Monday, January 31, 2011

Food Sources Of Probiotics

Probiotics are beneficial live microorganisms that reside in your digestive tract. They help maintain a healthy digestive system by decreasing the growth of harmful bacteria. Probiotics are often called "good bacteria" because of their health benefits.

Many Americans take probiotics to aid digestion or to treat conditions such as diarrhea, lactose intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease and yeast infections.

Many health food stores carry probiotics as dietary supplements, but they are also available in certain foods.

Types of Probiotics

When buying probiotic-rich foods, check product labels. There are two main groups of probiotics: Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Each group has different species, and each species has different strains.

Some common probiotics include Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidus and Saccharomyces boulardii yeast.

Yogurt and Kefir

Some popular yogurt brands contain probiotics. For example, Dannon's Activia contains Bifidobacterium animalis, a probiotic that speeds digestion. When shopping for yogurt, look for products that feature the words "live" or "active" on the package. This means that the product contains living and active bacteria, which will promote digestive health.

The probiotics in yogurt include Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Streptococcus thermophilus and bifidobacteria.

Kefir is a creamy dairy drink similar to yogurt. It contains probiotics not usually found in yogurt, such as Lactobacillus caucasus.


Select cheese products also contain probiotics, including Kraft's LiveActive natural cheese snacks (which contain the probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis) and Iavarone Bros. Specially Selected Amish Yogurt Cheese (prepared with the probiotic live cultures Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifid bacterium). Other good sources of probiotics include blue cheese and other aged cheeses.

Probiotic-rich cheeses often feature words such as "live culture," "active culture" or "probiotics" on the packaging.

Other Dairy Products

Other probiotic-rich dairy products include acidophilus milk and buttermilk. Like yogurt, kefir and cheese, acidophilus milk and buttermilk are produced by fermentation---a process in which lactic acid bacteria break down lactose (milk sugar) into lactic acid. Acidophilus milk is cultured with the probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus, while buttermilk is often cultured with the probiotic Streptococcus lactis.

Nondairy Fermented Foods

Certain nondairy fermented foods are also rich in probiotics, including sauerkraut (fermented cabbage), kimchi (Korean spicy cabbage), tempeh (a fermented soybean product) and soy sauce.

The probiotics found in nondairy fermented foods include Lactobacillus planatarum, Lactobacillus brevis and Lactobacillus acidophilus.

When buying fermented food products, make sure the labels include words such as "live" or "active cultures." Many commercial brands of nondairy fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, do not contain probiotics.

Tags: Lactobacillus acidophilus, contain probiotics, include Lactobacillus, with probiotic, acidophilus milk buttermilk, cultured with, cultured with probiotic

Friday, January 28, 2011

Make Chicken And Wild Rice In The Crockpot

Crockpot meals are easy and provide a great meal for a busy family. Chicken and wild rice is a low calorie, low fat recipe that tastes good, too. For families that don't have the time to cook, the crockpot is a wonderful tool for providing healthy meals. The chicken and wild rice recipe is one of the most simple meals to make. Read on to learn how.


1. Thaw the chicken before cooking it in the crock pot, to ensure it gets fully cooked. This can be done by moving the chicken from the freezer and putting it in the fridge overnight. Another option is to defrost the chicken in the microwave.

2. Put all the recipe ingredients in the crockpot. After adding the chicken breasts, the two cans of cream of celery soup, the cup of water and package of wild rice mix, stir well. Make sure the chicken is completely covered with the liquid and the spices are thoroughly mixed.

3. Turn on the crockpot and allow it to cook for four to six hours.

4. Stir it before serving it. After sitting all day, this serves to remix everything. Also, cut up the chicken into pieces if desired.

5. Add salt and pepper to taste. Everyone's tastes are different; so it's best to wait until everyone gets their own plate to season the food.

Tags: wild rice

Make A Roux For Cajun Cooking

Roux is typically used to make gumbo.

Cajun country is in southern Louisiana. In the 18th century, approximately 18,000 French Canadians, dubbed Cajuns by Americans, refused to live under the control of the British monarchy in what is now Nova Scotia and settled among the marshes and swamps of the bayou. Cajun culture is known for its music, its unique dialect and its cuisine, which often features spicy, yet simple, ingredients. The roux is a traditional thickening agent in Cajun cooking and is the base of many soups, stews and sauces.


1. Put a cast iron skillet on the stove and pour one cup of vegetable oil into the skillet.

2. Turn on the stove and heat the oil over medium-high heat.

3. Whisk one cup of flour slowly into the oil right at the point where the oil begins to smoke. Continue whisking the roux mixture until the desired color is reached. A light roux, which is a caramel color, will take approximately three to five minutes of cooking. Dark brown roux can take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

4. Turn off the stove and remove the skillet from the heat.

Tags: take approximately, Turn stove

Keep Potatoes From Sprouting In Storage

Properly stored potatoes are dormant and won't sprout.

Potatoes are root vegetables that are harvested in the late fall months and can be stored over the winter months until eaten. While potatoes typically stay fresh in storage, sometimes they begin to sprout from the small buds, which are called eyes. These sprouts and any other green section of the potato are toxic. To prevent sprouts from growing on the potatoes, there are some rules to follow for proper storage techniques.


1. Handle the potatoes gently any time that you move them or when getting some out to eat. Excessive handling can bruise the potatoes, which causes them to rot. Rotting potatoes spread moisture to the other potatoes, which can increase the growth of sprouts.

2. Place a thermometer next to where the potatoes are stored and make sure the temperature stays between 40 and 45 degrees Fahrenheit, which will keep them from growing.

3. Hang a hygrometer in the area where the potatoes are stored to ensure that the humidity level is kept at a minimum of 85 percent. If you are storing Russet Burbank potatoes, increase the humidity to 95 percent by placing open bowls of water nearby.

4. Place a fan in the area to increase air circulation, which will dissipate the carbon dioxide produced by the potatoes.

5. Eliminate all light exposure by either placing the potatoes in a dark cellar or storing them in a bin with a lid. Any light, even artificial, can cause potatoes to start growing.

Tags: from growing, potatoes stored, potatoes which, where potatoes, where potatoes stored

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Make The Ultimate Sweetnsour Christmas Drink

This recipe creates a green and festive Christmas drink with a little kick.


1. Prepare the lime. You will be squeezing the juice out of the lime to make the drink. Prepare the lime by squeezing it gently, rolling it around and tossing it back and forth.

2. Squeeze the lime. Cut a small hole in the top of the lime. Gently squeeze all the juice out of the lime into a cup.

3. Midori. Pour 1 part midori on top of the lime juice. Stir briefly.

4. Triple Sec. Pour 1 part triple sec on top of the mixture.

5. Vodka. Pour 2 parts vodka onto the mixture.

6. Ice. Fill glass with ice.

7. Adjust the taste. Depending on the size of the lime, your drink may be more sour than usual. If the drink tastes too sour, add more vodka to make the drink sweeter. If the drink tastes too alcoholic, then add more lime to disguise the taste.

8. Congratulations, you have just made a festive Christmas drink with a kick.

Tags: Christmas drink, Christmas drink with, drink tastes, drink with, festive Christmas

Make A Solar Oven Out Of A Pizza Box

Whether you are going camping, looking for an educational project for the kids or are looking for ways to save on your energy costs, making a solar oven out of a pizza box is an alternative way to cook your food using a sustainable source of energy--the sun.


1. Using your ruler, measure and mark a 1-inch border around all four sides on top of the pizza box.

2. Cut your border on three sides, leaving the line at the back of the box uncut.

3. Fold the flap back along the uncut line.

4. Cut out a piece of foil to fit the inside of the flap. Smooth the foil and glue or tape inside the flap. Cut a piece of plastic to cover the hole left open by the flap. When using the oven, you will tape the plastic to the underside of the 1-inch border. The plastic should act like a window for your food, and it should be fastened securely so that air cannot escape from the interior of your oven.

5. Cut a piece of foil to fit the bottom of the box and carefully glue or tape it down. Cut a piece of black paper to fit the bottom of the box and paste it on top of the foil.

6. Face the box towards the sun. Prop the top open with a straw. Your oven is ready to go. Bake cookies, cheese nachos, veggies, pizza or any number of other items.

Tags: 1-inch border, glue tape, inside flap, piece foil, your food

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Make A Fresh Vegetable Soup For Weight Loss

Most fresh vegetable soups contain little to no fat.

Weight loss depends on an burning more calories than you are consuming. That's why soups - especially vegetable-based recipes - tend to aid dieters in their quest for weight loss. Vegetable soups are relatively low in calories, yet work to keep you full and well-nourished. Big pots of soup can be stored in the refrigerator for later use, allowing you to make several days' worth of healthy meals with only 30 to 45 minutes of initial work.


1. Place the dutch oven or pot on the stove top. Add medium heat.

2. Pour vegetable broth and tomatoes into the pot. Stir the ingredients together.

3. Add all remaining ingredients, except for the zucchini, to the broth-tomato mixture. Cover the pot with its lid and bring its contents to a boil.

4. Reduce heat. Allow the soup to simmer for about 25 to 30 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender.

5. Add the zucchini. Allow the soup to simmer for an additional four to five minutes.

6. Serve warm.

Tags: Allow soup, Allow soup simmer, soup simmer

Make Whole Wheat Pancakes From Scratch

Make Pancakes from Scratch

This is the absolute simplest, most delicious whole wheat pancakes recipe you will ever taste. These are old fashioned fluffy whole wheat pancakes with a rich flavor of wheat(whole grain) If you don't know make pancakes from scratch, then you're in for a treat!


1. Measure 2 cups of whole wheat flour into a mixing bowl. Sift, if desired. I prefer to use the finest ground flour available, I like Bob's Red Mill Whole Wheat pastry flour.

2. Add 2teaspoons of baking soda and mix all of the dry ingredients thoroughly. The baking soda is an important part of make pancakes fluffy.

3. Add ¼ cup of brown sugar (or molasses) and 1-2 cups of milk. Stir everything together thoroughly. You might need to add more milk to bring it to the proper consistency of pancake batter.

4. Mix everything thoroughly. I just use a fork, but if you use a mixer you'll be infusing a little air and making them lighter and fluffier. For us, though, we like them as fluffy as they naturally are. Someone who is used to the emptiness of white flour pancakes might want to mix their batter with a blender or an electric mixer.

5. For consistent sized pancakes, I use a ¼ cup measuring scoop to make sure each pancake is the same size. I fry mine on a skittle with a little bit of vegetable oil.

6. Pour each scoop into the griddle and let them cook until the tops look dry and the bubbles are deep in the middle.

7. Turn each one over (just once) and allow the other side to cook.

Tags: whole wheat, baking soda, make pancakes, Whole Wheat

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tortilla Storage

About Tortilla Storage

Sitting down to a spicy Mexican meal is a treat for the senses. The spiciness of the meats and the colors of the vegetables mixed with the hot sauces and smooth sour cream all wrapped up in a soft tortilla is just wonderful. Knowing store the tortillas during the meal and afterwards is important to keeping them fresh and tasty.


The whole reason for the proper storage of tortillas is to keep them soft so they can wrap around various fillings. Improper storage will cause stiffness and cracking, so that the whole thing will just fall apart in your hands. Of course, if you want a hard and tough tortilla (for soups or baking into chips) then leaving them out to dry is another matter.


Traditionally, tortillas were made fresh for every meal. Without refrigeration, they were always at room temperature. Leftovers were covered in a towel and eaten at the next meal. Tortillas were eaten at every gathering, and children would take a stuffed tortilla to school wrapped in a simple cloth napkin. Husbands would leave for work carrying their specially made tortillas wrapped in a colorful cloth.


There are basically two types of tortillas: corn and flour. Of the flour type, some are made with leavening and and some without. Corn tortillas do not store very well after being cooked, as they become very hard and brittle, which is why they are always sold uncooked (unless sold as taco shells). However, the hard cooked corn tortilla can be used in dishes that have moisture in the cooking process, thereby softening the tortilla. The cooked flour tortilla made without leavening stores the best as it has the highest moisture content. The leavened tortilla is softer initially, as it has air pockets formed by the baking powder that lift it during cooking process, but then dries out quickly unless wrapped well and frozen.


Air has the greatest effect on the storage of tortillas. If they are allowed to sit out just for a few minutes, especially just after being warmed, they will stiffen up and become brittle around the edges at first and then in the middle as time progresses. Refrigeration also has a negative effect on the storage and flavor of tortillas, as the starch molecules will change and stiffen over time, faster than if left at room temperature (however, mold may grow faster at room temperature). Heat will initially soften the tortilla as the oils and proteins warm up, but the process will also cause faster evaporation of the water content, leaving the tortilla dry and brittle.


If you see a round clay pot that sits totally flat with a close-fitting lid about 6 to 10 inches in diameter with a shiny glaze on the outside but a rough surface on the inside, it is probably a traditional Mexican tortilla holder. The moist tortillas were placed in these for storage, and the clay held enough moisture to keep them from drying out. Another easy storage device is the resin tortilla holder that is used in restaurants and homes. It has the convenience of being microwave-safe so the tortillas can have a short blast of heat from the center without getting dried out.


The modern approach to tortilla storage is to simply to place them into a sealable baggie with a clean cloth such as a cotton kitchen towel. The towel absorbs extra moisture and keeps them from getting stale or moldy, while the plastic bag keeps the moisture in and the refrigerator odors out. They can keep in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks, although they will not taste nearly as good as when they were fresh. Freezing will stop the deterioration process, but again, they will not taste fresh. It is recommended that stored tortillas be filled with a hot and spicy filling to compensate for the lack of freshness in the shell.

Tags: room temperature, they will, after being, cooking process, effect storage, keep them

Eat Limburger Cheese

Limburger cheese is known for its distinctive smell. In fact, the smell alone caused an interstate dispute over whether the cheese was deliverable in the mail, according to "Uncle John's Slightly Irregular Bathroom Reader." While the smell of the cheese is pungent, the taste of the cheese can be described as buttery and sweet and not nearly as strong tasting as it smells. Monroe, Wisconsin, is known for creating some of the best Limburger cheese in the United States. The cheese is an ingredient of traditional sandwiches and all by itself.


Traditional Limburger Sandwich

1. Use pumpernickel or rye bread as the base of the sandwich. Rye and pumpernickel have distinctive tastes that will not be drowned out by the flavors of the other ingredients.

2. Thinly slice sweet onions. Fresh onions work best. The sweetness of the onion plays well with the cheese. In most recipes that use Limburger cheese, sweet onions will also be included. Your taste preferences will determine the amount of onion placed in the sandwich.

3. Use pepper and mustard to taste. Wash the sandwich down with a beer. According to the Beer Advocate website, beers with strong flavors will work best with strong flavored cheeses like Limburger.

Snack Ideas

4. Purchase a Limburger spread for use in snacks. Pair the Limburger spread with toasted rye bread. Spread the desired amount and snack away.

5. Pair the cheese spread with crackers. Rye crackers work best. Melba toast also works well with the strong taste of the cheese.

6. Cut a slice of Limburger cheese and try it on its own. Trying the cheese by itself will allow you to appreciate the cheese for its own flavors uninterrupted by any other flavors. For those faint of heart, have a beer ready to wash it all down.

Tags: Limburger cheese, with strong, work best, Limburger spread, spread with, sweet onions, taste cheese

Monday, January 24, 2011

Make A Greek Lemonherb Marinade

This marinade, my grandmother's recipe, is a common flavoring agent in Greek food. It uses three ingredients common in Greek cooking: olive oil, lemon and oregano. It can be used to marinate vegetables, meat or fish, and it can also be used as a basting sauce when cooking. This recipe makes about a cup of marinade.


1. Peel off one or two long strips of lemon zest with a vegetable peeler. Be careful to take just the the yellow zest, leaving the bitter white pith behind.

2. Mince the lemon zest finely - you should have about a tablespoon or so. Don't worry about exact measurements.

3. Place the zest in a mixing bowl with the salt and pepper.

4. Chop the oregano leaves roughly and add them to the bowl.

5. Grind or firmly mash the dry ingredients together with a sturdy wooden spoon, as if you were using a mortar and pestle. This helps free the essential oils in the lemon and oregano and blend them in with the salt and pepper.

6. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice from both halves into the bowl.

7. Drizzle in the olive oil in a thin steady stream, whisking constantly with a wire whisk.

8. Use the mixture to marinate food before cooking or as a basting sauce when grilling or roasting food.

Tags: basting sauce, basting sauce when, lemon oregano, lemon zest, salt pepper, sauce when, with salt

What To Do With Cream Of Mushroom Soup

Cream of mushroom soup is enjoyed by thousands of Americans on a daily basis. One of Campbell's most popular items, this soup serves as the base for many main dishes and appetizers. However, the soup can also be made at home through a very easy process, and the result lacks the MSG present in Campbell's products.

Simply Cream of Mushroom Soup

Cream of mushroom soup is used for so many dishes that people often forget it can be eaten simply as soup. Campbell's soup can be reconstituted following the instructions on the can: add milk and heat on the stove. To make a batch on your own, mix mushrooms and lemon juice together in a food processor. Saute onion and mushrooms in butter, and add cream and chicken stock. Cornstarch helps thicken the soup. Add dried thyme, salt, and pepper for flavor.

Cream of Mushroom Soup in Casseroles

The soup also serves as a base for many chicken dishes. A recipe for cheesy chicken and rice casserole calls for one can of soup, water, white rice, onion powder, frozen mixed vegetables, chicken breasts and shredded cheddar cheese. Combine all the ingredients but the chicken and cheese, top with the chicken and bake for 50 minutes. Top with cheese.

Another classic use for Cream of Mushroom soup is in Green Bean Casserole. This dish requires 1 can of soup, milk, soy sauce, green beans, and French Fried onions. Stir all the ingredients together, bake for 25 minutes, top with the remaining onions, and bake for 5 more minutes. (See Reference 2)

Cream of Mushroom Soup in Other Dishes

Cream of mushroom soup can also be used for sauces. Dilute it with water, chicken stock or milk to make smooth gravy. Serve it to top tuna casserole, or combine it with milk to serve over smothered chicken. One recipe for chicken and mushroom gravy calls for chicken in a pan. Top with a can of soup and a bit of water, and bake it for 30 minutes.

A stroganoff-type recipe requires cooking mushrooms, onions, garlic, one can of soup, milk and sherry together in a pan. Cooked chicken is then added, and the mixture simmers. Serve this over noodles or rice.

Another option is a recipe for beef and mushroom Dijon. After sauteing mushrooms and onions, cook sliced steak in a pan. Combine the vegetables, steak, a can of soup, Dijon mustard and water together, and let simmer. Serve over rice.

Tags: Cream Mushroom Soup, bake minutes, Cream Mushroom, Mushroom Soup, soup also, bake minutes with

Friday, January 21, 2011


Learn cook chicken enchiladas with this easy chicken enchilada recipe. Cook chicken enchiladas for your family or friends, it's an easy recipe that is easy to cook when you feel like serving chicken.


1. The first step in cooking chicken enchiladas is to cut chicken into 12 strips; set aside.

2. The next step to cooking chicken enchiladas is to cook the onion and garlic in butter,inside a saucepan.

3. Then, add tomatoes, tomato sauce, chilies, cumin, sugar, salt, oregano, and basil.

4. Bring to boiling; reduce heat, simmer, covered, for 20 minutes.

5. Remove from heat. Dip each tortilla in tomato mixture.

6. Place 1 piece of chicken and about 2 TBSP cheese on each tortilla, roll up and place in a 9"x 13" baking dish which has been sprayed with Pam.

7. Blend sour cream into remaining sauce; pour over tortillas to cover them, *** SEE TIPS*** remembering to save half the sauce to serve over them after they are baked.

8. Sprinkle with cheese before baking. Cover (with foil) and bake at 350* for 40 minutes. That completes this recipe for making the perfect chicken enchiladas!

Tags: chicken enchiladas, cooking chicken, cooking chicken enchiladas, each tortilla, step cooking

Easy Cream Cheese Dips

Soft, sweet, and so versatile, cream cheese is a go-to ingredient in any kitchen. Inexpensive, easy to find and equally easy to use, it makes great base for sweet or savory dips that will keep snackers happy until dinnertime. The next time you are entertaining guests or are invited to a potluck, consider making one of these tasty and easy cream cheese dips.

Cream Cheese Dip Tools

When making any cream cheese dip, you will need a few tools at the ready. First, you'll need a large bowl, one that can hold at least 16 ounces. Next, you'll want a chef's knife and a cutting board for chopping vegetables. Although not always necessary, a food processor and an electric mixer can be handy, but a whisk and a large wooden or plastic spoon can be substituted for a mixer if you don't have one. Many dips need to be chilled, so have some plastic wrap or covers for bowls and containers. Although many cream cheese recipes do not require any cooking, some do require light use of a skillet, so have a frying pan and a spatula on hand as well.

Basic Cream Cheese Dip

Basic cream cheese dip is one of the simplest recipes you can make. And in the scope of more complex dips, this will serve as your basic template. As you progress in your culinary abilities, you can experiment with this basic recipe, and add in new ingredients to create new flavors.

Start with 8 ounces of cream cheese in your bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 3 tablespoons of sour cream and just a dash of Worcestershire sauce. Beat all the ingredients together and add salt and pepper to taste if you like.

Spicing Up Your Dip

There are many ways to spice up the basic cream cheese dip. Consider adding garlic, lemon juice and green onion for a tangy twist. You can also make a smokey version of the dip by adding cooked bacon. For a Latin flare, add taco seasoning and a twist of lime. If you want a healthier dip, use low-fat or fat-free cream cheese. For a sweet take that goes great with fruit, use honey instead of sour cream and mayonnaise.

Serving Suggestions

Savory cream cheese dips, such as garlic cream cheese dips, are perfect on a bagel or with cut-up carrots and celery. Spicier dips, such as those that contain taco seasoning or cayenne pepper and lime, can go well with tortilla chips. Smokey dips are great with crackers. If you make a sweet dip, consider serving with wafers and fruit, or you could even try spreading it on a cake as an easy-to-prepare icing.

Tags: cream cheese, cream cheese, cheese dips, cream cheese dips, dips such, great with, sour cream

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Keep Cut Fruit Fresh

There are few foods more refreshing, healthful and invigorating then fresh cut fruit. The key once the fruit has been cut is to keep it fresh and visually appealing. Once fresh sliced fruit is exposed to oxygen, it starts to brown. This process can turn bright fresh sliced bananas into disgusting brown blobs. To prevent fruit from rapidly becoming brown, unappealing and in need of disposal takes only a minute with the help of fresh orange juice. The citric acid in orange juice acts as a natural preservative for fresh fruits. It prevents browning and helps maintain visually appealing food.


1. Wash all fruit under cold tap water to remove dust, dirt and residue. Clean fruit will remain fresh longer.

2. Pat the fruit dry with a clean hand towel, cloth, or paper towel. The fruit does not need to be completely dry, but remove excess water to avoid adulterating the fruit mix with water, which can negatively alter flavor especially if tap water is used to wash the fruit.

3. Prepare all the fruit being used by peeling, slicing and removing seeds as necessary. Different fruits will require different methods and levels of preparation. For instance, strawberries require cutting the green stem area off and slicing, while bananas need to be peeled and sliced. Melons like cantaloupe and honeydew need to have the seeds and skin removed and to be sliced or cubed.

4. Place all prepared fresh fruit in a large mixing bowl. Turn fruit medley over in bowl several times to mix together using a spoon.

5. Pour enough fresh orange juice into the fruit mixture in order to evenly coat all the fruit, but not so much that a large pool of juice forms in the bottom of the bowl and a significant portion of fruit is submerged. Only a small amount of juice is required to seal in freshness; perhaps a quarter of a cup of juice will suffice for all but the largest fruit salads.

6. Mix the fruit medley gently with a spoon so that all the fruit gets coated with the fresh orange juice.

Tags: orange juice, fresh orange, fresh orange juice, fresh fruit, fresh sliced

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

History Of Ricotta Cheese

Ricotta cheese most likely originated in Rome or greater Italy, where the people invented many entrees and desserts featuring the fresh, soft cheese. Similar to cottage cheese, ricotta has become popular worldwide with the ever-increasing affection for Italian food such as lasagna and manicotti. It also appears in tasty desserts such as cannoli.


Ricotta cheese is a creamy byproduct of the cheese manufacturing process and thus is technically not really a cheese. It is created from whey, a watery substance left over from the milk, which is drained off when provolone or mozzarella cheese is made. Because the product is cooked twice, once during the original process and then again to make the ricotta; the food was given its name from the Latin "recocta," meaning re-cooked.


Ricotta is generally believed to have originated with Jewish people in Rome or Sicily. Historians speculate that this type of cheese first appears in documents by the Greek author Athenaeus, who wrote a great deal about food in the second and third centuries B.C.E,

Cheese was historically a large export product for Sicily, along with grain. It was also a main part of their diet and was usually made from goat's or sheep's milk. Many desserts featuring ricotta originated in Sicily. Ricotta pancake cassola, for instance, is an ancient version of cheesecake.

Ricotta was also a traditional food for Sicilian Christians. The cassata cake, with ricotta cream filling, was considered a traditional Easter food. Another ricotta pastry, the Zeppole, was traditional fare for St. Joseph's Day.


There are actually many other types of ricotta than the one sold in round plastic containers at the grocery store. Ricotta affumicata, or smoked ricotta, is a hard cheese that can be grated over pasta or melted in a casserole. Ricotta infornata is created by baking creamy ricotta until it has a brown, toasty crust. Ricotta forte is a fermented and strong-smelling cheese produced in Puglia. These are just a few examples.


Ricotta is most often used in Italian cooking, typically as cheese filling for cooked pasta dishes such as lasagna, manicotti and ravioli. The cheese blends well with tomato sauces. It also makes great dips and spreads and dessert fillings for cannoli and blintzes. It is the main cheese used for cheesecake.


Recipes often advise that it's okay to substitute cottage cheese for ricotta and vice versa. Both are fresh cheese, or unripened, cooked at low temperatures so they remain soft, and they are both white and have a mild flavor. However, they have noticeably different textures. Cottage cheese is creamy with curds, while ricotta is a bit grainy and drier than cottage cheese. A dish made with cottage cheese will be soupier. This can cause problems in a recipe where texture is very important, such as for a cheesecake.

Tags: cottage cheese, cheese creamy, cheese ricotta, cottage cheese ricotta, desserts featuring, History Ricotta


Like cookies? Try this easy cookie recipe for cherry vanilla chip cookies. If you like cherries and cookies, this is an easy recipe for Birthday parties and holiday parties. Everyone loves Cherry Vanilla Chip Cookies!


1. The first step in cooking Cherry Vanilla Chip Cookies with this recipe is to heat oven to 350*.

2. The next step in making this cherry vanilla chip cookie recipe is to combine sugars, white chocolate, eggs, shortening, and butter.

3. Then, beat at medium speed until well blended.

4. Add flour, baking soda and salt. Beat at low speed until soft dough forms.

5. Stir in chips, cherries, and almonds.

6. Drop dough by heaping teaspoons 2 inches apart onto ungreased cookie

sheets. Bake for 8 to 12 minutes. Let cool 1 minute before removing.

There you have a perfect batch of Cherry Vanilla Chip Cookies from this recipe on eHow! Share & Enjoy!

7. Cookie recipes are good recipes to learn to cook with. This cookie recipe helped me learn to cook. If you have a recent grad, or another child heading away from home soon, help them learn to cook for themselves before they leave home.

Tags: Cherry Vanilla, Chip Cookies, cookie recipe, learn cook, Vanilla Chip Cookies

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Brazilian Diet

Want to look like a Brazilian? That one is a little tough: What exactly a Brazilian looks like is debatable for a country of nearly 190 million people that happens to be one of the most ethnically and racially diverse countries in the world. So instead, want to eat like a Brazilian? That one is a little easier. The Brazilian diet is very simple to follow. There is one rule: Eat.

Rice and Beans

To begin the Brazilian diet, load up on the carbs. Brazilians eat rice and beans with every dinner regardless of what the main course may be. The common thought on rice and beans is that it is a cultural staple due to its ability to fill a lot of stomachs for a cheap price. While it is true that it is an inexpensive food source, it is not the sole reason most Brazilians eat it everyday. You will find rice and beans in the homes of even the richest Brazilians. Why? Because they like it.

Brazilian rice begins risotto-style in hot oil, garlic and salt. Cover it in boiling water, lid the pot, and let the rice soak up the liquid. Beans (pinto beans) are usually cooked in a pressure cooker, then salted, oiled and spiced with garlic. You can cook the beans in a regular heavy-bottomed pot, either pre-soaked or dry, and add salt, oil and garlic during the cooking process.

Tapioca Is Not a Pudding

Expand your flour base to include varieties other than wheat, such as corn and tapioca flour. Tapioca, known as the funny little pudding balls in North America, comes from the manioc root, which is most widely consumed in Brazil as a flour and as a boiled root vegetable. Many things are made with manioc flour. Pão de quejo, or little tapioca flour cheese rolls, are one of the most popularly consumed foodstuffs in the nation. Try using tapioca/manioc flour as a replacement for wheat flour in some of your baking, including cookies, cakes, muffins and crackers. When peeled and boiled, manioc root is called mandioca and is eaten straight up with just a little salt. It may be difficult to locate manioc root in the United States, but some specialty markets do carry it.

What's a Vegetarian?

Do not try to be a vegetarian on the Brazil diet, as Brazilians eat a lot of meat. Usually a protein (fish included) is served twice a day. The Brazilian barbecue, known as churrasco, is not like the burgers and hot dog barbecues of the United States. Churrasco is a never-ending supply of salted meat cooked over flames on skewers for rotisserie. Eat pork, beef, sausages and chicken, with rice and beans. Try making long skewer meat kabobs over your backyard barbecue, but forgo the sticky marinades and sauces and try salt and slow roasting.

Make a Smoothie With That

Add more fresh fruit to your diet. As a tropical country, fresh fruit is available in Brazil year round: bananas, mangoes, papayas, goiaba (apple guavas), pineapple, apples, oranges, tangerines and everything in between. Brazilians eat fruit as is, as a juice, or in a vitamin (milkshake/smoothie). Breakfast of champions? Try an apple and avocado milkshake with sugar and milk. After dinner, instead of reaching for a chocolate cupcake, cut up a fresh pineapple instead.

Drink Up

Drink plenty of water, but don't forget the liquor. Cachaça is a liquor distilled from sugar cane and is the prominent component of the caipirinha, a cocktail made of muddled limes and sugar. The non-alcoholic drink of choice (which is also the national soda) is Guarana Antartica, a sweet soda made from the extract of an Amazonian berry. Brazilians love life to be sweet.

Tags: like Brazilian, manioc root, Brazilian diet, Brazilian That, Brazilian That little, fresh fruit

Deepfry Clams

1. 2

3. Next


This method of preparing clams can be messy, but it's well worth it. This recipe makes a nice appetizer for four to six people. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Shuck clams. (See the Related eHow "Shuck Clams.")

2. Place clams in cold water and rinse two to three times.

3. Dry thoroughly, shaking off water, and place clams between two towels.

4. Make sure clams are completely dry before frying, or the oil will spatter.

5. Heat 2 to 3 inches of vegetable oil to 350 to 375 degrees F in a deep pan. Test temperature with a deep-frying thermometer.

6. Mix flour, salt, pepper and baking soda in a bowl.

7. Coat a few clams by dipping them in the breading mixture. Shake gently to remove excess flour.

8. Place a few clams at a time into a frying basket and lower into hot oil. Cook for about 30 seconds to 2 minutes, or until clams are lightly browned.

9. Stand back from the fryer during cooking to avoid spattering oil.

10. Lift clams out of oil.

11. Drain on paper towels.

12. Serve with a dipping sauce. (Try the Cajun remoulade or marinara sauce in the Related eHows.)


Use Cast Iron Cookware

Cast iron is the original non-stick cookware, and if cared for properly, will last for generations. Any well-stocked kitchen will benefit from at least one piece of cast iron. If you are lucky, you will inherit grandma's old skillet and all of the memories along with it.


1. Wash the protective coating off all new pieces of cast iron with warm soapy water and season them before use. To season it, warm a pan in a 225 degrees F oven, remove it and wipe a thin coating of vegetable oil or lard over all surfaces. Place it back in the oven for 1 hour, and then wipe almost all of the excess oil off with paper towels. Return it to the oven again for another 30 minutes.

2. Preheat cast iron before cooking in it. Heat the pan until a droplet of water balls up and pops around in the pan. These pans cook hotter than some; therefore, you will probably use a lower heat setting when cooking.

3. Cook anything in cast iron. Acidic foods such as tomatoes will darken if left too long in the pan. This is due to the iron seeping out. If you need extra iron in your diet, cooking with cast iron is one way to get it.

4. Let you pan cool completely after using, then wash with warm soapy water. Some experts say to only use water, but oil left on the pan after cooking food may become rancid if not removed. After washing, place it over low heat to dry. Apply a very light coating of oil on the surface of the pan before storing.

Tags: cast iron, cast iron, soapy water, warm soapy, warm soapy water

Monday, January 17, 2011

Separate Fat From Drippings

Gravy is made with the drippings from cooked meat.

Homemade gravy is a delicious addition many home-cooked meals. The drippings from the cooked meat, or juices that come out of the meat as it's cooked, are used to give the gravy flavor. Since the fat from the meat is combined with the drippings during the cooking process, it's a good idea to separate the fat from the drippings so you don't have a fat-laden gravy.


1. Remove meat pieces and bones from drippings before separating fat.

Remove the meat from the baking pan. Using a spoon, scoop out any meat pieces or bones that might be floating in the drippings.

2. Hold a funnel over the gravy separator and pour the drippings into the gravy separator, through the funnel.

3. Allow the drippings to sit for 15 to 30 minutes as the fat rises to the top of the gravy separator. A gravy separator is similar in appearance to a water can but the spout is positioned lower on the separator so, when pouring, the drippings pour out from the bottom of the separator while the fat remains at the top.

4. Pour the drippings into a bowl to be used for making your gravy. Discard the fat that remains or save for use in another recipe.

Tags: gravy separator, cooked meat, drippings from, drippings from cooked, drippings into, from cooked, from cooked meat

Spanish Tapas Restaurants In Houston Tx

Spanish tapas, an assortment of appetizers and snacks served with wine.

Spanish tapas consists of snacks, appetizers and meals created for small plates. Tapas, typically accompanied with wine, can be eaten before a meal or as the main meal itself, depending on the dish. Tapas includes olives, cheeses, sausages, breads and small plate salads, meat stews and paella. Spanish tapas chefs in Houston, Texas create dishes using locally-grown and imported ingredients served with domestic and international wines. Spanish tapas restaurants in Houston offer a relaxing ambiance, happy hour specials, flamenco dancing and catering.

Ibiza Food and Wine Bar

Ibiza Food and Wine Bar, located in midtown Houston on Louisiana Street, serves tapas dishes that highlight French, Spanish and Mediterranean flavors. The restaurant features European-style designer furniture, a 25-foot long back-lit wine wall that houses 4,000 bottles of wine and a 60-seat outdoor patio. Guests can enjoy relaxing music in the lounge-like atmosphere while dining on tapas consisting of fresh-caught fish, octopus, braised lamb, tartares, carpaccios ceviches and desserts. The restaurant offers specialty meat and cheese pairings imported from high-quality producers in Spain and Italy. In addition to the extensive wine selection, Ibiza Food and Wine Bar also prepares specialty drinks and serves ports and sherries by the bottle and by the glass.

Ibiza Food and Wine Bar

2450 Louisiana St.

Houston, TX 77006


Andalucia Restaurant and Bar

Andalucia Restaurant and Bar, located on San Jacinto, brings Spanish culture to life by providing guests with live music, flamenco performances and dance lessons. Chef Youssef Nafaa creates traditional hot and cold tapas dishes with natural ingredients such as olive oil and fresh vegetables, meats and seafood. Signature dishes include traditional seafood and vegetarian paella, braised chicken and pan-seared Halibut. The affordable lunch and dinner menus also include soups, sandwiches and Spanish entrees.

Andalucia Restaurant and Bar

1201 San Jacinto #161

Houston, TX 77002


1252 Tapas Bar

1252 Tapas Bar, located in The Woodlands area of Houston, serves traditional and chef-inspired tapas dishes in a lively, neighborhood setting. Guests have the option of sitting indoors at a long communal table or outside on the patio. The menu includes imported cured meats, cheeses, olives and almonds served with artisan breads. House specialties such as the cured salmon with goat cheese and confit duck salad provide a twist on the traditional tapas fare. Dessert selections include a sample platter featuring an assortment of Spanish-style cakes and puddings. The wine list includes wines from Spain, Italy, Chile and Argentina.

1252 Tapas Bar

9595 Six Pines, Market Street

The Woodlands, TX, 77380



Oporto Food and Wine Bar, located near the intersection of Richmond and Weslayan, boasts the largest Portuguese wine selection in Houston and serves European-inspired tapas in an intimate setting. Chef-owner Richard di Virgilio creates gourmet soups, sandwiches and salads by the day and serves guests imported meat and cheese pairings. Also served are wines from around the world, cocktails including sangria and housemade desserts. Guests enjoy weekly dinner specials such as Madeira pepper steak on Wednesday nights and Portuguese paella on Sunday nights. The restaurant also features cozy bar area and Wi-Fi.

Oporto Food and Wine Bar

3833 Richmond

Houston, Texas 77027


Tags: Food Wine, Ibiza Food, Ibiza Food Wine, 1252 Tapas, Andalucia Restaurant, served with

Friday, January 14, 2011

Make A Cake Shaped Like A Alligator

To make a cake shaped like an alligator, you must bake a combination of bundt cakes, sheet cakes and cupcakes. Depending on how you want your alligator to look, you use the cakes you need to shape the alligator. Use your own imagination and creativity to change up this one simple way to get the correct shape.


1. Bake a 9x13 sheet cake, one bundt cake and a tray of cupcakes. You can use any flavor cake you desire. If you want to make the cake taller, you may need to bake an additional sheet cake to add height. While the cakes are baking, you can prepare the other ingredients. The bundt cakes will be laid out to create a windy tail. If you want a straighter tail, bake another sheet cake and cut the curve into it.

2. Draw or trace the alligator on a sheet of butcher paper. This acts as your guide for cutting the cake. You can cut freehand, but it will be easier if you have some sort of idea how you want the alligator shaped. You can so a straight alligator where the tail is curved behind it, or you can have it "curled" up more.

3. Make the frosting for the cake. You need at the very least green frosting, but you may also want a different shade of green to add contrast. You can use candy to create the eyes and teeth, but you may also use white frosting.

4. Let the cake cool completely before shaping the pieces. Once cooled, cut the bundt cake in half, so that you have two semi-circles. Move one half of the cake to the right, so that the flat edges are lined up, creating an "S" shape for the body and tail. Cut the end of the tail (the end of the bundt cake) into a point to complete the tail. You can also cut any shaped tail out a sheet cake. For added height, stack cakes pieces to your liking.

5. Place the sheet cake against the body. The sheet and bundt cake should lie flush against each other. Cut the sheet cake into the shape of the alligator head. A triangle, similar to a Christmas tree, shape is the easiest to cut, but you can add more roundness and curves as you see fit.

6. Create eyes using marshmallows or two cupcake tops (just the round top half). Place the "eyes" close together near the back of your head, close to the tail.

7. Cut two cupcakes in half and place one on each side of the body near the head. Place the other cupcake halves further down the body, one on each side. These are the alligator's legs.

8. Attach all body parts to each other using icing. This keeps the cakes together while you decorate and can fill any gaps from irregularities in the cakes' surfaces.

9. Cover the entire cake (minus marshmallow eyes if you used them) with green frosting. Using a flat spatula, softly tap the icing to create scales. You can also use different frosting tips to add texture.

10. Add details, like the white eyes and white teeth. You should also use black or darker green for the nostrils and scales along the tail. You can also use candy for these body parts.

Tags: sheet cake, bundt cake, body parts, bundt cakes, cake into, each other, each side

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Make Sour Pickles

Cucumbers being prepared for the pickling process.

Choosing to make sour pickles will give you a sense of pride. Stores stock their shelves full of various types of pickles, but people can make their own pickles with a little preparation. Make sour pickles by using Kirby cucumbers. Thick skins covered in white and black bumps characterize these cucumbers. In order to pickle these cucumbers, they must go through a pickling process known as fermentation. Fermentation is a process that can take as long as three weeks.


1. Choose 20 Kirby cucumbers. These cucumbers are generally 3 to 6 inches long and are known for their irregular shape. Scrub the cucumbers until they are free of dirt and debris. Inspect the cucumbers for any bad spots or rotting before choosing to use them for pickling.

2. Place cucumbers in a glass jar standing straight up from top to bottom. The best way to assemble the cucumbers is to turn the jar sideways and place them lying vertically in the jar. Fill the jar as full as possible with cucumbers, but do not force cucumbers into the jar.

3. Pour 8 cups of water over the cucumbers. Make sure that the water covers the cucumbers. Add more water if necessary, but leave room for the brine mixture.

4. Blend the crushed garlic with the salt, vinegar, dill seeds and pickling spices. This will create your brine for the sour pickles. Brine is a mixture of salt and water used in the fermentation process. Pour this mixture into the glass jar with the cucumbers and water. Seal the jar and shake the contents to blend all of the spices into the brine mixture.

5. Cover the jar and leave at room temperature for two weeks. Add a piece of plastic wrap around the top of the jar and poke holes in it to allow the fermentation gases to escape.

6. Alternate the position of the jar every other day by turning it upside down to stir the ingredients. Place a metal or plastic lid over the plastic wrap to ensure that the mixture does not escape. Remove any mold and film buildup in the jar.

7. Add salt and water to the jar as needed during the two weeks. After the two weeks, place the jar into the refrigerator for two days before consuming.

Tags: brine mixture, Kirby cucumbers, leave room, pickling process, plastic wrap, salt water, sour pickles

Make Paste

Make paste at home when you run out of regular paper glue. This particular recipe is ideal for people of all ages, as it does not require the use of a stove or any hot water. Because this is a heat-free recipe, small children will feel independent and self-sufficient when they are allowed to make this paste without much adult intervention. Another advantage to making this arts-and-crafts material is that the ingredients can be found in your kitchen cabinet.


1. Measure 1/2 cup of white flour into a bowl. The flour does not need to be sifted or stirred. Use a cheap all-purpose white flour, or a white flour that has become too stale for baking purposes.

2. Poke a hole in the center of the flour in the bowl using a finger or the handle of a spoon. Drizzle a couple drops of water into the center of the flour.

3. Mix the water into the flour using a spoon or with your hands. Using your hands can help you determine when the mixture is the right texture for paste.

4. Add water in droplet amounts, and mix with the flour until the substance resembles paste. The mixture should be thick like muffin batter, with the occasional small lump. Press out the lumps with the spoon or pinch them between your fingers.

5. Drop in a dash of salt, and mix it thoroughly into the paste. Apply the homemade paste to paper to make stickers you can use immediately. Discard any unused paste, as it will grow mold over time.

Tags: white flour, center flour, water into, your hands

Use Lemons For Health And Beauty

Use Lemons for Health and Beauty

There are all sorts of health and beauty aids for every imaginable ailment or problem. However, nature has provided its own natural solution--lemons Lemons are wonderful substitutes for health and beauty products. They're readily available, inexpensive, non-toxic and they smell great. Have a look at the following suggestions and think about replacing some of your health and beauty aids with lemons.


1. Treat an itchy, flaky scalp by massaging in 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Rinse with warm water. Follow with a leave-in rinse of 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in 1 cup of warm water. Repeat daily until dandruff disappears.

2. Clean, exfoliate and unclog facial pores by washing with lemon juice. Dab a little lemon juice on blackheads to draw them out.

3. Ease the itch of a poison ivy rash. Apply lemon juice full-strength to the rash to soothe itching. Don't apply lemon juice to open blisters.

4. Rinse hands and feet in lemon juice and water to relieve dry, rough skin. Massage a little olive oil into the dry areas and pat dry.

5. Stop the bleeding and disinfect small scrapes and cuts. Soak a cotton ball or pad with lemon juice and hold it over the injury for a full minute.

6. Banish warts. Use a cotton swab and apply full strength lemon juice to the wart. Repeat daily until the wart is dissolved by the acid in the lemon juice.

7. Get sunny highlights with lemon juice. Mix 1/4 cup of lemon juice and 3/4 cup of water and rinse through the hair. Sit in the sun until the hair dries. Repeat daily for a week if necessary. Wear sunscreen.

Tags: lemon juice, health beauty, Repeat daily, with lemon, with lemon juice, beauty aids, daily until

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Effect Of Moisture On The Popping Of Popcorn Kernels

Moisture content needs to be just right for a popcorn kernel to burst to its maximum fluffiness.

Freshly popped popcorn is a treat, but if there's too much moisture inside the kernels, the popcorn turns out tough and chewy. Too little moisture, and not enough pressure can build up inside the kernels for them to properly explode.

Why Popcorn Pops

What sets popcorn apart from other grains, and even from other corn varieties, is how very tough its hull is: It can withstand internal pressure of up to 135 pounds per square inch (PSI). The hull is also nonporous. When the moisture in the endosperm heats up into expansive steam, there's only one way for the steam to come out: by popping. The starch inside cooks into a soft paste, which explodes into an airy foam when the kernel bursts.

Storage After Harvest

When popcorn is harvested, there's too much moisture inside the kernels. They won't pop right, and they can mold. The harvested corn must be conditioned until kernels contain no more than 13.5 percent moisture.

Reviving Overdried Kernels

If your corn has been in the pantry for a long time, it might be overdried. Place the kernels in the refrigerator, in an open container, for several days. In this environment, the corn takes on more moisture, regaining a good deal of its original pop.

Tags: inside kernels, from other, moisture inside, moisture inside kernels, much moisture

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Soak & Bake Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin carving is a popular Halloween tradition. Make use of the "waste" from inside the pumpkin by soaking and baking the pumpkin seeds. Roasted pumpkin seeds are a healthy snack high in magnesium and zinc, good at lowering cholesterol and a helpful tool for preventing cancer, depression and kidney stones.


Salty Pumpkin Seeds

1. Rinse pumpkin seeds immediately after scooping from pumpkin.

2. Remove all excess pulp.

3. Place seeds in bowl and fill with water until top layer of seeds are floating. Add salt and let dissolve.

4. Allow pumpkin seeds to soak until they darken. Once darkened they are ready for roasting.

5. Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit.

6. Strain seeds in colander and remove all excess water.

7. Coat baking sheet with olive oil.

8. Spread seeds in single layer on baking sheet and sprinkle with salt.

9. Bake seeds for about 25 minutes, stirring them halfway through the baking time.

10. Let cool and serve immediately or store in an airtight container.

Sweet Pumpkin Seeds

11. Rinse and soak pumpkin seeds as instructed in steps one through four above.

12. Roast pumpkin seeds at 250 degrees Fahrenheit for about 45 minutes.

13. Follow seasoning directions per one cup of pumpkin seeds. Adjust ingredients for larger serving size.

14. Saute 1 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tbsp. white sugar on medium low heat until sugar caramelizes. (Ingredients for one cup of pumpkin seeds; adjust for larger servings).

15. Pour caramelized sugar mixture over roasted pumpkin seeds.

16. Toss seeds in mixture of 1/4 tsp. cinnamon, 1/8 tsp. chili powder, and 1 tsp. sugar to coat.

17.Let cool and serve immediately or store in an airtight container.

Tags: pumpkin seeds, about minutes, airtight container, baking sheet, cool serve, cool serve immediately, degrees Fahrenheit

Set Up For Fondue

Set Up for Fondue

Fondue originates from the Swiss tradition of heating cheese in a pot and serving breads for dipping. Over time, fondue has expanded to include desserts like warm chocolate and caramel, as well as broth and oil fondues to cook meats and seafood. Fondues are simple to prepare, since they only require mixing ingredients in the fondue pot and cutting food items for dipping. Serve a cheese fondue as a party appetizer or try a dessert fondue for a romantic date at home.


1. Check your fondue recipe to determine the correct temperature for the fondue pot and to make sure you have the proper burner unit and supplies to heat your pot.

2. Purchase and assemble all the ingredients for your fondue and all the items for dipping. For a cheese fondue, traditional dipping items include cubes of French, Italian, rye and sourdough bread, diced chicken, ham and sausage, roasted or boiled baby potatoes, asparagus spears, broccoli and cauliflower florets, peppers and apple slices. For a dessert fondue, traditional dipping items include slices of banana, apple and mango, strawberries, cherries, cubes of pound cake and cheesecake, marshmallows and cookies. Broth and oil fondues require uncooked meats and seafood, depending on the recipe.

3. Place the fondue pot and any necessary heating elements in the middle of the dinner table. Include one fondue fork and one plate of bite-sized dipping items for each person.

4. Add the ingredients to your fondue pot in the order provided by your recipe after the ingredients have been prepared. Stir until the mixture is hot and has the correct consistency described in the recipe.

5. Dip food items directly into the fondue pot and eat. The fondue pot will keep your mixture at the proper temperature and consistency throughout your meal.

Tags: dipping items, your fondue, cheese fondue, dessert fondue, dipping items include

Calculate Servings For Party Punch

Calculate Servings for Party Punch

Party punch--whether alcoholic or non-alcoholic--is a popular beverage to serve at gatherings because it is both tasty and easy to make. Before you begin preparing party punch, it is important to determine how many servings of punch you will need so that you make the correct amount for the number of guests in attendance.


1. Determine how many guests will be coming to the party so that you can determine how much punch and glassware you will need for the event. If the RSVP date has passed and you haven't heard from some of the folks who were invited to the party, contact them each directly to confirm whether they will be attending or not.

2. Calculate how long the party will last. If there is not a set ending time, figure out a rough estimate based on the type of event that is being held. While a small dinner party may only last a few hours, for example, you can expect a New Year's Eve bash to last significantly longer.

3. Read the party punch recipe to see how many servings the recipe makes. Most party punch recipes make approximately 30 servings.

4. Estimate how many servings of party punch you will need to make based on the number of guests, the length of the party and the variety of other beverages that are being offered. Generally speaking, you can expect each guest to consume one drink an hour.

5. Make enough punch for each guest to have one and a half servings of punch during your event. If punch is a big hit among your friends and family, or you are offering only a limited selection of beverages, you may want to prepare more.

Tags: many servings, will need, Calculate Servings, Calculate Servings Party, each guest, number guests, party punch

Monday, January 10, 2011

Make A Homemade Carrot Cake

Start with fresh carrots for delicious carrot cake.

For any celebration, make a homemade carrot cake. This recipe makes the most moist, delicious carrot cake I've ever tasted.

The spices and fresh carrots in the moist cake complement each other when topped with homemade cream cheese frosting.


1. Gather the ingredients listed in the Things You'll Need section. You'll also need a fairly large mixing bowl and a sturdy spoon. A wooden spoon works well for stirring the batter.

2. Grate the carrots using a food processor or a hand grater. The carrots can be grated using the large holes on the hand grater. Set aside.

3. Sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt into the large mixing bowl. Adding the baking powder, baking soda, and salt to the flour sifter helps incorporate these ingredients better than stirring alone.

4. Stir into the flour mixture, the sugar and cinnamon. Use the spoon to mix these dry ingredients thoroughly, at least three minutes.

5. To the dry ingredients, add the oil. Mix while pouring the oil to incorporate these ingredients.

6. Next, add the grated carrots and the eggs to this mixture. Add the eggs one at a time, stirring after adding each egg.

7. After this had all been incorporated thoroughly, stir in the vanilla and nuts. It's not necessary to use nuts but they add texture and flavor, especially pecans.

8. Grease and flour the rectangle cake pan. This recipe works best using this size pan. I've tried it in cupcakes and two round cake pans. It works but not as well as the rectangle cake pan.

Pour the batter into the prepared pan.

9. Bake the homemade carrot cake for 50 to 60 minutes in a 350 degree F oven. Test doneness with a toothpick inserted into the center. When the toothpick comes out clean, the cake is done.

10. Cool the cake. Wipe the inside walls of the cake pan with a slightly damp paper towel to remove any flour from the pan preparation for baking. Then frost with homemade cream cheese frosting.

Tags: carrot cake, these ingredients, baking powder, baking powder baking, baking soda, baking soda salt, cake This

Cook Green Beans To Be Crisp And Tender

Steam or saute green beans to retain their fresh, crisp flavor.

Fresh green beans are in-season in late spring through the summer, though some grocery stores will carry them year-round. Overcooked green beans lose their firm texture and become mushy, which is not appetizing to most people. By steaming or sauteing your green beans, you can make sure they are tender and pleasing to eat.



1. Wash the beans thoroughly in cool water, removing any dirt or debris before draining. According to the University of Illinois, "green beans retain color and nutritional value best if they are cooked whole." For best results, cut or break off the stem end only.

2. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Add 1 teaspoon of salt to the water.

3. Add beans to the pot and boil for one minute.

4. Remove pot from the stove and cover with a lid. The beans will finish cooking from the steam trapped in the pot. Check the tenderness of the bean after three to four minutes. You should be able to pierce the bean with a fork, but it should still be firm.

5. Drain the beans in a colander and transfer to a clean bowl to serve. Add butter or fresh herbs, if desired.


6. Add 1 tbsp. olive oil or butter to a saute pan. Set the burner to a medium high setting.

7. Add the clean green beans to the pan. Add fresh garlic cloves for extra flavor. Stir occasionally. Cooking time will vary depending on the how many beans you are using. Use a fork or knife to test the bean for tenderness. You should be able to cut through the bean, but it should still be firm.

8. Drain oil and remove garlic. Transfer beans to a clean bowl and serve.

Tags: green beans, beans retain, bowl serve, clean bowl, clean bowl serve, firm Drain, green beans retain

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Make Bread Without Butter

People often need to substitute butter in baking goods. One reason is to avoid trans fatty acids. Others may be allergic to dairy products. Whatever your reason, there are many healthy fat substitutes you can use when baking.


1. Substitute butter with applesauce. Some people like to add an additional 1/4 cup of applesauce for added moistness. You can use other fruit purees as well, such as mango, prune, pineapple, banana or pear.

2. Use extra virgin coconut oil instead of butter. It has a sweet, nutty flavor and is used it for its health benefits, like strengthening the immune system and protecting against infections.

3. Look for an extra virgin, cold-pressed olive oil to substitute for butter in your favorite recipes. Olive oil has medicinal properties affecting the heart, as well as cholesterol and sugar levels. Researchers report that olive oil helps protect cells in the colon's lining from carcinogens.

4. Consider using other types of oils, such as flaxseed, grape seed and almond oil (substitute measure for measure). All these oils have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.

5. Add ricotta cheese instead of butter. Substitute measure for measure.

Tags: extra virgin, instead butter, measure measure

Keep Cheese Fresh Longer

Many times I have bought a huge brick of cheese and then it ended up going moldy before I could use or eat it. If this has happened to you too, you can benefit from my hint.


1. Wasting food really bothers me. Since I am a one person household, it is more economical to buy in larger quantities and package things in smaller portions. I found that if I froze cheese, I changed the consistency. I no longer liked that new texture until I discovered this tip to keep cheese fresher and longer too. Now I can still buy the larger 3 and 4 pound blocks of one of my favorite dairy products and have it retain the freshness I like so well.

2. Keeping cheese longer can be done by removing the complete outer wrapping as soon as you bring it home from the store. Replace that wrapping with a paper towel. Tightly and completely wrap the entire block of cheese with the paper towel intact and place it in a freezer zip lock bag. Make sure the seal closes well.

3. Anytime you want a slice or a larger amount of cheese, take what you want and replace the paper towel. I use VIVA brand paper towels without any decoration on them, so I will not be introducing any color to my cheese. This method works well with almost any hard or semi hard cheese. Wait until you notice your cheese stays fresher and lasts well with the paper towel.

Tags: paper towel, with paper, with paper towel, well with