Monday, August 31, 2009

Cook Cactus Pads

Prickly pear cactus grows wild in hot, dry desert areas across the United States.

One look at the barbed spines of a prickly pear cactus wouldn't suggest that any part of the formidable plant is edible, but once the thorny skin is removed from the fleshy leaves, a tasty and nutritious pad is revealed. The thick pad, also known as nopalito, is a versatile, sweet, low calorie fruit suitable for use in a variety of dishes, including jams, jellies, candy, soups, salads and pickles.


1. Purchase firm, green, unblemished cactus pads that have already been de-spined. Although availability varies, fresh cactus pads are generally available between June and mid-December. Handle cactus pads with care in case a few small spines remain. If you harvest your own cactus pads from prickly pear cactus, wear protective gloves.

2. Place the cactus pad on a firm surface such as a cutting board. Hold one end of the pad steady with a fork, then use a sharp vegetable peeler or paring knife to remove the spines, tough areas and rough edges. Rinse the cactus pads with cool water, then cut the pads into chunks or slices. Sometimes pads are left whole, depending on the recipe.

3. Steam cactus pads for use in a variety of dishes, including tortillas and egg dishes. Steamed cactus pads are also a suitable substitute in recipes calling for spinach, broccoli, or other green vegetables. When cooled, steamed cactus pads may be added to a tossed green salad. To steam cactus pads, fill a saucepan with cool water and add salt to taste. Add the cactus pads to the cool water, then bring the water to a boil. Steam the pads for 5 to 15 minutes, or until the pads are tender when poked with a fork. Don't overcook, as overcooking may make the pads tough and slimy.

4. Saute' cactus pads in a frying pan with oil or butter and serve the pads as a side dish. Sauteed cactus pads are also incorporated into soup, chili or other dishes, or chopped and used as a baked potato topper.

Tags: cactus pads, cool water, pear cactus, cactus pads, cactus pads also, cactus pads with

Friday, August 28, 2009

Celery And Olive Salad

Celery and olive salad is tasty and nutritious and a great option for a barbecue party.

Salads are a great way to introduce fresh vegetables to your diet. Vegetables are low calorie foods that contain lots of essential vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. Vegetables are also a good source of fiber while being a filling and a tasty addition to your meal. According to the "Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010," diets built around fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains and healthy oils help in disease prevention, weight control and maintaining overall good health. Celery and olive salad with raisins and apple is a tasty snack, lunch or a side dish for your dinner.


1. Start by chopping two medium stalks of celery and one large apple into small pieces. Add these to a large bowl and mix together.

2. Shred a cabbage until you have around one cup and add this to the bowl with the apple and celery and mix.

3. Open a small can of seedless olives and drain the liquid. Cut the whole olives into smaller pieces and mix in with the vegetables. Also add 2 tbsp. of seedless raisins to the bowl and mix.

4. Make the dressing by adding 3 tbsp. of light mayonnaise, 1 tbsp. sugar and 1 tbsp. white wine vinegar to the bowl and mix all ingredients together uniformly.

5. Add salt, pepper and dried basil to your taste and refrigerate anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour before serving. There is around 225 calories in one serving; this recipe serves two.

Tags: Celery olive, Celery olive salad, fresh vegetables

Is Vodka Sauce Okay For Glutenfree Diets

Vodka sauce blends cream and vodka with tomato sauce for a hearty, gluten-free dish.

Gluten-free diets have become more common in recent years due to the rise in awareness about celiac disease. A gluten-free diet prohibits foods with the protein gluten, including wheat, barley and rye. Gluten is often included in foods as an additive for thickening, even if the food is not a traditional wheat product, like bread or pasta. It is vital to always read labels, but most prepared vodka sauces do not contain gluten.

Vodka Sauce Ingredients

Vodka sauce is simply a marinara, or tomato, sauce blended with cream and vodka. A typical recipe for vodka sauce includes 4 cups of prepared marinara, 1 cup of vodka and 1/2 cup of heavy cream, plus grated Parmesan cheese for thickening, per 1 lb. of pasta. It is always wise to inspect the label of your marinara sauce, but it should include little more than tomatoes and seasoning. With Parmesan cheese to thicken it, vodka sauce is safe for gluten-free diets.

Prepared Vodka Sauces

Most national brands of prepared pasta sauces offer a gluten-free vodka sauce, including Bertolli, Classico, Emeril's and Rao's Homemade. Newman's Own contains nonfat dried milk, which is gluten-free in its own right, but there is a risk of cross-contamination in the factory. Its presence in the sauce is miniscule, but may still cause a reaction.

Pitfall: Pasta

Although vodka sauce is safe for gluten-free diets, the pasta over which it is served is not. The semolina or wheat flour used to make pasta is highly glutenous. Look for a pasta product labeled "gluten-free," or use an alternative like rice, quinoa, polenta or spaghetti squash.

More on Gluten-free Diets

Gluten hides in many foods that do not appear to be wheat or grain products. People with celiac disease and those who avoid gluten for other health reasons should avoid foods that contain the following: barley, bulgur, durham, farina, graham flour, kamut, matzo meal, rye, semolina, spelt, triticale and wheat. Other possible contaminants from the factory are not listed in the ingredients, but should appear under the label "allergens." Reading labels is the best measure for avoiding hidden gluten.

Tags: celiac disease, cream vodka, foods that, gluten Vodka, gluten Vodka Sauce

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Send Unusual Gifts Through The Mail

If you are planning to send an oddly shaped gift to a friend or family member, then you will need to follow the U.S. Postal Service's specific guidelines for packing such objects. You can ship almost any unusually shaped object--such as a basketball or a spiky piece of art--but it must be packaged properly.


1. Select a shipping box that is large enough for both the object you want to send and "for cushioning material around the contents," the U.S. Postal Service advises. You can recycle an old box, but remove old labels or use a permanent black marker to cross out the information on them.

2. Fill the space around the object you wish to ship with packing materials such as newspaper, packing peanuts, air-filled plastic pillows or bubble wrap. Wrap the item in bubble wrap before placing it in the box if it is fragile. Pack enough material in the box so the item you are shipping does not move or only moves slightly.

3. Seal the box by taping it closed and taping all the seams of the box with packing tape that is two inches wide. "Use clear or brown packaging tape, reinforced packing tape or paper tape. Do not use cord, string or twine because they get caught in mail processing equipment," the U.S. Postal Service advises.

Tags: Postal Service, bubble wrap, packing tape, Postal Service advises, Service advises, with packing

Homemade Seafood Sauce

Seafood can range in taste from mild to extremely pungent. While seafood can be served plain or seasoned simply with salt, pepper or lemon juice, some diners like to enjoy it with a sauce. Seafood sauce can be made in a variety of flavors and served alongside seafood as a condiment for dipping or mixed together with the seafood and served atop pasta or rice.


A tomato-based seafood sauce is a staple recipe because it can go with just about any type of seafood, especially shrimp and shellfish. Add two 28-oz. cans of crushed or diced tomatoes into a food processor. Process until the tomatoes are smooth. Drizzle 2 tbsp. olive oil into a saucepan over medium high heat, then add two diced garlic cloves. Cook the garlic for about 30 seconds so it can release its flavor. Watch it carefully because burnt garlic is extremely bitter. Stir in the processed tomatoes, 16 oz. clam juice, 1/8 tsp. sugar (to balance out the acidity of the tomatoes) and any preferred herbs (such as thyme or basil). The clam juice will give the sauce a rich seafood undertone that differentiates it from basic tomato sauce. Heat the sauce over high until it begins to boil, then reduce it to low and cook for another 45 minutes so the sauce can thicken. Stir in cooked shrimp or mussels and serve atop pasta or simply use the sauce plain for dipping.


A cream-based seafood sauce gives seafood a richer, more decadent taste. It can be paired with fish, shrimp, crab or shellfish. Cream sauces tend to work best if you plan on stirring the seafood into the sauce or using it as a topping. It may be too thin for a dipping sauce. Begin the sauce by making a roux, or a mixture of melted butter and flour that serves as a thickening agent. Add 1 tbsp. butter to a pan and heat it over medium high until it melts, then whisk in 1 tbsp. flour. Cook the mixture for about three minutes so the flour can heat through. If the flour doesn't cook all the way, the sauce will have an overwhelming flour taste. Stir in 3/4 cup hot water and 1 tbsp. seafood base. Seafood base is a concentrated seafood flavor powder available near the stock or bouillon at your grocery store. Heat the sauce over high until it boils, then reduce the heat to medium and cook for about two minutes. Pour in 1/4 cup heavy cream and cook until it lightly bubbles without completely boiling. Stir in cooked seafood or simply drizzle it on top of plated seafood.

Cajun Style

Cajun style seafood sauce is known as remoulade and is often served cold with crab meat or white fish. Remoulade can be used on sandwiches or as a salad dressing. Mix 1 1/2 cups mayonnaise in a large bowl with 2 tbsp. lemon juice, 2 tbsp. diced green onions, 2 tbsp. chopped parsley and 2 tsp. Creole mustard. Add cooked crab meat or seafood, then cover the bowl with plastic wrap and keep in the refrigerator for at least one hour. If you eat it immediately, it won't have as much flavor. You can use the remoulade as a sandwich spread or spooned on salad or cooked vegetables.

Tags: high until, seafood sauce, atop pasta, bowl with, clam juice

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Celiac Weekly Diet Ideas

A healthy diet

Celiac disease is a condition affecting many people. It is characterized by allergic reactions to foods containing gluten. These include breads made from wheat, rye, spelt, kamut and barley flour, or any other baked goods or pasta made from these grains. People with Celiac disease experience symptoms such as bloating, gas, fatigue, vomiting and diarrhea. Some people are more sensitive than others and experience reactions in varying severity. It is therefore, important for those suffering from this food allergy to pay careful attention to daily diet and to create a weekly menu.

Processed Foods

It is worth noting that many processed foods contain wheat or other gluten derived ingredients. Therefore, the best way to avoid any potential problems is to buy fresh, unprocessed foods. If, however, you do want to buy processed foods, it's important to check the listed ingredients and avoid added substances you know are derived from gluten. Some of these processed foods to be aware of include: soups in cartons or cans, soy sauce, gravy, French fries, tortilla chips, processed meats and packaged meals. Some of these may be gluten free so read the label carefully. If you are not sure what to avoid when buying processed foods, it is best to stick to the fresh things such as vegetables, fruit, meat, buckwheat flour and other ingredients you can prepare yourself.

Foods You Can Eat

There's a wide variety of good foods available that are suitable for Celiac sufferers and can be incorporated into a weekly diet plan using your own creativity and taste preferences. A daily diet can include foods such as grains and grain products like buckwheat and buckwheat bread, amaranth, corn, Indian rice, millet, tapioca, rice and quinoa. Try all nuts and seeds such as sesame, sunflower and other seeds. All vegetables, fruits, meats, honey, eggs and dairy products are fine. Foods that state they are gluten-free are also ok, such as some cereals.

Gluten-free Snack Foods

If you like snacks, look for gluten-free chips, tacos, nachos, raisins, corn nuts, pop-corn, dried fruit, fresh fruit, rice crackers, string cheese, gluten free protein bars such as GeniSoy or any other snack foods that specify being gluten-free. Include these in your weekly diet plan to add variety. Snacks are particularly loved by children and can be a healthy way to fill a school lunch box.

Weekly Diet Ideas

A weekly diet plan will include any foods you like that are safe for Celiac sufferers.

Add any or all of these foods to your diet for varied, enjoyable meals. Safe breakfast foods include fruit, gluten free cereals, yogurt, honey, eggs, buckwheat toast, gluten-free rice cakes and sesame or nut butter spread. For lunch try salad with olive oil, boiled eggs, fruit, and buckwheat bread sandwich with lettuce, cheese or ham. For dinner try steamed vegetables, fresh meat, fish, amaranth and rice or baked potato with butter. These are just some ideas. It's important to vary your diet and enjoy what you eat, making sure it's gluten-free.

Tags: diet plan, gluten free, processed foods, weekly diet plan, buckwheat bread

What Does Sassafras Tea Taste Like

Sassafras tree

Sassafras is a tree native to the United States. It grows mainly in the Northeast, but can be found growing in woodlands from Maine to Florida. The roots, bark, and leaves of the tree have been used in teas, soups and perfumes.


Sassafras is a sturdy tree that can grow up to 100 feet. A mature tree can have a trunk diameter of up to six feet. The leaves change as trees mature. Young leaves look like mittens, whereas older leaves round out and lose the "thumb" piece.

Taste and Uses

Sassafras has been used to flavor root beer in the past. People used to drink sassafras tea to help with an upset stomach. The essential oil from the tree was also used in perfumes. Sassafras is not as widely used anymore due to health concerns posed by the FDA.


The FDA warns that the essential oil found in the bark has been shown to contain safrole, a toxic chemical. The FDA has since banned the use of sassafras as a food additive because safrole is a carcinogen. Safrole is also used in the production of the street drug known as "ecstasy"; therefore, the sale of it is monitored by the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). According to the DEA, safrole distributors must be registered with the organization and report sales transactions.

Tags: also used, been used, Sassafras tree, tree have

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Make Olive Garden Bread Sticks

If you love the bountiful baskets of bread sticks at your neighborhood Olive Garden restaurant, you can make your own delicious Olive Garden style bread sticks at home, and enjoy them any time you like. Olive Garden guards their bread stick recipe closely, but you can make a very close, and tasty, replica.


1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

2. Measure the dried oregano, and holding it over a plate or a piece of waxed paper, rub it between your thumb and forefinger until it becomes a fine powder. Set it aside.

3. Coat your fingers with cooking spray or coat them with olive oil, and shape and roll the bread dough into sticks. A loaf of bread dough should make eight to ten bread sticks.

4. Spray a baking sheet with non-stick cooking spray and place the bread sticks on the pan, about 3 inches apart.

5. Put the pan in a warm, draft-free place and let the bread sticks rise for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours, or until they double in size.

6. Mist the bread sticks lightly with non-stick cooking spray and sprinkle the oregano and garlic salt lightly over the top.

7. Bake the bread sticks until they're golden brown, about 25 minutes. Remove the pan from the oven and set it on a wire rack to cool. Serve the Olive Garden bread stick warm, or allow them to cool. The bread sticks will taste fresh for up to two days.

Tags: bread sticks, Olive Garden, bread sticks, cooking spray, bread dough, bread stick, non-stick cooking

Homemade Hearty Beef Soup

Homemade hearty beef soup is a great meal for the colder months of the year and offers a healthy but filling alternative to other meal options. Hundreds of beef soup recipes are at your disposal--many of which call for the same ingredients--but yours can stand out from the others based on the way you prepare it. If you cook the soup for two hours instead of five, your family or guests will notice. It is important to allow the ingredients enough time to come together and add flavors to the soup.


This recipe calls for cubed beef, beef broth, chopped onions, sliced carrots, sliced celery, cubed peeled potatoes, canned tomatoes, sugar, salt, black pepper, crushed rosemary, ground thyme, ground marjoram, frozen peas, and other ingredients you may wish to add. The amounts of each ingredient are up to you. Soup allows for creativity in that you can add various amounts of a wide variety of ingredients to suit your taste. You should, however, have an idea of what ingredients occupy more space in the soup before throwing your soup together.


Preparation of this soup will be much easier if you have a food processor because there are so many ingredients. If you do not have a food processor, give yourself enough time to chop and dice the ingredients. In a crock pot--after ingredients are prepared as they should be--add meat, onions, celery, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes and beef broth, adding seasonings to taste. If, after all ingredients are added, the soup is too thick, add more beef broth; if it is too thin, add more beef and vegetables. Soup is a flexible meal to make, enabling you to tweak it as you go.


In making vegetable beef soup, give yourself enough time. The best soup has time for its ingredients to simmer and mix. If you have to work, mix the ingredients in the morning and let the soup cook in the crock pot all day while at work. This is a popular way to prepare soup or stew. Turn the crock pot on medium-low in the morning and, by the time you get home five to eight hours later, it should be ready. Stir well at the end of the cooking process and serve.

Tags: beef broth, enough time, yourself enough time, beef soup, food processor, give yourself, give yourself enough

Monday, August 24, 2009

Make An Avocado Soft & Ripe For Guacamole

Avocados ripen quickly.

The avocado dates somewhere between 7,000 and 5,000 B.C. The fruit originated in Mexico. Evidence shows that people domesticated the avocado in Peru around 750 B.C. Archaeologists found avocado seeds in Incan tombs. Avocados that are ripe have a soft feel. Unripened avocados are very hard. Speed up the ripening process with a few simple steps and make your guacamole.


1. Place avocados on the countertop. They ripen naturally within a few days and are ready to use for your favorite guacamole recipe.

2. Place avocados in a paper bag. Add a banana or an apple to the bag. Both apples and bananas release a gas called ethylene, which is a ripening agent.

3. Close the paper bag tightly. Leave the bag at room temperature until ready to make guacamole. This usually takes two to five days depending on the avocado's initial ripeness.

4. Remove the avocados from the bag and refrigerate them, if the avocado fruit is ripe before it is needed. They will keep for an additional two to three days.

Tags: Place avocados

Make Authentic Creole Cuisine

Authentic Creole cuisine got its start in the Mississippi Delta area in the early 1800s. As Spanish, French, African-American and Native American recipes and ingredients were gradually combined, Creole cuisine was born. If you are willing to invest in some new ingredients and experiment with some new cooking methods, you can learn to cook authentic Creole cuisine.


1. Stock your pantry. To cook Creole, you will need salt, pepper, garlic, onions, file (ground sassafras leaves), beef and chicken stock, shrimp, andouille sausage, taso (seasoned and smoked turkey, beef or ham), okra and cooking oil. A little bacon grease will add wonderful flavor to your dishes.

2. Find some recipes. Visit your library or bookstore or look online for an authentic Creole cookbook.

3. Buy the best, freshest ingredients you can find. The original Creole cuisine was made with home-grown, just-picked ingredients. Visit your local farmer's market, butcher shop or organic grocery store for fresh, healthy ingredients.

4. Learn to make a roux. A roux is a white or brown sauce that forms the basis of many Creole recipes. The longer you cook your roux, the darker and tastier it will become. If black specks appear, however, you have burnt it and will have to start again.

5. Start slowly. Learn to cook one or two authentic Creole dishes, like gumbo or jambalaya. Once you have mastered these basic recipes, add more to your repertoire.

Tags: Creole cuisine, authentic Creole, cook authentic, cook authentic Creole, Visit your

Friday, August 21, 2009

Make Pie Dough In A Food Processor

It can be difficult to make perfect pie dough by hand. One tablespoon too much water, or a little too much kneading, and the dough is ruined. For flaky pie crust that comes out perfect every time, use a food processor. The food processor takes all of the guesswork out of making pie dough. It also takes less time. With just a few simple ingredients, a food processor can make excellent pie dough.


1. Place the flour and salt in the food processor and combine them. This is to get the salt evenly distributed throughout the flour.

2. Cut the butter into the flour, using the "Pulse" function. Pulse the ingredients until they look like oatmeal. The flour will coat the pieces of butter so that when the crust bakes, the butter is trapped and creates tiny pockets in the crust as it melts. This makes the pie dough flaky.

3. Add 1 water at a time. Through the spout of the food processor, add only 1 tbsp. water at a time. Watch the pie dough closely and as soon as it comes together, stop the machine. If the dough is overworked, it will become tough. The pie dough doesn't have to form a ball; it just has to hold together when squeezed.

4. Remove the dough from the food processor and place it on a piece of plastic wrap. The pie dough will still be crumbly at this point. Mound the pie dough onto the plastic wrap, being careful not to handle it too much or the butter will begin to melt.

5. Flatten the dough onto plastic wrap and chill it before rolling it out. Fold the plastic wrap around the pie dough and flatten the dough into a disk. The pie dough should be refrigerated for at least an hour before attempting to roll it out. This will ensure that the pie dough rolls out easily.

Tags: food processor, plastic wrap, dough onto, dough onto plastic, onto plastic

Collect Wine

Savor good wine

Wine collecting is fun and challenging and affords you the chance to explore new parts of the world - in person or in taste only! Take the plunge!


1. Start by finding a place to store your wine. There's no point in spending money on a collection unless you have a cool, dark place to store it.

2. Identify your interests. Do you want to collect reds, whites or both? Do you want to collect U.S. wines, international vintages or both? Create a "collecting plan" to help keep yourself focused.

3. Educate yourself. Subscribe to winery and specialty magazines and newsletters. Join local wine clubs and get to know local experts and wine merchants.

4. Consider joining "wine of the month" clubs. These are good ways to try wines you might not taste otherwise.

5. Attend local wine-tasting events and talk with other collectors to identify potential new wines.

6. Try only similar varieties when tasting wines in preparation for aging. You'll get a lot more out of a wine-tasting that focuses on one variety, say Sangiovese, than a wide selection of varieties.

7. Identify flavor characteristics and distinguish between vintages when tasting the single wine variety.

8. Wait until you know what you like and that you like the specific wine before buying in bulk.

9. Buy magnums for storage. They age well; since there is only one cork and the total bottle surface area is smaller for the volume of wine, there is less exposure to air and light.

10. Let merchants know what you are interested in and ask them to contact you if your requested wines become available.

11. Consider buying "wine futures," which can guarantee you access to some good international wines.

12. Visit a wine region for the day, a weekend or vacation. Schedule tastings at as many wineries as possible, and enjoy!

Tags: know what, place store, want collect, when tasting

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Make Low Fat Homemade Macaroni And Cheese

Low-fat Macaroni and Cheese

Macaroni and cheese has been a comfort food and favorite meal for decades. It is also a good way to consume too many calories. That's why this easy-to-make, lower-fat mac-and-cheese recipe is a healthy choice. Cheddar cheese and a bit of onion unite with a creamy sauce that tastes rich but is actually lower in fat than most other options. Packed with flavor, not calories, Low-fat Macaroni and Cheese is quick to assemble, easy on your diet, and sure to be a hit with old and young alike.


1. Combine 2 tablespoons cornstarch with 2 cups cold skim milk in a small saucepan and stir until well mixed. Add 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt and 1/4 teaspoon black pepper. Cook ten minutes or until the sauce bubbles and thickens slightly, stirring constantly to avoid scorching. Set this mixture aside for later use.

2. Bring 3 to 4 quarts of water to a boil in a large saucepan. Add 2 cups dry macaroni and cook over medium-high heat for 6 to 10 minutes or until the noodles are just cooked. Remove from the heat and drain the water from the noodles.

3. Grated Cheese

Pour the cooked macaroni noodles into a large bowl. Add 2 tablespoons grated onion and 2 to 3 cups shredded cheddar cheese. Stir these ingredients together until well mixed, and pour into a greased 2-quart casserole dish or 9-by-13 baking pan.

4. Pour the reserved white sauce (from step 1) over the cheese-and-noodle mixture in the baking dish. Stir slightly to combine. Cover the baking dish with a lid or foil, and bake for 30 minutes or until bubbly throughout. Remove the foil or lid, and bake 15 more minutes for a nice, browned top.

Tags: Macaroni Cheese, minutes until, baking dish, foil bake, Low-fat Macaroni, Low-fat Macaroni Cheese, until well

Corn Raw Beef

You can corn any cut of raw beef.

Corned beef is the foundation of the classic Reuben sandwich. You can order it by the pound from any good deli or you can purchase the familiar pouch found in the meat section of the grocery store around St. Patrick's Day. Or you can simply make your own like most people used to do. It is no harder than brining a turkey or making pickles, and since the ingredients are inexpensive, you can save some money.


1. A mix of spices will flavor your corned beef.

Combine all the ingredients except for the meat in a saucepan. You can use a smaller saucepan and half the water to conserve energy. Bring the mixture to a boil and remove from the heat. The salt and sugar will be dissolved and the spices will have started to impart their flavor to the liquid. Add the rest of the water and stir. Cool to room temperature or 75 degrees.

2. Place the water, spices and beef in a bag.

Place the beef in a plastic bag or a large plastic or glass container with a lid. Pour the prepared corning mixture over the meat and close the bag or container. If you do use a bag, place it in a bowl or tray to collect any liquid that might leak.

3. Refrigerate curing beef at 40 degrees.

Cure the meat in the corning brine in the refrigerator for a week. Traditional methods used salt peter to help preserve the meat at room temperature, but for safety reasons you must keep the meat cold during this process. If the outside temperatures are consistently cold, the meat can be placed in a safe place where it will stay around 40 degrees Fahrenheit or less. It is okay if the temperatures drop down into the 30s or even 20s since the concentration of salt will keep the meet from freezing.

4. Rinse the freshly corned beef in cold water.

Rinse the meat in fresh cold water after the curing period of around a week. Pat the beef dry and keep refrigerated. Your beef has now been corned and is ready for the braising process.

5. Bake the corned beef in a covered baking dish.

Cook your corned beef by searing it in oil until it is browned all all sides. Place it in a 4-quart baking dish and add enough beer to cover. Place the lid on and bake until fork tender or about 3 hours at 350 degrees. Cool to room temperature, remove from the liquid and refrigerate. Slice thinly for sandwiches or hash.

Tags: corned beef, room temperature, baking dish, cold water, Cool room, Cool room temperature

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

List Of White Cheeses

Feta cheese crumbles beautifully.

Cheese is a food made from the milk of cows, goats and other animals and, like the milk, the finished product is usually white. Certain grazing conditions will result in tints to an animal's milk, as will ingredients added to change the flavor of the cheese, though most non-white cheese is simply dyed. There are, therefore, a wide variety of white cheeses on the market today with different flavors, textures and uses.


Feta is a soft, wet cheese with a rough surface and a bright white color. It is often stored in brine, contributing to its moistness and imparting a salty flavor to the cheese. Feta is made by curdling milk by adding either rennet or microbial rennet, and allowing the mixture to separate and drain. The curds are then cut, salted and pressed and the larger mass is placed in a brine solution to cure. Feta cheese is often used in Greek salads along with lettuce, tomato, cucumbers, olive oil and fresh basil.


Mozzarella is a semi-soft cheese with a mild flavor. Originally, mozzarella cheese was only made from water buffalo milk, and is still available in some specialty shops. Most modern mozzarella is made from partly skimmed or skimmed cow's milk. During processing, the curds of this cheese are dipped into hot whey and then stretched and kneaded, giving this cheese a stringy, elastic texture. Fresh mozzarella made from whole milk is also available.

Jack Cheese

Named after the name and hometown of its creator, Jack cheese, also called Monterey Jack cheese, is a semi-soft cheese with a buttery-ivory color. Fresh Jack cheese is made from whole or skimmed milk and aged for only one week before used in sandwiches or cooked dishes where its high moisture content and freshness contribute to its ability to melt beautifully. Aged Jack becomes harder with a sharp, rich flavor and is used as a grating cheese.


Gruyere is a traditional cheese from Switzerland that is made from cow's milk and allowed to age. This variety of cheese has a nutty, slightly sweet taste that is excellent for fondues, and pairs well with Champagne or Zinfandel.


Ricotta is a white, moist cheese with a slightly sweet flavor that is usually made from the whey drained off during the making of mozzarella or provolone cheeses and is, technically speaking, a cheese by-product. The word "ricotta" is derived from the Latin "recocta," which means "cooked twice." Good ricotta cheese is firm, but not solid and is used in Italian cooking. It pairs well with almonds, garlic, nutmeg, spinach, tomatoes and vanilla.


Parmesan is a hard, dry, straw-colored cheese with a sharp flavor that was traditionally made in Italy. Made from skimmed cow's milk, it is often aged for two to four years. Padano and Reggiano are two varieties of Parmesan cheese named after the regions of Italy in which they are made. Padano is a slightly sweeter variety, and Reggiano has a stronger flavor. Parmesan is available to purchase pre-ground, but the flavor is better when it is purchased whole and ground just before eating.

Tags: made from, cheese with, skimmed milk, Feta cheese, flavor cheese, flavor that

Homemade Turkey Gravy

Thanksgiving dinner is not complete without the gravy.

Turkey gravy is a holiday treat that is worth taking the time to make. The secret to smooth gravy is the temperature of the liquids. The most flavorful gravy uses broth made by boiling the turkey bones and skin with the right mix of spices and herbs. Freeze turkey gravy to add body to soups and sauces well beyond the holidays. Using cornstarch and tofu as thickeners keeps your gravy gluten-free.


1. Set aside the bones, skin and giblets after carving your turkey. Place everything in a large stockpot. Fill the pot with water until the bones and skin are covered, and bring to a rolling boil for 15 minutes. Remove from heat.

2. Sift out all the bones and skin into a separate dish and remove any good meat. Return meat to the pot and bring the liquid back to a rolling boil.

3. Add minced onions and diced celery. Mash the blocks of soft tofu into a paste and add it to the stockpot as well (another name for this thickened paste is "roux"). If you do not want to use tofu, substitute the soy flour mixed to a creamy consistency with water--to make your roux.

4. Add ground sage, ground black peppercorns, parsley and tarragon to the pot, stirring well. Reduce heat to simmer.

5. Remove two cups of the liquid from the pot and allow it to cool to room temperature. Stir the cornstarch into the cooled liquid to make a thick paste. Slowly stir the cornstarch paste into the simmering stockpot and bring to a rolling boil for two full minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool before freezing gravy in one-quart plastic zipper bags.

Tags: bones skin, rolling boil, allow cool, bring rolling, bring rolling boil, from heat

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Vanilla Vs Vanilla Extract

An orchid plant produces vanilla flavoring.

The vanilla flavoring you use in cookies and cakes actually derives from an orchid plant, Vanilla planifolia, which is native to the tropical forests of Mexico. The flowers only bloom for one day, and drop to the ground unless fertilized by the Melipona bee. Those that are fertilized produce vanilla pods that perhaps one day will grow up to become vanilla extract and add a sweet flavor to a pastry or an ice cream cone.

Vanilla Types

The four main types of vanilla are Bourbon, Tahitian, Indonesian and Mexican -- classified according to the part of the world that grows them. The Bourbon, Indonesian and Mexican vanilla beans derive from the Vanilla panifolia orchid, with Mexican vanilla having a slightly earthier flavor and Indonesian having a smokier flavor. Most manufacturers of vanilla extracts made with Indonesian beans blend them with other beans as well.

Vanilla Beans

Whole vanilla beans are also used as a flavoring agent. To access the vanilla bean, split the pod, then scrape the beans out with a knife. These beans are ideal in recipes for dishes that are light in color and are visually enhanced by the brown flecks indicating that vanilla has been used as an ingredient -- creme brulee, for example. You can also use the pod part of the vanilla. One method is to bury the pod in a jar of sugar, which imparts a sweet vanilla flavor to the sugar, making it a flavorful addition to coffee or desserts.

Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract is made by crushing up vanilla beans and storing them in steel tanks with alcohol and water. The extraction process takes approximately two days. Manufacturers of extract over whether to use heat in the process -- some believe it's necessary to use heat to extract the flavor, others believe it's better to keep the beans as cool as possible or the heat will evaporate the extract. To be labeled pure vanilla extract, the Food and Drug Administration requires a ratio of 13.35 oz. of vanilla beans to a gallon of a minimum of 35 percent alcohol and 65 percent water.

Vanilla Flavor vs. Imitation Vanilla

While pure vanilla extract is made with vanilla beans, alcohol and water, various vanilla flavorings are on the market. If the product is called vanilla flavor, then that means it's made with pure vanilla but instead of alcohol, the vanilla beans are mixed with glycerine or propylene glycol. Imitation vanilla is made from a synthetic version of the chemical vanillin, which gives vanilla its flavor. A difference between extract made with pure vanillin and extract made with synthetic vanillin is that pure vanillin extract also contains other organic flavors. In imitation vanilla extract, the only flavoring agent is the synthetic vanillin.

Tags: vanilla beans, made with, extract made, extract made with, pure vanilla, vanilla extract

List Of Foods To Eat While On A Diet

When you embark on a weight loss adventure, it's essential to make a list of foods to eat while on a diet. These foods will help you keep on track and provide variety in your daily menu. Anyone who tries to survive on a diet by eating the same thing day in and day out is bound to fail. You need to find new, interesting tastes or you'll get bored very quickly and revert to your old ways.

Complex Carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are the whole grain form of traditional carbs such as bread, rice and pasta. They break down into glucose much more slowly than simple carbohydrates. Instead of a rapid rise and fall of your blood sugar levels, such as you get with white bread and white rice, complex carbs provide you with a gradual stream of energy during the day. Your cravings diminish and you feel full longer. Complex carbs are made with oatmeal, bran, cornmeal and maize. Replace regular breads, pasta and rice with whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta and brown rice when on a diet.

Fruits and Vegetables

Five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables is a must when dieting because they're packed with nutrition in the form of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They give you energy, decrease bone loss, provide energy, protect against cancer and fill you up faster. Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables to keep your diet interesting. Go for dark, leafy veggies whenever possible. Think of the color of the fruit or vegetable and choose ones that are yellow, red, green, orange and purple. Keep fruit out on the counter so you remember to eat it. When making up your dinner plate, fill half of it with vegetables.

Lean Protein

Lean protein is essential to any diet plan. Protein fills you up faster and keeps you satisfied longer than carbs, while helping your body burn fat. There are many sources of lean protein. The most common are chicken and turkey breast without the skin, lean beef like top round, egg whites, fish fillet such as sole, flounder, scrod and cod and shellfish like lobster, scallops, clams and shrimp. Canned tuna in water is also a great source. Vegetarians can get their lean protein through non-fat cottage cheese or beans, such as chick peas, black beans, kidney beans or lentils.

Tags: whole grain

How Get Rid Of Fat For Gravy

Make gravy that's full of flavor but not fat.

Traditionally, gravy for biscuits, potatoes, turkey, and beef or pork roasts is made with the juices released from cooking the meat called drippings. Along with savory juices, the drippings contain fat, which depending on your tastes or dietary restrictions, may not be desirable. The fat can be easily separated and removed from the rest of the juices before the gravy is made. Another option is to make gravy out of stock instead of drippings for fat-free gravy.


Remove Fat from Gravy

1. Prepare the meat according to the recipe. Cook turkeys, whole fryer chickens and pork or beef roasts in a slow cooker or roasting pan so that juices, fat and flavor from the meat can be reserved and turned into a delicious gravy.

2. Remove meat from the roasting pan or slow cooker and pour the juices into a separate container. Place two or three ice cubes into the container to speed the process of cooling, solidification and separation of the fat in the drippings.

3. Wait about 10-20 minutes for fat to solidify and float to the top of the container. Remove the fat from the liquid with a spoon or pastry spreader. Throw away the fat and reserve the juice. Pour juice through a strainer or fat separator cup.

4. Add two cups of water to the resulting liquid so that you have about four cups of broth. Place the broth in a pot and bring it to a simmer on the stove until about one cup of the broth has been lost to evaporation.

5. Mix one cup milk with 1/4 cup cornstarch in a separate bowl. Slowly add to simmering broth and stir until gravy thickens, about three to five minutes.

Make Fat-Free Gravy

6. Combine water and flour in a small container with an airtight lid. Seal the jar or container and shake it vigorously for one minute or until the water and flour are thoroughly mixed.

7. Pour two cups of fat-free canned chicken or beef broth into a large stock pot or saucepan and heat on the stove over medium-high heat until the liquid begins to boil.

8. Shake the flour-water mixture again and stir half of it into the boiling broth with a wire whisk. Allow the mixture to boil for one minute. Test the consistency and if you want thicker gravy, slowly add more of the flour-water mixture to the pot. Mix it in again with the wire whisk and allow it to boil for an additional minute. When your gravy is at your desired consistency, add 1/8 teaspoon each salt and pepper to season. Remove pot from heat, pour gravy into serving dish and serve with meal.

Tags: Remove from, flour-water mixture, flour-water mixture again, mixture again, slow cooker

Monday, August 17, 2009

Shop At A Farmer'S Market

Have you heard the phrases "organically grown" and "seasonally fresh local produce" and think you may be missing out? Have you happened by a farmers market but found the hullabaloo overwhelming?--How many apples shall I get? How do I know what I will use? If you are interested in doing your weekly shopping at a farmer's market, these tips may help. Shopping at the farmer's market is great fun and helps you feel part of your community. I love being outdoors, and I feel like I have a "European lifestyle" for the 45 minutes I am at the market.


1. Farmer's markets are gaining in popularity and becoming widespread. Google "farmer's market" and the name of your community, and you should be able to find a local farmers market with the days/hours they are open.

2. Make a shopping list of either ingredients for a special meal you are preparing or of fruit and vegetables you use regularly during the week. Many farmers markets, in addition to fresh produce, also sell bread, meat, eggs, nuts, dried fruit, etc.

3. I find it very helpful to use a shopping cart. This easily folds up and fits in the trunk or backseat of my car. You can find a shopping cart at a neighborhood hardware store.

4. Allow time on your first visit to identify favorite vendors. I like to take a survey of all the vendors first and return to the ones who have the freshest produce. In Santa Monica, I like to get salad greens from Maggie's Farm.

5. It's fun to check out all the different varieties of heirloom tomatoes, salad greens, eggplant, etc.

6. Because I have a regular routine for shopping, I like to buy heavier produce (squash, apples, grapefruit, etc.) first to put in the bottom of the cart, and more fragile produce (salad greens, berries, etc.) at the end of my shopping so that it goes in the top of the cart. This minimizes repacking the shopping cart.

7. I like to finish with a bouquet of flowers. They are better deals at the market than at a florist, and it is a treat!

8. The market can be a great place for gift ideas. If you have visiting friends for dinner, pick up a bouquet for them. Last week, I saw wreaths that can used through the autumn and holiday season.

Tags: farmer market, salad greens, shopping cart, cart This, farmers market, market great, your community

Friday, August 14, 2009

Make Your Coffee Last Longer

What do physics and coffee have to do with each other? More than you might think! Coffee brewing is all about the quality of the beans, the grinding of the beans, and the method used for brewing. Coffee beans are ground according to brewing technique; the coarser grind for percolators, for instance, with a super-fine grind for espresso. However, there is nothing wrong with using a finer grind for everyday coffee. It doesn't change the taste and (here's where the physics comes in) the higher the amount of surface area available in the coffee during brewing, the more coffee you can get out of a given amount of coffee beans. It's a pretty simple concept and in this article you'll learn make your coffee last longer with this and other tips.


1. Grind your coffee into a "Turkish" grind. Turkish grind is nearly a fine powder. Most store coffee grinders, and the grinders at cafes, have a Turkish grinding setting. If you already have coarser-grind coffee at home, regrind it in a coffee grinder until it begins to clump slightly and is a fine powder.

2. Use half your normal amount of coffee to make a test pot. Some people report being able to use as little as one third of the coarser-grind amount to make an equivalent cup of coffee. Sometimes the finer-ground coffee spoils quicker; use it quickly, or grind in small batches.

3. Freeze all coffee. Freeze your ground coffee to keep it from spoiling. Spoiled coffee tastes extremely bitter, and even coffee that is vacuum-packed can spoil. At $5 or more per can or pound, letting coffee spoil not only shortens its usefulness, but wastes money.

4. Refrigerate or freeze leftover coffee. Can't finish the pot? Pour the coffee into a small container and place in the refrigerator for iced coffee later, or to use in recipes (i.e., cookies, shakes, smoothies). Freezing coffee in ice cube trays can be a great method for making iced coffee--cold coffee plus ice cubed coffee can be a great summer treat.

5. Use grounds twice. This depression-era technique is still valuable and worthwhile when working to make your coffee last longer. Take your coffee filter with used ground in it, and add 1/2 the normal amount of fresh grounds. Make coffee with the normal amount of water. The quality of the coffee is slightly less appealing, but you are stretching your coffee dollars.

Tags: normal amount, your coffee, amount coffee, coffee into, coffee last, coffee last longer

Make Salsa With A Molcajete

A molcajete is a Mexican mortar and pestle made from basalt, or volcanic rock. Basalt is porous, so food flavors carry on from one use to the next. Salsa is traditionally made in a molcajete. The ingredients impart more flavorful essential oils in the mashing process. The following is a very general salsa recipe. Feel free to make adjustments to taste.


1. Line your baking sheet with foil and broil the tomatoes, garlic, jalapeño pepper and chili. If you are using a dried chili, brush it with oil before putting it in the oven. Broil for eight minutes, then flip them over and broil for another eight minutes.

2. Let the ingredients cool. Peel the tomatoes, garlic, jalapeño pepper and chili. Seed the pepper and chili and cut into smaller chunks.

3. Add coarse salt, garlic, jalapeño and chili to the bottom of the molcajete. Pound with the pestle until the mixture is pastelike.

4. One at a time, add tomatoes, then onion and cilantro. You should grind them into a desired texture before adding the next ingredient.

5. Add lime juice to thin out the mixture. Add additional salt to taste.

Tags: garlic jalape, pepper chili, eight minutes, garlic jalape pepper, jalape pepper, jalape pepper chili

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Trout Dough Bait Recipe

Fishing in a stream.

For fishermen who enjoy trout fishing, one of the best baits is made with cooked dough. Some fishing bait shops sell dough bait, either prepared or dried (that can be reconstituted), but it's easy and fun to make it yourself. You probably even have most of the items and ingredients around the house.

Prepare Cheese

You'll need to start with 2 tbsp. of shredded cheese or cheese spread. Put the cheese in a mixing bowl and heat in a microwave on high until it melts. Don't overheat the cheese or it won't mix well with the rest of the ingredients.

Mix Dry Ingredients

Mix ½ cup of all-purpose flour with 1/3 cup of granulated sugar in a large mixing bowl. Sprinkle 1 tsp. of garlic powder. Measure out one cup of water.

Combine Dry and Wet Ingredients

Combine and gradually pour half of the mixture into the bowl, stirring often. Mix in the melted cheese. Slowly pour the rest of the water, continuing to stir. The mixture will be very stiff and the dough will be dense after you finish stirring.

Cook the Dough

Fill a large pot with water and bring to a rolling boil. While you wait, pinch off marble-size hunks of dough and roll it into balls. Slowly and carefully drop the balls of dough into the boiling water, a few pieces at a time. Cook for approximately a minute and a half.

Cool the Dough Bait

Using a slotted spoon, pull the dough balls out of the water and place them on paper towels until the outsides are dry.

Substitutions and Additions

Some anglers have found that a pinch of salt or onion salt will help attract fish. An egg may be substituted for cheese. If you double the recipe, you may use one egg and 2 tbsp. of cheese. You may substitute cornmeal or finely ground grits for up to ¼ of the flour.

Store the Dough Bait

The dough bait may be stored in a sealed container or in aluminum foil. You may refrigerate it, although that's not necessary. Condensation from refrigeration is likely to soften the balls.

Use Dough Bait

You need to use a very small hook and place the bobber close enough to the hook so the bait floats away from the bottom. You don't want your bait to sink to the bottom, or the trout may not bite. Once the line jerks or the bobber dips, pull back and you'll most likely snag a fish.

Tags: Dough Bait, mixing bowl

Broil Short Ribs

Short ribs are economical cuts of meat.

Beef short ribs are small rib sections taken from the underside or shoulder of the cow. Beef cuts taken from these areas tend to be tough with lots of connective tissues. Since short ribs can be tough, you'll need to marinade them before marinade. A good marinade will caramelize on the surface of the broiled meat giving you a sweet, tangy flavor. Broiling only takes a few minutes so you may prepare your meat recipe last to serve it hot.


1. Pour your marinade mixture into a glass bowl or casserole dish. Pierce the short ribs with a fork to allow the marinade to permeate the meat. Place the short ribs in the dish and turn them over a few times.

2. Allow the ribs to soak for one to two hours turning them at least twice during the marinade process.

3. Preheat the oven to the broil setting. Move the top rack to the middle of the oven. Turn on your exhaust fan to absorb any smoke.

4. Place the marinaded ribs on a broiler pan and slide it into the heated oven. Broil for 10 minutes then turn the ribs over. Brush the ribs with the leftover marinade. Broil 10 minutes on the other side.

5. Remove the ribs from the oven using padded oven mitts. Allow the ribs to sit for 2 to 3 minutes before serving.

Tags: Allow ribs, Broil minutes, ribs with, short ribs, short ribs, taken from

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Make Edible Cookie Wreaths

Making Christmas cookies is a family tradition throughout the country, and many families have favorite varieties that they make every year. Trying a new recipe can be an iffy proposition on an occasion so filled with tradition, so many people try variations on old favorites. Edible cookie wreaths are attractive and tasty cookies that look like pine or holly wreaths. Parents can make the wreaths with hot cookie mixture and allow children to decorate them with festive colors.


1. Line baking sheets with sheets of waxed paper to fit. Set the baking sheets aside.

2. Put the butter in a heavy saucepan and place the pan on a stove burner. Turn the burner on medium heat and allow the butter to melt.

3. Add the marshmallows to the melted butter. Stir the marshmallows and butter until the marshmallows are melted.

4. Stir in the vanilla extract and green food coloring until the mixture is a smooth green color throughout the pan with no swirls in the coloring.

5. Stir in the cornflakes, stirring gently, so you mix them in completely but don't crush them.

6. Drop the cornflake mixture onto the waxed paper sheets in wreath shapes. Use the wooden spoon or a teaspoon to form the wreaths.

7. Place red cinnamon candies and silver candy balls on the surface of the wreaths while the wreaths are still warm. This will ensure that the candies will stick to the surface of the wreaths. Allow the wreaths to cool completely before removing them from the waxed paper.

Tags: waxed paper, baking sheets, marshmallows melted, surface wreaths

History Of The Perugina

The Perugina is an Italian confectioner that was founded at the beginning of the 20th century. The company began with a limited product base, but soon turned to the creation of sweets and candies, eventually becoming a worldwide producer of chocolate bars. The company's history is marked with financial strife and shows the effects of historical events on candy production.


On Nov. 30, 1907, Perugina was established as a producer of sugared almonds in the central Italian town of Perugia. The initial investment in the company was 70,000 lire.


In 1915, the main offices were transferred to Fontivegge, with supply and demand needs having outgrown the initial factory.

Financial Trouble

During the sugar taxation of the 1930s, Perugina implemented contests to boost lagging sales of their premium products. These contests included a car giveaway that would never be fulfilled after contests were banned by the Minister of Finance.

Overseas Market

In 1935, Perugina exported its products to America and sold them at the Bomboniera shop on Fifth Avenue in New York. Aside from sweets, the company also sold pastas and sauces in America.


Because of financial troubles and the inability to expand the business, Perugina began producing chocolates and candy bars in 1954, a move that would lead to a need for new factories to meet the increase in production.


During 1969, Perugina and Buitoni would become known as the Industrie Buitoni Perugina (IBP), a joint stock company. Nestle purchased IBP in 1988 for 1,600 million lire and added the confectioner to its global reach.

Tags: that would

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Make A Pickle Out Of A Cucumber

Dill pickles are easy to make.

A pickled cucumber, usually known simply as a pickle, is made by soaking a cucumber in a brine or vinegar solution and allowing it to ferment. The most common pickle recipes are dill pickles and bread and butter pickles. Dill pickles are made with garlic and dill weed in a salt brine. Dill pickles can be used in many recipes and are also popular eaten on their own. Bread and butter pickles are sweeter, due to sugar in the brine. Bread and butter pickles are delicious on top of a sandwich or hamburger or chopped and added to potato salad.



1. Choose firm and fresh cucumbers.

2. Wash the cucumbers and pack into canning jars. You can pickle the cucumbers whole, in spears, or sliced depending on your preference. Prepare the cucumbers in the way you desire and then pack them into the canning jars.

3. Add 1 sprig dill, 2 cloves garlic and 1 small hot pepper to each jar. If you prefer a stronger garlic taste, add 3 cloves. If you just want plain dill pickles, leave the garlic out of the jars.

4. Boil the water, vinegar and salt together. Canning salt is different from table salt -- it is important to use canning salt. If you use table salt, the pickles will shrivel and turn dark. Most grocery stores carry canning salt.

5. Pour the hot mixture over the cucumbers and seal the lids on the jars. The pickles will be ready to eat in 3 to 4 weeks.

Bread and Butter

6. Wash and cut cucumbers into desired shape. Mix the cucumbers, onions, peppers, garlic and salt together and let sit, uncovered, for 3 hours.

7. Mix the cider vinegar, sugar, mustard seed, celery seed, whole cloves and turmeric once the cucumber mixture has stood for 3 hours. Bring the mixture to a boil.

8. Drain liquid from the cucumber mixture, then stir it into the boiling vinegar mixture. Continue to let the cucumbers heat but remove the pot from heat just before the mixture starts boiling again.

9. Pack into canning jars and seal with fresh canning jar lids.

10. Chill the jars in a refrigerator for at least 2 days before serving.

Tags: butter pickles, canning jars, Dill pickles, into canning, into canning jars, Bread butter, Bread butter pickles

Pick Ripe Tomatoes

The ability to select ripe produce isn't something we're born with: it's an acquired skill. Fortunately, learning pick a ripe tomato is something anyone can do with a little know-how and practice. Naturally ripened tomatoes are such a far cry from their under-ripe and artificially ripened counterparts that you may discover that what you thought was a mealy, flavorless salad filler is actually a succulent, tangy-sweet fruit that will soon become your favorite.


1. The first step to picking a ripe tomato is knowing when to shop. Though many grocery stores sell tomatoes year round, if you buy tomatoes when they're out of season, you're bound to be disappointed. Out-of-season produce is often imported, which means that it's picked before it's ready and then ripened artificially using a gas called ethylene. Chemical ripening just doesn't achieve the same results as mother nature. Different varieties of tomatoes mature at different times: there are early season, mid-season, and late season tomatoes. Where you live will determine the length of your tomato season: subtropical and tropical areas have longer growing seasons than their colder counterparts. In general, it's safe to assume that you're in tomato season during the summer months.

2. Knowing where to find ripe tomatoes is just as important as knowing when to look for them. Even during tomato season, your local big box grocer may have disappointing tomatoes because of the way these stores' food purchasing and distribution systems work. The best source of a truly ripe tomato is your local farmers market or co-op, where you can often get tomatoes that were picked within 24 hours of your purchase. Of course, if you have a green thumb, the best place to find a ripe tomato is in your own backyard.

3. When you shop for tomatoes during the summer months at a farmers market or co-op, you won't just be getting the most flavorful and nutritionally valuable tomatoes available--you'll also likely stumble upon types of tomatoes you never knew existed. Large grocery stores most commonly sell hothouse and Roma tomato varieties. However, there are actually hundreds of varieties of tomatoes with fascinatingly descriptive names like tigerella, brandywine, garden peach, mortgage lifter, oxheart and zebra, just to name a few. Also, did you know that tomatoes don't just come in red? There are yellow tomatoes, orange tomatoes, yellow and green striped tomatoes, purple tomatoes and more. Furthermore, tomatoes aren't just round: there are ruffled tomatoes, heart-shaped tomatoes and oblong tomatoes, too!

4. Regardless of the color, size, shape or variety of the tomato, the guidelines for finding a ripe tomato are the same. As with all ripe fruits, a ripe tomato will seem heavy for its size. If you're not sure what this feels like, you can get and idea by picking up several different tomatoes of a similar size and comparing their heft.

5. Once you've found a nice, weighty tomato, hold it up to your nose. Ripe tomatoes have a distinctive garden-fresh aroma.

6. Finally, how does the tomato feel? A ripe tomato will be soft when pressed (but not mushy). Again, as with other fruits, you'll want to avoid tomatoes that are bruised or that have broken skin.

Tags: ripe tomato, tomato season, during summer, during summer months, farmers market, farmers market co-op

Monday, August 10, 2009

History Of Muenster Cheese

Muenster is a cheese that is most commonly produced in France. There are different kinds of muenster cheese and each one is made in different ways. It is primarily a mild, white cheese with a rind that can be eaten, but is often cut off. Muenster cheese can be purchased in supermarkets and specialty varieties can be ordered online.


Muenster cheese was made by Benedictine monks that had migrated to France. They were located in the Alsace region of France and were vegetarians that often made dairy products to feed the group. Muenster cheese was one of the products that they made. It was created to save milk and feed the people. The name "muenster" comes from the word monastery. This group of monks established several monasteries across Europe. Today farmers still use the traditional ways to make the cheese.


Muenster cheese is semi-firm in texture. It is often soft and the yellow color inside is covered by a red or orange rind. The smell of the cheese is mild when it's first made, but becomes stronger as it ages. Muenster cheese is made in Germany, France and the United States. It is 45 percent fat and has 105 calories in a 1-oz. serving. Authentic French muenster cheese is made from the milk of cows that graze in the Vosges mountains of eastern France.

Making Muenster

Muenster cheese is known as a washed cheese because the rind is washed occasionally when the cheese is made. It is made by pressing curd into special cheese molds. Whey is then drained from the molds. It is rubbed by hand with rock salt and water to develop the rind. The cheese is aged outside for 1 week to develop the rind, and is then brought indoors and put with other aged Muenster cheese. Every other day the cheese is washed or brushed with a salt solution and color. It is aged for 2 months or longer to develop its signature flavor.


North American muenster is supple, moist and pale inside. It is made using whole cow's milk. French muenster is considered by the most authentic. It is made from both pasteurized and unpasteurized milk. Blocks of French muenster often range in size form 4 ounces to 3 pounds and it is often served with caraway seeds or cumin. The German version is pale, very white and ripened for 4 to 5 weeks. It is sold in 24-oz. rounds. Muenster Lisbeth is made in the Alsace part of France. It is a protected origin designation cheese that only can be made by dairies or certain companies in the region.


Muenster tastes like a cross between American white cheese and sharp jack cheese. It is often served as an appetizer. It is used in grilled cheese sandwiches, and is melted on hamburgers because it melts easily over low heat, but not as quickly as cheddar. There are also reduced fat varieties of muenster cheese. The cheese is best served at room temperature and goes well with rye bread. Muenster is often served with red or white wine, and beer.

Tags: cheese made, French muenster, Muenster cheese, often served, cheese that

Cook With Almond Bark

Cook with Almond Bark

Almond bark refers to two things: a chocolate candy bar containing almonds broken into large pieces and a bar-shaped, candy coating with no almonds in the ingredients. For cooking, use the candy coating version of almond bark, also known as white candy coating. Almond bark comes with a vanilla or chocolate flavoring, but even if almond bark has a chocolate flavor, it differs from traditional chocolate in use. Unlike regular chocolate containing cocoa butter, almond bark melts more easily, without the need for tempering. Although you can use almond bark candy coating to make almond bark candy, there are many other options for cooking with almond bark. Frequently, recipes use melted almond bark as a coating for pretzels, cookies or candy. Once you know use almond bark, this neglected candy coating will emerge in many of your recipes. Find it in the baking aisle of the grocery store or with candy-making materials at hobby or craft outlets. As almond bark contains no almonds, white chocolate has no cocoa. Substitute the cheaper almond bark for white chocolate in your recipes.


1. Break the almond bark into smaller pieces, or chop it with a knife and place in a microwave safe bowl.

2. Microwave the almond bark on high power for three minutes, stirring after every 30 seconds until it becomes smooth and melted.

3. Line a baking sheet with wax paper.

4. Drop the items for dipping into the almond bark, pull from the melted almond bark with a fork and lay out onto the wax paper to cool and harden. Alternatively, stir all of the mix-ins into the melted almond bark and pour the entire contents onto the wax paper-lined baking sheet. Let cool before breaking into pieces for serving.

5. Substitute almond bark for an equal amount of white chocolate in recipes.

Tags: almond bark, almond bark, candy coating, almond bark, melted almond, melted almond bark, white chocolate

Friday, August 7, 2009

How Do Fossils Form

How Do Fossils Form?

What Are Fossils?

Fossils are the remains or imprints left behind from plants and animals. They can be whole parts of an animal, or just pieces of their remains. They can also include movement remnants of animals, such as footprints or imprints.

How Do They Form

In order for a fossil to form, an animal or plant must be trapped into a material. In many instances, fossils are found in sediment. Layers of sediment will envelop the remains; this can continue for thousands of years. The actual remains that are found aren't the animal or plant at all. Instead, the remains begin to decay within the sediment. Minerals then replace the space that was once the remains. The mineral hardens and makes an impression of the animal or plant. What is left is what is known as a fossil.

Freezing and Mummification

Some of the most amazing fossils are of animals that have been frozen or are mummified. Animals found under freezing conditions and preserved completely are usually rare finds. Mummified animals are also rare, and are found in arid regions of the world.


Imprints are the types of fossils where animals have left tracks of their movements in sediment. These usually include dinosaur and even human footprints.


Petrification involves trees and not animals. When part of a tree falls and begins to die, the organic material will be converted into silica, which then becomes stone over time.


Another type of fossil occurs when an insect becomes trapped within amber. As time goes by, the amber will keep the remains of their insect in perfect condition, sometimes for millions of years.

Tags: animal plant, Fossils Form

High School Spanish Projects

High School Spanish Projects

There's no better way to learn a language than to use it-either by conversing with native speakers or by applying it in a creative project. Charles Leahan has been teaching Spanish in parochial high schools outside Philadelphia for 40 years. He says the kind of project he assigns depends on the ability level of the class. Here are some ideas for all skill levels.

Map it out

Leahan's elementary students have to create maps to their houses, labeling all landmarks, such as trees, billboards, buildings, and intersections. "If I can find my way to their house, it helps their grade," he says. "If I get lost, bad things happen to them."

Pen Pals

Using aliases, so that students don't know with whom they are communicating, students can exchange letters-in Spanish, of course-with pen pals from other Spanish classes.

Essay es Excellente

Essay assignments can be tailored to coincide with the current Spanish lesson. "What I did during summer vacation" could be a great way to reinforce using past tense. "What the world will be like in 2025" would utilize future tense. What may seem like cliché essay subjects are that much more interesting when written in another language.


Leahan says that all of his students keep a journal in the classroom. Writing is done in class, away from the "help" offered by the internet. Again, topics are suggested based on what the class is studying. Free-form journal writing is also a great way to have students "think in Spanish."

Make use of media

Leahan says his students "have a ball" making and recording commercials on video, and many are more comfortable with the buffer zone of a camera, rather than speaking directly in class. Leahan says the creation of a newspaper by his more advanced Spanish classes is "probably the most creative project" his students have undertaken. The top students were the editors, responsible for finding mistakes. The paper included want ads, sports, Dear Abby-style advice columns, and editorial cartoons-everything that would be included in a real newspaper. The paper was then distributed to all Spanish classes. Finally, PowerPoint or other electronic presentations such as Keynote are very popular, according to Leahan, with topics ranging from Spanish artists and authors to meals to the Inquisition.

Buenas Suertes!

One word of advice Leahan offers for teachers is to have students mark their peers' work. "I have found they learn more by having hands-on involvement than by being a passive recepient," he says. "Actually they end up being more fair than I would have been, and in some cases, even stricter."

Tags: Leahan says, Spanish classes, students have, creative project, have students, High School

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Upgrade Video For The Compaq Nx9010

Installing a video card can be one of the most efficient ways to upgrade the video on your Compaq nx9010 notebook computer. A video card enhances the video output in your Compaq nx9010. However, installing a video card in your Compaq nx9010 may void your warranty, so contact Compaq before attempting this operation. Upgrading the video in your Compaq nx9010 will take about 45 minutes to complete.


1. Turn off your Compaq nx9010 and remove the power cord and battery.

2. Remove the two screws located immediately above your keyboard.

3. Pry up the plastic piece (bezel) above your keyboard using a flat head screwdriver.

4. Remove the four screws from your keyboard, and then disconnect the data cable and remove your keyboard.

5. Remove the four screws from the shell that was located beneath your keyboard. Remove the outer shell.

6. Insert your video card into its port in the upper right corner of your laptop. The port will be clearly labeled.

7. Insert the two screws that come with your video card to secure it in place.

8. Replace the outer shell, keyboard and keyboard bezel.

Tags: video card, your Compaq, your Compaq nx9010, your keyboard, Compaq nx9010

Select A Basic Set Of Kitchen Equipment

It doesn't take a huge set of cookware to be able to make most recipes. You can cook up a storm with just a few basic pots and pans.


1. Assess your needs. Basic cookware is fine for those who mostly cook for themselves and don't go gourmet too often.

2. Choose a 9- or 10-inch skillet or saute pan, a 4- or 5-quart pot and a baking or roasting pan to start. You can cook most recipes with these three items.

3. Add to your basic set with an extra saute pan, a 1- or 2-quart saucepan and a larger 8- or 10-quart stockpot.

4. Avoid plastic handles if possible - some brands are made to withstand lower oven temperatures, but many others can't be put in the oven.

5. Choose cookware with riveted or welded handles. You don't want a handle coming off in your hands as you attempt to remove a pot from the stove.

6. Choose stainless steel or thick aluminum cookware if possible. Heavier pans conduct heat more evenly.

7. Start out with a spatula, tongs, a vegetable peeler and a few wooden spoons as your basic cooking utensils.

8. Be sure to get at least one good, sharp knife.

Tags: most recipes, your basic

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Get Nuts To Stick To Carmelwrapped Apples

Chopped pecans, peanuts or pine nuts complement caramel-wrapped apples.

For a delicious, fruity and savory treat, fix a caramel apple with nuts. Caramel-wrapped apples are a big hit for Halloween, birthday parties and autumn-themed events. A caramel apple covered in nuts is a great option for moms who want to serve a candied treat that packs some nutritional value. One of the trickiest parts of making a nut-covered caramel apple is getting the nuts to stick to the apple.


1. Lay out a sheet of wax paper or foil and spray it with nonstick cooking spray.

2. Place the apples on the sheet and insert sticks or chopsticks.

3. Lay out a separate sheet of wax paper and pour chopped nuts on the sheet. Distribute the nuts evenly across the sheet.

4. Pour measured brown sugar, corn syrup, butter and sweetened condensed milk into a sauce pan, then stir the mixture over medium-high heat and bring to a boil.

5. Cook the mixture for 30 to 40 minutes, stirring occasionally. When the mixture starts to thicken and become darker, it is ready--remove it from the heat and stir in the vanilla extract.

6. Grab an apple by the stick and twirl it through the caramel until it's coated.

7. Firmly roll the covered apple over the chopped nuts immediately after removing it from the caramel. The hot caramel will be sticky and ensure the nuts stick to the apple.

8. Repeat process until all apples have been coated.

Tags: caramel apple, chopped nuts, nuts stick, nuts stick apple, sheet paper, stick apple

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hawaiian Fruit Salad

Bring a taste of the islands home.

When you want to bring a taste of Hawaii's tropical islands, make a Hawaiian fruit salad. The islands of Hawaii are home to a variety of native and introduced fruits such as passion fruit, acai, guava, bananas, coconuts, mangos, mountain apple, noni, pineapple and papaya. The Centers for Disease Control encourage individuals to eat fruit because it can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, aid with weight loss and maintenance, and provide a good source of fiber and essential vitamins and nutrients.


1. Prepare the fruits. Slice and cut the pineapple into wedges. Peel and slice the oranges. Remove the ribs and slice the star fruit. Peel and de-seed a papaya before cutting it into wedges. Peel and cube the mango. Peel the banana, slice it and set it aside.

2. Arrange the pineapple, oranges, star fruit, papaya and mango on a large serving platter.

3. In a separate bowl, pour the lime juice over the banana slices to prevent them from browning. Lightly toss and place the bananas on the platter, but save the lime juice in the bowl.

4. Mix the lime juice with the pineapple concentrate. Spoon the mixture over the fruits to enhance their flavors.

5. Sprinkle the shredded coconut over the fruit on the platter.

Tags: lime juice, into wedges, into wedges Peel, star fruit, wedges Peel

Make Rosemary Skin Oil

Make Rosemary Skin Oil

Rosemary is known as an invigorating herb. Easy to grow, rosemary is used in many natural remedies. Rosemary skin oil can help relieve acne and heal dry skin. Rosemary oil also helps to stimulate circulation, which will lead to a healthier appearance. While commercial oil is available, it is often packed with fillers and other ingredients that do not promote skin health. Making your own rosemary skin oil is simple and will alleviate any concerns over the ingredients.


1. Place 1 cup dried rosemary into a pot. Make sure the rosemary is completely dry, as any moisture will cause the oil to separate and spoil.

2. Add enough olive oil to cover the rosemary completely. You can also experiment with other oils, such as almond or sesame. Heat the oil over low heat for 2 to 3 hours.

3. Allow the rosemary oil to cool until it is warm to the touch. Strain it through the cheesecloth and into a clean jar.

4. Store the rosemary skin oil in a tightly sealed jar. To use, rub a small amount into the skin daily.

Tags: Make Rosemary, Make Rosemary Skin, rosemary completely, rosemary skin, Rosemary Skin

Make Cheese Paste

Make Cheese Paste

There are many variations and recipes for cheese paste. Most people will probably remember their mother's classic pimento cheese sandwiches, but there are a lot of other things you can do to make cheese paste. Basically, making a cheese paste is allowing your cooking creativity to go wild. There are no right or wrong recipes, and finding one you like will be up to your own personal taste.


Cheese Paste Recipe

1. Grate your cheeses in a large plastic bowl and allow them to soften. This will make working with the cheese a bit easier than if you tried to mix all the ingredients while the cheese was still cold and hard.

2. Chop your garlic and onion. If you prefer a cheese paste that has more of a garlic taste to it, you can add additional cloves. This is also true with the onion. If you don't have fresh garlic, you can substitute with garlic powder.

3. Mash your cheeses together using a fork if you don't have a food processor. Continue mixing until all the cheese has mixed together. Add your mayonnaise to the cheese to help soften it and make mixing it easier. It will also make the paste more pliable.

4. Add all your other ingredients into the plastic bowl with the mixed cheese. Continue mixing until all the ingredients are mixed together.

5. Chill your cheese paste for approximately 1 hour to overnight before using. The longer you allow the cheese paste to sit, the more the taste of the other seasonings will set into the mixture. You can use your cheese paste on crackers, bread or make a sandwich out of it. It should keep in the refrigerator for approximately one week.

Tags: cheese paste, cheese paste, Cheese Paste, cheese paste, Continue mixing, Continue mixing until

What To Put In A Fresh Fruit Salad

Serve fruit salad in a hollowed out watermelon rind for elegant presentation.

Few things are more refreshing than a chilled fruit salad on a hot summer day. Just about any barbecue or picnic you attend is bound to have a mixed fruit salad. Fruit salad also provides a light and healthy balance to barbecue meals that are filled with heavy meats and fatty potato salad. To make a fruit salad, you simply have to peel, slice and dice up your favorite fruits, toss them together in a salad bowl and serve.

The Fruit

There is no one way to make a fruit salad; you can mix any of your favorite types of fruits. However, there are some fruit combinations that are well-known and pretty typical. One popular fruit salad combination includes cantaloupe, honeydew, grapes, strawberries and watermelon. You can also combine certain types of fruits together such as apples, pears, and cranberries for a fall-themed fruit salad; or mangoes, kiwi, pineapple and banana for a tropical-themed fruit salad.

Sugar and Cream

Although fresh fruit salad is often served with just the fruit alone, some include additional ingredients to sweeten and add flavor. Sugar is the most common way to sweeten fruit salad. A light dusting is all you need, as most fruit is already naturally sweet. Feel free to use any sugar alternatives as well. For a creamy fruit salad, you can mix in whipped cream. A popular creamy fruit salad is known as ambrosia, which combines pineapples, oranges and maraschino cherries with sour cream, heavy cream, mini marshmallows and grated coconut. Serve this fruit dessert salad chilled.

Spices and Herbs

Savory spices add an appealing contrast to the sweetness of the fruit. Mint is a common herb used for spiced fruit salad, typically torn and tossed in with the fruit. Another spice sometimes added to fruit salad is dill, which wakes up the flavor significantly. Freshly ground black pepper works well for a fruit salad that include strawberries, by adding a little kick of heat. If you don't want to add a savory spice to your fruit salad, you can add spices more commonly associated with fruit such as cinnamon and nutmeg.


Fruit salad is often accompanied with a light dressing of some sort. Honey mixed with olive oil to make a vinaigrette is often drizzled over fruit salad. Honey is also sometimes mixed with plain yogurt for a creamier dressing. Balsamic vinegar dressing adds a more savory factor to the fruit salad. Fruit salads with milder flavors such as cantaloupe and melons work especially well with savory dressings, while a citrus vinaigrette will brighten the flavor of fruit salads that do not include citrus fruits.

Tags: fruit salad, fruit salad, fruit salad, creamy fruit, creamy fruit salad