube is much colder than the ice water people normally reach for when their mouth is hot but an ice cube is colder and lasts for a long time in your mouth.

3. Eat a piece of bread. The bread will soak up the chemicals on your tongue that is causing the burning sensation.

4. Swish ice water around in your mouth and repeatedly spit it out. The motion of the water on your tongue will help lift the chemicals that create the burning sensation in your mouth. When you spit the water out, you will also be eliminating the chemicals from your mouth.

Tags: your mouth, your tongue, burning sensation, mouth cube, sensation your, sensation your mouth

Pecan Shelling Tools

Pecan shelling tools make the shelling process easier.

Pecans are one of the more popular nuts purchased by consumers. Learning to shell a pecan properly comes with practice and owning the best pecan shelling tools. With many different models on the market today, pecan-shelling tools range from the traditional, pliers-like tools to leverage-type tools. Once the shell is cracked, separating the nut from its shell is the final step to shelling pecans. In some cases, you may be able to accomplish this with your fingers, while others may require the use of a pick.

The Texan Pecan Sheller

The Texan Pecan Sheller keeps the jaws of the shelling tool away from the pecan inside the shell. This allows you to retain the bulk of the pecan in one piece. It clips the ends and the sides of the shell, which helps you to open the shell without damaging the pecan inside.

The Happy Cracker

This heavy-duty pecan sheller made from cast iron uses its weight to help crack the pecan shell. A single hinge operates the sheller. Simply place the pecan in the sheller, close it, and apply pressure. Apply only the pressure needed to crack the shell.

Reeds Rocket Nut Cracker

This nutcracker applies the leverage method to open the shells of pecans and other nuts as well. Rotate the adjustable end, place the pecan between it and the plunger end, and apply pressure to the handle. This is one of the largest pecan shelling tools for home use and comes mounted on a slab of wood.

Gourmet Nut Cracker

This tool resembles Reeds rocket nutcracker but is heavy-duty in nature. Its base resembles an anvil. Although made from die-cast aluminum, it is still heavier than the rocket nutcracker and uses machine steel hardware. The hardwood handle gives the tool durability.


Made in the same fashion as pliers, the traditional pecan-shelling tool has two weighted handles to help apply pressure to the pecan shell. The handles connect to a curved, flat piece of steel with pins. The working end of the tool has gripping teeth like pliers that hold the pecan in place while applying pressure.

The Pick

The pick is a long cylindrical piece of steel with a slight hook on one end. Insert the hooked end of the pick between the pecan and the shell, and pull the pecan away from the shell. The handles have ridges ensuring a firm grip when applying pressure to crack the pecan shell.

Tags: pecan shell, apply pressure, Cracker This, applying pressure, away from

Friday, March 11, 2011

Make Frosting

Making frosting is a breeze for some, but it can be frustrating for others. If you remember a few basics steps, you'll make a perfect frosting you can be proud to share. Here are the steps to get you started. This recipe is best for frosting a sheet cake.


1. Place 1 cup shortening, 1 tsp. vanilla and 2 tbsp. milk in a large bowl that is big enough to contain 1 lb. of icing.

2. Beat the above ingredients with an electric hand mixer at medium speed for about two minutes until creamy.

3. Add the confectionery sugar, meringue powder and salt. Mix at medium speed until thoroughly blended. Scrape down the sides of the bowl as you mix the frosting to ensure all ingredients are mixed evenly. If the frosting is too thick, add a teaspoon or two of water to thin it out, or if frosting is runny or not the desired texture, add more confectionery sugar.

4. Blend an additional minute or two until it's creamy. If you prefer chocolate frosting, add ? cup cocoa powder or 3 oz. of unsweetened chocolate squares, melted, and an additional 1 or 2 tablespoons of water.

Tags: confectionery sugar, medium speed, until creamy

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Make Beef And Broccoli

Beef and broccoli is a common staple in many Chinese restaurants. However, making beef and broccoli at home allows you to control the quality of the ingredients and it can save you money.


1. Trim the excess fat off the beef using a knife. Discard the fat and slice the beef across the grain into thin strips.

2. Mix the cornstarch with 2 tbsp. of water in a small bowl. Set aside.

3. Place a wok on a burner on the stove. Add 1 1/2 tsp. of light colored vegetable oil to the wok and turn the burner on medium-high heat.

4. Add the sliced beef to the heated wok and oil. Cook the beef for approximately 1 to 2 minutes, stirring it constantly during cooking. When the beef has browned on the outside, remove it from the wok and set it aside.

5. Put 1 1/2 tsp. of light colored vegetable oil, the broccoli florets, sliced onion, chopped green onion (scallion), sliced carrot, chopped garlic and chopped ginger into the wok. Stir fry the vegetables in the wok for about 2 to 3 minutes or until the vegetables are tender but still brightly colored. Be sure to toss the vegetables constantly while they cook.

6. Turn the heat on the burner down to medium. Carefully add 2 tbsp. of water to the wok and cover. Cook for about 1 minute.

7. Take the lid off the wok and add the beef, 1 tbsp. of soy sauce and the cornstarch mixture to the wok. Stir the contents of the wok constantly until the sauce thickens and begins to boil. Let the sauce boil for approximately 1 minute.

8. Remove the beef and broccoli from the wok and serve over hot, cooked rice (if desired).

Tags: colored vegetable, light colored, light colored vegetable, tbsp water

Make Beautiful Sandwich Trays

Make your sandwich tray a work of art.

When serving food, it is important to make it look as good as it tastes. Chefs will tell you that the eye eats first. People often make a decision about whether they like a food based on how it looks. While we adhere to this belief when it comes to elegant entrees, we often don't take the time to apply it to more casual or finger foods. Sandwiches arranged on platters using a combination of balance, color, shape and texture often result in a presentation that is both visually tempting and excites the taste buds.


1. Use various shapes of cookie cutters and different bread types to add variety to the sandwich platter. A huge selection of shapes and sizes is available through supermarkets, kitchen stores and the Internet. Let the shapes follow a theme or have each shape represent a different type of filling, making it easier for the guests to identify the different sandwich types.

2. Surround the sandwiches with a variety of colorful vegetables and herbs. Cherry tomatoes, parsley, carrot sticks and other crudites add color to the platter and provide additional finger-food for the guests to snack on.

3. Make an attractive do-it-yourself sandwich tray by laying different types of bread, cheeses, meats and other sandwich fillings on a large, lazy susan serving tray. Place mixed fillings such as tuna or egg salad in small, colorful bowls in the center of the tray and work from the center out toward the edge. Think in terms of color, texture and balance when arranging the main sections, then separate the sections using colorful fresh herbs.

4. Create a theme-based platter for your gathering. For example, serve each guest a panini for an Italian-inspired gathering. Use platters in red, white and green, along with other decorations and serving items that complement and reflect the theme choice.

5. Set a beautiful English-inspired tea-sandwich platter. Place dainty cucumber, egg salad and smoked-salmon-and-cream-cheese sandwiches on China platters. Surround the tiny sandwiches with colorful, fragrant, edible flowers, such as the English daisy, gardenia, impatien, jasmine, lemon verbena, nasturtium and pansy.

Tags: sandwich tray, sandwiches with, tray work

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Low Sodium Food & Diet

Hide the Salt Shaker

Sodium, which is naturally found in most foods is an integral part of the human body, and is an integral part of all bodily fluids such as tears, blood and sweat. However, too much sodium has been related to hypertension and other heart ailments. Regulating the amount of sodium we consume daily is challenging, as many healthy-food choices are high in sodium. The American Heart Association recommends keeping sodium intake to less than 2,400 milligrams.

Low and Moderate Sodium Foods

There are many low-sodium foods to choose from. Eating a diet of whole foods without extra salt and preservatives will help keep the sodium intake under 2,400 mg. Some of the very low sodium foods are rice, asparagus, egg whites, cucumbers, peas, radishes, apples, blackberries, legumes, freshwater fish, lamb, turkey, salmon, pasta, shredded wheat and Swiss cheese. Moderate sodium content foods are as follows: corn flakes, Cheddar cheese, low-fat milk, yogurt and low-fat cheeses.

High-Sodium foods

Some of the natural foods that are high in sodium are as follows: bread, American cheese, canned tuna in water, shellfish, ham, peanuts, anchovies, smoked fish, ham and beets. Flavor enhancements such as soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce and ketchup are high in sodium. Condiments such as pickles, olives and sauerkraut in brine also contain high amounts of sodium. Many of these foods have numerous vitamins and are nutritious, but should be used sparingly for those wishing to have a low-sodium diet.

Ways to Reduce Sodium

One of the primary ways to avoid sodium is to check labels on foods for the amount included. Avoid eating at fast-food establishments, and when you are out dining, ask for your food to be served without sauces or dressings. Most packaged food contains preservatives and taste enhancers, which interpret to high amounts of sodium. Enjoying a healthy diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish and meat will ensure you of staying within the limits of a safe intake of sodium.

FDA Guidelines for Sodium Labels

The FDA has set up guidelines for sodium amounts in food. Sodium free is less than five milligrams of sodium per serving. Very low sodium is 35 milligrams or less per serving. Low sodium is 140 milligrams or less per serving. Reduced sodium means that the sodium is reduced by at least 25%.

Tags: high sodium, amounts sodium, high amounts, high amounts sodium, integral part, less serving, less than

Make A Cardboard Smoker

Including smoked foods such as meats, poultry, fish, cheeses and snack foods in your diet can diversify your eating options. Using a homemade cardboard smoker makes these goods available at a low price.


1. Find a heavy-duty corrugated cardboard box that's 4 feet by 2 feet or smaller with no interior printing. Cut a flap hole near the bottom of the box and leave the flap attached on the bottom side to serve as a hinge.

2. Puncture two holes in the two opposite sides of the box, each one-third of the way down from the top and 1 to 2 inches away from each side of the box. Slide the two dowel rods through the holes so that they are parallel to each other and extend 2 to 4 inches on each side.

3. Position the oven rack on top of the dowels and slide an electric hot plate (at least 750 watts) into the bottom of box. Turn the hot plate so the controls remain accessible and the electric cord extends through the open flap.

4. Soak the wood chips for at least an hour to produce optimal smoke. Place an iron skillet filled with soaked woodchips on the hot plate and adjust the temperature on the device to high.

5. Insert one thermometer into the bottom third of the box to monitor the air temperature near the heat source. Place the food product on the tray and insert the second thermometer through the side of the box and into the food. Set both temperature probes at 150 degrees F.

6. Put the fan inside the bottom of the box and turn it on to begin circulating the air inside the box. This speeds up the cooking time.

7. Close the box and begin smoking. When the smoke stops, open the flap and add more wood chips. Repeat this step until the food completes the smoking process.

Tags: each side, into bottom, open flap, wood chips

Puerto Rican Restaurants In New York

Puerto Rican cuisine is characterized by Spanish, African, and Taino Amerindian influences. Puerto RIcan dishes often start with a sofrito base. Sofrito is a combination of garlic, onions, cilantro, peppers, tomatoes, and cachucha. Puerto Rican cuisine does not have one single dish that represents it. Instead, it has many different staple dishes, such as arroz con pollo, empanadas, and mofongo. New York is home to countless food cultures, and Puerto Rican restaurants are available in casual and fine dining styles.


Sofrito offers a fine-dining Puerto Rican experience. Classic Puerto Rican dishes such as mofongo al pilon de bistec, mashed green plaintans, and ropa vieja are given a high-class treatment with high-quality ingredients and preparation. Sofrito is open seven days a week and has a business casual dress code.


400 East 57th St.

New York NY 10022



Sazon is the sister restaurant to Sofrito, located in the Tribeca neighborhood of New York City. Sazon offers a high-end spin on Puerto Rican dishes, with a menu that offers a seasonal menu based around Puerto Rican classics and comfort food. Entree prices average approximately $15 each. Sazon is open seven days a week and accepts reservations through phone and Internet.


05 Reade St.

New York, NY 10013


Cabo Rojo

Cabo Rojo features homemade Puerto Rican cuisine in a casual, low-cost cafe and serves comfort food favorites such as sancocho and pollo asado. Cabo Rojo has been open for more than forty years in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan.

Cabo Rojo

254 Tenth Ave.

Manhattan, NY 10001


Tags: Puerto Rican, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rican, Puerto Rican cuisine, Rican cuisine, comfort food

Monday, March 7, 2011

Make Honey Soy Marinade For Steak Or Chicken

Marinating is an easy way to tenderize and add flavor to meat.

Marinade is useful as it adds flavor to meat while tenderizing it, making it easier to chew and more enjoyable to eat. Marinade can be made to suit a variety of different palettes, ranging from sweet and tangy to hot and spicy. Honey soy marinade is a unique Asian-inspired mixture that is both sweet, because of the honey, and savory because of the garlic and rich Chinese spice blend. Chicken or steak marinated in this mixture is ideal for grilling on the barbecue.


1. Put the dry ingredients--the garlic glove and the spice powder--into a bowl and mix them together.

2. Add the wet ingredients--the honey, soy sauce and sake--to the bowl and mix until honey is dissolved and everything is well incorporated.

3. Taste the marinade to make sure it fits your personal taste. Add more honey if you want it a bit sweeter or add more of the spice powder for a bolder taste.

4. Pour the marinade over 1 pound of thawed chicken or steak--in either a large freezer bag or casserole dish covered with plastic wrap--and let sit in the fridge for at least 4 hours before cooking.

Tags: flavor meat

Friday, March 4, 2011

Make Homemade Lemon Wine

Make fruit wines with different fruits, including lemons.

Winemakers must dilute lemons' acidity to produce lemon wine; but with the proper technique, they can create a full-bodied wine with character. Many people associate grapes with wine making, but from ancient times, winemakers have made wines from a large variety of fruits and berries. The process of wine making shares similarities among all types of fruit, but each type of fruit requires its own techniques when making wine. When working with lemons, the winemaker can add a bodybuilding ingredient to compensate for the necessity of diluting the lemons.


1. Boil 6 1/2 pints of water, and dissolve 2 lbs. of sugar in the boiling water.

2. Grate three lemons and put the zest -- the grated peel -- in a non-reactive, food-safe vessel, such as a crock, bowl, pail or bucket. The vessel must have an air-lock tight cap.

3. Juice eight large lemons and add the lemon juice to the vessel.

4. Add the sugar water and 10 oz. of grape-juice concentrate to the vessel. Cover the mixture and allow it to cool.

5. Add 1/4 tsp. of tannin, 1/4 tsp. of pectic enzyme and yeast nutrient. After 12 hours, add 1 tsp. of champagne wine yeast to the vessel.

6. Cover and close the air lock. Allow the mixture to ferment for eight days.

7. Rack the wine by siphoning off the sediment that collects at the bottom of the vessel, with a sterilized rubber tube. Rack the wine every three weeks while it ferments.

8. Rack the wine into bottles after six months. Allow the wine to age for another six months before drinking it.

Tags: Rack wine, vessel Cover, wine making, wine with

Make Vegetarian Green Curry Paste

Although you can purchase vegetarian green curry paste in Asian food stores and vegetarian markets, you'll find that your own is far superior. Dry-roasting the fresh spices releases the flavor and aroma, and the result is out of this world.


1. Remove the seeds from the green chili and chop coarsely.

2. Place the anise seeds, coriander, garlic and cumin in a small skillet, and on medium heat, dry-roast the mixture briefly until it's golden and very fragrant. Stir the spices constantly and shake the pan often. Remove the skillet from the heat to allow the spices to cool.

3. Chop the fresh cilantro stems and leaves coarsely.

4. Place the vegetable broth and sesame oil in a blender container or food processor.

5. Add the remaining ingredients to your blender. This includes the lime or lemon zest, ginger, nutmeg, pepper and salt, your desired amount of shallots or scallions, your freshly chopped cilantro, green chili and spice mixture that is now cool. Blend the mixture until it forms a thick paste. If you're using ground ginger, you need only about a teaspoon, but if you're using fresh ginger that you've chopped, then you'll need more, about 2 tbsp.

6. Transfer the vegetarian green curry paste to a small bowl and chill it until ready to use.

Tags: coarsely Place, green chili, green curry, green curry paste, vegetarian green

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Have A Fondue Party

Anyone can have a dinner party, but it takes an extra-special host to throw a fondue party. There is a little bit of preparation, a pinch of imagination a whole heaping cupful of fun. If you want to learn throw a fondue party that will have your friends talking about it for weeks, read on.


1. Buy a fondue set. There are many different kinds available for purchase. You can choose one that is made of ceramic, metal or earthenware. The pot is heated with either a candle or other heating element. Most sets come with at least six fondue forks, and larger pots come equipped with more forks.

2. Set the guest list. This will rely on your space and the size of your fondue pot. Each person must have her own fondue fork; so keep your party list small. Send out invitations at least two weeks in advance so that everyone can plan accordingly.

3. Decide on what type of fondue you want to serve. You can choose from cheese, broth or chocolate. Many people choose to do either cheese or broth, followed up by a dessert course.

4. Find a recipe for whatever type of fondue courses you decide on. Gather together the ingredients to make a full batch of each.

5. Prepare the fondue. Thirty minutes before you guests arrive, create your fondue on the stove top and then transfer it to the fondue pot once it is heated through. You also need to cut and arrange your various dippers on trays for your guests at this time.

6. Enjoy your fondue party.

Tags: your fondue, cheese broth, fondue party, throw fondue, throw fondue party, type fondue

Eat Eggs From Hens On Antibiotics

Egg manufacturing can include adding chemicals to the egg.

One in 10 eggs contains traces of chemicals according to "Environmental Health News." These chemicals include antibiotics used to increase the productivity of a hen and consequently transferred to the egg. However, strict regulations are in place to ensure your safety and your risk is minimal. Eating eggs from hens with antibiotics is fine provided they come from a regulated farmer.


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the level of antibiotics administered in the poultry industry. Farms have to comply with the FDA's Cosmetic Act that approves the use of certain antibiotics and ensures the safety of eggs to eat after chemical use.


Eating eggs with antibiotic residues may affect your resistance to bacteria and expose you to disease. For example, there is concern from the World Health Organization (WHO) that salmonella is a health concern because it is resistant to antibiotics in eggs. Therefore, antibiotics to treat the illness are ineffectual. By eating eggs with antibiotic residue, you may be more susceptible to contracting salmonella as it is resistant to the antibiotics in your body.


There is a misconception that anitbiotics are widely used in egg production and are dangerous to health. Hens that are given antibiotics are often taken out of the production chain or the level of antibiotics adheres to the safety standards.

Tags: Eating eggs, eggs with, eggs with antibiotic, level antibiotics, resistant antibiotics, with antibiotic

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Make Balsamic Apple Salad

Balsamic apple salad is a delicious and healthy recipe that will please even the harshest critic. Combining rich and nutty flavors with tart and sweet textures, balsamic apple salad is the perfect summertime dish to serve. Learn create this masterpiece in a few short steps.


1. Pour a bag of prewashed baby greens into a large salad bowl. The baby greens can include spinach and arugula, which make for the perfect bite.

2. Slice up one Granny Smith apple into small, thin pieces. Toss into the salad bowl with the greens.

3. Chop up a small red onion until you have about 1/4 cup. Add it to the rest of the salad mixture. Add a handful of chopped walnuts into the bowl, as well. You can substitute almonds for the walnuts, if you please.

4. Slice about 8 oz. of fresh mozzarella cheese. You can purchase fresh mozzarella from most any gourmet market or food store. It's typically found in the deli section with other gourmet cheeses. If you don't have fresh mozzarella, packaged mozzarella will suffice.

5. Add 1/4 cup of good balsamic vinegar to a small bowl. Then, mix in 1/3 cup of olive or vegetable oil. Add salt and pepper to taste and mix gently.

6. Pour your balsamic dressing over the salad mixture and toss gently. You can now serve the salad to your guests or refrigerate the blend for up to a day.

Tags: fresh mozzarella, baby greens, salad bowl, salad mixture

Simple Coconut Rum Drinks

Coconut juice comes from inside of the coconut seed.

Coconut is one of the freshest and delightful seeds to consume. Coconut rum uses the milk and flesh of the coconut with rum, which is then left to ferment over time. Many alcoholic beverages use coconut rum to add a tropical twist. These drinks are often simple and easy to create using two or three ingredients in conjunction with the coconut rum. Serve for a celebration or after a long day of work.

Coco Bee Drink

The Coco Bee rum drink is a hot drink for a cold evening. The drink is a mixture of 1 oz. coconut rum, 1 tsp. honey and 1 cup of boiled water. Boil water in a pot. As the water is heating up, pour 1 oz. of coconut rum into a mug. Once the water has come to a boil, pour it into the mug along with the coconut rum. Then add 1 tsp. of honey to the drink and mix using a mixing stick.

Tropical Martini Drink

This drink consists of 2 oz. of amaretto almond liquor and 2 oz. of coconut rum served in a cocktail glass. Place both the amaretto almond liquor and coconut rum into the refrigerator to chill, while the cocktail glasses are in the freezer to chill as well. When the bottles and cocktail glass have chilled, pour the 2 oz. of amaretto almond liquor and the 2 oz. of coconut rum into the chilled cocktail glass. Stir with a stick to mix the ingredients evenly.

The Pink Slip Drink

The pink slip drink mixes 1 oz. cranberry juice, 1 oz. of coconut rum and champagne all in one glass. The coconut rum, cranberry juice and champagne go into the refrigerator to cool. 8 oz. serving glasses will serve for the drinks. After cooling, pour 1 oz. of coconut rum into the serving glass, followed by 1 oz. of cranberry juice. Fill the remaining 6 oz. of the glass with a champagne of choice and stir together.

Tags: coconut into, almond liquor, almond liquor coconut, amaretto almond, amaretto almond liquor, cocktail glass, cranberry juice

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Make Baked Potatoes On A Campfire

Food tastes better after a day of tromping around in the open air, whether it be in the woods, along a creek or on the prairie, and you have got a hankering for baked potatoes. With a little ingenuity, almost anything can be cooked over a campfire, including potatoes. Here is a great way to make a baked potato over a campfire.


1. Ensure campfires are legal in the area you are in, and begin by making a fire ring.

2. Dig a small indent with a shovel, or find a natural one and encircle it with stones if you can find some. Some public campgrounds have fire pits already in place, so use those if they are available.

3. Split small pieces of wood to fit in the fire ring and lay them in a crisscross fashion over the pit. Sprinkle some bark or other smaller pieces of wood near the middle of the wood, as fire starter. Or use charcoal briquettes if you have some, or a camp stove with a fuel container.

4. Start the fire and let it burn down to very hot coals.

5. Slather the potatoes with shortening or butter--sprinkle with seasonings if desired--and wrap individually in aluminum foil while the fire is heating.

6. Place potatoes in a Dutch oven if you have one, or simply place foil-wrapped potatoes in the campfire. It helps to have a rack or grate over an open fire for this step, but a Dutch oven can be placed right in the hot embers of a campfire.

7. Check potatoes periodically by piercing with a fork to test to see if they are done. Potatoes will bake in 45 to 60 minutes over a hot campfire.

8. Add wood or charcoal periodically, to keep the fire going.

Tags: over campfire, Dutch oven, fire ring, pieces wood, wood fire

Make Pear Ketchup

Pear ketchup makes a savory condiment.

Before "ketchup" came to mean only a tomato-based condiment, ketchups could be based on a variety of foods, from oysters to lemons. In the 19th century, before refrigeration and canning became common, making ketchup was a way to keep foods out of season by bottling them with spices, salt and vinegar. Modern cooks season ketchups more for flavor than preservation. Pear ketchup is a savory, fruity addition to meat or cheese-based finger-food and appetizers. It keeps well in the refrigerator or you can freeze it to keep it for longer periods.


1. Peel two Bosc, Anjou or other cooking pears. Slice the flesh into 1-inch chunks and discard the cores. Chop a sweet onion until you have 1 tablespoon of minced onion.

2. Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a saucepan over low heat. Add the pears and minced onion. Cook over low heat until the pears are soft, stirring regularly. Remove the pan from the stove.

3. Mash the ingredients with a potato masher or fork until they're smooth.

4. Stir in 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar, 1/8 teaspoon white pepper and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Return the pan to the stove and simmer the ingredients 5 to 10 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and let it cool.

5. Use immediately or keep the ketchup in a covered container in the refrigerator for up to six weeks or in the freezer for up to six months.

Tags: minced onion, over heat, Pear ketchup, Remove from