Friday, January 29, 2010

Purchase Persian Spices For Cooking

High-quality saffron is grown and widely used in the Persian region.

You can cook authentic Persian meals at home by seasoning food with the spices of the Middle East. Persian cuisine originates in the region that is now called Iran, but the seasonings also show influences from the surrounding region. Persian cooks use a variety of spices, preserved citrus and herb blends to create complex flavor in meat and vegetable dishes. It only takes a few minutes of research to find a selection of spices for cooking full-flavored traditional Persian fare.


1. Make a list of the Persian spices that you need to complete the authentic dish. See the link in Resources for Persian recipes with complete ingredients lists.

2. Research local Middle Eastern, Indian and African markets and restaurants in a phone book or online. Call ahead to speak with the owner or manager and see if they will sell the spices you are looking for in whole or ground form. See the link in Resources for a state by state Persian/Iranian restaurant directory.

3. Place an online order for Persian spices if they are not readily available in the local area. Many Persian spices are packaged and sold in multi-spice blends. Spices are relatively lightweight and inexpensive to ship.

Tags: link Resources, Persian spices

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Driedmushroom Technology

Drying mushrooms extends their shelf life and concentrates flavor.

People have been drying mushrooms for thousands of years. People today still employ the same technique and technology to dry mushrooms that those early peoples did: the sun and air. However, there are several advances in mushroom-drying technology that extend to both commercial and home drying.


All mushroom-drying technologies and methods aim to accomplish the same thing: The idea is to draw all moisture out of the mushroom, which stops bacteria and mold from growing and ruining your mushrooms. You must dry them fast enough to prevent bacteria and mold growth but be careful not to cook the mushrooms if you are using a technique that presents such a risk, like oven drying. Mushrooms must be stored in an airtight container to avoid moisture formation. A silica gel packet helps keep them dry.

The Classic Technology

The ancient technology for drying mushrooms is simple: Give the mushrooms enough air or sun, or both, so that they dry out. Hang them by a string, lay them out on a clean surface in a single layer under the sun or store them in a mesh bag in a dry room. Air must flow to every nook and cranny of the mushroom, so rotate them, flip them and rearrange them hourly if they are in contact with one another or with another surface.

Home Technologies

People have developed innovative domestic mushroom-drying technologies for small-scale drying. Techniques include fanning and oven drying. Fan drying is an improvement on the classic technique; a great way to dry your mushrooms is to hang them by their caps along the length of a string, and point a running fan at them. Another way to dry mushrooms is in the oven. Place the mushrooms on a single layer in the oven at its lowest temperature, ideally not higher than 150 degrees Fahrenheit; flip and rearrange them after an hour, and after two hours they will be dry.


A more advanced mushroom-drying technology is a dehydrator. Dehydrators are available for domestic and commercial use. Both consist of a heating element, a fan and a vent; the heating element maintains a constant temperature while the fan blows the moist air from the mushrooms out the vent until they are dry. Domestic dehydrators are usually round and about the size of a microwave, while commercial dehydrators can be the size of a truck.

Freeze Drying

Another advanced technology for mushroom drying is freeze drying. Freeze drying is less common because it is a more expensive process. The process freezes the mushrooms and then reduces the surrounding pressure to transform the frozen water within the mushroom directly to gas. The result is mushrooms with little to no water content.

Tags: bacteria mold, heating element, mushroom-drying technologies, mushroom-drying technology, oven drying, People have

Use Cooked Oats In Pancakes

Cooked oatmeal can be incorporated into pancakes.

Oatmeal, or cooked oats, is considered one of the healthiest options for breakfast. It is high in manganese, selenium, tryptophan, phosphorus, vitamin B-1, dietary fiber, magnesium and protein. Oatmeal has been shown to be a valuable addition to the diets of those dealing with diabetes, heart disease and high cholesterol. Oatmeal commonly comes in two forms -- old fashioned and quick cooking. There is little difference in the nutritive value of the two, but quick-cooking oats are digested faster, which is of particular concern to diabetics. Numerous recipes offer ways to use this nutrient-rich grain either cooked or uncooked. Making pancakes is a popular use for leftover cooked oatmeal.


1. Oil the griddle, if necessary, and place it on the heat source.

2. Use the saucepan or microwave-safe bowl to cook the combined oatmeal and water according to the directions on the package. You can also substitute 1-1/2 cups of cooked oatmeal if you have it on hand.

3. Mix the flour, cinnamon, baking powder and salt in one mixing bowl and the milk and eggs in another bowl.

4. Combine the flour mixture with the liquid mixture. Stir until well moistened.

5. Add the cooked oatmeal, and stir again.

6. Check to see if the griddle is hot. You can tell if it is hot if you put a few drops of water on the surface and they move around.

7. Pour batter onto the hot griddle, making the pancakes the size you want.

8. Cook the pancakes on one side until they start to brown around the edges.

9. Turn the pancakes quickly with a pancake turner or spatula, and cook for another two minutes or until the bottoms are lightly browned.

10. Serve the pancakes warm with your choice of toppings or syrup.

Tags: cooked oatmeal

Make No Bake Strawberry Pie

This cool, refreshing dessert is a perfect summer treat.

Strawberry pie is a summer classic. There is nothing better than a cold slice of strawberry pie to finish off a great day outdoors or to conclude a wonderful summer picnic. However, baking and working in the hot kitchen is not a good way to spend the summer vacation, so you'll benefit from a no bake strawberry pie. This recipe is quick and easy, and the results are unbeatable.


Make No Bake Strawberry Pie.

1. Crush the graham crackers. Place them in the plastic bag to keep the crumbs from getting away. Then use your fists to break the crackers into little pieces. These crumbs will form your pie crust, so they are very important!

2. Mix the graham cracker crumbs and butter. Use the mixer to beat the graham cracker crumbs and butter together to form a sticky, buttery pie crust dough. If you think it is too buttery, add more graham cracker crumbs until it is drier.

3. Press the pie dough into the aluminum pan. Use the rubber spatula to scoop out a chunk of the graham cracker dough. Then press down with the spatula to flatten the lump until it is about a quarter of an inch thick. As you do this, you will see your pie crust begin to form. Push the crust out until it covers the bottom and sides of the aluminum pan.

4. Slice the strawberries. Cut off the green tops and slice the strawberries into thin slices.

5. Fill the pie crust with ice cream. Scoop the softened ice cream into the pie crust and spread it around until the entire crust is full. Smooth out the top and make sure that no ice cream has spilled out of the crust.

6. Garnish the pie with fresh strawberries. Use the strawberry slices to cover the top of the pie. You may wish to cover it completely or you can make a pretty design.

7. Freeze the pie for 2 hours or until the ice cream is firm. Now you are ready to enjoy a delicious summer ice cream pie!

Tags: graham cracker, cracker crumbs, graham cracker crumbs, Bake Strawberry, cracker crumbs butter, crumbs butter

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Eat Sunflower Seeds

Most people eat sunflower seeds because they enjoy the taste, while others eat them as a nervous habit. Whatever the reason may be, you will surely enjoy them. There is a special way to eat them that will not require you to use your hands constantly.


1. Choose the sunflower seed flavor of your choice. You have many flavors to choose from such as ranch, barbecue, original, salsa and jalapeno. There are also a variety of brands of sunflower seeds such as David, Spitz and Giant.

2. Practice cracking and eating sunflower seeds in your mouth with just a few seeds at a time. When you get comfortable with this step, move to more seeds at a time.

3. Build up to placing a hand full of seeds into your mouth. Move the seeds to one side of your mouth, and with your tongue, place one seed between your front teeth. Crack the seed with your front teeth and remove the seed with your tongue.

4. Spit the shell out of your mouth and eat the seed. Until you are used to the placement of the seed in this step, you may spit out more than you eat, but you will get used to this over time.

5. Continue this process anytime you are eating sunflower seeds. This technique allows you to continue whatever you are doing and enjoy the seeds at the same time.

Tags: sunflower seeds, your mouth, with your, eating sunflower, eating sunflower seeds

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Substitutes For Chipotle Peppers

Chipotles are smoked red jalapeno peppers.

Chipotle peppers are red jalapeno peppers that have been smoked. They have a characteristic spicy, smokey flavor, and are widely used in many dishes, particularly Spanish, Mexican and Tex-Mex cuisines. Chipotles are sold in many forms, including dried, powder, pickled and canned. Chipotles are not always readily available, and it is often necessary to find a substitute for their heat and flavor.

Hot Peppers

Any type of hot pepper can be used to replace chipotle peppers.

Any hot pepper can be used to replace the heat of the chipotle, such as fresh jalapenos, serranos or poblanos. Dried cayenne pepper or hot sauce would also work. The amount of heat imparted by the peppers can be altered to suit individual tastes: For a milder flavor, remove the inner membrane and seeds and chop the outside of the pepper, and for a stronger heat leave the seeds and membrane intact.

Smoked Peppers

Chipotles are smoked, and though replacing them with another hot pepper will give the correct heat to a dish, the distinct smokey flavor will be missing. A good substitute is another type of smoked hot pepper, such as pasilla de oaxaca. A variety of smoked peppers are available canned, jarred or dried in many supermarkets.

Chipotles in Adobo

Chipotles are often sold canned in adobo, which is an herb and tomato based sauce. A good substitute for this type of chipotle is any of the aforementioned peppers mixed with a steak sauce. This will replicate the flavor and consistency of chipotles in adobo fairly well in a pinch.

Tags: Chipotles smoked, good substitute, jalapeno peppers, pepper used, pepper used replace, smokey flavor, used replace

Make A Beginners Cheese Platter

Cheese platters are an easy and impressive before dinner appetizer or a party snack. There are as many varieties of cheese platters as there are types of cheeses. For your first cheese platter it is a good idea to start with some of the traditional favorites. As you learn the different types and what goes well with what, you can expand your choices. This one will be a simple four cheese platter.


1. Pick your cheeses.

If you have access to a specialty cheese store you will more than likely be able to get good advice from your local Cheesemonger (an expert in different cheeses). If you are shopping in a supermarket cheese section your basic cheese plate should represent each of the different milk types:cow, sheep and goat. Try to get one sharp, one mild, one light and one darker. Research the different flavors before you shop. Arrange the cheese on a plate from mildest to strongest. Remember, the cheese with the stinkiest smell is usually the strongest in flavor! Try to have one knife for each cheese.

2. Garnish the cheese platter:

A lovely cheese platter usually has a centerpiece. A nice cluster of grapes is perfect. Different colored olives in little bowls is a nice touch. Also, dried fruits and nuts of various kinds look nice. Just remember that the cheese is the star of the platter so nothing too fancy.

3. Select the Accompaniments:

Serve crackers that are on the bland side to show off the flavor of the cheese.

Crusty plain bread in thin slices goes well.

Sliced apples, pears and figs also go well with cheeses.

Tags: cheese platter, cheese plate, goes well, well with

Monday, January 25, 2010

Halloween Cupcake Ideas For Children

Candy corn makes fangs and noses for creepy Halloween cupcakes.

Kids can use their creativity while making and decorating scary cupcakes for Halloween. Use a cupcake mix or make batter from scratch. Parents or teachers may need to supervise the baking process, but children can decorate the cupcakes on their own. Food coloring gives butter cream or cream cheese icing a ghastly cast. With a little imagination, ordinary candies can be turned into insect legs or bloodthirsty fangs. These cupcakes may look creepy, but they are sure to provide a tasty treat for a costume party at school or at home.

Spider Cupcakes

Spooky spider cupcakes are easy, even for preschoolers, to put together. Chocolate cupcakes with chocolate icing make an ideal base for spider cupcakes. Strips of licorice embedded in both sides of the cupcake look like creepy crawly spider legs. Thin licorice whips make spindly daddy longlegs, while twisted licorice ropes make substantial arachnid limbs. To give your spider menacing stares, use red-hot candy eyes. Candy corn fangs provide the final touch.

Tentacle Cupcakes

Create a scary alien cupcake with green tentacles. Transform an ordinary cupcake into a creepy treat by tinting vanilla butter cream icing with green food color and cutting pieces of green taffy into long, tapered tentacles. Garnish the tentacle cupcake with a single eye, made from a variety of candies, including gumdrops and swirled hard candies.

Ghost Cupcakes

Make ghost cupcakes that are sure to disappear quickly. Mountains of fluffy marshmallow icing give cupcakes a ghostly appearance. Remove the paper or aluminum wrapper before icing the cupcakes and turn them upside down for a more ghost-like shape. Use a variety of different black candies to make an individual expression on each cupcake.

Jack-O-Lantern Cupcakes

Design an assortment of jack-o'-lantern cupcakes with different expressions. Pumpkin flavor is most appropriate for this kind of cupcake. Ice the top with orange cream cheese icing for a healthy touch. Squeeze small tubes of chocolate icing to draw carved pumpkin faces to delight and scare children.

Witch Cupcakes

Elaborate witch cupcakes can be the focus of a Halloween dessert spread. A drop of green food coloring gives vanilla icing the ghastly look of a witch's skin. Long, stringy licorice hair cascades from under a chocolate ice cream cone hat. Arrange beady eyes above a candy corn nose.

Tags: cupcake with, butter cream, Candy corn, cheese icing, chocolate icing

Highaltitude Baking Guidelines

High altitudes present challenges in baking.

Baking at a level higher than 3,500 feet above sea level can pose some challenges. There is less atmospheric pressure at higher elevations, and this affects cooking in a number of ways. Leavening, such as baking powder, expands more quickly; liquids evaporate faster; and liquids boil at lower temperatures. This leads to fallen or coarse cakes. They might also be undercooked, or dry, or stick to the pan. Yeast is also affected. You can offset these problems by adjusting the recipes and methods used in baking.


1. Reduce the leavening by 1/8 to 1/4 of each teaspoon. The higher the elevation, the more you need to reduce the baking powder or soda. Beat eggs less than you normally would.

2. Reduce the sugar and fat in a cake and increase the liquid to offset the liquid cooking away more quickly at a higher elevation. Reduce the sugar 2 tbsp. per cup and increase the liquid by 2 to 4 tbsp. per cup.

3. Be generous in greasing and flouring your pans to prevent sticking. Fill them no more than half full.

4. Increase the temperature of the oven by 25 degrees and shorten the baking time by 20 percent.

Tags: baking powder, higher elevation, increase liquid, more quickly, Reduce sugar

Make Homemade Chicken Soup From Scratch

Homemade chicken soup is filling, delicious and good for the cold and flu season.

Homemade chicken soup adds warmth during the cold and flu season. Making your own homemade chicken soup, using a crock pot, isn't hard for even a novice cook. A recipe that can be completed by a bachelor, college student or anyone else who lacks kitchen space and time, crock pot chicken soup is delicious and easy. Making homemade chicken soup from scratch gives you the ability to eat well without hassle.


1. Plug in the crock pot and pour in two quarts of water.

2. Place the whole chicken into the crock pot. Use a 2 to 3 lb. fryer.

3. Add the onions and garlic to the pot. Cover it and turn it on its highest setting. Let the chicken, onion and garlic cook in the water in this manner for two hours.

4. Remove the entire chicken, carefully, from the crock pot. Place it on the large platter.

5. Stir the salt and rice into the chicken stock. Add the mixed vegetable combo. Cover and let it simmer for 30 minutes while the chicken cools on the plate.

6. Remove the meat and skin from the bones of the whole chicken after the bird has cooled for 30 minutes. Add the meat and skin to the soup mixture in the crock pot. Discard the bones. Use the chicken skin, because it adds more flavor to your homemade soup--it disintegrates into the stock as it cooks, making a delicious, flavored stock.

7. Turn the crock pot to its lowest setting after adding the chicken and skin to the soup. Let the soup cook for an additional 30 minutes and serve.

Tags: chicken soup, chicken skin, chicken soup, cold season, homemade chicken, meat skin, skin soup

Friday, January 22, 2010

Pros Of Chewing Gum

When you think of chewing gum, you likely do not normally think of health benefits. However, research has suggested many positive effects from chewing gum. The effects will vary person to person, but generally the research indicates gum chewing can help increase concentration, provide stress release, improve memory and even help manage your weight.

Stress Release

Chewing gum, some psychiatrists and psychologists say, can reduce stress and release small amounts of nervous energy. The rhythmic motion of chewing has a euphoric feeling that can help satisfy and relax you --- a potential outlet of energy, reducing frustration and irritation.


Chewing gum has been linked to the increase in memory retention and cognitive abilities. This effect may stem part from the continuous chewing and moving of the jaw, which increases activity in the hippocampus --- the part of the brain responsible for memory. Chewing gum increases glucose levels in the body, which are then picked up by insulin receptors in the hippocampus. Glucose provides extra fuel for the brain and can increase memory.


Managing weight can prove difficult. Chewing gum, which has a low calorie count, can replace snacking for many individuals, and it can reduce the desire for higher-calorie foods. Whether the gum is sugar free or regular, it can help reduce cravings and give you the feeling of fullness. Chewing gum can also help burn some calories --- only about 11 calories per hour, but enough to help reduce the desire for higher-calorie foods.

Oral Health

Chewing gum increases the production of saliva. Increased saliva can not only help reduce heart burn and acid reflux but also increase oral health. More saliva increases the concentration of minerals and antibacterial components that will help remove sugars and food debris from your mouth. Lower levels of sugars and food particles in your mouth and on your teeth mean lower levels of decay-causing acids in your mouth.

Tags: help reduce, your mouth, Chewing increases, desire higher-calorie, desire higher-calorie foods

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jazz Up A Box Of Carrot Cake Mix

Even carrot cake from a mix can be improved with a few simple additions.

Cake mixes are a great convenience, even for the most capable of bakers. Some days it's just not possible to carve out enough time to bake from scratch. Of course, using a cake mix doesn't mean you have to settle for a cake like everyone else's. There are several ways to improve most of the popular cake mix flavors, including carrot cake.


1. Add moisture and flavor to your cake by adding more carrot. Peel a carrot and grate it into your bowl of batter, using the small side of a box grater. The fine shreds of carrot will cook and soften as the cake bakes, and will give it the appearance of being homemade.

2. Add flavors to your cake. A teaspoon of real vanilla extract gives a rich, mellow flavor that complements the spices in the cake. Alternately, a tablespoon or two of molasses will give the cake a richer color and aroma, and complement the cake's warm spices. More spices also could be added. A pinch of cinnamon, allspice, mace or powdered ginger will raise the cake to a different level.

3. Add crushed pineapple to your cake. Crushed pineapple is a common ingredient in many carrot cake recipes, and works just as well in a boxed mix. Carefully drain a half-cup of crushed pineapple, squeezing out any excess moisture. Mix the pineapple into the cake batter, and bake immediately.

4. Substitute two egg yolks for one of the whole eggs called for by the mix. The extra emulsifiers in the second egg yolk will give the cake a finer crumb and richer flavor.

Tags: carrot cake, will give, your cake, give cake, will give cake

Take An Appetizer To A Party

Create scintillating finger foods on festive platters for a guaranteed success. Your host (and the guests) will appreciate it.


1. Call your host a few days before the scheduled party. Ask if there is a particular culinary theme, or a preferred type of appetizer.

2. Search cookbooks and Web sites featuring appetizer and hors d'oeuvre recipes.

3. Focus on finger foods, or dips with crackers or vegetable crudites. Elegant cheese-and-cracker platters are also easy, and are always well-received. All of these options have a low mess factor, and can be easily prepared right before the party.

4. Make enough appetizer pieces to allow each guest at least three pieces. If yours is the only appetizer being served, supply at least five pieces per person.

5. Prepare the dish a few hours before the party, if possible, to ensure maximum freshness. Many dishes can be prepared the night before, while some require last-minute preparation, so use your best judgment.

6. Arrange the hors d'oeuvres on a festive platter. Bring extras in a sealed airtight container, and remember to keep the platter refilled throughout the party.

Tags: before party, finger foods

Lift An Omelet Out Of A Pan

Omelets should be lifted carefully from the pan and transferred to the plate.

Omelets, or beaten eggs filled with cheese, meat or vegetables, are usually cooked in a pan using oil or butter. After cooking the omelet, lifting it out of the pan properly is a must in order to maintain the shape and keep it from losing some of its contents. Lifting an omelet from a pan is a simple process. All it requires is a fork, a plate and a little know-how.


1. Fold the omelet over to finish the cooking process. Shift the pan up 45 degrees and tap the pan handle a few times to move the omelet to the opposite end of the pan.

2. Take a fork in your free hand and push the tongs of the fork beneath the edges of the omelet. Lift up slightly with the fork to keep the omelet from sticking.

3. Set the fork down and pick up a plate with your free hand. Remove the pan from the heat. Hold the plate and pan so that both objects tilt toward each other. Position the pan so that it slightly overlaps one edge of the plate.

4. Lift the pan sideways and then move the pan away from the plate. The omelet should slide onto the plate.

5. If the omelet remains partially on the pan, tilt the pan toward the plate and shake it gently to help slide the omelet forward. Use the fork to arrange the omelet on the plate as desired.

Tags: your free hand, free hand, omelet from, plate omelet, tilt toward, your free

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bake Frozen Fruit Pies

At harvest time, bakers prepare and freeze pies to preserve the bounty of the most flavorful fruit of the season, but when the time to serve the pie comes, how can a frozen pie be baked to taste best? Properly freezing the pies only sets the stage to ensure the best results in the finished dessert after baking. After freezing, frozen fruit pies bake the same, but pre-baked pies also can be frozen and reheated in the oven.


1. Place the bottom pie crust into the pie tin. Beat the egg white and brush the pie crust with the egg white to seal in the pores and prevent sogginess. Fill the pie crust with the fruit filling and top with the top layer of pie crust, if making a double layer pie. Tightly wrap the unbaked pie in at least two layers of plastic wrap, write the date on the outer wrap and place the whole pie into the freezer. Save the pie, unbaked for up to three months.

2. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Remove the pie from the freezer after the oven preheats and unwrap the pie. Do not thaw unbaked pies before cooking.

3. Place the oven thermometer inside the oven to ensure the accuracy of the oven calibration. Place the pie tin into the oven on the center rack and bake for 15 minutes at 425 degrees F. Lower the temperature of the oven to 375 degrees F and continue to bake for an additional 45 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove the pie from the oven and let it cool before serving.

4. Bake pies and allow them to cool completely before wrapping whole pies in two to three layers of plastic wrap to place in the freezer. Avoid reheating pre-cooked pies in the oven, if possible, as freezing a baked pie changes its texture.

5. Completely thaw a pre-baked pie by removing it from the freezer and placing it on the counter for three hours prior to reheating. Use an oven thermometer to preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Place the pie in the preheated oven for 15 to 20 minutes to brown and crisp the crust. Remove to cool slightly before cutting and serving.

Tags: oven degrees, crust with, from freezer, layers plastic, layers plastic wrap, oven thermometer, plastic wrap

Microwave Sweet Popcorn

Make delicious sweet popcorn in the microwave with this recipe.

Sweet popcorn is widely known as kettle corn. It was a treat made as far back as Colonial times. Dried corn kernels, or popcorn, were cooked with a small amount of lard in an iron kettle over a wood fire. Once popped, a sweetener, such as sugar, honey or molasses, was added to the popcorn before being sprinkled with salt. Kettle corn is often found at fairs and festivals, though it is possible to make your own kettle corn at home in the microwave either by purchasing microwave kettle corn offered by brands such as Jolly Time, Act II or Prime Time or by using this method.


1. Pop the microwave popcorn according to package instructions. You will need to pop the bags one at a time. Once popped, pour the popcorn in a large, stainless steel bowl and place the bowl in the oven turned on to the "warm," or lowest possible setting.

2. Make the sweet syrup by melting the butter in a medium-sized saucepan on medium-low heat. Add the water and the sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil and allow to boil for 3 minutes.

3. Remove the butter-sugar mixture from the heat. Pull the popcorn out of the oven. Working carefully, pour half the mixture over the popcorn in a slow drizzle. Stir the popcorn with a wooden spoon to distribute the coating. Repeat the process one more time with the rest of the butter-sugar mixture.

4. Cool the popcorn slightly. Taste for seasonings and adjust as necessary, especially if you started with a low-salt or salt-free microwave popcorn.

Tags: butter-sugar mixture, kettle corn, microwave popcorn, Once popped

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dehydrate Fruit Using The Microwave Oven

Fruit is a healthy snack, but in some situations, dehydrated fruit is more convenient than fresh fruit. Traditional fruit dehydration is done outdoors, in a regular oven or inside a dehydrating machine. The microwave is not the best method for dehydrating fruit because the high temperatures can cause the fruit to burn, but with some patience, microwave fruit dehydration can be accomplished.


Dehydrate Fruit Using the Microwave Oven

1. Wash your fruit using either soap and water or a veggie spray.

2. Dry the fruit so that there is no water on the outside of the skin or rind.

3. Use a sharp knife to thinly slice the fruit into small pieces.

4. Lay the pieces of sliced fruit on paper towels to soak up extra moisture. Also press paper towels on top of the fruit to remove any excess juice and speed up the dehydration process.

5. Place several pieces of fruit on a microwave safe tray that allows for air circulation above and below the fruit. A ridged bacon cooking tray works well.

6. Cook the fruit on the defrost setting at intervals of 5 to 10 minutes until the fruit is dehydrated.

7. Remove the fruit from the microwave and place it on a wire rack for a few hours to finish the dehydration process. The fruit will be flexible and soft, but not juicy.

8. Store the finished fruit in airtight plastic or glass containers.

Tags: Dehydrate Fruit, Dehydrate Fruit Using, dehydration process, fruit dehydration, Fruit Using, Fruit Using Microwave

Make Homemade Cottage Cheese From Raw Milk

The taste of homemade cottage cheese is like night and day when compared to the pasteurized version found in the dairy aisle of your grocery market. There are cultures in raw milk that add flavor that cannot be reproduced by processing chemicals. In the United States, pasteurization is a mandatory process for commercial dairy products. However, you can find raw milk at most dairy farms or organic food stores. Creating cottage cheese is a fairly simple process with few ingredients, and it only takes a few hours to complete. But once you make your own, it will be hard to return to the store-bought version.


1. Heat 1 quart of whole raw milk in a medium-size saucepan over low heat. Use a candy thermometer to gauge the temperature. You do not want to boil the milk, only heat it. Let it reach 85 F, but don't allow it to become any hotter.

2. Turn off the heat. When the thermometer reads 85 F, turn off the heat and stir in the rennet. Rennet is available in many varieties as both a liquid and solid. Liquid animal rennet is recommended for this recipe, though if you only have access to solid rennet, you may be able to experiment with it. Rennet is an enzyme that comes from the stomach of calf or lamb and is principally responsible for the curdling of the cheese. Rennet has been used for centuries in cheeses, and it is completely safe to consume. Stir the rennet and milk for 2 minutes.

3. Place a clean towel over the pan, and secure in place with the lid. Move the pan to the back burner or the counter; somewhere where it will not be disturbed. Allow it to sit at room temperature in this manner for 4 hours.

4. Make hash marks in the set milk. At this point your milk and rennet should be set and somewhat spongy. Use a knife to cut diagonal slices into the solid, and then cut in the opposite direction to make a checkerboard effect. Dust with ½ tsp salt, and return the pan to low heat.

5. Cook, while stirring, for 2 to 3 minutes or until a curd is formed. You will know that this has happened when you start to see individual pieces form inside the pan, this is the curd separating from the whey.

6. Line a strainer fitted over a large bowl with a double-folded piece of cheesecloth. Slowly pour the curdle mixture into the strainer and allow it to drain most of the liquid. You can pour this liquid down the sink or use it for other purposes (if you have purposes for milk whey).

7. Tie or fold together the ends of the cheesecloth around the curds and, keeping it inside of the strainer above the bowl, transfer to the refrigerator and allow to strain and chill for 1 hour. Stir the mixture every 20 minutes or so to loosen up the curds and help drain more of the whey.

8. Transfer the curds to a bowl. They should be pretty solid at this point. Stir in ¼ to 1/3 cup cream or half and half depending on your viscosity preference. Scoop into a serving bowl, and enjoy with jam, fruit, or as is.

Tags: cottage cheese, this point

Monday, January 18, 2010

Pickle Peppers In Small Batches

Used pickled peppers in cheese sandwiches to add a fresh taste.

Add pickled peppers to your sandwiches as a light, sweet ingredient or simply eat them plain. Though pickling calls to mind large batches of food, you can make a small batch of peppers whenever you feel like having a snack. Pickling both preserves and sweetens the peppers and it is ideal when you have a large number of peppers on hand.


1. Cut the tops from the peppers by sliding the tip of the knife into the pepper 1 inch from the stem and cutting in a circle around the stem.

2. Remove the inner core and the seeds by pulling off the top and reaching your fingers inside to scrape out the seeds.

3. Rinse the peppers thoroughly in water.

4. Cut the peppers into strips about ½ inch wide using a sharp knife. If the peppers are 1 inch or smaller, skip this step and pickle them whole.

5. Place the pickles into a large jar, leaving about 1 inch of headroom at the top of the jar.

6. Pour 1 cup of of vinegar, ½ cup of water and 1 cup of sugar into a pot. You can reduce or increase this amount so long as the proportions remain consistent.

7. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon.

8. Remove the pot from the heat.

9. Pour the hot mixture over the peppers in the jar slowly, filling the jar to the lip.

10. Screw the lid onto the jar tightly.

11. Place the jar in the refrigerator for 24 hours. After 24 hours, the pickles are ready to eat.

Tags: about inch, pickled peppers

Can Greens

Canning fresh produce is an inexpensive way to have vegetables from your garden all year long. Greens can be everything from spinach, kale, collard, turnip greens and more. You'll know which ones you prefer to can, since some greens are more bitter than others.


Preparing Greens

1. Wash the greens completely. You'll want to make sure you wash off all the dirt from the greens.

2. Discard large, tough stems. You want to look for wilted and discolored leaves, so you can discard the defective greens. You want to keep only the tender, attractive leaves for canning.

3. Heat greens until wilted. You can turn the greens when steam rises around the pan's edges to keep them from sticking.

4. Cut greens into segments.

Canning Greens

5. Pack hot greens into hot jars. You'll want to leave an inch of headspace.

6. Add salt to jars. You'll want to measure out 1/2 teaspoon salt for pints and 1 teaspoon for quarts.

7. Pour boiling water over greens. Make sure you still have an inch of headspace in the jars.

8. Remove air bubbles. Using a wooden spoon, you'll want to press on the greens to release air bubbles trapped in the jars.

9. Wipe the jar's tops and threads with a damp, clean cloth. Secure the two-piece lids onto the jars.

10. Process jars in steam-pressure canner. You want to set it for one hour and ten minutes for the pints, or one hour and thirty minutes for quarts at ten pounds of pressure.

Tags: greens into, greens more, inch headspace, jars want

Friday, January 15, 2010

Use Himalayan Salt On Food

Himalayan salt is most commonly used in bath salts or beauty products rather than in foods, because table salt is easily and inexpensively found. However, Himalayan salt can be used for any culinary purpose. It is usually found in coarse crystal or "rock" form. Break up the crystals in a salt grinder or mill, and use the salt as you would use table salt: in baking, cooking, or sprinkling raw on vegetables, popcorn or pretzels.


1. Purchase finely ground or coarse granulated Himalayan salt. Use the finely ground salt directly in any salt shaker and in any recipe. The taste is nearly identical to regular table salt, and you will not jeopardize the flavor or quality of any of your favorite foods or recipes.

2. Grind coarse granulated salt in a salt grinder. The crystals are too large to be used for cooking unless they are ground or diluted in broth or water.

3. Break up the crystals. Unlike table salt, Himalayan salt does not contain anti-clumping agents to allow it to flow smoothly out of a salt shaker. If it starts to clump, lightly rap the shaker or container against a surface until the clumps separate and the salt flows freely.

Tags: table salt, Himalayan salt, Break crystals, coarse granulated, finely ground, salt grinder

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Color An Egg Yolk

Color egg yolks to make an edible paint for colorful pastries.

Make some egg yolk colors to paint designs on plain sugar cookies. Egg yolks have been used as a binder for paint for centuries, but with appropriate food coloring dyes, you can create "cookie paints" that are not only safe to eat, but a healthier alternative to sugar icing. You will need to learn separate the yolk from the egg white, since the whites aren't thick enough to hold the paint together.


1. Tap the middle of an egg on the edge of a bowl to crack it. Turn it so that you are holding one end upright and break the egg in half gently with your fingers. The yellow yolk is in the bottom half of the shell. Hold the halves over the bowl and carefully drop the yolk back and forth between the halves of the shell to let the egg white fall into the bowl. Separate one egg for each different color that you need.

2. Drop each yolk into a separate cup. Then, add 1/4 tsp. of water to each cup and stir the water and yolk thoroughly.

3. Add six drops of food coloring to each cup, or three drops of two different primary colors to make a secondary color, such as blue and red to make purple. Combine the colors into the egg and water mixture to get an even color. Dip a soft, clean paintbrush into the yolk paints and paint designs on unbaked sugar cookies.

Tags: food coloring, paint designs, sugar cookies

Christmas Cake Icing Designs

Creating your own Christmas cake with icing designs can be fun. You can use icing to create gift cakes, holiday flower cakes and tiered cupcake arrangements. Using icing to decorate cakes is an activity the entire family can enjoy.


1. Use a template for holiday messages and themes. Icing templates can be used to add holiday messages to your Christmas cake. Templates are available in a variety of themes including snow people, Santa and snowflakes.

2. Use poinsettia icing flowers. Use a #366 leaf tip to create poinsettia icing flowers on the cake. Use the same leaf tip and add a few green leaves behind the red leaves to create a realistic effect.

3. Use icing to create a gift cake. Ice the cake white and create a ribbon effect on the cake with red or green icing. Add a real bow to the top of the cake to finish it.

4. Create icing designs on tiered cupcakes. Fill a tiered cake stand with cupcakes iced white. Use icing to create a poinsettia flower on the top of each cupcake. Decorate the area around the cake stand with real poinsettia leaves.

5. Use red, white and green icing colors.

6. Decorate the cake with festive red bows.

Tags: cake with, icing create, your Christmas cake, cake stand, cake stand with, Christmas cake, create gift

Make Toaster Pastries

Have fond memories of Pop-Tarts, but know that they're full of preservatives and too expensive? Using just a bit of jelly and some pie dough, you can fill your freezer with your own made-ahead breakfast treats. Makes four pastries.


1. Make pie dough; if you don't have your own recipe, see "Make Piecrust Dough" in Related eHows.

2. Roll dough into a ?-inch-thick oblong that measures about 10 by 12 inches.

3. Lightly sprinkle sugar on dough and fold in half to make a 5 by 12-inch rectangle.

4. Use sharp knife to cut along fold, making two equal halves.

5. With halves still together, cut dough into fourths, making eight 3 by 5-inch squares (four on one half and four on the other).

6. Take one square and spread it with any type of jelly or jam.

7. Place another square on top of jellied square.

8. Use a fork to seal edges by gently pushing tines into edges and sliding off edge of dough.

9. Prick top of pastry with fork for vent holes.

10. Bake (as for pie dough) on lightly greased cookie sheet until edges just turn light brown.

11. Cool, wrap in plastic wrap and store in a container in freezer.

12. Pop in toaster or microwave when ready to eat.

Tags: dough into

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pick Chili Cookoff Prizes

Chili cookoffs are delicious fun, and organizing such an event is a great way to bring the community together. Add to the friendly sense of competition by awarding prizes to the winners. Pick chili cookoff prizes that appeal to everyone, from the novice chili chef to the seasoned--no pun intended--champ.


1. Think about the contestants in the chili cookoff. Find prizes that people of all ages and interests will like.

2. Decide how many prizes you are going to award. Some judges give prizes for first, second and third place only, while other judges offer prizes for different chili "categories."

3. Create a prize hierarchy. Choose a bigger, more valuable prize for the first-place winner.

4. Ask local businesses to donate prizes for the chili cookoff. If your cookoff is for charity, the businesses can write their donations off at tax time. Consider soliciting prizes from restaurants that serve chili, gourmet food stores that offer nice chili powder or gift shops that sell chili-pepper holiday lights.

5. Publicize the prizes when you send out information about your chili cookoff. People are more likely to compete if they know they can win, for example, $200 in restaurant gift certificates.

6. Label all prizes clearly on the day of the cookoff. Set up a table that displays the prizes, so that competitors know what items they can win.

Tags: chili cookoff, prizes that

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Edible Cake Toppers

Edible Cake Toppers

Cakes have been used for every event or celebration from weddings and birthdays to company launches and corporate meetings. Edible cake toppers offer that unique touch that makes the event that much more special. They are so diverse in shape, size and substance that they are suited for any occasion.


Cake toppers are decorations that sit on top of a cake for enhanced aesthetic value.


Edible cake toppers are unique because--unlike some other cake toppers--they are made of hard sugar or fondant, and they are okay to eat.


Edible cake toppers can potentially be used for any occasion, ranging from weddings to birthday parties, Easter to Halloween, baby showers, and national to religious holidays.


Many edible cake toppers include multiple different foods in addition to the sugar or fondant. The most common are colored sprinkles, M&Ms, candy pieces, chocolate syrup, and nuts. These are generally added for additional aesthetic value, whether it be part of a design or simply to liven the piece up.

Photographic Toppers

Some companies offer to take a submitted photo and print it out on icing sheets (also called frosting sheets) for you to place on a cake as a topper. Icing sheets and edible inks can also be purchased for home printing use. Additionally, photo cake toppers can be handmade with rice paper.

Tags: Edible cake toppers, aesthetic value, cake toppers, Edible cake, from weddings, sugar fondant

White Rice Vs Jasmine Rice

White Rice vs. Jasmine Rice

Jasmine rice is a flavorful, aromatic alternative to traditional white rice. Jasmine rice can enhance any meal or can be eaten all by itself as a healthy snack.


True jasmine rice comes from Thailand.


While both white rice and jasmine rice are long-grain, jasmine has a slightly stickier texture when cooked and possesses a nutty flavor. Jasmine's most recognizable trait is its floral scent.


Jasmine rice is available in white or brown varieties. The brown version simply retains its husk. Brown jasmine takes longer to cook and has a higher fiber content.


Both jasmine and white rice have approximately 0.6 grams of dietary fiber per serving. Both are sources of iron, niacin, and thiamine. However, white rice lacks jasmine's selenium, which plays a role in a wide range of body functions.


White rice is easier to prepare than jasmine rice. While it can be boiled, jasmine rice is best served steamed, which gives it a fluffier, lighter texture.

Tags: jasmine rice, Rice Jasmine, white rice, Jasmine rice, White Rice, White Rice Jasmine

Walmart Information

Wal-Mart is a well-known retailer that has store locations in countries all around the world. It is considered to be one of the largest retailers in the world along with being one of the largest companies in the world.


Wal-Mart is the creation of a retail store entrepreneur from Arkansas named Sam Walton. The first Wal-Mart store was opened in Rogers, Ark. in 1962. Walton created Wal-Mart Stores, incorporated officially on October 31, 1969.


According to the Public Broadcasting System, Wal-Mart sells product to over 100 million shoppers every week in the United States alone. The computer system used by Wal-Mart to coordinate their business is larger than the Pentagon's computer system.


In 2007, Wal-Mart gave over $270 million USD in charitable cash donations to organizations in the United States. This made Wal-Mart the largest corporate cash charity donor in the nation.


Wal-Mart currently has approximately 900,000 employed in the United States. Only the federal government hires more people. However, Wal-Mart is forced to continually hire upwards of 500,000 people each year to make up for turnover and corporate expansion.


Nearly 8 out of every 10 items for sale in a Wal-Mart store were manufactured in a third world country.

Tags: United States, computer system, over million, Wal-Mart store

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Best Diy Making Bridal Bouquets With Silks

A silk bridal bouquet can last forever as a keepsake of your special day.

There are many benefits to using silk flowers in your bridal bouquet instead of fresh flowers. Silk flowers will last forever, allowing you to always have a "fresh" reminder of your wedding day. Silk flowers are a good choice if members of the wedding party have allergies. Some fresh flower varieties are only available at certain times of the year, whereas silk can be purchased at any time. Silk flowers are more durable and can be used to make the bouquet months ahead of the big day.


1. Remove the leaves from the stems of 20 silk roses using wire cutters. Wrap each stem individually with floral tape, starting just under the bloom to the tip of the stem.

2. Clip the flowers from two to three silk stephanotis sprays. Cut an 8- to 10-inch length of 22-gauge floral wire for each blossom. Fashion a small hook on one end of the wire. Thread the straight end of the wire through the center of a stephanotis bloom. Pull the wire through the flower until the hook catches in the flower's center. Glue a pearl bead in the center of the flower to cover the hook, using a hot glue gun. Wire each flower in this manner. Wrap each wire stem with floral tape.

3. Clip 15 to 20 silk grape leaves from their stems leaving a half-inch stub at the base of each leaf. Cut 15 to 20 pieces of wire, 10 to 12 inches in length. Thread one end of a wire through the material at the base of a leaf, passing it past the leaf's center and back through the material. Push two inches of the wire through the leaf, and then bend the wire ends so they are pointing down. Wrap the entire wire with floral tape. Repeat this process for each grape leaf.

4. Arrange the roses into a tight dome-shaped bouquet. Hold the blossoms in one hand and use the other hand to add the flowers one by one. Hold two roses together with their stems crossed at a 45-degree angle two to three inches below the blooms. Rotate the roses slightly and add another bloom, with its stem crossing the others in the same manner. Continue to rotate the flower bundle, adding roses and occasionally a stephanotis bloom. Stop occasionally to check your work and make adjustments.

5. Layer the grape leaves in a collar around the flowers. Position the leaves one by one, bending the wire stems as needed to create a framing effect. Twist a rubber band tightly around the arranged stems, one to two inches below the tops.

6. Trim the ends of the stems with wire cutters until they are an even length. Cut a 24-inch piece of 2½-inch satin ribbon. Lay the bouquet on a flat surface and position the center of the ribbon at the top of the stems. Wrap the ribbon around the stems in a crisscross manner until the stems are completely encased. Wrap the ribbon over the ends of the stems and crisscross the ribbon around the stems two to three more times, moving upward. Cut off the excess ribbon and secure the ends with three to four pearl-headed corsage pins.

Tags: wire through, floral tape, Silk flowers, with floral, with floral tape, around stems, bridal bouquet

Make Sweet Onion Marmalade

Sweet onion marmalade, made with delicious onions and tangy Granny Smith apples, is luscious served with juicy steak, pork or chicken. Give this unusual spread a try on some hot pizza or a slice of hot and crusty bread. It's bound to be a huge success. Sweet onion marmalade is low-fat and healthy, too.


1. Place the extra virgin olive oil in a saute pan and heat it over medium heat.

2. Add the sweet onions and the mustard seed and, stirring occasionally, cook the mixture until the onions are tender and golden, approximately 10 minutes.

3. Stir in the chicken or vegetable broth and the apple juice, and with the heat turned to high, bring the mixture to a boil. Add the diced apples, salt, freshly ground pepper and ground allspice, and stir the mixture until the ingredients are completely blended.

4. Turn the heat down to medium-low and simmer the sweet onion marmalade uncovered for approximately 12 minutes, until the apples are soft.

5. Remove the mixture from the heat and mix in the fresh parsley.

6. Place the mixture in a sealed container and store it in the refrigerator for up to a week. Serve the sweet onion marmalade at room temperature.

Tags: onion marmalade, approximately minutes, mixture until, sweet onion, sweet onion marmalade

Friday, January 8, 2010

Prepare Scallops

This article will discuss the differences between bay and sea scallops. In this article we will focus on the larger, more versatile sea scallops and provide a recipe for Asian seared scallops in orange ginger sauce. This recipe is designed to serve four people.


1. Understanding the difference between the two types of scallops. In the typical American grocery store, there are almost always two types of scallops to choose from: bay scallops and sea scallops. The names are not deceiving at all. They accurately describe exactly where each of these shellfish come from. The sea scallops (usually an inch and a half or so in diameter) are fished from relatively far off the coast. The bay scallops (sometimes as small as a quarter-inch in diameter) are usually fished from near the coast and are often from bay areas. Both are delicious and easy to prepare and serve different purposes. The sea scallops are best when featured on there own as a main dish, while the bay scallops are best utilized as an ingredient in a dish.

2. Searing the scallops. When cooking sea scallops, the first and most important rule to remember is temperature: keep it high. Sea scallops cooked at a medium or low temperature will be rubbery and unpleasant. They will also exude an unappetizing milky liquid when cooked at too low of a temperature, which will really interfere with making any kind of sauce for them. Start with a large sauté pan with two tablespoons of olive oil at a high heat. To prep the scallops, coat both sides of each scallop in the mustard, then dip each side in the sesame seeds and set aside on a nearby plate. The best way to do this is to have the mustard and seeds in dishes side by side and prep the scallops like an assembly line. Once the scallops are ready and the oil is shimmering and hot, place each scallop in gently. At this heat, they will cook quickly, but don't fuss with them while they're searing. Otherwise the coating on either side won't be the perfect golden brown you want. After three minutes, check the doneness on the first side and begin to flip carefully with a tongs. Finish sautéing the other side and set them aside on a plate. You will need to do these in two or three batches, so keep the plate covered with aluminum foil to keep them warm.

3. Making the sauce. Don't wash that pan! Once the scallops are done, lower the heat to medium and add 1 cup of rice wine vinegar to the pan and stir the bottom with a wooden spoon to loosen any brown bits. Add the marmalade and ginger root and a pinch of salt to taste. Let the sauce simmer for a minute. Plate the scallops either family style (all on one large dish for your guests to help themselves) or plate four scallops to a plate individually. Finish by pouring the sauce over the top of the scallops and sprinkle a pinch of sesame seeds on top to garnish. Serve with jasmine rice and steamed asparagus with butter.

Tags: article will, each scallop, fished from, from scallops, Once scallops, prep scallops, scallops best

Make Shielding Lotion

A rich shielding lotion protects and softens dry skin.

Shielding lotion protects and moisturizes dry skin because it creates a barrier over the skin on which it is applied. This barrier-action is made possible thanks to the ingredients within the lotion's formula. Knowing make your own shielding lotion at home serves as a cost-friendly way to introduce it to your skincare regimen without having to purchase expensive commercial formulas. You can also take control of the ingredients you use in your homemade recipe.


1. Add the assorted oils, butter and distilled water to one of the 2-qt. glass bowls. These particular carrier oils are heavier in nature, which leave barriers on your skin. You can use a floral distillate instead of distilled water. Floral distillates, or hydrosols, are distilled waters with the fragrance and essence of botanical matter. These materials, with the other ingredients in this recipe, can be obtained from craft supply vendors.

2. Add the wax to the other 2-qt. glass bowl. Microwave each bowl separately for four minutes each. This assures that the contents of each bowl is hot. The wax must be melted into liquid and the water and oil solution must be hot.

3. Insert the beaters of the hand mixer into the water and oil solution. Turn the mixer on low.

4. Drizzle the melted wax into the water and oil solution slowly as you beat the contents. Increase the speed to high once the wax is poured into the bowl entirely. Beat the contents of the bowl for five continuous minutes. This makes a frothy and white mixture.

5. Pour the creamy mixture into the container you have chosen. A lotion bottle is suitable. Leave the top off and allow the lotion to cool to room temperature. It will thicken into a rich and velvety cream once it is cooled.

Tags: water solution, 2-qt glass, distilled water, each bowl, into water

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Clean A Trout

If you plan on going fishing, and then eating the fish that you catch, then you are going to need to know clean the fish. Keep reading to learn clean a trout.


1. Set up your area. You want to have your cutting board near your source of running water and your garbage pail near by. All of your tools should be within arm's reach. If you can set up your cleaning station outside, such as on a picnic table, with a hose near by, this would be a great place with one of the easiest cleanups, since you would be outside. You can keep the fish that you have caught in a bucket filled with water until you are ready to clean. If you are going to keep the fish alive like this, then you will want to chop the head off before scaling the fish to be humane.

2. Clean the trout.

3. Use your scaling knife to remove all of the scales from your trout, on both sides, while you firmly hold the fish. Rinse the trout as you do this so that you can see any scales that you may have missed.

4. Use the other knife to remove the head of the fish. Make sure that you cleanly remove the head and then throw it into the garbage pail.

5. Remove the guts from inside the fish with your hand or a spoon and throw them in the garbage pail as well.

6. Remove the spine and the tissue that you will see by the spine with your thumb or a spoon and throw this in the garbage pail.

7. Place the fish in a storage bag, write the date on the bag with a permanent marker, and store the fish in the freezer to keep fresh until you are ready to prepare for a meal.

Tags: garbage pail, fish that, keep fish, knife remove, near your

Freeze Ricotta Cheese

Freezing ricotta cheese will change its character, but frozen cheese is still usable.

Ricotta cheese does not take kindly to being frozen. This type of baking and cooking cheese is commonly used in Italian dishes including lasagna and cannolis. Ricotta cheese is sold in portions which may be too big for your meal. Freezing the ricotta cheese will not spoil it, but it will change its texture. Gourmet chefs will not freeze ricotta cheese, but the average homemaker on a budget may successfully freeze cheese for future use.


1. Freeze ricotta cheese when it's the whole milk version. The fat in the whole milk version will help keep some of the creaminess in the cheese. Use an airtight container and seal the cheese well.

2. Label the containers of frozen ricotta cheese with the date it was frozen. Use within two months of the freezing date.

3. Bake meals with ricotta cheese and then freeze dinner sized portions of the food. The baked ricotta cheese will hold up best when stored in a freezer.

4. Use and store extra ricotta cheese by making fruity cream pops. Blend fresh berries, sugar, ricotta cheese and lemon and pour into molds, adding a popsicle stick.

5. Thaw the frozen ricotta cheese in the refrigerator. Heating up the cheese or microwaving it will make the texture even more far removed from its original state. Leaving the dairy product on the counter will risk spoiling it.

6. Stir in the liquid which has separated from the cheese. Do not pour the liquid out.

7. Use the defrosted ricotta cheese in a dish where it is one of the many ingredients, not the main component. Add weight and texture back to the cheese when baking it in stuffed shells or lasagna by stirring breadcrumbs into the cheese.

Tags: ricotta cheese, ricotta cheese, cheese will, ricotta cheese will, cheese when, Freezing ricotta